
Sealed With A Kiss

A/N          Sorry for the long wait. I don't have idea to write, that's why I took so long to update this. Sorry.


Morning ray slipped through the curtain of a window and shines down on a sleeping beauty. The birds flying and hopping on the window seal, making such beautiful sounds in the early morning. The sleeping beauty stirred from his sleep and slowly open his eyes. A frown decorated his face when he could not find his fiance around. He slowly sit up only to sigh when his stomach growl for food.

'Guess I forgot to eat my dinner last night.' The beauty thought. He set his feet down the bed and walked to the door. He looked out and see nobody around too. He frowned again. Walking in silent, he headed to the kitchen, hoping he can find something to eat.

A few steps away from the kitchen, a nice aroma of bacons and coffee hit his nostril. The hunger took control and he fasten his steps towards the kitchen.

There, on the table, two plates of bacon were awaiting. Three maids were standing near the stove, eyeing a tall man who was busy cooking. They sometimes will pass the ingredients and seasonings when he asked. His face was serious and once in a while he will taste his own cooking, making sure it taste nice and delicious.

Jaejoong smiles when he saw how Yunho was preparing the breakfast. He walked further into the kitchen and cleared his throat. Yunho quickly turned around and when he saw Jaejoong, he gave him a bright smile.

Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?” Yunho asked. The three maids beside him bowed respectly to Jaejoong. Yunho kept on looking at Jaejoong with concern. Jaejoong was having nightmare last night and luckily he managed to calm him down.

Morning, Yunnie. I'm better now and I'm so hungry.” Jaejoong replied with a small pout because he is indeed very hungry right now. He knew Yunho was concern about him when he asked about his sleep.

Aish, it's because you skipped your dinner last night. Sit down. The bacon already cooked and I just need a few minutes more for this mushroom soup to be ready.” Yunho told Jaejoong and after he saw Jaejoong sat down at the table, he turned back stirring the pot of soup with care. He is going to make the soup delicious for his beloved.

Jaejoong waited patiently at the table. He ate the bacon and two minutes later, a bowl of hot mushroom soup was presented to him.

I hope you like the breakfast I cooked for you.” Yunho said while he sat in front of Jaejoong.

Jaejoong smiled and scooped a spoon of the hot mushroom. He blew at it until it cold and took a sip. He his lips and looked at Yunho with a big smile on his face.

It's delicious, Yunnie. Komawo.” Jaejoong continued to drink the mushroom soup and Yunho being praise by his baby felt like he was flying in the air. He smiled and drinking his soup too.

After their breakfast, both Jaejoong and Yunho are ready to go to school. It is the first day Jaejoong went back to school after his long rest. Yunho had been a possessive companion. He practically glued himself beside Jaejoong. He will always follow Jaejoong around the school and his face was so serious that most of the students stayed out of their way. They value their lives so much to loose it to their vampire prince.

The students were happy to see Jaejoong finally came back to school after his absent for nearly a month. They wanted to greet him but nobody dare to, not with the serious face Yunho by his side. Yunho will glare at whoever came near them and Jaejoong can only sigh in defeat. He knew how possessive Yunho can be but he did not say a word about Yunho's behaviour because he knew how hard to convince Yunho to let him come back to school. Jaejoong only smile at whoever he knew to show them that he was happy to come back to school and to see all his friends.

Junsu and Kibum are the two most happy people right now. They miss their hyung so much. Even though they are the VIP guests in the castle but still there are some formal protocol that they need to watch out in the castle. Besides, Jaejoong was still recovering from his injuries, they don't want to disturb his rest.

Jae hyung, we miss you so much.” Junsu shrike out loud when they gathered during recess. He hugged Jaejoong tightly and was joined by Kibum.

Me too! I miss both of you more.” Jaejoong hugged them back. He was sandwished in between Junsu and Kibum. The three of them doing the group hug while their boyfriends were looking at them with smiles on their faces.

