Blink: The Reality


Hi there! Welcome to the Genetics/Biology Lab! I'm a Gen/Bio Engineer. I engineer living tissues and organs from scratch, using embryotic cells that have been saved over many, many generations. I also focus on DNA and pick out the best combinations and strands. It's important to make sure there are no mutations in the DNA of a new tissue I'm growing, so I keep a close eye on my projects to ensure success. I'm detail-oriented and hard to distract, but don't let that scare you away! I'm actually really freindly.


How's it going? I'm a Medical Student, Medical Stud for short, and I make sure everyone is safe and healthy. I work closely with the Gen/Bio Engineers to make sure their projects are as healthy as possible and can function as they should. Everyone knows we're the coolest on campus, so you should pick up a beer and join us at the pool table!


Hello. I'm a Programmer. I spend most of my time in the digital world, putting together code and making something out of it. I can create entire worlds with ease and anything else I can think up. I focus on complex coding and what it requires to create a perfect human being. I work closely with Gen/Bio Engineers and Medical Students to make my dreams a reality. I can be a little spacey at times, and sometimes a little too focus, but I'm always up for a movie in the Common Room.



I am a Program, created in the digital world by a skilled Programmer, and brought to physical being through the combined efforts of the Gen/Bio Engineers and Medical Students. I'm a little clueless about today's world and I'm a little shy. That doesn't mean I can't be the life of the party, but I perfer to read books and soak up as much information as I can. I'll see you around!


This is the second installement of the Blink Triology. To begin reading the first, click on this link

If the link doesn't work for you, go into my stories and click on Blink: The Program.

Thank you for checking this story out!



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