Only A Promise

A Fairy's Tale



“I’m sad; how come you never talk to me?” Jinki asked, tilting his head so that he could look the little girl in the eye. It was difficult though, as not only did she hide under a hat, but also under a cloth covering her face.

The girl turned away, and Jinki followed stubbornly. Luckily, soon after, he didn’t persist, and only took a seat right next to her, so that the both of them faced the wide lake before them.

“Did you know that the flowers told me stories?” Jinki asked, smiling so happy that even the little girl couldn’t resist a peek in his direction.

She shook her head; fascinated by the things he knew when the both of them were only 12.

He smiled again, even more brightly this time, and relayed a traditional fairytale that the flowers had whispered into his ears when he was playing by himself: the story of the Beauty and The Beast.

Surprisingly, the girl started crying. Jinki, absentminded, reached over to wipe away her tears. He felt the hardened scars on the edge of her eye, but he didn’t back away.

“Did I make you sad?” He asked as tears of his own slid down his chubby cheeks.

She looked at him, and wiped his own tear with her hand.

“If this story were true, I would be the beast.” She sobbed, unable to calm down. She brushed the tears away roughly, and pulled the scarf covering her face off, before also taking off her hat.  

He wasn’t stunned. He didn’t even look scared. All he did was look at her, and then place a small flower in her hand.

“How can you be the beast when you’re so pretty?” He asked, truly curious.

“Are you laughing at me?” She asked spitefully, pronouncing each word venomously. “Do you not see my scars?”

“I don’t think you’re ugly.” He said. “When I see people that are truly ugly from the heart outwards… I get goosebumps. Appearance makes nothing. Truly beautiful people smile with their heart, not with their faces. Besides, you’re the first friend I’ve made ever since I moved here to live with grandmother!”

She smiled, and this time, there was no cloth blocking her face.

“See, I can tell you’re pretty! My heart warms up when you smile too! Besides, how can you be the beast when you have to be my princess?”

Such an innocent statement, but it had become a childhood promise. He had meant it to be a game of prince and princess when they were so young, but there was no turning back. It was where these two were headed.

“I’m Jessica!” She had smiled, despite the scar she felt her smile pull at. She would never need the scarf and hat again, if only Jinki stayed by her side.

“Call me Onew, although my real name is Jinki…” He laughed, lying down on the grass so that he could see the blue sky above him.

“Onew…why Onew?”

“Well, I got the nickname because everybody knows I never argue back when Grandmother yells or hits me, so I people think I’m soft (Onew).” Onew laughed, standing up and trying to show off the few muscles he had.

Jessica laughed. Onew laughed. He had saved her from herself, and she knew that in turn, he had become her everything. 



“Jessica! What are you doing here?” Onew asked, looking confused as he rushed to her from his house.

“They’ve been laughing at me again, Onew! Come back to school, please! I can’t stand not having you there!” Jessica cried, swinging her legs over the pier near Onew’s house and kicking at the water.

For once, Onew looked at Jessica seriously.

“Jessica, it only hurts because you let it hurt. Stop hating yourself and you find yourself pitiful enough to be laughed at. As long asyou think you’re pretty and that I think you’re pretty… it’s all that matters.”

Jessica took Onew’s hand from where she sat and looked up at him, trying to block out the glaring sun behind him to look into his face. Even his face was more beautiful. His skin was pale white in the daylight, and his features were soft, but she suddenly realized that in his eyes, she didn’t see pity, but love and care.

He loved and cared for her.

Someone she thought was so perfect, so beautiful, told her that he would rather look at her than in a mirror. He made her promises, and he had always fulfilled them.

He finally lost the straight face and smiled at her brightly, and she wondered if the sun behind could compare.

Taking a seat next to her, he accidentally dropped his shoe in the water.

The two of them burst out laughing, and Jessica reached over to hug Onew. He patted her head, and whispered into her ears.

“Not everything’s about being pretty.”

Jessica sighed against his shoulders, and whispered to herself. “No, it’s all about you now.”

And they were only 14. 


Ehe... so sweet :P Another short intro to the characters!!! :D Actions begins the next chappie xXD


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CHiBiSaUR #1
omg, u are such a great writer i swear, please update soon! people should comment more on this >3>
CHiBiSaUR #2