The Stranger (part 1)

Spring Collection

Yena POV

I look at myself on the mirror. I don't want to said it loud but, I'm perfect. Thanks to my fashionista sister Lee Naeun who picked this outfit for me and the best make up artist ever Yoon Chaekyung who gave me her miraculous touch on my skin. Yes, I love my band mate so much, even though I always pretending like a rebel. Like our fineapple said, I'm a rebellious flying squirrel.

Okay, where's my venetian mask again? I think I need to put it on again before I left this room. 

"Cherry-ah, are you OK?" I knocked the bathroom door. She felt bit dizzy just now.

Rachel open the door and looked at me with those reassurance look. "I'm ok. Just a bit tired." I handed her my handkerchief after she's done washing her hand. "Thanks." 

We walked back to the room where the people where gathered. I took a seat beside Rachel to make sure she's ok.

"Yena-ah, don't worry about me." She patted my hand softly. "Just go find your friend and enjoy the party."

Yeah, we're here after I was invited by my school friends for her birthday party, so I asked Cherry for companion. I want it to be win win situation for both me and Rachel: I got companion tonight, and Rachel could get more friends. She's new to Korea and our school after all.

"Yang Yena, take a good care of this cutie cherry." 

"Yena-ah, Rachel is still new here in Seoul you need to look after her."

"Don't let those party guys get too closer with her."

"Rachel unnie, stay close to Yena unnie, OK?"

I giggled as Unnies voice rang on my mind. Chaekyung unnie, Chaewon Unnie and Naeun unnie were so protective to our human Cherry. Even our cute little potato maknae.

"You know those at dorm won't let me to leave you for a second." I poked her visible dimple playfully. "You lost puppy."

Naeun unnie always tell me not to flirting with my used to be so awkward same-aged friend, but this human cherry was just too adorable. Just as my cute potato. Hahaha...

"Yah, Yang Yena" Rachel hit my arm softly. "I can take care of myself." 

"Sure?" She nodded and pushed me lightly.

"Go find your friend, they were waiting for you."

I put my mask on and patted my dress as I got up from my seat. I took a glance on the crowd before looking back at my friend. 

"Just shout loudly and call me if you need me, OK?" I beamed her my squirrel like grin as I patted her head. 

"Enjoy your time."

I put my glass on the table nearby and walked to the crowd to see what was going on. So many people were gathered around the dance floor. Was it another superstar came to this party? Ay, this room was filled with bunch of student from SOPA, who knows?

They were gathered around the dancing man, cheering on him. I don't have any idea of who he is, his face was covered by those feathery mask of him. But this guy seems didn't really care about the crowd, he kept dancing gracefully on his own world.

Those aura around him was just too irresistible, so strong that I couldn't take my eyes from him. His face... Those sharp feature hidden behind the feathery mask, those eyes, those jawline...

Everything about him was so attractive. He looked so familiar.


I was taken aback as he stopped his movement and landed his sharp gaze on my eyes. They were piercing deep into mine as he walked his step slowly to me.

It was too late to escape from him when his hand grabbed my waist in a speed of light. I could sense a bit of alcohol on his breath when our face were only few inch away.

He smirked.

"Hey," I put my hand on his chest, trying to free myself from this stranger I just met. "I caught you staring at me." 

My heart beating twice in speed as I caught in this position in front of the crowd. His husky breath that tickling my nape didn't make things better. I couldn't believe, I'm Yang Yena, the strongest one in our group couldn't free myself from this guy!

"Let me go!" I hissed, but it only made his grip on my waist stronger. 

My eyes met his when he put his hand on my chin, tilt up my head to look at him. The light on the room got darker as the song was changed. But even in poor lightning, I could see his smirking gaze through his beautiful eyes.

"See? Your body resisted me, but your eyes can't tell a lie."

I raised my hand to give him a good slap, but this damn kid was just too fast to catch my wrist. It only end up in lessen the space between us, bring my face closer to him. I could barely breath normally as he came closer. 

Damn! He must take all the oxygen surround me!

"You'd better let me go, or---"

He stole a peck from my lips.

Huh? I blinked my eyes once, recalling what was just happened. I was silenced by his move while the crowd started to make cheering noise for him.

"Or what?" he whispered. "I've been waiting for you for too long."

I could see his face no more as he took my lips for the second time tonight. I tried to move back, but the hand he placed on the back of my neck prevented me to do so. I kept hitting his shoulder, but this stranger didn't even flinch a bit. Instead, he kept claiming every inch of my lips. 

Stealing away the air I need to stay alive.

I gasped a bit when his cold hand on my waist made a contact with my uncovered skin. I lost my defense as the flesh on his mouth took the advantage of my reflex move and started to conquering mine. The taste of alcohol he drank was lightly left on my mouth. 

Damn it, Yang Yena! Where's all the strength you got?

My leg started to trembling for lost of the power on this battle. The dizziness invaded my head by the heat he kept pouring me, by every gasp of air he stole from me. With the last squirrel willpower I got, I gathered all of my strength left and pushed him hard.

I breathed the air as much as I could as I freed from his hand, ignoring all the cheering voice he got. My eyes was locked on those lips that about to make die by the lack of air. I could see the color of my favourite lipstick was left on his smirking lips.

The heat struck my head as my mind recalling the sensation that now left on my throbbing lips. The burning feeling still left strong with every breath I took with my mouth.

I could feel my reddened cheek as he swapped away the evidence of his doing from his lips, which means the lipstick I chose today.

"Thanks for your first meet gift for me." he said before he turned his body away from me. This thief!

"Who are you?!"


He didn't bother to answer my damn question.


I was about to chase after him if only he was not tossing his feathery mask behind in which I received in reflex. I could barely see his side profile he showed me under this poor light.



I turned my head to see Rachel was looking here and there to find me. I waved my hand to her after took a glance of him. I couldn't find him upon my sight anymore.

"Are you OK?" said Rachel. "I heard some loud noise here."

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Nothing really serious." I said as I pushed her lightly. "Lets got some drink."

She nodded and walked.

I took a glance of the mask on my hand. Flash of memory of his eyes and smirk replayed on my head. His side profile looked familiar, but the poor light just blurred my memories away. 

My thumb rubbing slowly through the shape of the mask, trying to find out the owner of it.

That sculpted letter was the only left on it, and I have no idea about what its mean.

Who the hell are you, mister stranger?


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mka501 #1
Chapter 6: I love April×BTS ships so much! Please continue writing!
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