Closed then Open

You Said Forever

I had only one thought since I woke up. I had to find my baby. I had to bring our baby back. He had been left alone for too long. I could only feel sorrow and regret towards my own baby. I had been a horrible mother. Thinking about this, I didn't care if I suffered. I changed out of the hospital gown without waking Yunho. I kissed him on the forehead, before leaving the room. I still had a fever, I could still feel the burning in my blood.


It was cold outside too. I felt like I needed to puke and to cry. I kept walking though. There was only one way I could live now. I needed to know what had really happened to my baby.


I was back in the familiar place where I had been trapped. Even though everything seemed slightly blurry, I kept looking for this orphanage.


"Excuse me!" I was desperate. I had to ask. I could see that the girl recognized me, she seemed worried but excited.


"I'm sorry. Do you know where the closest orphanage is?"


She bowed slightly before quickly describing that it was a few blocks down and to the right.


I thanked her before leaving. I had no time to waste. I felt so sick as I walked the last bit, but as soon as I entered the warm building I stayed focused. I stumbled up to the desk where the woman looked up with a smile.


"What can I help you with?"


I opened my mouth but I was at a loss for words. At a time like this...I couldn't even describe my own child.


I shook my head. I had to do whatever I could.


"I...I think a baby..." I wanted to cry. The loss of my child and the memory of it scared me. "I think a baby was brought to this orphanage about a year ago."


The woman gave me a blank stare. I know I couldn't give her much. I took a small step closer.


" baby was stolen from me. I thought...I thought." I shut my lips firmly together as I felt the tears run down my face.


"Sir, do you know his name?"


I wiped my tears quickly, trying to think of his name.


"Kim...YoungJun." I said the name shakily. I didn't even know what his name would be registered as. I didn't even know if the hospital had registered his name at all. However, this is the name that I hoped I could give to my child. I had chosen Young because of my stage name. I had a lot of memories of being Hero Jaejoong. I wanted to give him some of the memories that had made me the happiest. Then I chose Jun, because it sounded close to 'Yun'. It was close to his father's name, and I wanted to give him a piece of his father.




I looked up to find that the woman had returned. She was holding a file. Had my son really been filed under the name?


"The child..."


She placed the file on the table, but I could only stare at her.


"I remember the child. He was a beautiful baby."


I nodded, but I knew it wasn't going to be good news. I held my chest that was hurting so much.


"He was very sick and only a few days old when he came to us. We did as much as we could, but..."


I shook my head. This wasn't what I wanted to hear. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. I was supposed to see my child. I felt myself collapse onto the wooden floor, tears falling instantly.




:Yunho P.O.V.:


It wasn't easy carrying him all the way back to the hospital, but I had no choice. It seemed like all the energy had been taken out of him. He was only able to cry and say 'sorry'.


I was really curious why he had gone to the orphanage of all places, but I was more worried. His fever was worse and I could tell he was getting delirious. Changmin, Junsu and Yoochun met me at the entrance to the Emergency Room where doctors and nurses were already waiting.


I could do nothing but watch as Jaejoong was taken back to his room. He needed fluids and lots of medicine. I turned to Yoochun and Junsu. They were the only ones who would know.


"Tell me! Please tell me! I need to know. Why did Jaejoong go to the orphanage? What does he know? What all don't know?"


Junsu and Yoochun glanced at each other then at the floor.


"Yunho, I'm sorry, but we can't tell you."


I fisted my hands. How can they tell me that they can't tell me? They had to have known what had happened.


"We want to, but it really isn't something that we should be the ones to tell you. You need to ask Jaejoong."


I took a hott step forward. I had enough of this. Everytime I asked Jaejoong he cried or hid. Everytime I asked Junsu or Yoochun, they avoided to tell me anything.




I was surprised that it was Changmin who stepped in front of me.


"Let's ask Jaejoong."

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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 26: Awww this just really the sweetest ending TvT Really happy that YunJae can hold their miracle babies.. its heartwarming too Jae still love his first baby 'Youngjun' even when they found Jiyool.. Best eomma ever :-) Gosh im so envy at fans in this universe lol.. they must be having so much fun busy spazzing cuties Youngjun n Jiyool along with their uncle YooSuMin's clueless face when babysitting their niece n nephew keke..
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 18: Ugh I hope that evil manager died while suffering n rotten.. How dare he!! Hiks poor baby YoungJun.. he never see his eomma who love him so much..
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 3: Oh Jae T_T he lose everything indeed.. but he did it for a very heartwarming reason though maybe he made some mistake -like shut Yunho out- but please dont give up Joongie..
mickeycute #4
Chapter 26: awwww this story is very great ^^ good job author ssi :)
Thanks to all the new subscribers~~! Always Keep the Faith!
AriChan #6
Yeah I really managed all your stories in one day and now I am really dead xD My eyes are burning but this story made me continue reading. I was crying more than one time and was more than happy when everything turned out to be okay <3 I am really hoping for a sequel to be honest, I really love your stories a lot!!! God it's now really late and I still need to get everything ready for work tomorrow.
I was literally cryin when I thought Jae lost his child for real... but, it turned out she wasn't dead, I was like, OMG, I'm so jfannfgwa happy! :D I loved the ending. Yunho and Jaejoong>>> best couple, stay strong!
This is great. :)
KpopCookie #9
omg the best T-T *cries badly* TTTTTToTTTTTTT
DescentSkye #10
The best T~T I hope there's a sequel..