

Woohyun has always wanted to know what it was like to fly. And when his life crosses paths with Sunggyu’s on one lazy afternoon in the streets of Seoul, he thinks that maybe this might be what it would feel like. Sunggyu is singing when Woohyun first sees him; a sweet, pretty song about falling in love and Woohyun swears it is the most beautiful thing he has ever heard.

He comes back every day after that and the boy with the beautiful voice is always there, singing a different song every time.

One day, Sunggyu catches Woohyun’s eye in the middle of a Lighters cover and smiles at him. Woohyun feels his breath hitch in his throat and he is sure his heart almost stops beating. It is also on this day that he learns that in addition to being a singer, Sunggyu is also a brilliant rapper. (Obvious lisp, aside. But that’s okay because Woohyun thinks it’s cute.)

“Hey,’ Sunggyu calls to Woohyun after he is finished with the song and has bowed in appreciation to his dispersing audience. Woohyun halts in his steps and turns to face Sunggyu, eyebrows raised in surprise and a warm bubble of what he deems to be anticipation in his chest.

“You’re here again.” Sunggyu gestures toward him with a small smile on his lips and it takes half a minute of awkward blinking on Woohyun’s part before he replies with a nod and a sheepish laugh. “So I am.”

Sunggyu grins at him, eyes disappearing into crescents (Woohyun wonders for a split second if Sunggyu’s vision is in any way impaired and then chastises himself because really, it’s not like his own eyes are that much bigger) and perfect teeth flashing. Woohyun thinks he will be on the floor, dying from a heart failure, if the hammering in his chest doesn’t slow down soon. “You’re an amazing singer.” He takes in a deep breath and opts to tell Sunggyu instead.

A pretty tinge of color dust Sunggyu’s cheeks when he hears the compliment and he laughs. “Thanks.” He says shyly and Woohyun feels an involuntary tug at the corners of his own mouth.



Two and a half months later and Woohyun finds himself shifting his feet nervously outside an entertainment company, waiting. Every time the glass, double doors open, he glances up, only to look away when it isn’t the face he wishes to see. He is half way through an unashamed yawn when the doors are pushed open again and a blur of leopard print (something Sunggyu has taken in his stride to wear ever since Woohyun admitted it to be his favorite color) fly in his direction and promptly knocking the wind out of him.

“I got in! I got in!” Sunggyu’s voice is loud in his ears, arms wound tightly around Woohyun’s middle and face buried in Woohyun’s dark hair. Woohyun chuckles and pulls Sunggyu away from him to be assaulted with a blinding smile. “Of course, didn’t I tell you, you were amazing?” He says smugly, hand slipping down to entwine their fingers together. Sunggyu blushes, muttering something inaudible under his breath and looking away even as his fingers curl instinctively around Woohyun’s.

Woohyun grins cheekily, leaning over and pressing his lips briefly to Sunggyu's. It isn't the first time and it is short but it is sweet and it tingles all the same.

The kiss results in a flustered Sunggyu who responds with a smack aimed halfheartedly at Woohyun’s arm and mumbled complaints about PDA and uncontrollable grease. Woohyun merely laughs, catching Sunggyu's flailing arms with ease and pulling him into a hug.

It’s not flying, Woohyun knows. His feet are still planted firmly on the ground but there’s a warm, floaty sort of feeling in his chest; a feeling he decides that he quite likes, a feeling he wants to last. It’s not flying, Woohyun knows, but it’s close enough.


Author's Note; When it comes to Woogyu, I think I'm pretty much incapable of everything but fluff. Ehe.

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705 streak #1
Chapter 1: so cute ❤️
Chapter 1: thats cute >w<~!!!
Chapter 1: Awwww super sweet and adorable!!!!
woosoogyu #4
It's a great story... Sweetie & fluffy.... ^_^
Lacyel #5
So fluffy but so great. Gave me a warm feeling
So nice I like it^^
So fluffy and adorable! (○'ω'○)<br />
I wanna squish them so hard!!!!