Ahjushi Is Appa?

Sealed With A Kiss


A/N      Hi guys!!! I will still updating this story even though I'm hurting right now. You are right! I should not leave

            AFF because of 1 person because I have 100++ readers waiting and supporting me. Thanks for always

           supporting me and be with me when I'm down. I will keep on fighting until the end. I will show to all that I'm

           stronger and I can live on despite how much hatret I received. However, I'm not going to be as active as

            before, not until I totally heal from my broken heart. Again, thanks for all of your supports.

            Kamsahamida *bow bow*


Jaejoong's POV


I was laying on the bed. My head was full with what happened during dinner. That ahjushi that we met earlier, Siwon ahjushi, why did I felt that I've seen him somewhere before? When I talked to him, I felt very warm and comfortable even though we were just met. He gave me the feelings of appa and I can see he was giving me full attention. He smiled happily whenever we talked but somehow I can see that his smile did not reached his eyes. He held sorrows in his eyes. Wae?

I was thinking very hard on the bed. The face of Siwon ahjushi was playing in my mind. I swore that I've met him somewhere before this. Why can't I erase his face from my mind? Why his sorrowful eyes making me suffocate? Why I have this familiar feelings regarding Siwon ahjushi? Why...



Soon enough, Jaejoong had drifted into dreamland. He was standing in a big hall. The hall was not the one that he saw in his previous dream. It was a different hall. How did he know? Call it a haunch. Jaejoong wandered around and soon enough he was strolling in a hallway with both the walls were decorated by photos with different sizes. All the photos were the family photos. Jaejoong stood in the hallway admiring the biggest photo. The size of the photo nearly took up a quarter of the wall. There were three people in the photo, two males and a small boy. One of the male was sitting on a chair while the young boy was sitting on his lap. Jaejoong recognised the sitting male as his omma and he knew the young boy was him. There was another handsome male standing behind his omma. Jaejoong took a closer look and he gasped in surprised. It was Siwon ahjushi! He was standing behind his omma and he had his hands on his omma's shoulders. He was smiling happily and so does his omma.

Jaejoong diverted his eyes to the another photo with the same size next to it. In that photo there were only his omma and Siwon ahjushi. They were hugging each other and they were smiling from ear to ear. Their eyes showed so much love and Siwon ahjushi was kissing his omma's left cheek.

Jaejoong jerked up from his sleep. He was sweating heavily and his shirt was soaky and wet.

Is that...Siwon ahjushi...aniya...appa...” Jaejoong was shaking his head with confussion. Is Siwon ahjushi really his appa? If so, why did he refused to take him back?

Jaejoong changed his shirt and went back to bed. He was thinking hard again. He don't know for how long he had been laying there awake but when Junsu came into his room to wake him up the next morning, then only he realised that he had fallen asleep again.



Jaejoong was sitting in the classroom waiting for his first lesson. He was dizzy and confius. Is Siwon ahjushi really appa? Jaejoong kept on thinking about that question. He was so dreadful to find out the truth but he did not know where should he start. Lessons started and end, and soon it was lunch time. Jaejoong did not pay attention at all in the class and he was so not feeling well right now.

Jaejoong stood up to go to the cafeteria. He was heading towards the door when suddenly he was pulled back harshly from behind making him facing whoever pulled him. Jaejoong realised that he was now staring at a man's chest and when he looked up from the chest he saw Yunho's worried face looking down at him.

What's in your mind? Don't you look where you were going?” Yunho hissed at Jaejoong furiously. He was nearly getting heart attack from Jaejoong earlier. Jaejoong did not reply Yunho. He was looking at his face and his eyes fell on the fangs that Yunho had accidentaly showed when he was hissing at him earlier. Jaejoong was going to say something but then all he can see was darkness around him.



Yunho's POV


My Joongie is spacing out again. It seems that lately he likes staring into the space and wandered off from his reality. He was deep in his thoughts and his face was always pale. Is he sick? Did something bothers him? Is he in trouble?

I can't help myself worrying about him. Of course I am worried because he seems to lost his concentration not only in class but every time. He was always the quietest among us when we were having our lunch and he was always spaced out when he was alone.

Like just now, he was spacing out again and his face was pale as usual. Half way through the second period, I saw him had his head laying on the table. Did he felt dizzy again? I remembered he told me once that he always felt dizzy and that was actually a norm for him. Is he really alright?

Then came recess time, all the students left for lunch, leaving the two of us behind. I saw Joongie stood up from his table and walked towards the door. He never say anything to me and I'm so sure that he was acting very weird. I followed him from behind and then I saw him nearly walked into the wall. I quickly grabbed him from behind, spunned him around to face me.

What's in your mind? Don't you look where you were going?” I hissed at Jaejoong furiously out of shock. He nearly give me a heart attack. I was waiting for his reply but never get one. Joongie was looking at me but I feel that he was actually looking at far away. I was going to ask him again but then I felt his legs gave out and he collapsed in my arms.



Jaejoong knew he was dreaming. He saw his omma and the younger him in the garden. His omma was knitting while little Joongie was running around chasing the butterflies. Little Joongie tripped on his legs and fell down. He quickly stood up and a silent tear escaped his eyes.

Omona, Joongie ah, are you alright? Did you hurt anywhere?” Lady Heechul quickly examined little Joongie and he saw blood was sipping out from his knees.

No, omma. Joongie's fine. Joongie is a boy, this did not hurt.” Little Joongie bit his lower lip. He remembered his teacher in school said that boys don't cry over little things. He is a boy and he will not cry in front of his omma.

Deh, Joongie is a boy and Joongie is strong.” Lady Heechul smiled knowingly. He knew his Joongie was in pain but he acted strong in front of him. Lady Heechul waved his hand over the injured knees and soon the wounds were cured.

There, Joongie was fine now. Next time, Joongie must be careful neh.” Lady Heechul picked Joongie up and little Joongie was smiling and giggling with his omma.

Ah...my babies were so happy today. Did something good happen?” A low voice came from behind. Both Lady Heechul and Little Joongie stopped fooling around.

Appa!” Little Joongie sprung into the waiting arms of Lord Siwon. Lord Siwon threw Little Joongie into the air and before received him back into his protective arms. Both the father and son were laughing happily while Lady Heechul was looking lovingly at them.



Jaejoong stirred from his dream. His hands moved up to his eyes and rubbed at them. He looked around the room and he realised that he was in the school's infirmary. How did he ended up in here?

Oh, you finally awake.” A low husky voice can be heard at his right side. Jaejoong turned to his right to look, only to find Yunho sitting on the chair next to his bed. His brown obs were looking staight into his black obs.

THUD! THUD! Jaejoong can hear his heart jumping loudly in his chest. He was blushing hard and he quickly looked down avoiding Yunho's eyes.

Are you alright now?” Yunho asked again in sincerity.

Deh. What...happened?” Jaejoong was so shy to see Yunho right after he opened his eyes. He wanted to know why both of them were in the infirmary.

You fainted just now. I took you here.” Yunho stared at Jaejoong again. He was trying to figure out whether Jaejoong was really fine.

Thanks.” Jaejoong was looking at his fingers right now. He dare not looked up and meet Yunho's eyes. He knew that the more he looked into the eyes, he will easily fell for him. Already, now, Jaejoong felt that his heart will jump crazily if he was too near to Yunho.

Well, I guess I better get to the class now. I already informed Junsu and Kibum and I think they will be here soon.” Yunho knew that Jaejoong was avoiding him and he does not like it at all. However, no matter how hurt he is, Yunho will not force himself on Jaejoong. This is because Jaejoong was too precious to him.

Ar...Thanks again, Yunho ah.” Jaejoong even though was talking to Yunho but he still has his interest in his fingers. Seeing this, Yunho leaned closer and had his hand under Jaejoong's chin to leave his head up.

You should look at me when you say thank you.” Yunho's little act had made Jaejoong blushed harder and this time Yunho saw it. He smirked when he realised that Jaejoong had went all shy around him.

Jaejoong looked away but then he gasped when he felt a soft chasty kiss fall on his right cheek.

I'll see you around, Joongie ah.” Yunho left the room, leaving the shocking and blushing Jaejoong sitting on the bed.

Oh...my heart...and...how did he knew my nickname?” Jaejoong was left with another new question. He was thinking about his dream just now. His real parents had called him Joongie and he was sure now that Siwon ahjushi or Lord Siwon is his appa. He was happy that he still has his appa in this world and he was not alone anymore. But, how did Yunho know about his nickname?


A/N      I'm sorry because this chapter was short. Those who knew what happened to me will understand. I really

            hate it when my ideas were leaving me, not because of writer's block but because it was being disrupted

            from me by someone else.

            Ok, enough of that crap, back to our story. Jaejoong finally remembers his own father, Siwon. However,

            his memory did not come back all. He only has chunks here and there. What actually his omma, Heechul

            done to him? Secret secret!!!!!!!!

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Going to update next chapter later.


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valeun #1
Chapter 50: are you not gonna finish this story???
Chapter 50: Omg....such cliffhanger...jae not feeling dizzy anymore? Im kinda confuse, i love the plot but its too many characters involve so i quite dont remember other scenes but then i enjoy reading for yunjae...i am confuse too about jaejoong's nightmares...i wonder what will happen next :-D
Chapter 47: “! He did not eat his dinner!” Yunho was defeated.

Holy jung LOL
Chapter 42: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh y long yunjae <3
Chapter 39: Omo....i bet that liquid is aphrodisia...
Chapter 32: Wwehhhheee yunjae
Chapter 28: Aaawww yunjae is y finally yunjae :-D
Chapter 27: Aaawwwwww..............
Chapter 26: Aaahhhah changmin and bum were like rabbits LOL
Chapter 22: Omg...wwwooo that was y