
Every Night and Day

a/n: I just realized that this story is about the sun and moon and then there's also moonsun. I swear, it wasn't on purpose.

When she was only a teenager, Hoseok's grandmother had a dream. She never remembered exactly what happened, but did wake up with new knowledge. There hadn't been any words that were said in her dream. There were no whimsical creatures or majestic beings telling her instructions. It was more like a message was implanted in her mind, the raw ideas and stories and events. She just woke up and knew. No one had told her.

Or, it could have been that the one that did it had done so without using words.

She kept it all a secret as she knew she had to. Anyone who knew could change the course of fate, and that would create one big mess that would have to be celestially cleaned back up again.

She grew up normally. She fell in love normally. She gave birth to a daughter normally. It only started to confuse her when she gave birth to two more daughters after that, with a son in between the last two. For all she knew, it would be "her daughter". There was no specification on which daughter.

But as she raised her children, it became clear as to which it was. Her second daughter had an aura of positivity surrounding her. Almost no matter what she did, she was smiling. She wanted to spread happiness, and most of the time, succeeded. It would be easy for her to pass those traits on to a child later on.

There was not going to be any confusion when the boy was finally born, because the grandmother already knew it would be the first born, and she already knew his name before his parents told her. So when they did say, "His name is Hoseok!" with smiles on their faces, she knew she had been right. And she prepared to break their hearts and her own.

What she said was this:

"I can't explain how I know this. I only know that I do and that it's true. This child of yours is to be the sun for our Earth. Not metaphorically. He will be the human embodiment of the star at the center of our solar system. There have been people like him ever since the beginning of the world. They all had the same fate. They lived longer than us regular mortals, but always died like us in the end. The previous sun passed away right as Hoseok was born. I know you don't know what I am saying, and probably do not believe me. But you will see I am telling the truth tonight.

"The sun is not allowed to see the night. Every day, when the sun sets, your baby will die. I cannot describe to you how it will happen, because I do not know. But he will, every sundown, without fail. And every morning, he will arise and continue to be our sun. It will be hard to stand. For you and for him. He will remember the pain, more and more as he gets older. But there is a way to stop it.

"You must find the moon. I don't know who he is or anything else about him, except that he has already been born and the pain he bears is not as terrible. If you find him, you must have your child marry him. That only will cease the deaths and the pain included.

"Long ago, the sun and moon were always a married couple. When they were born, there was a symbol imprinted on their wrist, and the world knew. The pair would have been married before they turned the age of one. They were fated to be one and rule the world together. But then, there was a rebellion. Humans did not want to be ruled by just two people. They wanted freedom and the right to rule themselves. The sun and moon at the time were good and kind, and they gave in to the people's wishes.

"The next sun and moon born were born in a different world. It was no longer such an honor to be born with the symbols that marked the past moons and suns. It did not matter. And therefore, the sun did not seek out the moon. She fell in love with another, and ran away. And then... they became angry. If their plans for the humans could not be carried out, their plans for the chosen ones would be forced to. They removed the symbols that marked the sun and moon. Instead, the sun was forced to endure a painful death every night that she went by without her soulmate. And that is why it still continues today. Humans never spoke of the sun or moon again, removing all evidence of their existence. That is why no one has heard of this story before.

"And so, when your baby dies tonight, you must know that every thing I've said is true. You must tell your child everything I have told you, so he knows why it is happening, and that it is not his fault. You must keep your baby happy. And when you tell him, make it so that he can recite everything from memory, exactly the same, every time. He must accept it as a part of him, the same way he accepts that his eyes are brown.

"Be aware that you will have to carry this burden alone. Even if you tell others, if their minds are not meant to know, they will continue not knowing. If you press too hard, then they will label you as crazy. And if you let that happen, you are sentencing your baby to an incredibly hard and unhappy life. I know you do not believe me. But you will soon enough."

Hoseok's parents ignored his grandmother. They accused her of insanity and didn't let her near their son any longer. The sun is a star, not a human being.

But as predicted, that night was one of the scariest Hoseok's parents experienced.

Hoseok started crying, which he hadn't done the entire day since he was born. He was, at first, crying the way most infants did. Like the world was ending. His mother and father fussed over him, trying to figure out was wrong. He wasn't hungry, tired, or in need of a diaper change. They held him and patted his back, trying to calm him, but he didn't. He got quieter, though, and they became hopeful. Until his father realized that he was choking. He took wheezing breaths, but was barely taking in any air. His mouth made the adorable "o" that wasn't adorable because his face was red, turning blue. His mother screamed. They rushed to the hospital, where Hoseok was taken into the emergency room. No doctors understood what was going on.

