He's Alive

Sealed With A Kiss

A/N      Hi hi... finally an update. Sorry I took so long to update. Actually, I think I have lost the hot on writing lately. However, once I started something, I will definitely finish it no matter what. Even though this update is a bit late but I hope you still want to read it.



Eunhyuk had been staring at the blue feather in his possession for a week already. He remembered what Yesung told him a week before about the blue feather.


He is still alive. She said to follow the blue feather for it will bring you to him.


Eunhyuk was happy to learn that Donghae is still alive but now he is clueless and confused. He straight away took out the well hidden blue feather from his pants pocket once he went back sneakily to the castle. Since then, he never once miss to look at the blue feather. However, within this one week, nothing unusual happen, the feather was still the same as before. How is he going to find Donghae if nothing happen?


Eunhyuk ruffled his hair in desperate. He misses Donghae and he wants to know how he is. Even though he knew that Donghae is alive but he is sure that Donghae was badly injured.


Eunhyuk eyed the blue feather again but still nothing change. It laid still in the wooden box and it was just like an ordinary blue feather. Eunhyuk sighed. He took the feather from the box and play with it.


Donghae ah, where are you? Are you doing fine? I miss you so much.” Eunhyuk whispered desperately. He bring the feather to his mouth and put a chaste kiss on it.


Suddenly, the blue feather started to glow lightly making Eunhyuk widen his eyes. He looked at the blue feather with anxiety waiting for it to work its magic. Slowly, the light glow became stronger and stronger, nearly blinded Eunhyuk who was holding it near his face. A little vibration can be feel from it and Eunhyuk let go of the feather.


The blue feather was floating in the air and it flew in a circle for a while before it flew out through the window. Eunhyuk was stunned at first but seconds later he sprang from where he was and jumped down from his window and ran into the direction of the blue feather. He doesn't care that the others might follow him, all that he care about was to find Donghae.


Running following the blue feather like he had been chased by his enemy, Eunhyuk can feel the wind brushing through his face in high speed. This is because he is moving as fast as he can with both his feet. Eunhyuk don't want to loose trace of the blue feather and he used all his energy so that he will be right behind it. Eunhyuk can see the blue feather, just right ahead of him and he ended up at the clearing in the woods.


He saw a small hut ahead and the blue feather was lingering at the front door. Eunhyuk made a sudden stop and the impact nearly made him stumble down face first. Eunhyuk managed to hold his ground and looked around him. A sudden recognision came into him. It is Witch Sonia's hut.


Eunhyuk looked around. He was searching for the blue feather but it was no where to be seen. He started to panic. He was sure that the blue feather came to this direction. He couldn't have lost the feather, right? In frantic, Eunhyuk run to the left side of the hut but once he was there, he stopped right on his way, gapping.


'I must be dreaming. This can't be a dream, right?' Eunhyuk thought when he saw the one that he had been missing day and night was standing right in front of him, holding the blue feather in his hand with his surprised face.




Donghae's POV


It's already been a week that I had stayed in Witch Sonia's hut. She provided me with every meals besides taking care about me. I'm so greatful to her and did as best as I can to help her with the house core.


Witch Sonia will travel deep into the jungle during the day, searching for medical herbs to create lots of medicine. She will sell it at the nearby market as living. She will be gone for the whole day and will only be back late in the evening. I wanted to follow her but she told me to stay put at home due to my injuries. So, have nothing to do, I helped her to clean her house and to cook dinner while waiting for her to come home.


Today, as usual, I did all the house core and found nothing else to do. I felt so bored and so I've decided to take a walk outside the hut. I went to the left side of the hut which have a small river. I sat down on a big rock just beside the river. The scenery and tranquil surrounding was so refreshing. I looked at the fishes swimming happily in the river and I saw a pair of fishes swimming together. They always stick together no matter where they swim. I guessed they might be a couple. Looking at the couple fish, suddenly make me remember him. Tears started to form in my eyes and I started to think about the incident that happened to me a week ago. I shed my tears when I think about my beloved, Euhyuk. I miss him very much and how I wish I can see him right this moment.


Suddenly, a bright blue light was lingering on my head. I saw it through my reflection in the river. I looked up and saw the light slowly came down on my eye level. I blinked a few times for it was a bit glaring. It slowly dimmed down and when I took a good look at it, I was surprised to see a blue feather, correction, my blue feather. I quickly grabbed it and the light was out once the feather was in my hand. How did it appear here? It should be with Eunhyuk. Could it be that Eunhyuk is here?


Thinking about that, I quickly stood up from where I sat and turned around. A small gasp escaped my mouth. It was him! My Eunhyuk is here, right behind me.


