24 : take it slow

you are my forever

Seulgi is standing in front of Wendy's passenger door, she is staring at the person inside who totally ignoring her

Wendy who just came out of the cafe, finally went towards her car and raised her eyebrows when she see Seulgi

"what are you doing standing here?", Wendy asked

"how could you lock my baby inside your car?", Seulgi asked instead

"uh what?", Wendy was confused

Seulgi sighed and pointed at the person inside Wendy's car

"my baby. how dare you to lock her in? poor her, my baby", Seulgi said 

Wendy rolled her eyes before she pushed Seulgi away to knock on her car's window which then was rolled down from the person inside

"what?", the person asked

"get out Joy", Wendy said

"why?", Joy asked

Wendy then opened the car's door and pulled Joy out

"here is your drink. and please, accompany this friend while im gone for an hour or two. ok? i'll come to pick you up later", Wendy said then pushed Joy to Seulgi before she closed the car door and got into the driver seat to just drove off immediately

"did she just leave me?!!!", Joy yelled

"dont worry beautiful. you have me to guide your way, let me show you the easy way to get into my heart. oh you should feel honor", Seulgi said

Joy turned to her with a frown

"your pick up lines are the worst", Joy said then walked away

"yeah? every girls fall for it though", Seulgi said and followed her

"sorry not sorry. i am not one of your every girls", Joy replied

"of course not. you are my one beautiful lady", Seulgi said happily

Joy then stopped walking and faced her again

"dont. call. me. like. that. and im not yours", Joy glared at her

"oh my, thats y glare", Seulgi said dreamily

Joy looked at her in disgust before she groaned frustratedly and walked away faster 

"h-hey! wait for me love!", Seulgi shouted and ran lightly to catch up with her








Wendy is going to Seulgi's place to meet Irene, but Irene doesnt know. Seulgi insisted that Wendy should come and talk to Irene soon, to clear up all the things between them

so Wendy went to meet Seulgi at a cafe to talk about Irene for a bit, Joy who got bored at home decided to follow Wendy only to know that Wendy's going to meet Seulgi first once they have arrived at the cafe

so Joy then want to stay inside the car to avoid Seulgi

now back to Wendy, when she has arrived at Seulgi's, her heart beats fast

"im just gonna talk to her. yeah. talk to her. fuh", Wendy rubbed her chest and took a deep breathe before she pressed the bell

after few seconds, she heard foot steps coming closer

"Seul, dont you bring yours key????"

Wendy froze on her spot as soon as the door has opened. Irene's figure came in sight, she is only wearing an extra size of white blouse with the two buttons at the bottom were s, the length was till Irene's thighs and Irene only wore a short shorts

added to that, Irene's hair is messy. a y kind of messy hair and she has a sleepy face with eyes closed, also a little bit of a pout of her lips which makes her look so adorable

"i was just about to sleep", Irene mumbled and opened the door wider before she moved to go back inside

Irene was still not awared of Wendy's appearance

"did you go shopping earlier?", Irene asked and yawned

Wendy gulped and just stepped inside then closed the door

"did you buy perfume? why do you smell like Wendy? its like her favorite perfume", Irene said and slumped herself on the couch

Wendy smiled silently as she heard Irene. afraid that Irene might fall asleep before she gets to talk, Wendy finally coughed to attract her attention

"umm.. its actually me", Wendy said

Irene's eyes shot open and she turned her head to Wendy instantly


"hi", Wendy greeted her awkwardly

"err, sorry for coming without your concern. but uhm, i.. i came to talk. i just want to know how are you doing", Wendy said and smiled a little

"oh btw, i heard from Seulgi that you umm.. misunderstood about me having a girlfriend. Joy and Yeri are actually my friends, i met them at New York", Wendy explained

'i dont know why was i in this situation!', Wendy screamed in her head

they stare at each other before irene approached wendy slowly


"dont you know?"


"i was stupid for letting you go. but you were stupid to leave just like that"


"you should have just slap me! yell at me! get mad at me but never let me go! do something, anything! so i wont slip away from your grasp!", Irene shouted


"but why.. why did you give up on me? why did you leave? i can take all the blame, harsh words or even a hit or a punch or whatever you want to do, just.. just never leave me even if i ask you to. you know that i dont mean what i said", Irene said and now she grabbed Wendy's collar 

"i thought you knew, that whatever i was saying that time wasnt true", Irene sobbed and hit Wendy's chest

"why did you leave me? dont you know how much i have missed you? im going crazy everyday crying for you", Irene finally burst out crying

Wendy was stunned and shocked for a minute before she finally wrapped her arms around Irene and hugged her

"im sorry. im so sorry for everything. im sorry. i dont know what to do to make you forgive me but im really sorry", Irene cried

Wendy sighed and tighten her hug on Irene as she let Irene cried her heart out

"shh. its ok, its ok. im not mad at you", Wendy whispered and rubbed Irene's back gently

"dont cry", Wendy said 

after few minutes, Irene finally calmed down from her cries and pulled away from Wendy to wipe off her tears

"im sorry", Irene mumbled

Wendy smiled and fixed Irene's hair

"stop saying sorry. you're forgiven from years ago", Wendy said

Irene pouted and looked up at Wendy with teary eyes

"why are you still being kind to me after everything i've done?", Irene asked

"because my heart love you more than i do", Wendy said and Irene tilted her head in confusion

"i dont want to love you anymore after the break up. you have hurt me badly. but my heart is very stubborn and is still loving you so strong", Wendy poured out all the honesty

Irene looked straight into Wendy's eyes and she feels that her heart was pounding so hard against her chest

"i.. i tried to forget you but i cant. i cant stop thinking about you. so.. since uhh, im back and you.. well, Seulgi told me that you are single too. im thinking of you know, to take you back if you want", Wendy confessed and bite down her lips nervously

"why? why do you still want me? i broke your heart", Irene asked and still cried a little

"thats why i want you back. please, fix my broken heart. can you? i need you in order to get my whole heart back", Wendy said sincerely

"but i dont want to hurt you anymore Wen-"

"call me like you always do", Wendy said cutting Irene off


"its.. not Wendy", Wendy cutted her off again


"Hyunnie ah, i miss you", Wendy said and hugged Irene gently

"i really miss you", Wendy whispered and a tear fell from her left eye

"i miss you too, Wan ah. i miss you so much Seungwan", Irene replied and her reply makes Wendy to sigh in relief

"i promise, this time around, i'll pay attention to you and never neglect you again. please", Wendy said

Irene then shook her head and pushed Wendy gently

"i cant"


"not because i dont love you. im sure you know my heart. i just.. give me some time? i still feel guilty and think that i dont deserve your love Wan ah. i just need some time to be sure that i wont hurt you again, to be sure that i deserve you", Irene said

"but i dont mind. i just need you back", Wendy said and caressed Irene's left cheek using her right palm

"and i do mind. i need you too, badly. but lets.. take it slow?", Irene asked

Wendy sighed before she finally nodded

"ok. take it slow. yeah"

Irene smiled for the first time now and Wendy swore she want to capture Irene's smile forever in her mind

"just.. i beg you, dont leave again. if i do something, you can punish me instead. ignore me, or scold me. just dont ever leave", Irene said

"no. of course no. i'll stay, this time im gonna stay. we'll take it slow, and we'll make it right this time. you're with me on this, right?", Wendy asked as she smiled lovingly at Irene

Irene smiled back and nodded

"wow. never knew it was this easy"

both Wendy and Irene were startled by Joy's voice

"when did you two come?", Wendy asked as she saw Joy and Seulgi

"doesnt matter. so, are you two.. like.. getting back together?", Joy asked

"uhh.. no. we.. will take baby steps to fix whats been broken before we.. want to become official again", Wendy answered on behalf of her and Irene. Irene nodded her head slowly as a gesture that she agreed with what Wendy was saying

"you see that? baby steps. why dont we follow that baby steps too? but if you want to be my girlfriend now and skip the baby steps part, thats ok with me too", Seulgi suddenly speaks to Joy

Irene raised her eyebrows and Wendy chuckled lowly

"your bestfriend. i think she likes my friend", Wendy told Irene

Irene widened her eyes and looked at Seulgi who is staring like a fool at Joy

"she said, its love at the first few minutes", Wendy added and shook her head as she remembered Seulgi's confession about Joy

"my bestfriend is crazy", Irene said

"and i agree with that. btw, im Joy", Joy approached Irene and offered a handshake which Irene took gladly

"im Irene"

"you're so pretty. no wonder Wendy wont look at any other girls at New York", Joy said

"yah yah yah. this isnt fair. Irene, you got your Wendy back. dont flirt with whats mine", Seulgi interrupted and broke their handshake

"wha- i dont flirt with her!", Irene defended herself

"and i told you that im not yours", Joy said to Seulgi

Seulgi gasped and clutched her chest

"i thought the moment i saw you, we were meant to be", Seulgi said

"the moment you saw me, my life become a  disaster", Joy said flatly

"a disaster? oh my god! did i make your world upside down? are you falling crazily in love with me too? awwww", Seulgi smiled widely and misunderstood by what Joy meant

"im out of here!", Joy throw her hands up frustratedly before she rushed to leave

"i'll take a cab and dont come home late Wendy! Irene nice to see you but im not done talking to you yet! for now, just byebye!", Joy said faster then slammed the door closed

"aww, my baby has left", Seulgi pouted and slumped her shoulders down


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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
Chapter 26: Glad finally taeng is back
Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 11 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 11 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho