13; lilschein

☆ Pinkfinite One-Shot Collection! (Not Taking Requests)

Lee Hoya; 24

Oh Hayoung; 22

a/n: i thought that including Namjoo would be really awkward and misplaced e.e and i followed the m/v, like you said, but there was no goodbye kiss scene.. I really sincerely apologize for not updating q.q


"Hayoung.." Tears poured from his eyes even though he tried to contain them. His beloved, his life, his light, was no longer next to him. 

She was serious about dancing, just as he was. It was everything to her. Ironic though, since it was what killed her. 

Hoya gripped the picture of his young girlfriend tightly. She was smiling beautifully, like she would normally do for him. 

"I'll see you in a few." She kissed his cheek lightly. "I need to go early."

"I'll take you," Hoya stood up to get his keys. 

She shook her head. "It's in two hours and you have more important things to take care of."

"But-" He tried. 

"Hoya, I'll be fine." She smiled at him for the last time and wore her light pink coat. 

"I love you, Hoya." She wrapped her arms around him tightly and rested her head on his well built chest. 

"You'll do amazing, Hayoung." He planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, maknae."

"I should get going." She smiled and let go. 

Just as Hayoung closed the door, Hoya changed into nice clothes and turned his iPod on, placing his purple beats over his ears.

"She'll be estatic." Hoya smiled and walked the other way to the dress rehersal for the recital, picking up white roses and a small teddy bear along the way. 

Once he arrived, he immediately looked for his baby girl. The recital was starting in an hour. 

"Have you seen Hayoung?" Hoya tapped Namjoo on the shoulder. She turned around and a smile spread across her lips. 

"Hoya oppa!" She smiled. "Sorry, but I didn't see Hayoungie yet.."

"It's alright," He smiled. "She probably got caught up in something."

Anxiety filled his mind as the starting time neared. 

"Where is she?" He looked at his watch, uneasy. The clock read 6:51. 

Hayoung would never come this late. Dance was just too important to her. 

Hoya suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket and he pulled out his phone, sighing in relief. It was Hayoung. 

"Oh Hayoung! Where are y-"

"Hello?" An unrecognizable voice answered. 

"Who is this? Why do you have her phone." 

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm currently calling from the hospital. This was the only available number that was picking up."

His heart dropped. "WHERE IS SHE?! IS MY GIRLFRIEND OKAY?!"

"You should come to Seoul Hospital. I will explain everything there."

Without skipping a beat, he ran through the doors to the hospital. 

*No, no, no.* Hoya shook his head while he ran. It didn't matter to him that his legs were aching and his chest was on fire. He reached Seoul Hospital in 5 minutes. 


"Third floor second room." The doctor said. Without a word of thanks, Hoya ran up the stairs to the room. 

"WHERE IS SHE?!" He bursted through the room. Hoya looked around. The doctor had an unpleasant look on his face. His eyes traced to the bed covered in a white sheet. 

"No," Hoya walked over, numb. "No!"

"Oh Hayoung." The bracelet read. 

"How?! Why couldn't you save her?! Why?!" Hoya held the doctor's collar and shook him. "SHE HAS NO ONE!"

"A drunk driving accident. Someone hit her on the road and she passed away instantly." The doctor said with a hollow voice. "She lost too much blood. I'm sorry."

Hoya's stomach dropped and his heart stopped beating for what seemed like a year. 

"No." He whispered. "NO!"

Numb, he fell to the floor on his knees with explosive tears pouring from his eyes. 

"It's all my fault." Hoya clenched his jaw and his fist turned white from gripping onto the picture too tightly. Wiping his tears, he walked outside the church to breath in fresh air and get a grip on his emotions. Pushing through the door, he ran out, tears still running although he wiped them continuously. 

With covered eyes, he collided into a stranger. 

"Sorry.." He mumbled and bowed at the person he collided into. His eyes opened in realization. It was his maknae girlfriend. She was wearing the same white dress that she wore on their first date.

"Hayoung?" He whispered, his eyes turning as round as full moons. Instantly, he hugged her tightly. 

"Who are you?! Get off!" Hayoung threw his arms off her waist. She was scared, how did this guy know her name?

Hoya fell to the ground and rubbed his eyes. Hayoung was there. She was alive. Her black hair long and shiny, her face as mature as always.

She gave him a strange look and walked into the chapel gripping her bible tightly. 

Time seemed to rewind, giving him a second chance to save Oh Hayoung's life. 

Hoya walked passed the studio. The windows in the back allowed him to see Hayoung dancing in there. He stopped to look and smiled. She twirled and danced with her heart and soul. His heart tugged with pride, although she no longer knew him. 

His eyes caught a glimpse of the newspaper.  

Tuesday January 17th, 2012: A drunk driver hits and kills dancer, Oh Hayoung. 

He looked at the newspaper, tore the article off, and put it in his coat pocket. 


Hayoung panted for breath as she turned the music off. She was at the studio for 6 hours practicing her routine over and over again. There wasn't much time until the dance recital and no room for error. She threw her long pink sweater over her light pink leotard and headed out. 

As she reached the stop light, it was already green, the time was running out. Hayoung put one foot on the road, but was pulled back by someone, her face buried into someone's chest.

She heard the car zooming past them and dried, she was just about to walk down that street. 

Hayoung pushed the person away and she looked up. It was him again. The one who scared her back in the chapel. 

"Are you okay?" Hoya cautiously asked.

She felt something stirring in her heart. It was a feeling of compassion, understanding, and she no longer felt strange around him.  

She nodded. "Thank you." She bowed. He gave her a half smile.

"Are you walking this way?" Hoya asked as he pressed the button again. She nodded. 

"I'm Lee Howon, but you can call me Hoya." He slightly smiled. 

"Oh Hayoung." She replied. 

*Your nickname is the Indian maknae princess, you're the tallest out of your friends, and you act more mature than most people your age. You love acting like giraffes and people get you and Yookyung confused occasionally. There's nothing I forgot about you, Hayoung. There's nothing I don't know about you.* He thought as he glimpsed at his girlfriend. 

"Do you live down here?" Hayoung pointed to the neighborhood as they reached the end of the road. Hoya nodded. 

"Just down there." Hoya looked up into the sky. 

"Alright then.." She smiled and waved. "Thank you and good night."

Hoya stood there as she walked back to her house. Hayoung was still the exact same. The way her left leg pointed inwards, the way she constantly played with her hair as she walked, and the way she always pulled her bag close to her when she walked. 

He found himself smiling as he watched her walk back to her house. At least they were a bit more friendly now, but getting her to love him again was the problem. 


Hayoung crossed January 17th off her calandar. 

"Only a few precious days left." She muttered. "I need to make this perfect,"


She poured coffee into her small cup as Hoya stared up into the ceiling. He returned to his senses and looked at Hayoung again. 

"I only like two sugar cubes in decaf coffee," She smiled

With the small tea spoon in his hand, he scooped two sugar cubes and put it into her coffee. She stared at him, quite suprised at the gesture. 

He smiled awkwardly and drank his coffee a bit to quickly, burning his mouth. 

She laughed slightly. "How did you know?"

He looked up at her.

"About the sugar?"

Hoya just awkwardly smiled again and continued to sip his coffee. 


Together, they walked in front of the chapel where they first met. They were on their way back from a picnic at the park. 

"Why are you carrying an umbrella?" Hayoung peered over him. "It doesn't look like it's going to rain.."

Hoya looked at his watch. "Exactly 3:28 p.m"

He opened the umbrella and the rain poured down on them. 

"Let's go," He smiled. "I don't want you getting sick,"


A red X covered the 19 on her calendar. 

Hoya stood out on the road where she died. 

He stared at the newspaper article. 

The walking signal flashed green and she stepped out onto the road. 

Darkness. Blood. Pain. 

He crumbled the newspaper article. 

"I won't let that happen to her,"


On their next date, they decided to go shopping in a small shop by Hayoung's house. 

Walking hand in hand, as an official couple, they happily enjoyed each other's company during the short walk. 

"Doesn't this look nice?" He layed a striped red sweater
over her chest. She smiled at his thoughtfulness. 

The two continued to look around until the jewelry caught Hoya's eye. He picked up a gold watch necklace and opened it. 