End of Donghae's POV


Both Eunhyuk and Donghae were standing just a few steps away from each other, staring right into each others' eyes, lost of words. Both were staring at each other for like an hour and nobody make a move or even let out a word. They kept on looking at each others with tears rolling down Donghae's cheeks. Seeing that his lover is crying, Eunhyuk felt the pain in his heart, like somebody was stabbing at it with a sharp knife. He can't stand to see Donghae crying and so he took the first step, moving towards his crying lover.


Eunhyuk enveloped Donghae into his warm embrace, rubbing at his back, trying to calm him down. Feeling that Eunhyuk is real in front of him, Donghae snuggled more into his chest, inhalling Eunhyuk's scent, mumbling how he missed him so much with his still husky voice.


Eunhyuk tighten his hug and whispered sweet words into Donghae's ears. Both lovers were too happy and too greatful to finally meet each other. They did not even part from their hug even after Witch Sonia came back from the forest and saw them hugging beside her cottage. Witch Sonia smiled and gave them her blessing and prayers.



Jaejoong was walking around the garden while waiting for Yunho to come back from school. Two maids and a guard was following him around. The three servents were assigned to Jaejoong after he can move around. Of course the three servents were getting orders from the possessive Yunho to keep an eye on Jaejoong. Yunho had lost Jaejoong not only once but twice, therefore he is not going to loose Jaejoong again, no matter what.


While Jaejoong was strolling around the garden, he saw someone was practicing sword skill. Curious as to who for Jaejoong never see him before, he walked towards the man, trying to find out. As Jaejoong was nearing the place, he saw a young man, around his age, was practicing his sword skill passionately. Jaejoong stood not far from the young man and looked at him practicing. The young man moves gracefully with the sword in his hand, like he was dancing with the sword.


Jaejoong was watching in awe and when the young man finally stopped his moves, Jaejoong unconsciously clapped his hands with envious written all over his face. The clapping sound alerted the young man and he turned around, only to meet with an angel with a pair of big doe eyes. He was stunned but only for a while as he realised that it was Jaejoong who was standing behind him.


Good evening, Lord Jaejoong. May I know what I can do for you?” The young man bowed and sked with great politeness.


Good evening. Your sword skill is so good. I've never see you before. May I know who you are?” Jaejoong curtsy back.


Pardon my rudeness, Lord Jaejoong. My name is Jinki but I was known as Onew. I am Minister Lee's son.” Onew told Jaejoong, still bowing.


Please raise your head. It's my great honour to meet you, Sir Onew.” Jaejoong knew Minister Lee. He is one of the great Generals of Crystal Country.


No, the honour is mine to finally meet you, Lord Jaejoong.” Onew said with a big smile on his face.


Erm... Sir Onew, are you free now?” Jaejoong suddenly asked. He was starting to feel bored strolling around alone, well, not trully alone when he has his three servents with him, but he can't really chat with them. All Jaejoong need right now is someone who can talk freely with him and he thinks that Onew is the one who can save him from this boredness.


Oh? Yes, I'm free now. What do you need of me, my lord?” Onew was shocked at first but he is willing to do anything for this pretty angel.


Aahhh... I'm sorry to suddenly asked you this but I am bored while waiting for Prince Yunho to come back. I was wondering if you can accompany me?” Jaejoong said innocently while blinking his eyes. His cute action had nearly make Onew melt.


Yes, my lord. I will accompany you until Prince Yunho come back.” Said Onew eagerly.


And so, these two young men sat under a shady tree, talking about whatever topic that came into their mind while waiting for Yunho to come back from school. Jaejoong even excitedly told Onew that he will attend school tomorrow after his long absent and Onew congratulated him sincerely. It seems that Jaejoong had found himself a new friend.



A/N      Don't forget to comment. Thank you.

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Going to update next chapter later.


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valeun #1
Chapter 50: are you not gonna finish this story???
Chapter 50: Omg....such cliffhanger...jae not feeling dizzy anymore? Im kinda confuse, i love the plot but its too many characters involve so i quite dont remember other scenes but then i enjoy reading for yunjae...i am confuse too about jaejoong's nightmares...i wonder what will happen next :-D
Chapter 47: “! He did not eat his dinner!” Yunho was defeated.

Holy jung LOL
Chapter 42: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh y long yunjae <3
Chapter 39: Omo....i bet that liquid is aphrodisia...
Chapter 32: Wwehhhheee yunjae
Chapter 28: Aaawww yunjae is y finally yunjae :-D
Chapter 27: Aaawwwwww..............
Chapter 26: Aaahhhah changmin and bum were like rabbits LOL
Chapter 22: Omg...wwwooo that was y