The Shelter

Exo's New Hybrid

The cold had completely envoloped my body by now. The soft snow had became packed underneath my small body. I could feel myself weakening. My eyes had already begun to go blurry. It was now that I noticed a form slightly far away. 'My saving grace' I thought. 'Hopefully they will be nice.' It was now that the entire world went into darkness.

--------------------time lapse----------------------

I slowly awoke to warmth and light. Something that my body had seldom been exposed to in that basement. I went to try and stretch my arms,like a cat, when I noticed that my arms had been strapped to the chair I had been placed in. Upon further inspection, I had noticed it was not a normal wooden chair, but instead one with blue cushions and made out of metal. It had a rest for my head, and looked as if it could lean back. There was a small light that shined above me. Quickly checking my surroundings I found a man in a blue coat. I was becoming afraid. Being strapped down in a place that I did not know, with a man I had never seen before. I had started to quietly hiss  before I had even noticed. "Oh no, don't be afraid." The small man said with a smile. "I'm just trying to see what kind of hybrid you are." "I'm going to take some blood, okay." He continued to run me through the things he was doing while he put a sharp thing in my arm. When he pulled up on part of the sharp thing I could see scarlet liquid quickly filling it. "Wow, look at you, you are so well behaved." He continued to talk about how well I was and how no other hybrids had ever acted as calm. My old master used to hurt me with sharp things, so I guess I had gotten used to it. Except this one didn't hurt much, more like a slight pinch. I was pulled out of my own thoughts by the man's soothing voice. "Okay, we are now going to take you to your cage." He quickly unstrapped me from the weird looking chair and took me into a hallway. It was here that I noticed large cages lined the walls. Each one holding a different type of hybrid. There were cat hybrids, like me, dogs, rabbits, bird, reptiles, and many more exotic hybrids. He led me farther down to an empty cage, "Here we are. We can tell that you are a cat hybrid, so we have some small cat toys for you. Hopefully you will get bought soon." He closed the door after, and bid me a small wave. 

It was here that I sat and observed everything around me. A small cute bunny hybrid set across from me, her nose was twitching and her big ears flopped around while she munched on a carrot. Beside her set a bird hybrid who seemed to be preening his feather-like hair. It amazed me to see these other hybrids, as all my life I had either been with my family, or alone. 

I missed my family. It had been about 3 years since I had least seen them. My parents were probably so worried, but by now they had probably forgotten about me. A man had taken me away from my home in the U.S. and shipped me off to South Korea. I remember the reason to be was "She's rare. People spend good money on her." After the man had finally gotten me to Seoul, I was given to another person, my previous "master." He was the one who had kept me in his basement and kicked me out in the snow to die. I was just happy that I was gone from there. I was in a rescue shelter, and would hopefully be adopted to a nice family who would care for me. I just wanted some love again. That's all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi guys, hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm so excited to start this story. Also I have posted this onto wattpad and I post there first. So if you would rather read it there my user is Insomnia_Queen and the title is the same :) have a good day 

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kpopkoreaforever #1
Chapter 2: Hi ! I like the plot ^_^ I am looking forward to read the next chapter