The Progression

Tatt For Two

Things progressed quickly with Tiffany. They exchanged texts often, their chatroom growing at the speed of light with the messages flying in and out at all times of the day. Taeyeon was more than a little distracted too, with Tiffany’s penchant for sending selfies that teased.

There was one day when Taeyeon checked her phone during lunch with Yuri and was surprised by a picture of Tiffany’s slender legs snaking across her work desk. The apple red stilettoes at the end were the highlight. Blatantly seductive and sensual. So distracted was Taeyeon that she didn’t even realize Yuri had leaned across and peeped at her phone.

“Holy—those legs . . . that’s so hot. She the new girl you’re dating?”


“What’s she like?”


Yuri smirks. “Chatty.”


“Out of all the things you could say about her, you’re saying chatty?”

“She’s really chatty. She sends me texts all day. Sometimes voice messages. And we’ve been on the phone for the past two nights.”

“Wow, it’s been what—a week?”

Taeyeon nodded. “I tattooed her two Saturdays ago.”

“And it’s Monday today so . . . ten days. You’ve known each other for ten days.”

“She’s talking to me like we’ve known each other since uni or something.”

Yuri grinned. “Sounds perfect for you.”

“What? Why?”

“Cos then you don’t have to do the talking. You can just let your fingers . . .” Yuri held up two fingers and wiggled them, wearing a cheeky grin on her face the entire time.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“Seriously, though. Hot legs aside. Do you like her?”

Taeyeon answered with a shrug.

“Tae . . .”

“She’s kinda too concerned about everything in my life but aside from that I have no complaints.”

Yuri let out a whoop. “Someone’s officially off the market. Hearts gonna be breaking.”

“You’re crazy dramatic.”

“And you’re way too calm for someone who’s getting hot selfies of legs and God knows what else on a daily basis.”

Taeyeon laughed. “Jealous?”

Yuri made a face.


“Taettoo-nim, your art is the best I’ve ever seen.”

Taeyeon barely smiled. She was focused on the tattoo.

“You’re making my dream come true, Taettoo-nim.”

“Your dream?” Taeyeon asked while stretching her arm before resuming.

“Mhm, it’s always been my dream to meet you and get a tattoo done by you.”

Taeyeon offered the girl a smile. “Nice. Now, stop talking and let me focus.”

About an hour later, the tattoo was done and the girl was gushing about it. She cleaned it and put on a bandage, instructing the girl to remove it about four hours later. Then she set about providing her customer with the necessary lotion to apply on it and explaining the importance of after-care. The girl listened intently and nodded a lot and looked at her shyly after paying for the tattoo.

That’s it. Taeyeon could smell the question coming again. But unlike Tiffany’s, she felt no anticipation for this girl’s question. So she waited.

“Taettoo-nim, may I ask something personal?”

Taeyeon nodded, expression calm.

“Do you think we can be friends?”

Internally, Taeyeon was snorting through the roof as she was instantly reminded of how Tiffany didn’t bother with this step, simply bulldozing her way through with alluring pictures of her new tattoo. “Yes, why not.”

“Oh my God,” the girl half-squealed. “I wasn’t expecting you to agree so quickly. A woman like you, friends with me. Oh my God.”

 “I’m just an ordinary person, Wendy.”

“You’re really cool to me. Being a tattooist and all.”

“It’s not that glamourous.”

“Being a tattooist is so awesome though. And I really like your art.”

“Okay, stop spazzing. It’s making me uncomfortable.”

Wendy stopped talking immediately and lowered her eyes. “Sorry, Taettoo-nim.”

“Take your stuff and get going.”

“Er, can I come visit?”

“No. I work here.”

“Oh.” Wendy’s pout was pronounced.

“But we can meet for a drink or something.”

Bedazzled eyes shot back up to hers. “Really?”

“Really. Just Kakao me.”

“Okay! I will!”

“Now, get out.”

“Okay! Goodbye!”

The door opened just then and Taeyeon’s eyes bulged as Tiffany entered. Part of the bulge was out of surprise—Tiffany had not said anything about coming here. Another part was due to the red-black animal leopard print dress she was wearing. Stylish and chic.

“Oh, your next customer is here. I won’t get in your way. Thanks for the wonderful tattoo, Taettoo-nim!”

Taeyeon simply nodded as Wendy exited her shop, excited as a puppy with a new toy. Then she eyed Tiffany as the woman strutted the two steps to close the gap between them. “What are you doing here?”

Tiffany jerked her head at the door. “You got one cute customer over there.”

“Yeah. She was really excited about her tattoo. You. Why are you here?”

“I thought I’d surprise you.”

“At work?”

“You don’t like?”

Taeyeon shrugged. “Not really.”

“You said you have a two-hour break between customers today so I came here to accompany you. I wouldn’t dream of interrupting your work.”

“You came here to accompany me, huh.”

Tiffany smiled with her eyes and lips and everything in the room lit up a notch. “I haven’t seen you since last Monday. It’s been a while.”

“Can’t help it if you’re not in Seoul.”

Tiffany looped her arms around Taeyeon’s and grinned. “Well, now I’m back in Seoul. And looks like just in time too, or some other girl is gonna steal you from me.”

Taeyeon rolled her eyes. “Oh, please.”

“The girl who just left. I swear she’s into you.”

“How would you know. You saw her for like two seconds.”

“A woman’s sixth sense. We always know who our rivals are.”

“She only asked to be my friend.”

Tiffany raised her brows. “Oh? She asked to be your friend? Girlfriend?”

“Just friends.” Taeyeon shook Tiffany’s arm off and sat on her chair. “Did you come here just to grill me about my customers?” Two steps later, Tiffany was perched on Taeyeon’s lap. “Why are you sitting on my lap?”

Tiffany shrugged, a mysterious smile playing on her lips. “I’m tired and I wanna sit down.”

“There’s a chair over there.”



“Why are you so nervous?”

“I’m not nervous.”

“You’re squeezing the armrests so hard your knuckles are white.”

“What exactly are you doing right now, Tiffany?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“I told you I don’t like guessing.”

Tiffany’s arms went round Taeyeon’s shoulders and clasped behind her neck. “Sorry, I forgot about that. Let me just show you.”

Taeyeon’s eyes stretched wide open as lips descended upon hers, taking over everything. Soft. So ing soft. The nudges. Gentle, yet tough. Her eyes began to close but Tiffany pulled back and smiled like she was the ing queen of hearts.

“What was that for?”

“Progression. We’ve been talking and talking and talking. What’s next?”

Taeyeon chuckled, her head shaking from side to side. Tiffany was something else. And she wanted more. Without a word, she reached up, and pulled those lips back down to hers. Progression. Hell, yeah.


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