And then one-day-old Hoseok's heart stopped beating.

His mother cried almost to the point of dehydration. His father cried as well, only a little quieter.

In the morning, his parents woke up in chairs placed in a white hospital room with no memory of entering the room or falling asleep. Hoseok was laying on a hospital bed, giggling as a nurse poked at his stomach. Hoseok's parents drowsily stood up and walked out into the hallway just as a doctor was heading in.

"What happened to our son?" demanded Hoseok's father.

The doctor smiled. "Nothing, he was just sleeping."

"What?" asked Hoseok's mother, bewildered. "But... he died!"

The doctor didn't stop smiling. "No, he did not. He is awake and healthy. I still don't understand why you thought it was necessary to bring him here, even if you are first time parents."

"Well, if he was just sleeping, why did you admit him? There was something wrong with him last night!"

The doctor's smile fell and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Surely the hospital staff could not make such a mistake as to admit a baby for sleeping. Hoseok's parents waited for a minute for him to speak again and admit they were right. But the doctor only smiled again. "He was sleeping. Please do not doubt us; we are professionals."

The doctor walked away, and Hoseok's mother screamed through clenched teeth from frustration. They headed in to the hospital room again, and the nurse was still there. She turned to face them with a slight smile. There were dark bags under her eyes. She seemed to be the same age as Hoseok's parents, maybe a bit younger. Her nose was rounded and smooth. Her skin glistened, and her lips were small and perfectly shaped. She was skinny, too. Her eyes were tired and small, but pretty anyway. She gently picked up Hoseok and handed him to his mother. Hoseok's parents watched as their baby giggled and reached up his arms, as alive as any other child.

The nurse's soft voice was heard from behind them as she leaned against the frame of the door. "He's definitely bright enough to light this world for a hundred years. I hope that he can bear the burden."

When Hoseok's parents registered what the nurse had said, it was too late. When they turned around, she was gone.

Hoseok's mother and father then tried to contact Hoseok's grandmother for help or more information, but she seemed to have disappeared from the world without a trace. No one had seen her after her daughter had kicked her out.

And so, they tried their best to follow her instructions. Every week, they told Hoseok his story. When he was learning how to talk, he learned the words, "death", "fated", and "endure" at the same time other children were learning what to call their parents and how to blow bubbles with their saliva. It was the right thing to do. Something that is learned at a young age is less painful than something that is later on. It is absorbed as the truth easily. And if someone does not know anything else, it is less painful. Hoseok still grew to be a happy, optimistic person. He didn't feel bad for himself, and never told anyone his secret because he never felt the need to. Until he met Byulyi in second grade. The two became best friends immediately, and Hoseok knew she was who his grandmother was talking about when she mentioned the people who were just meant to know.

His parents worked hard looking for the moon. But they didn't even know where to start, or what they were looking for. They still tried anyway.

It was seventh grade when Hoseok saw Yoongi for the first time. They weren't in any of the same classes, but Hoseok had happened to walk by a room Yoongi was sitting in during lunch. He glanced at Yoongi, and knew who he was right away. His breath caught in his throat, and time slowed down. He never stopped walking past, or even slowed his pace, but it felt like he had watched Yoongi for years as his tongue peeked out between his smooth-looking lips and he scribbled something down in a small notebook, eyebrows knit in frustration. Hoseok didn't do anything. He didn't stop, he didn't say anything, he didn't approach Yoongi. He just left. But he saw Yoongi's face that night behind his eyelids, right before he fell asleep. Maybe that face appeared again in his dreams, but he didn't remember enough of it to know.

The next day, he saw Yoongi again. He could tell Yoongi knew who he was. It seemed like... Yoongi had already known about Hoseok. But he didn't say anything, had never said anything. Hoseok finally realized that he might not know they were supposed to get married. And he probably didn't know that Hoseok had to die every night (it was obvious that Yoongi could survive during the day if he went to school). Hoseok didn't really know how to go about telling Yoongi everything, so he held off for a while and dealt with the nights as he usually did.

But as time went on, Hoseok started seeing little traits of Yoongi's come out. He didn't have many friends. He didn't speak much, and preferred to be alone. He talked back to teachers and never followed instructions. He was smart, but never did his homework. He often snapped at people and rarely smiled. He was definitely not husband material. And Hoseok realized that if Yoongi had to be tied down, he wouldn't like it. At all. So at the end of the week, he told his family. He didn't need to marry the moon. He would deal with the pain for as long as he needed to, and he didn't want his family to keep looking.

He told Byulyi first, and made her promise not to tell anyone who Yoongi was. With tears streaming down her eyes, she did.


Her name was Ara. She was 17 years old when she gave birth to Yoongi. Apparently, she looked like him. Or, he looked like her. And he was smart like her and hard working like her and careless like her. But he was not scared like her. And he was not fragile like her. He would not have left his son like her.

Yoongi's father did not like how he was left alone. It hurt his pride, and he didn't believe he could raise two kids on his own. So he didn't. At first, he spent all his time trying to find her. He couldn't. Sunghoon told Yoongi that she probably went and became a nurse like she'd always wanted to. Sunghoon didn't talk to Yoongi the way everyone else did. He didn't lace his words with pity or try to sugar-coat things. He also didn't try to intimidate Yoongi or scare him into submission the way their father did. He told everything the way it was. He was strong. He was his idol.

He was the one to raise Yoongi.

Starting from when he was almost 11 years old, and Yoongi was almost one. His mother left, dragging a bag of her things into her car and later driving away after Sunghoon tried his hardest to get her to stay, pulling at her and almost crying. Their father had been at work, since it was during the days when he actually did that. When his father came home, he started unraveling. And he ended up the drunk, broke, angry man Yoongi learned to hate.

It was Sunghoon, not Yoongi's father, that remembered to feed the baby. It was also Sunghoon who would bathe Yoongi and remember to buy diapers and sing him to sleep. All the while their father took all his anger out on him.

Sunghoon started working when he was 14. He actually worked two jobs. Yoongi would have to stay home alone even longer than he did when Sunghoon only had school keeping him from the house. Their father was barely home doing who knows what during those days. But that was better, because the days that their father was home were more dangerous. When he was a baby, Yoongi was kept away from his father by Sunghoon, and their dad barely even remembered he had a second son. But when he saw Yoongi there after having a bad day, and Sunghoon wasn't there to beat... you can guess what happened.

It was only a year before Yoongi started school as well. Sunghoon would wake up earlier than their father and get Yoongi ready so they could walk to school together, avoiding the legal adult in the household at all costs. Sunghoon was very popular at school, so there were many helping hands when it came to caring for his younger brother. Yoongi would walk home alone afterwards, since Sunghoon had to work. Around the time Yoongi started school, their father stopped his activities outside of the house and would just stay there all day, sometimes inviting friends over and always drinking and making a mess. When he was in his second year of school, Yoongi was expected to clean up the house every day, and then cook dinner as well. The beatings never stopped, either.

Only Yoongi's mother and Sunghoon had known about his burden. He didn't really know himself until his skin burned under the skin and he asked his brother about it the first time they walked home. His father would never know his whole life. Because of that, he would force Yoongi to always spend time outside in the sun during the summer. It was usually to go out and go shopping or help his friends. Eventually, he noticed that Yoongi hated going outside and sent him out just for that. Maybe it was because Yoongi was the closest thing to his mother. Maybe it was because Yoongi's father liked seeing him come home with heated cheeks tear filled-eyes. Yoongi therefore got used to the stinging pain and it got a little more bearable as he grew, even if he still felt faint and wanted to be inside.

When Yoongi was nine, his father died. He'd been incredibly drunk, and the friends he'd been with put him aside to sleep. Yoongi was told that he just never woke up, but Sunghoon told him that he'd choked to death on his own vomit. Yoongi knew who to believe.

Sunghoon became Yoongi's official guardian, being 19 years old. Yoongi continued school, the only thing in his life, as he usually did. No one talked to him, and no one knew about his situation. Even though Sunghoon had been popular, the people at school had learned quickly that Yoongi was not the same as his half brother and did not enjoy people invading his privacy.

He saw Hoseok the first time in seventh grade. Yoongi knew he bore the same burden, which should have pushed him to become friends with the other, but Hoseok seemed like a pretty generic person. A pretty beautiful generic person that somehow got Yoongi's heart to speed up and always stole his attention. But like all the other bubbly, popular people. Yoongi told himself he'd get over the crush and that it wasn't worth it to try to talk to the guy.

