41 : Welcome Back Kim

you are my forever

Its finally the night of TJ Group annual dinner, but for this year the corporation has invited more outsider such as other business people/company

Jessica has been anxious ever since the day before. Taeyeon havent said anything about coming and she has been trying to contact her for the past few days but to no avail

but even so, Jessica still managed to hide her expression and keep calm in front of all guests and her parents

Tiffany, Sooyoung and Yuri helped her a lot by distracting the guests from talking so much to Jessica as Jessica couldnt really focus on anyone or listen properly 

Krystal and Sulli are staying close with Mr and Mrs Jung as they dont want the parents to go to Jessica by asking about Taeyeon which makes Jessica more nervous

Wendy is doing a good job to entertain some guests too while Irene stayed with Seulgi, Joy and Yeri as they are with Seohyun and Hyoyeon alongside Taeyeon's parents too

"its already late", Jessica mumbled and looked at the entrance door sadly

"do you think she give up on me? or maybe she felt pressure because of my dad?", Jessica asked Yuri

Yuri just smiled and shook her head

"im sure she will still fight for you. she loves you so much, remember?", Yuri replied

"but..", Jessica paused and looked at the entrance once again

"hey, dont worry too much. ok?"

Jessica sighed heavily and glanced at her parents

'what if dad really wont accept Taeyeon for me because Taeyeon couldnt come?', Jessica thought

"Sica, im gonna call Fany and Soo. wait here", Yuri said and went to find Tiffany and Sooyoung




"my girl is on fire", Seulgi said and smiled creepily at Joy

"red hair with hot black dress. ooooh so hot", Seulgi praised Joy again and again

Yeri rolled her eyes and Irene just giggled. Hyoyeon and Seohyun also laughed a bit

"what are you looking for, my lady?", Seulgi asked Joy

"some pretty girls", Joy replied

"why bother? the prettiest is already here", Seulgi said and pointed at herself

Joy looked at her in disgust which caused the rest to laugh harder

"imma go find a drink", Joy said and left

Seulgi pouted and looked at Irene helplessly

"what?", Irene asked chuckling

"why is she so hard to get", Seulgi said

"because she got a steel wall surrounding her heart, thats Joy for you", Yeri answered instead

"how can i make her like me back?", Seulgi asked

"keep doing what you've been doing, kid. who knows, one day her heart will move", Hyoyeon said while Yeri and Irene nodded in agreement




while Jessica alone, a familiar figure have approached

"finally. i get to meet you personally"

Jessica turned around and her face darken when she saw the familiar girl

"hello Jessica Jung"


"opps. my bad. let me introduce myself. my name is Seolhyun. im Taeyeon's girlfriend", Seolhyun said proudly and smirked at Jessica

"im sorry what?", Jessica raised her eyebrows

"oh. you dont have to hide it. i know that you two have broken up and it was because Taeyeon decide to go back with me. im sorry, but i really cant say no when Taeyeon want me back", Seolhyun said

people around them are well awared of the conversation now and they started to whisper and murmurs so it reached Jessica's friends and her family now



"Taeyeon? did she meant Kim Taeyeon? Kim heiress? wow"

"i never knew Jessica got into a love triangle"

"and Taeyeon chose that girl over Jessica? really?"

"maybe Jessica isnt perfect like how we think she is?"

"this girl, who is she? she must be someone great to be able to beat Jessica"


Seolhyun smirked hearing the comments from some whispers

"you got literally everything and everyone thought that your life is just perfect. but oh, you dont have a lover and is so lonely. pity you", Seolhyun mocked her

"i never meant to steal Taeyeon from you but i am her first love and its not my fault that she still loves me and chose to leave you for me", Seolhyun said with a fake sad smile and she felt satisfied as she feel great to see how down Jessica looks right now

"that really need to taste my slap", Tiffany growled and was about to interfere when someone caught Sooyoung's attention so Sooyoung hold Tiffany to make her stop

Jessica glanced around and feel uncomfortable with the stares from people around so she make a cold face and turning around to ignore Seolhyun

"ha. loser", Seolhyun laughed mockingly

Jessica tried to hold her anger but when she was about to walk away, someone already blocked her way

Jessica looked up with her tired face but then she got surprised as she see the face of the person she needed the most at the moment

"Tae", Jessica called Taeyeon's name in whisper

Taeyeon smiled and lifted her hand as she put her right palm on Jessica's left cheek gently

"hello there, my gorgeous girlfriend", Taeyeon greeted her sweetly and make sure saying it loud enough for people to hear

the guests gasped and whisperings are getting noisy after Taeyeon kissed Jessica's forehead

"im sorry, am i late?", Taeyeon said

"no, its fine", Jessica answered but her smile fade when she remembered Seolhyun and Taeyeon noticed that

so Taeyeon pulled Jessica gently by her waist and whispered "dont worry, you're my one and only" into Jessica's ear and it managed to assure Jessica's heart

after that, Taeyeon stepped forward a bit and stand beside Jessica to face Seolhyun properly. Jessica turned back around to see what'll happen

"Seolhyun, its nice to see you again", Taeyeon smiled at her and Seolhyun just give an awkward smile

Jessica then suddenly back to feel insecure when she saw how Taeyeon and Seolhyun smiled to each other so she turned around again and ready to leave

but Taeyeon caught Jessica's wrist so Jessica got stopped, Jessica looked at Taeyeon while Taeyeon keep her eyes on Seolhyun

"i dont know why you said that to Jessica when we never got back together in the first place", Taeyeon started to speak 

"the last time we talked and met were years ago. and now is the first time we saw each other again. so there is no way i got back with you", Taeyeon said

"yes you are my first love. you used to be the one for me. but it has changed now. it was a mistake that i got swayed by you while im with Jessica. but let me state it clearly to you now, you are just a part of my past", Taeyeon said

Taeyeon then pulled Jessica to her and wrapped her one hand around Jessica's waist

"Jessica Jung is the only woman who owned my heart now and forever. she is my present and will be the one who i want to spend the rest of my life with me. i dont love you anymore nor i want you back. my love is all Jessica's now, and she is more than enough for me. im content and blessed for having her", Taeyeon continued

"so Seolhyun, i'd appreciate it if you wont bother me anymore after this and with all due respect, please leave my girlfriend alone", Taeyeon added

Seolhyun's face turned red in embarrassment now as she heard people talked about her and some mocked her for faking the truth and dared to pick a fight with Jessica

"you heard her lady, dont dare to show your face in front of Jessi anymore after this", Tiffany came out of sudden and growled at Seolhyun

"leave the couple and dont even try to destroy what they have", Sooyoung warned

Seolhyun gritted her teeth and glared at both Tiffany and Sooyoung before she left the scene

Taeyeon released a relief sigh then turned to Jessica

"i love you", Taeyeon said sincerely

Jessica's heart beats beautifully and she smiled unconciously

"i love you too", Jessica replied

"ahem", Tiffany cleared

Taeyeon then bowed at Tiffany and Sooyoung

"hi", Taeyeon greeted them

"hi Taeyeon... sshi", Sooyoung said slowly while Tiffany just nodded

"you..", Tiffany pointed at Taeyeon and narrowed her eyes at her

"if you hurt Jessica again, i will hunt you down. do you understand?", Tiffany warned Taeyeon

Taeyeon nodded quickly

"guys", Jessica giggled


they all turned their attention to Hyoyeon now who is approaching with Taeyeon's parents. Taeyeon keep her blank face as she faced them

"Taeng", Hyoyeon hugged her

Taeyeon was hesitated at first but slowly, moved her hands to hug her back

"i.. how- when?", Hyoyeon got confused and looked at Jessica

"im sorry. i'll explain everything to you", Jessica replied

"Taeyeon ah", Taeyeon's mother called her name










Jessica POV



i saw how Taeyeon didnt expect that she'll be seeing her parents back again. she just give a polite bow to her parents without saying anything

"Taeyeon, please come back home", her mother said but Taeyeon didnt say anything just give a small smile

"i think its about time the event to start", Yuri suddenly said and i noticed how she shared eyes signal with Taeyeon

succeed with turning everyone attention, Taeyeon grabbed my hand and walked away from them all 

"where were you?", i asked her once we far away

"sorry. i really tried to find available flight to Seoul and settle down few things. i can make it due to Minho's help, he's here too with me but he stayed at the hotel we'd checked in", Taeyeon explained

"i thought that you've given up on me", i mumbled lowly

"that would be stupid of me", Taeyeon replied

"im glad i came right on time. how come that she's invited here?", Taeyeon asked me

"i dont know", i shrugged my shoulders

"i love you, you know that right?", she asked me and i just nodded my head

"so next time if she appear again, please dont think that she is a threat or get insecure. she is no one to me. you are my everything Sica ah. i am deeply in love with only you", Taeyeon confessed and looked into my eyes

Taeyeon cupped my face and pecked my lips

"please trust me this time. when i say you got me, you got me. i aint gonna fall out of love with you", Taeyeon told me

i feel touched and hugged her as i buried my face on her chest. Taeyeon hugged me back and patted my head

"i love you, i love you so much. i will say it for millions more if that can assure you that i wont look at anyone else and will only love you", Taeyeon said

i smiled widely and tighten my hug on her

"just give me all your love, i want to feel your love. and keep telling me, that you'll stay and love me only. it'll make my heart to be at ease", i told her

"then i'll do it all for you, my love", Taeyeon replied sweetly

'i dont want to lose you, not again. im gonna hold onto you so tight. Taeyeon ah, i want to be selfish and be possessive of you. i cant, i cant go through my days without you anymore', i said in my mind

"dont leave me", i mumbled

"will never", she said




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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
Chapter 26: Glad finally taeng is back
Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 11 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 11 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho