28 : flirts

you are my forever

"i love your hot red hair but i love you more"


"you're brighter than the sun, so i think having you is enough to lighten up my day"


"hey, im broke because i throw away everything falling for you. so take me into your heart so i can live well"


"you are so beautiful, we're the perfect match because i am beautiful too"





Krystal who's leaned her body on Sulli was jawdropping watching Seulgi kept flirting with Joy in front of her

they went to the restaurant together to have lunch

Sulli who have her right arm wrapped around Krystal's shoulder just tried hard not to laugh. while Wendy and Yeri went to the restroom, Irene is just sitting beside Krystal but left one space which is for Wendy 

"Irene, why were you bestfriends with her again?", Krystal asked Irene and pointed at Seulgi

Irene looked at Seulgi with her blank face and shrugged her shoulders

"i dont even know", Irene answered with a sigh

"if i was your girlfriend, i'll never let you go. i'll spoil you like a princess. so dont say no and be mine?", Seulgi still flirting with Joy who's eyes on her phone all the time

Krystal and Irene scrunched their noses and looked at Seulgi in disbelief while Sulli just laughing, clearly enjoy a sight of a flirting Seulgi

"i swear im this near to kill your bestfriend Irene", Krystal hissed

"you have the honor to do so. please", Irene replied

"yes. please, i'll do anything for you if you kill this ert", Joy talked to Krystal

"heeeey! thats so mean of youuu", Seulgi pouted

"dont worry Seul. i'll help you", Sulli joked and earned a pinch on her waist from Krystal

"yah who's side are you?", Krystal asked while glaring at Sulli

"opps. sorry. im with you, princess Jung", Sulli grinned and pecked Krystal's lips

Irene smiled watching how sweet Sulli is with Krystal

"hey guys. so what did we miss?", Wendy asked as soon as she sat in between Krystal and Irene

"hi", Wendy smiled at Irene

"hi", Irene said back

Yeri then sat down beside Joy 

"why are you playing so hard to get? am i not beautiful enough for you to look at me?", Seulgi asked Joy

Yeri looked at Seulgi and Joy

"Yeri. would you show your charm and make this ert to like you instead?", Joy asked

"ugh. no thanks. please spare me. i dont want a creep to like me", Yeri responsed and shivered by the thought of Seulgi chasing after her

thus, it made Sulli to laugh harder hearing Yeri's comment

"thats what you missed", Irene told Wendy

"she's still flirting with Joy?", Wendy asked while chuckling and Irene nodded her head

"hey. im charming ok", Seulgi protested

"if you are, then Joy would already head over heels for you", Yeri replied casually

Seulgi pouted and crossed her arms. Wendy and Sulli just laughed at her. while the rest can only shook their head at Seulgi's behaviour

they came to get used to Seulgi's flirting towards Joy so they decided to just let them be and chatted with each other until their food has arrived

while eating, Wendy steal a glance at Irene. Wendy smiled secretly watching how Irene still looked flawless whatever she do and Krystal noticed that

"i realised how loving Wendy's stare at Irene. i wonder if you look at me like how Wendy look at Irene too", Krystal whispered to Sulli

Sulli raised her eyebrows at Krystal and glanced at Wenrene before she looked back at Krystal

"wanna know how did i look at you?", Sulli asked and Krystal nodded her head quickly

"count till 10 while looking into my eyes", Sulli said

"why?", Krystal asked tilting her head

"just do it baby", Sulli said

"ok", Krystal then started counting and stared at Sulli

Sulli smiled while she stared back at Krystal and quickly took out her phone to capture a picture of them

before she clicked to take a shot, Sulli leaned her face closer and give a gentle stare at Krystal

"..10", Krystal said

"done. now what?", Krystal asked

Sulli chuckled and pecked Krystal's cheek

"this is how i look at you", Sulli said and gave her phone to Krystal then resumed to eat again, leaving Krystal to look at the picture that she just took

Krystal smiled like a fool as she love the picture, she loves to see how Sulli's staring back at her with love

Krystal then give a kiss on Sulli's cheek as a reward. Sulli turned to face her and then smiled when Krystal smiled widely at her

"like it?", Sulli asked

"i love it!", Krystal giggled and kissed Sulli's lips this time





while at the other side,

Sooyoung is telling Yuri about Jessica's rejection

"dont be sad. there are still a lot of girls out there", Yuri said patting the back of Sooyoung

"but Sica is one gorgeous woman", Sooyoung pouted

"hahaha so you want a beautiful woman", Yuri raised her eyebrows

"of course! but i have to fall for her too. and so far, i only fall for Sica", Sooyoung said

"then try me. im beautiful, in addition to that, im hot too", Yuri said cooly

Sooyoung gasped and pushed Yuri slowly by her point finger

"so this is why you gave up so fast on Sica? because you changed your interest and fall for me instead? oh, im flattered but im sorry to say, you're just not my type", Sooyoung said and give a sad look at Yuri

Yuri then rolled her eyes and smacked the back head of Sooyoung

"ow!! what was that for?!", Sooyoung asked while hissing in pain

"for being so full of yourself. and for your information, i was just kidding pabo", Yuri said

"then you dont have to smack meeeeeee", Sooyoung whined

"i swear Soo, you are not cute at all so stop whining like a baby. besides, what are you two talking about?", Tiffany suddenly appeared out of nowhere

"nothing. we talked about nothing. i was just teasing her", Yuri winked. Yuri and Tiffany ignored Sooyoung who sulked even more after Tiffany said that she's not cute at all

"come on Yul. we got another client to deal with. bye Soo", Tiffany said, grabbing Yuri's arm before she dragged Yuri with her

"what about me???", Sooyoung asked

"go home and rest since you got no schedule!", Yuri yelled as they are far already

Sooyoung sighed 

"might as well mend my broken heart", Sooyoung said to herself

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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
Chapter 26: Glad finally taeng is back
Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 11 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 11 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho