My Bestffriend

My Bestfriend


I would have been a good friend for her, but I did the most things I hated the most, betraying her. I didn’t expect that it would happen to us, not that she took her revenge, after seeing me with the guy whom she love together, I see her crying alone and locking herself to her own room, she will just go out of her room whenever she will go somewhere, somewhere that she could find peace. People around is actually worried about her, she don’t speak to them.  She didn’t want it to happen but it happened unexpectedly.

All of the memories, good memories happens before I died, me and Dara were best friends, we share many secrets to each other, we share same thoughts, she was like my own sister, as well as I am to her. “Bom” she called me, we were at the cafeteria eating our packed lunch, it was so noisy that I couldn’t hear her that much “Bom” once again she called me, but now I heard her, I finished chewing my food “Yes, Dara?” I asked, “My parents decided that…” she trembled, I was so curious on what will say to me, when it comes to her parents I couldn’t go against to them “they decided that we will go to America” she stopped again, she was purposely hanging me, I wanted to speak but I let her to finished what she was about to say “After graduation” I heaved a sigh, It was a relief, at the same time, it was a bad and a good news “Aigoo Dara, you scared me! That would be 4 years; we’re still at our first year!” I said to her, but she laughed at me, “I couldn’t bear it anymore, you should have seen your face!”

That was the first time Dara laughed at me big time, it was a fact that they decided to migrate to America, but in the end, they didn’t pushed through, they realized that making Dara study college abroad would be expensive, too expensive. She was so cheerful and happy-go-lucky girl, that her sickness was not that noticeable. I hardly noticed it until her mommy told me. It was not an ordinary sickness that I know.

It was our third year life when she got her first suitor; her suitor was from the other block. I was so happy for her, as her friend, as her best friend and as her sister.

There was no day that she will share me many things about her suitor, back then, I don’t know him, his face and all, but one thing for sure that I know about her suitor was “Jae, he’s so gentle, nice, a good looking man, oh gosh, I know he is!” she said, that I thought that guy must be a perfect much for her.

She introduced him to me when he was still her suitor. We were at a diner, eating a snack and also waiting for him. “Bom, Ji Yong is such a good looking guy” she bragged, “Okay okay, I know that already Dara” I said to her “He’s nice and really gentle when it comes to me” she continued, I was listening to her when I noticed that a guy entered the diner, walks closer to us ‘that must be him’ I thought then I noticed he was not alone, he’s with someone.

“Ji Yong, my best friend Bom, Bomthis is Ji Yong, my suitor” she introduced us to each other, then it was his turn to introduce his friend “this is my friend, Seunghyun, Seunghyun this Dara of course you already know her, and her friend, Bom” we shook our hands to each other.

I noticed that Ji Yong was stealing glances to me, it felt so uncomfortable for me, that I excuse myself, at the same time, Seunghyun excuses himself also.

“Are you going to the comfort room?” I asked, he looked at me coldly “Yes” I gave him a smile and continued on walking towards the girl’s comfort room. “Hey” he suddenly called my attention, ‘I have name remember?’ I thought but, I turn around, “Yes” I said to him. “Stay away from Ji Yong if you don’t want your friend to be hurt” he warned “Never give your number to him” he continued after that he walk inside the Men’s comfort room. I was just left dumfounded, I can’t move, well to the fact that I just excused myself to get out of that uncomfortable aura.

I waited for him, when the door opened, I saw him, dusting himself, “then take me away here, now I just can’t help those steal glances from him, it’s creeping me out” he smirked at me and he really did took me away from that guy. I just sent a message to Dara telling that it was an emergency that I need to go.

After that day, I was trying to avoid him as much as I can, but he keeps on looking for me, and talking to me. Dara noticed it, that she confronted me one of the days “Bom, I thought you and Seunghyun were dating?” I looked at her in disbelief, “what?! Why did you ask that?” she pouts and bowed “I just noticed that you and Ji Yong were always together when I’m not with him, remember, he’s my boyfriend already” she said, I smirked, ‘How come you misunderstood everything Dara?’ I thought, I patted her “Don’t be jealous Dara; I never thought of liking your boyfriend, I was trying to avoid him, then why don’t you just asked your boyfriend?” I asked, her face brighten and smiled at me.

