The maze

The maze

The van had stopped and the door was opened. Instead of being lifted off their feet again, the men helped the boys down and removed the bags. The five boys were taken to a maze and they were outside it. A woman called them towards her and one of the men had to carry Jimin towards her because he was half awake. When Jimin could stand by himself, the woman started.

"The game you'll play is inside the maze. You could be stuck in the maze forever until you complete it. Each of you will see different paths and be able to walk different ways. So one of you might see one way and go that way whilst someone else might not see that way and will think you're walking through walls. The only way to see the exit is a kiss. The red dot on the paper you chose symbolised love in open space which means that your 'one' will also be in the maze and all you have to do is kiss him or her. You will know you kissed the right person if the ground turns red."

"Could we die here?"

"No. Every night the maze goes to lockdown so you won't be able to move but the lockdown walls will give you food and drink."

"What about bathrooms?"

"They are inside the walls of the maze but not easily shown."

"Invisible doors?"

"Hurry up and get in."

They were guided into the maze and then told to separate. Within the first minute, Jin had already walked into a dead end. There were footsteps from behind him so he didn't move and waited since the footsteps could get him out. A tall girl came around the corner and rushed towards Jin for a kiss. She must have been here for a while because she was sweaty and seemed really desperate to get out but unfortunately, she wasn't the right one.

[six hours later]
Jin hadn't seen anyone else in the maze so he was very disappointed when the maze went to lockdown. The moon was up and the food was given.

"This game is boring. I'm never going to get home at this rate."

"Who are you talking to?"

There was a boy on the other side of the lockdown wall.

"Ah~Jus-Just me."

"Well, I'm here so you can talk to me."

"I'm Jin."


The two spoke for hours, getting to know each other, playing little games, but the lockdown wall moved and both boys backs collided together.

"It's still night time. Why's it moved?"

Namjoon got the hint the wall gave him and kept the thought to the front of his mind. While Jin was panicking.

"What if one of the girls from my school is here? And she's trying to get me out? What if someone's here to hurt us?"

Namjoon pushed Jin's head onto his chest.

"You talk too much."

A/N I did it. Namjoon is now part of the story. Where I am it was roasting (not really but..yeah) today and yes... I know other places always have extremely hot heat but where I am it's never hot! It's either rainy or really windy. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it.

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