Review of this story! ^^

Before I die

Story's Title [ 5/5 Points]
OMG it is really sweet^^ it doesn't reveal too much of the story and make readers wonder if he will really die or not.

Story's Poster [ 6/10 Points]
Sadly there isn't any posters or graphics but I gave you points for at least making the effort to male it colourful!

Story's Description/Foreword [ 12/15 Points]
The letters for each others are really cute! They show how sweet the 2 of them are and how much they yearn for each other^^ though I minused points because you added in the summary that gave the story away:(

Story's Plot [ 24/25 Points]
It was really unique because very little people will let their favourite idols die. Most of them will make them somehow survive. I thought it would have been better if they didn't admit it in the end because then it would be even angst and also there's an unexpected twist at the end^^

Story's Flow [ 9/10 Points]
The flow was great! You did everything one by one so it wasn't messy though I think you could have dragged things a little longer so they could you know.. progress a little:)

Story's Grammar/Spelling [ 14/15 Points]
There were some wrong usage of words like "low tone" (there is no such thing) and a little punctuation error here and there. But on the whole, it was fine~

My Personal Opinion About The Story [ 17/20 Points]
It is a really unexpected story and I really enjoyed reading it:) HWAITING on other stories and I promise you, you will do well^^
Total: 87/100 Points


Credit to: Kpopstrawberry_mango & Junhyung_lover !!

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Chapter 1: I love it ... You make me cry ..oh my ...
senias #2
I hoped I wouldn't cry but I did it was sad but I lovedit
Awww.. so sad.. Wish your love still remain when L.Joe's goin' to heaven.. :(
sooooo sad :(<br />
#crying<br />
but sweet.. ChunJoe
bigbang15 #5
wahh! this really made me cry );
AznPride6767 #6
Omo! This story made me cry :'( so sweet and cute....I loved it and ChunJoe! ChunJoe hwaiting!!
ChunJoeLover #7
I didn't realise that i was crying while reading TwT<br />
So sad...