Then one day, when I was about to put my other things to my locker, a folded piece of paper appeared,  I opened it, it got me so curious and nervous about the letter, that the content of the paper was a letter written by Ji Yong. ‘Meet me at the back of the Cafeteria, all by yourself or else, your friend will feel pain’ I was being threatened, I don’t want Dara to suffer pain, I just can’t. I just don’t want her to be alone, crying her heart out.

I told Seunghyun about the letter of Ji Yong to me, “I’ll come with you” he said, I was hesitant, I was worried about Ji Yong will do to Dara, “No it’s fine, I can handle it” I said to him, but he insist to come with me “No. I’ll come with you!” he coldly said to me. I didn’t expect that Seunghyun would raise his voice to me; it shocked me “Okay Okay. Just follow me after 5 minutes of less” I said to him.

I was already walking to the cafeteria, I was really scared, afraid of what will Ji Yong will say or worse, will do to me. It was dark, yet the silhouette of me could be seen, he turns his head to sideways, as he noticed it.

“What do you want?” I trembled, “Before I answer that, come a little closer Bom, I can’t see your face” he casually said, I took one step forward, then I heard him chuckles, it was an evil that made me shiver. “I won’t do harm to you if you come a little close to me more” he said, he was scaring me at that time, that I was really trembling, that I actually thought that Seunghyun was beside me.

He was pissed, he suddenly walks closer to me and grabbed me, it was so tight that it hurts me, I protested, “You’re hurting me Ji Yong, let go of me!” I said to him, he threw me back to the wall that it made me flinched to pain “Ugh! Ji Yong what do you want!?” I asked in pain.

I never thought that Ji Yong would act like that; I thought he’s gentle and nice as Dara described him to me. He leans forward to me that I pushed him away, as I pushed him away, I noticed a shadow at the side where I came, “R-Dara?!” I was surprised, I walk closer to her “Don’t come any closer to me” she said, I was taken aback, her voice was down and trembling, then I saw her hands gripping herself so tight “Dara, you would believe me if I explain right?” I said to her, as I slowly come closer to her, I become aware that she was already crying. I looked at Ji Yong, who was smirking, it triggers my anger, but I didn’t waste my time on him, I just want to talk to Dara.”

“Don’t come any closer Hyun” Seunghyun suddenly showed up, “She’s not at herself, if you come closer to her bad things might happen” he continued. I didn’t listened to him, “Even she hurts me, I’ll accept I just want to—“I was inches closer to her, I didn’t noticed that she was holding a sharped object, I was collapsed, my vision got distorted, but I saw her poker face, that I just gave her a smile, the last thing that I remember was Seunghyun holds me as Ji Yong shouted both of our name as I finally heard her crying.

I never thought that Dara would be like that, seeing me and Ji Yong together alone at that kind of place, that it triggers her to kill me, as she search for an object to hurt me, I know that Dara wouldn’t want to kill me. After that I watched them from above, especially Dara.

The day has come to Dara to know that truth from Seunghyun, when she heard to real story, she slapped Ji Yong, as he accepted whole-heartedly, back then she wanted to stabbed Ji Yong also, but thankfully, Seunghyun holds her, as she shout “You’re a jerk!! How could you!!” Ji yong acknowledged it, “she was my friend who loves me, she was the only friend I have!” she broke down, he admitted it, he betrayed Dara, he hurt Dara so much.

One year have passed; Dara would visit me when she wanted to, just to say sorry, after an hour of crying in front of my tomb, she’ll go straight home, locking herself and never will goes out of the room. When it time for school, she’ll be alone, but Seunghyun tried to talk to her but she never talks, she would just stare at him.

“Sorry bro” he apologize “I’m sorry for breaking her heart, and I’m sorry, even though I know you like, no, you love Bomso much, I still want to take her away from you” he admitted it, I never thought that Seunghyun and me was sharing the same feelings to each other. “I don’t know bro, Bomwas so different to Dara, but Dara is unique, simple, cheerful, I never meant to hurt her that much, I just don’t know” he patted Seunghyun.

“Hey” he said like he was really talking to me “I was too late, I actually planned to confess you that day, I never thought that it would be the last day for us to talk to each other” he said “But still, I just want you to know that I really liked you back then, but when we got closer, my feelings for changes, I love you” he continue he puts down the bouquet of roses and that he left Ji Yong alone.

Yes of course, even though I’m dead already, it was awkward for him to stand alone in front of my tomb, then he started by saying “I’m sorry Bom! It’s my entire fault, I was just admiring you since Dara introduced us to each other, but I know, and I broke my own girlfriend’s and friend’s heart, I know Seunghyun liked you that much, I just don’t know what’s wrong with myself” he sighs “I am really sorry for what happened to you and Dara… I am really sorry” he continued he lighted a candle  “I know can’t forgive me but I am still hoping for it, I know it’s impossible, you hated me so much” he turn around, he saw a shadow, he looked up then he sees Dara, holding a bouquet of roses and a plastic, it caught him off guard, he fakely cough “I-I was just apologizing to her, I know she won’t  forgive me, and I know, I’m a jerk, I’m admitting it” he bowed down and again walks towards.

“Yes you are really a jerk, Ji Yong ssi but still, I don’t, I just can’t help myself on loving a jerk” it made him stopped, he immediately turn around “w-why?” she smiled to him “because a best friend of mine once told me that every person is a jerk, you can change them to a nice person if you wanted to, if you tried to, and if you love the person, there’s a possibility that the person will really change for you” she said, I smiled watching the both of them reconciling, “After I heard what you said to her, you never wanted to hurt me, you just don’t know how to express your admiration for Bom, that’s why I love her, she understands me and I really admire her also” tears falls from her eyes.

I smiled again, it made me happy, I’m happy after years of keeping those feelings to each other; they are now back together, I’m happy to see them both again with their happy faces. My time ended, I already saw my best friend’s beautiful smile,  Ji Yong took a lot of time and courage just to have her back, and make her smile again. My mission is finally comes to an end, I’m happy that it went well.


While I’m walking in the pathway of the cemetery, the wind blows, it freeze me a little but thankfully I am wearing my long coat, I looked at the sky, the birds flew, as I saw a heart-shaped cloud, then I noticed a blue butterfly on my hand, then all of the sudden, I feel warmth, like someone is hugging me, it is really comfortable, “I will always love you Hyun, I will” I looked at the sky, I smile, while imagining her smiling back at me, when I noticed that the butterfly fly I looked at the sky again and said “Goodbye then, see you on the next life Bom, see you”

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Lyca_Myx #1
Chapter 1: WAA!! Whoawww
L0NER_00 #2
How come This is the First time I saw this story...
but blah blah ... its Plain Amazing =) job well done...
chaebom #3
poor tabie T____T
Nice story...Kamsahamnida!...Fighting!
@WhoNeedAmerica, thanks! =)
WhoNeedAmerica #6
It's sad.<br />
But it's a nice story.
@hanshify, ?<br />
<br />
@widyanindita, I don't think it's not, because the narrator was a main character that died. so she's telling a flashback stories BEFORE she died. and at the END it was Seunghyun's POV. Or maybe your not used to on my way of writing. AND TYPO and Grammar error, I know that. =) I don't like proof read it after I write it, I want to post the original, so I'll take time to edit it. but anyway, thank you for saying my story was nice.
you're writing is kinda confusing me, many type and gramar error. but still nice
hanshify #9
o____o huh?? ala ku kasabot sa aq gibasa..<br />
read again...