oo2; i am easy

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oo2; i am easy


"Who are you?" that freaking stranger asked in calm manner, so opposite from what my face looked like, how can he...

And I should be the one who asked him that!! 

"Who the hell are you?!" I hissed unpleasantly, frowning and still freaked out by all of this, whatever is this.

And I freaking hate the look of amusement on his freaking face!

"Sweetheart, you are the one who entered the bathroom just in your underwear when it's occupied" He still said calmly when my body was shivering just hearing his calm voice. It was his words that made me realized. 

Damn right. I was still half .

How stupid of you, Moon JaeIn.

I was about to reach out for my towel when I saw him walked closer from the corner of my eyes. In a reflex and all those experiences from the past fifteen years of my life, I grabbed his arm, turning my body and leaning forward, throwing his body above my back. 

The sound of his back collided against the hard and cold floor was so loud and echoed through the whole bathroom, it made me hissed painfully.

I think it was really caused him so much pain by the look of his face, and when I saw it, a small part of my heart felt really guilty. But I shrugged it off quickly while lifelessly reached out my towel and rolled it around my body before ran out of the bathroom as fast as possible. I stopped when I saw Zelo and Jongup on the couch. 

How can they were still playing that damn game when I was suffering with a stranger in my bathroom, alone. 


"Ya!!! Moon Jong Up!!" I screamed loudly, closed my eyes in annoyed while my fists grabbed the side of my towel tightly. I felt really annoyed.

I heard him humming, still focused his gaze on the TV screen. 

That freaking stupid brother of mine, how dare he?!!!

The different between me and my brother was our temper, when Jongup was someone who didn't give a single crap with his surrounding and let things as it is. I on the other hand was someone who getting riled up by anything and everything. 

To put it simply, I was someone with the most emotion in this house.

So, when I saw my brother just sat on that comfortable couch of him, I was getting angry and annoyed. 

How could he stay calm like that knowing there was some stranger in the house?!!! 

Moreover when I was in the bathroom!

"Gosh, who is this chick? She's so loud and she just threw me in the bathroom"

I glared at the owner of the voice, turning my head to see that jerk came out of the bathroom with his palm on his back. He was frowning painfully. 

"What? Chick? You want me to throw you from this fourteenth floor building huh?!" I yelled with my eyes closed, I was sure my face was red by now.

Ugh, I think I had headache from all the things happened today.

My head was throbbing unpleasantly. 

I need my ice cream. 

"Hyung!!" I turned around, stared at Zelo who paused that damn game before lifted up his body. I saw him approached me while scratched the back of his nape with his sheepish smile visible on his face.

"I see you meet Yongguk hyung already, noona"

I glared at the back of my brother, not really pleasant to find him just sat right there when his so called best friend was the one who tried to calm down my temper. 

"Moon Jong Up" I said with gritted teeth, tapped my bare toe against the floor impatiently. There was a warning on my tone. He better came here right now or I’ll starve him all week.


Urgh, finally

I followed him who lazily approached us with my stares. I was still not really happy with his calmness.

Am I the only one who found this situation unpleasant?

"Care to explain why there's a stranger in our house?" I crossed my arms on my chest, slightly tilted my head with my stern expression. I know it was futile since we both know that Jongup wasn't someone who afraid of his sister aka me.

He was getting tired of my nagging.

And I was getting tired of his carelessness. 

I should really make all of my

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