au / plot starter

paper lanterns : prompts, drabbles, and one-shots

Character A, part of a vigilante crew (or a lone wolf), has just been scouted for a special ops team put together by the government. To save the country or some , ostensibly.

  • or is it more like to help the country take over the world? (the gov't/a group or single person in the gov't has a hidden agenda)
  • or help rescue a hostage to prevent an international crisis (if you'd like to make it romance, i could see character B being this hostage)
  • i think it'd be interesting to make the team of former criminals, too. like the kdrama bad guys or the group that argus from arrow made

Alternatively: A, seeking justice, has put together their own vigilante crew.

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Chapter 1: these are all so creative!! i especially like the vigilante one and "is this really the legacy you want to leave behind?" since i can see it also working for a superhero/supervillain au where it's good friends pitted against each other lol. also "they are wrong: we are not the illness, we are the cure" sounds like it'd make a really good prompt for the a dystopian or exo's lucky one!au
Yo ok I would 10/10 read stories based on these, especially the gumiho one and the vigilante crew working to prevent an international crisis one!