All of them sat down at the table and Jaejoong started to ask about what he had been left out.

How is everybody? Is appa and umma doing fine? I miss them so much.” Jaejoong said with a slight whine.

They are fine, hyung. They are a bit busy lately with their work and they miss you too.” Junsu told Jaejoong. The three of them then started to talk about other things, having their brotherly bonding time.

Yoochun and Changmin felt so relieve when Jaejoong came back to school. They don't need to listen to their boyfriends' whines any more. For the whole two weeks, Junsu and Kibum were lifeless and kept on asking Yunho about Jaejoong's condition which sometimes irritated the young prince. Sometimes, they will sulk whenever Yunho refused to tell them anything about Jaejoong. When Yunho walked away, Junsu and Kibum will curse him in front of Yoochun and Changmin for being selfish and possessive.

Yoochun and Changmin always keep their mouth shut whenever Junsu and Kibum threw tantrum. They don't want to fight with their boyfriends because it will end up hurting both parties. There was one time when Changmin tried to talk sense into them and the four of them ended up in a big fight resulting both Junsu and Kibum gave them silence treatment.

Junsu and Kibum did not talk to Yoochun and Changmin at all in three days. They still eat together during lunch time but nobody talk at all. Yunho was aware of this but he did not get a satisfy answer when he asked. Even in the class, they did not talk to each other. Junsu and Kibum even go to the extend where they did a group project with other students instead of with their boyfriends.

On the forth day, it was Yoochun who can't take it anymore. He made the first move by apologized sincerely and so did Changmin. It cost them a fortune to make Junsu and Kibum accepted their apologies.

Yoochun booked down a 5 stars restaurant for a night. He took Junsu to a romantic dinner and after that they went to the beach to gaze at the stars. While they were watching the twinkling stars, Yoochun took out a small black box and proposed to Junsu with his heirloom ring and now Junsu is his officially fiance.

Changmin on the other hand bought a house for Kibum and with that house came a marriage proposal with both families agree with. Changmin no more staying in the castle while Kibum was going to move in this weekend.

So, that's mean that Bummie also engaged now?” Jaejoong shouted out when he heard about the news from them.

Yeah, hyung and our wedding dates were already fixed.” Junsu replied with a blush.

Omo, chinja? When was it?” Jaejoong asked excitedly.

Mine will be at the end of this year while Bummie will be in six months later.” Junsu said and Kibum can only nodded shyly.

Eh? That was fast Bummie ah.” Jaejoong was shock to learn about this and he looked at Changmin for affirmation.

Hyung, did you forgot about the rule of royal marriage?” Changmin asked curiously when Jaejoong seems to be shock about what he heard.

Jaejoong blinked his eyes confusely while looking at Changmin. In his mind he was asking himself whether he should know about the rule.

Changmin ah, you are aware that he do not have any clue about it, don't you?” Yunho suddenly interrupted after he was so quiet all this time.

What about the rule of royal marriage?” Junsu asked curiously. He really want to know about the rule too since he heard Kibum talked about it when he broke the wedding news to their parents.

It is called the Henzo, or in other words, six months trial rule.” Yunho said while Changmin and Yoochun nodded their head simultaniously.

Oh, Chunnie knew about it too?” Junsu asked again looking at his fiance.

Not much, but yes, I knew about it.” Yoochun replied.

How does it work?” This time, it was Jaejoong who asked about it. He was curious too and Changmin seems to assume that he knew about it but in reality he did not know anything about the rule.

Okay, so basically the royal family members will choose their partners and they will get engage for six months before they get married. Within these six months they are allowed to stay under one roof as practise. This is to ensure that both parties get to know each other well before they tie the knot. Within these six months also, if they feel that they are not suitable for each other, they are allow to break off their engagement. Once they were married, they were forbidden to divorce each other. Even if there is an affair in their marriage, they are still not allowed to divorce because there will be only one partner for each other.” Yunho explained in details, earning nods from Jaejoong, Junsu and Kibum.

So, what will happen to those who are having an affair?” Jaejoong asked like a toddler eager to know more.

Actually, nobody dare to have an affair because the affair couple will have to face death.” This time, it was Changmin who told them making the three Kim brothers gasps from the shocking information.

Oh... I get it now. So, in other word, there will be only one true partner for each other and those who have affair will be charge with adultary act and the penalty of it is death.” Jaejoong said after he finally get passed his shock.

Yes, Joongie. So far, nobody die yet because of the Henzo. I remember a few cases of broken engagement but never death penalty.” Yunho said, remembering the history of a few royalties who broke their engagement.

Actually, it's a good rule. It gives us the freedom to choose our life partner and also to assure a happy marriage.” Changmin added.

Hmmmm... Jaejoong hyung and Yunho hyung were engaged for such a long time. So, when will both of you get married?” Suddenly Junsu voiced out his curiousity. Indeed, Jaejoong and Yunho had been engaged since they were young and if according to the six months rule, they should be married by now.

Well, actually, we did not follow the six months rule due to my position as the prince. On the day of our engagement, appa announced that we will only announce our engagement when I'm 18 and we will only get married when I'm 21 which will be in two years time. Now that the announcement of our engagement to the public is overdue, appa wants us to announce it on Joongie's 18th birthday instead.” Yunho explained to all his friends, including to Jaejoong.

Oh... that will be next month. Jaejoong hyung will be 18 next month.” Kibum told everybody. The information from Kibum made everybody quiet for a moment. Jaejoong also just realised that his 18th birthday will be on next month. Yunho suddenly face palmed for he had lots of things to prepare for their engagement announcement to the public.

Gosh, we have lots of things to do, Yunho hyung. There will be party and all.” Changmin suddenly feeling anxious for they did not do any preparation yet.

I... don't think we should hold any party for this. It's only an announcement, right, Yunnie?” Jaejoong voiced out his opinion after being quiet for so long.

Well, Joongie, it's because I'm a prince, so we must make our engagement public and well, of course there will have to have a party for this.” Yunho said apologetically.

Aww... Jaejoong ah, don't worry. You just need to present yourself at the party and smile, that's all.” Yoochun said and gave Jaejoong a pat on the shoulder. However, the moment he touched Jaejoong's shoulder, he suddenly stilled and flashes of images came into his mind. The images were so awful that Yoochun gasped and pant. He let go of Jaejoong's shoulder, blinked his eyes and came back to his senses.

Yoochun, are you okay?” Yunho asked in concern. His right hand was holding Jaejoong's arm while his left hand was holding the teary Junsu, preventing him from rushing to Yoochun.

It's... it's... Jaejoong...so...” Yoochun never have the chance to complete his sentence for his body slumped down to the ground accompanied with Junsu's scream.



A/N          Hmmmm... Royal Marriage, Royal Engagement and then... Yoochun fainted? Gosh... what will happen next? Stay tune.

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Going to update next chapter later.


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valeun #1
Chapter 50: are you not gonna finish this story???
Chapter 50: Omg....such cliffhanger...jae not feeling dizzy anymore? Im kinda confuse, i love the plot but its too many characters involve so i quite dont remember other scenes but then i enjoy reading for yunjae...i am confuse too about jaejoong's nightmares...i wonder what will happen next :-D
Chapter 47: “! He did not eat his dinner!” Yunho was defeated.

Holy jung LOL
Chapter 42: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh y long yunjae <3
Chapter 39: Omo....i bet that liquid is aphrodisia...
Chapter 32: Wwehhhheee yunjae
Chapter 28: Aaawww yunjae is y finally yunjae :-D
Chapter 27: Aaawwwwww..............
Chapter 26: Aaahhhah changmin and bum were like rabbits LOL
Chapter 22: Omg...wwwooo that was y