To remind me why I was given a second chance

He put it down quickly. 

"Let's go," He awkwardly looked away and walked towards the door. 

Hayoung picked the locket up and held it in her hands. An idea sparked in her head an she smiled at the thought. 


Another X crossed over the 22.

He watched her routine as she danced gracefully in the studio. A smile lit up his face, reflecting his pride to have Hayoung as his girlfriend.

Suddenly, images of him holding her funeral picture filled his mind and his expression immediately faded to horror. 

Hayoung didn't seem to notice though and she continued to smile at him. 

Hoya excused himself from the studio and Hayoung thought of it as the perfect time to give him the watch he seemed to be interested in. She put the watch in his pocket, but felt something rubbing against her hand. Hayoung pulled out a newspaper article and read it, her mind and expression completely changing. 

Hoya came back from the restroom, seeing Hayoung holding the newspaper in disbelief. 

"What is this?" She breathed. "Are you a stalker?"

"That day I met you at the church.." He paused. "It was your funeral,"

"My funeral?" Hayoung scoffed. She grabbed his stuff and shoved it into his stomach. 

"Can you skip that recital?" He pleaded. 

"Please get out," She asked. 

"You'll die if you do go!" He tried. 

"I told you to leave," She said firmly. 

He painfully removed himself from her sight as he tried to think of a way to save her life. 


An X on the 23. 

Hoya ran out of his apartment, sprinting as fast as possible to find Hayoung. 

"Can you just skip it for once?" 

His voice replayed in her head. She shook it off as she looked at the poster. 

"Nothing bad is going to happen," She reassured herself. Hayoung put her headbuds in her head and headed towards the recital. 

Hayoung stepped onto the sidewalk and the light flashed green. Her eyes caught the green signal and she walked across the road. 

Hoya caught up to the road, but it was too late, the car was headed, full speed, to her. 

"Hayoung!" He yelled and ran in front of thr car, just as she barely managed to escape.

In the last second of life, all he cared about was Hayoung getting past the car. 

Darkness. Pain. Blood. 

He smashed into the window and slammed to the ground, knocking him unconscious, and bloody, to the floor. The watch knocked out of his hand onto the street. 

Hayoung heard tires screeching and she turned around. Her eyes widened and she threw away her ear buds and dropped her bag to the floor.

She instantly went patted Hoya's face for any sign of life, movement, breath. 

Tears exploded into her eyes as she continued to hit his face, desperate for movement. 

"Help!" She cried. "Someone help!" 

Her eyes turned into rivers once she realized that there was no movement from him. She picked up the watch next to her and gripped it tightly. 

"Yah!" She yelled. "Wake up!"

She hit his face again. 
No movement. No response. 

"Lee Howon, wake up!" She screamed and continued to hold his face. 

Heart wrenching sobs filled the air as Hayoung came to understand that Lee Howon was no longer with him. 


Hayoung looked at the newspaper the day after the death of her loved one. 

The past title dissolved into thin air and replaced itself with a new title about the recital, that Hayoung did not care for. 

Tears managed to find their way out of her eyes as she gripped the locket tightly.

"I'm a fool that can't live without you, what do you want me to do?"


I hope you enjoy^^

♡, xStarLightx 

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i need more PinkFinite fics T.T
Chapter 33: please update soonnnn
temonijji #3
Chapter 7: "I'm making babies with Naeun..." haha LOL xD
Chapter 3: These stories are awesome!!! Kyaa~
Do you have any idea how much I squealed? Especially with MyungEun. You're right, they are just..Ship-pable? lol, making up words now are we? LOL

Update soon! Kyaa, fluff overload!
Chapter 7: omgomgomg just found this and omg cuteness overload myungeun ♥♥♥♥
SooJunior #7
Chapter 20: Your stories are so sweet !! Hwaiting !! Pinkfinite <3 WooRong MyungEun YeolKyung
Chapter 22: The.Best.OneShot.Of.Pinkfinite I told you =D
Chapter 20: Im dying lol xD cuteness overload xD I really hope that Woorong is real :|
Chapter 17: Aaahhh. This chap is so sad :'( bit daebak tho