Two years after their father's death, Sunghoon was discovered and cast in a movie. They learned that Sunghoon was a natural actor, and he liked it, too. The two stayed in the house they'd grown up in for Yoongi to finish school. When he turned 18, they moved together to the city so that Sunghoon's commute could be cut much shorter. After two or so years, Yoongi realized he hated being a burden to his half brother (his own words, not Sunghoon's). So he took up a few jobs and finally earned enough for an apartment, staying in the city due to not having enough to move out and not having anywhere else to go. He didn't see Sunghoon as often since the other was always busy, but the two remained close. Nothing could weaken the bond that had formed during shared years of hardship.


Byulyi hadn't told Hoseok about forcing Yoongi to watch his death, or telling Yoongi how to stop them from happening. She'd pushed Yoongi out of the apartment immediately, telling him she'd call him later and explain more then.

Hoseok had been a little down the morning after. His smile didn't reach his eyes and he didn't speak to the cafe's customers as enthusiastically. The sky was clouded a little, and he credited his mood to that.

After, he walked to the dance studio. Byulyi wasn't there yet, so he practiced a little on his own. When she did arrive, they worked on a few routines together. At the end, with both of them sweating and breathing hard, Byulyi brought up the topic of Yoongi once again.

"Hoseok, what if he wanted to marry you?"

Even without context, Hoseok knew what she meant. "He doesn't."

"But what if. What if he doesn't mind you being selfish? What if he hates you being so selfless? And it's hurting him, too?"

“Maybe I am being selfish! I don’t want to marry someone who doesn’t love me! Maybe I have these dreams…” he had tears threatening to roll down his cheeks, “of someone who loves me kissing me goodnight every day. Someone who stays because they want to, because they care for me. I can’t marry someone who’s doing it out of pity. I hate having a set partner! I wish I could choose someone to live happily ever after with!"

Byulyi watched as Hoseok exploded. These were words he had never said before. Not out loud, anyway.

"I understand her, you know." She didn't know what he was talking about. "The one who fell in love. The first one to die every night. I understand why she did it and why she didn’t give in and kept loving him even though it caused her pain.”


He was at Namjoon and Seokjin's place again, this time for a dinner. The meal was prepared by Seokjin, who paid attention to detail and made sure it was delicious. After Namjoon and Seokjin finished eating, they both stared at Yoongi. He looked between them, confused and insecure.


"Eat more, Yoongi. Don't be rude. Seokjin will be offended if you don't eat more."

"Yeah, I'll be offended."

The space between Yoongi's eyebrows creased. "But you guys aren't eating anymore. Wouldn't it be rude to overstay my welcome?"

Seokjin shook his head furiously. "No! Nope. Not at all."

"Why are you guys acting like this?"

The married couple looked at each other. Namjoon sighed. "I hate to tell you this, dude, but you're skinny. Too skinny. Seokjin and I are worried. We know that you almost never eat unless someone's there to make sure you do."

Yoongi pouted. "Maybe I don't need as much food as you guys."

"Or maybe you're alone and have no reason to have to take care of yourself anymore. We all know that Sunghoon made sure that you ate well, and now that he's gone, you don't."

He shrugged.


"Yeah, but, Byulyi--"

"Put this on."

"Oh, okay," Hoseok slipped on the coat that had been thrown at him. "Anyway--"

"Do you have any bow ties?"

"Um, no? But is this restaurant seriously that fancy?"

"Yes, it is. There is NO WAY I am letting Hyejin out-dress me this time."

"I thought you hated dressing up."

"Maybe. But have I ever backed down from a challenge?"


"Here, wear take that off and put these on."

Hoseok followed her instructions. When he was done,he continued talking. "Byul, we've been getting ready for two hours. Usually, it takes four minutes."

"Have you ever thought that we don't put enough effort into our appearances?"


"Yeah, me either. But a lot of people do, and trust me, you want to look nice for this. Or, I want you to look nice for this."

Byulyi took a step back and admired the outfit she had put together for Hoseok. Hoseok turned to the mirror to observe her work as well. He was wearing a light gray suit jacket, vest, slim pants, and a black tie. Byulyi was wearing an almost-knee length, black dress and high heels. She had spent an hour and a half doing both of their hair, which was more time than it took her to choreograph a dance.

"Byulyi, are you wearing makeup?"

She looked at him. "Hm? Oh, yeah." He raised an eyebrow at her. "What? I do that sometimes." Hoseok just shook his head. "It's your turn," she said, wiggling her eyebrows, and all Hoseok could do was sigh.


"Thanks Namjoon, for doing so much."

"Oh, thank Seokjin. He literally did all of both of our jobs."

"He was ruining everything!"

"Hey, neither of us are complaining."

"Thanks, Jin."

"No problem, Yoongi."

A slender, pretty brunette walked over to them, her heels clacking. "Is everything ready?"

Seokjin nodded. "Yup. But it's not like we actually did much in two weeks."

"Thank you, Yongsun," Yoongi said.

She smiled. "Of course."


"This doesn't look like a restaurant, Byul."

Byulyi rolled her eyes as she got out of the car. "Of course not, silly. I have to meet up with Yongsun first. Then we'll go out after."

"So I don't need to go in?"

Byulyi pursed her lips. "You should, though."

"Why? Is it going to take a while?"

Byulyi nodded. "Yeah. And I don't want you to stay in the car by yourself."

Hoseok laughed. "I can handle it, Byulyi. I'm not a toddler. Don't worry, I don't mind waiting. Take your time."

Byulyi fidgeted with her hands and frowned, just looking at Hoseok.

"Is there something wrong, Byul? Go ahead."

She shook her head. "You know what? Fine. I'll go in on my own."

Hoseok waited for about 10 minutes in the car. Byulyi was taking a really long time. Why hadn't she told him about this before? Hoseok started to get bored. Maybe I should just go in? He shook his head and waited a bit more.

Suddenly, there was tapping on his window. He looked up, and it was Yongsun. He rolled the glass down. "Hey, Yongsun!"

Oddly, she didn't smile at him and instead looked a mixture of apologetic and urgent. "Hey, Hoseok. Can I ask you a favor? I kind of need your help in there. It's really important. I'll tell you as we go inside what I need you to do, okay? It's an emergency, and I don't really want anyone else to get hurt because I'm not strong enough."

Hoseok's eyes widened at the thought of someone being hurt. He flung off his seatbelt (which he hadn't thought to take off eariler) and got out of the car as fast as he could. He started walking to the door of the building at a fast pace that Yongsun matched a little ahead of him to guide the way. They entered a small room with vases of flowers before going through a pair of doors past that. Yongsun was walking next to him.

"We just have to walk down here and then go through that door on the left. You see, over there?"

"Yeah. But if you're not strong enough, I don't know if I'll be." Hoseok was about to turn left, but Yongsun suddenly pulled his wrist. He turned around, and Yongsun leaned in very close to his chest. "What's this?" He pointed to the flowers she was pinning to his jacket.

"Boutonniere," she said, smiling and finally looking up at him.

And it finally dawned on Hoseok. He had been walking down an aisle. There were people coming out of there hiding spots and moving to sit down in the chairs on either side. He glanced back and saw that there was nothing in the room he'd been tricked into thinking there was an emergency in. He looked back, and Byulyi was to his left, facing the audience. And there was Yoongi.

Hoseok's face probably expressed all of the shock, betrayal, and hurt he was feeling on the inside.


(No one's focus)

Byulyi cleared . "Okay, let's do this quickly because the sun is about to set completely in two minutes. Min Yoongi, do you take Jung Hoseok to be your husband? Yeah? Okay, moving on. Jung Hoseok, do you take Min Yoongi to be your husband?"

Through the windows behind them, people could see the light turning orange and fading to red. Hoseok's breathing became ragged. His sweat was noticeable to everyone in the room.

"N-no," Hoseok choked out. His knee buckled and Namjoon leapt up from his chair to catch him.

Byulyi's voice turned impatient. "Shoot, we have to hurry. Hoseok, say yes!"

"I-I can't..." Hoseok breathed.

"You have to!"


Everyone attending started to panic and chattering started. Yoongi bit his lip and ran a hand down his face. The sun seemed to be falling a lot faster than normal. He looked back at Hoseok, who seemed to stop breathing.

"," he muttered under his breath. He spoke a little bit louder, so that Byulyi, who was closest, was the only one to hear over all the noise. "Did they even say 'I do' a million years ago? There's more than one way to seal a marriage."

"Yoongi, what are you--"

"Byulyi, SAY THE WORDS."

She caught on quickly. "You may now kiss the groom!"

Yoongi had pushed everyone crowding around Hoseok away and forced his lips on the other's as Byulyi recited the sentence, simultaneously slipping a ring on to his new husband's finger.

A pulsing light engulfed them and they both floated a little above the ground. It wore off, and they slowly sank. When Yoongi pulled away, Hoseok had tears streaming down his cheeks.

But he wasn't dead.


(Return to usual format) (Yoongi focus) (Sort of)

The guest list was short.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin (there was no one to watch him), Hoseok's family (who had kept it a secret from him that they were in town), Yongsun, and Byulyi, who had organized it. And Hoseok and Yoongi, of course.

They had a dinner afterwards, because Yongsun and Seokjin had insisted. Hyejin and Wheein, Yongsun and Byulyi's other friends, joined for that. Everyone's mood seemed to rise when the food came out, smelling wonderful. They actually had it at a restaurant (so Byulyi hadn't actually been completely lying before). Yoongi sat next to Hoseok, who was sitting next to Byulyi, who was giggling and talking with Yongsun.

Hoseok hadn't said a word or offered even a small smile after the wedding ceremony. Yoongi thought his first time seeing the dark sky would have been at least exciting, interesting, or something, but he didn't seem affected. He kind of followed everyone else with a distant look in his eyes and the same facial expression. Yoongi didn't know if he should say something, or try and comfort the other or not. But they'd never been very close, and it's not like Yoongi had ever been good with the whole "caring about a person" thing. So he left it.

After the whole meal went by, Byulyi turned to Hoseok, who hadn't eaten a thing. She sighed sadly. "Hey, Hobi?" she prodded gently. He turned his glazed-over gaze to her. "Do you want to say something? It's your wedding day."

Hoseok looked at her, and Yoongi was sure he was going to reject. Turns out Hoseok's best friend of more than fifteen years knew him better than Yoongi did. Hoseok stood up, and everyone looked to him, smiling and awaiting his words. He gave a small smile.

"I'm married, everyone," he said softly. Warm smiles filled the room, and everyone raised their glass, taking a sip. Hoseok sat down. Yoongi didn't really know what to say, and he was now married to this guy. He bit his lip, and ran through different scenarios in his head. Usually, he would have given up and decided he didn't really care what people thought, but he did care this time. Luckily, Hoseok spoke first. He didn't seem so far away this time, and actually smiled at Yoongi. "I guess we can live like normal people now, huh?"

Yoongi awkwardly laughed a little. "Yeah." He couldn't think of anything to say more. Curse my awkwardness, he thought to himself.

"Hey, Yoongi?"


"Do you think... we won't see each other again after this?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, since you don't really have feelings for me," Hoseok swallowed, "are you going to continue life the way it was? Except with a ring on your finger?" Hoseok pursed his lips for a moment and looked away. "Although I guess you don't have to wear the ring."

Yoongi looked at Hoseok, stunned. He hadn't thought that was an option. Technically, Byulyi said that all they had to do was get married. So, yes, he could go and continue life the way he'd been doing. Maybe even see other people while legally being married to Hoseok. But after that incident with Minyoung or whatever her name was, he didn't think he'd enjoy it that much. And with the dejected tint in Hoseok's eyes, Yoongi could tell that that wasn't how Hoseok wanted things to turn out. Yoongi had imagined that they would try to work it out afterwards anyway. He'd assumed they'd eventually live in the same house. He'd already been preparing for the awkwardness, and dreaming about the possibility of romance.

"We could give it a try," Yoongi said after he realized he'd just been sitting in silence for a long time, leaving Hoseok to turn away. Hoseok looked back.

"Oh, okay. If that's what you want," he said, obviously trying to cover up the tears filling his eyes. Yoongi realized his mistake.

"No, no!" he subconsciously grabbed Hoseok's wrist. "I mean, we could try this. We could give being married a try. We could... be husbands."

And immediately, light filled Hoseok's eyes. Yoongi knew he'd made the right choice when his heart almost beat out of his chest at the sight.

a/n: Okay, so Ara is an OC. Min Sunghoon is based off of Sung Hoon except that I don't know much about him and mostly I chose him for his age. So imagine what he looks like, but with a personality I made up and the same occupation.

Next is the last chapter!!

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sadandlonely #1
Chapter 3: Awww si cuteeee, the first kiss scene was so adorable i love it!!
sadandlonely #2
Chapter 2: Awww, i was really worried because i understand hoseok's conflict of being with someone that loves you instead of being with someone kind of just because, but that ending was cute
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 1: I came here only because i knew moonsun will be here but OMG 👀👀
V-HopeMin #4
Chapter 3: Aaaaawwwe~ This is one of the CUTEST fanfics I have ever read c:
Chapter 3: I never read a yoonseok fanfic before so this is my first time.
to be honest it's good and I love this.
piffwoon #6
Chapter 1: I love how detailed and structured this story is :)
hoseokjimin #7
Chapter 3: that was really good!!!! i love sun and moon aus and this one was really different I loved it.
daniaza #8