10 : ....

you are my forever

It was friday night. Krystal went over to Hyoyeon's club alone. 

She put on her straight face and avoided bumping into anyone as she dont want anyone to find out who is she. 

She went to the bar right away and looked around, trying to find Hyoyeon. 


"oh. unnie. hi", Krystal waved and smiled at Hyoyeon

"follow me", Hyoyeon said so Krystal followed her to go to Hyoyeon's office

"have a seat Krys"

"thanks unnie"

"what do you want to drink?", Hyoyeon asked

"ah no need. i just want to ask a favor unnie"

Hyoyeon then sit beside Krystal at the couch

"ok. what is it?", Hyoyeon asked

"umm, its about Irene"

"huh?", Hyoyeon frowned then she sighed

"Krys, look. i know you're mad at her but i cant do this Krystal. i cant hurt Irene. Wendy has warned me to look out for Irene and i promised her already", Hyoyeon said

"wow. Wendy said that? she asked you that?"


"as expected, the kind Wendy. hmph. but unnie, thats not im here for and im not that mean ok", Krystal pouted

"oh? no? then what is it?", Hyoyeon asked again

"can you meet Irene and ask if she is single or not?"


"i really need to know"

"but why?? i cant. i only look after her from afar. thats Wendy's request so she wouldnt know that Wendy is asking someone to protect her silently", Hyoyeon said

"but unnie.. this is a favor from Jess unnie", Krystal said


"uh huh. she asked Sulli actually but Sulli cant find the answer so here i am.. asking you to help us"

"why dont you go ask her yourself then?"

"oh please. im Krystal Jung Soojung, i wont talk to her for as long as im still mad at her", Krystal huffed

Hyoyeon shook her head

'your pride is just too high', Hyoyeon thought


"come on unnie. who knows, this is for Wendy too. right?", Krystal pleaded

"fine. i'll see what i can do"

"nice! ok unnie i gotta go. call me directly once you know about her status arasso?"

"yeah yeah. anyway, did Sulli know you come here?"

Krystal tapped her chin before she grinned

"i forgot. dont tell her", Krystal whispered before she excused herself to leave

"aigoo. that kid", Hyoyeon chuckled






the next day, Hyoyeon waited at the bus stand where Irene usually go to wait for the bus stop to go to work

"Hyoyeon u-unnie?", Irene stuttered when she saw Hyoyeon

Hyoyeon sighed before she walked slowly to Irene

"are you late for work already?", Hyoyeon asked her

"no.. i still got half an hour"

"then can we have a coffee? i have something to ask"

Irene thought for few seconds. She looked at Hyoyeon who just stared at her

"ok", Irene muttered

they went to the nearest cafe there and choose the corner to sit by. they made order and didnt talk until their coffee has arrived

Hyoyeon thanked the waiter and waited till he left before she opened to speak

"so, lets just be fast.. since you only have less than 30 minutes now", Hyoyeon said

"yeah", Irene replied

"i heard that you got a boyfriend after you broke up with Wendy", Hyoyeon said straight forwardly

Irene gulped and hang her head down

"right?", Hyoyeon asked

"yes", Irene answered

"and you chose to accept him rather than giving Wendy a chance"


"was it really easy for you to fall out of love from Wendy? and move on just like that?", Hyoyeon asked


"do you even really love Wendy?"

"i do"

"you mean, you did?"

"no.. i do. i still do"

Hyoyeon raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms

"you still do?"

"yes", Irene bite her bottom lips and still looked down

"so basically, you are saying that you love two people at the same time? and you chose your boyfriend over Wendy because he is better than Wendy? was it?"

Irene frowned and shook her head slowly

"n-no.. it wasnt like that..", Irene said slowly

"well. explain yourself", Hyoyeon said

"i accepted him out of anger. i was too upset with less attention from Wendy. he was there filling in Wendy's place and always accompany me. so i.. i thought that i have feelings for him and decided to accept him even when i wasnt sure myself", Irene explained

"i never say that he is better than Wendy. i cant compared Wendy with anyone else. after a while, i realised that my decision was wrong and i regretted it after i found out Wendy was missing", Irene continued

"yeah. she left with her broken heart", Hyoyeon said coldly

"you can blame me", Irene mumbled 

"as much as i want to, and as much as i want to get mad at you, i cant. i cant even hate you Irene. do you want to know why? because a certain Wendy told me not to blame on you, not to hate you and not to hurt you. even if she get hurt so much because of you but she still doesnt allow you to get hurt back", Hyoyeon said

Irene slowly looked up at Hyoyeon to find if there is a hint of lies but no, Hyoyeon has telling her the truth

"and i cant believe that you.. live happily with your boyfriend when Wendy is somewhere far away trying to heal her hurting heart", Hyoyeon said in disappointment

"we broke up"

"yeah i know, thats the caused of Wendy's pain"

"no.. not me and her. we broke up, me and him"

"excuse me?"

"after realising that i cant love him. i decided to tell him that i cant be with him. so we broke up"


"i know im late. but.. i did try to find Wendy. i dont know how and im ashamed to come to her family to ask"

"you wouldnt get the answer from them. they know whats happening so obviously they are upset with you", Hyoyeon said

"i know", Irene said sadly

"so, you are single right now?", Hyoyeon asked

"yes", Irene answered

"i know where is Wendy and i keep contact with her", Hyoyeon said

Irene lifted her head up and smiled a little

"y-you know?", Irene asked hopefully

"yeah. but i wont tell you", Hyoyeon said

"oh", Irene's mood down again

'seriously. if you really love Wendy, why create a problem in the first place? aish', Hyoyeon thought

"no matter how much i want to tell you, i have promised her that i wont tell anyone where did she go with Jessica", Hyoyeon said

"its fine. i understand. its my fault anyway. maybe she dont want to see me ever again", Irene smiled sadly

"but.. can you tell her something for me?", Irene asked

"what?", Hyoyeon asked

Irene smiled and sighed softly

"tell her that im sorry. for everything. and i still love her. its ok if she wont say anything back. i just want her to know that", Irene said

"at least, i want her to know that im really sorry and i regretted what i've done", Irene added

Hyoyeon looked away

"yeah. i'll tell her", Hyoyeon said

Hyoyeon took out some cash and put it on the table

"here. you can take a cab to go to work. sorry for taking your time. and i'll pay the bills, dont worry", Hyoyeon said and stood up but before she could go, Irene called her attention again

"is she.. doing well?", Irene asked

"she's fine and healthy if thats what you want to know", Hyoyeon replied

Irene smiled and nodded her head

"thats good then. im glad", Irene whispered

Hyoyeon looked at her for few seconds before she finally left 

Irene stayed for a bit as she thought about Wendy

"im sorry", Irene mumbled to herself

she covered her face with her palms and finally let her tears rolled down on her cheeks

"im so sorry", Irene sobbed

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wansie #1
i miss this
Salwation #2
I hope you continue this story
Chapter 44: Poor Yerimie
Chapter 38: kkkkkk kkabyul always cracks me up lol, my favourite part is 'you're her king, your majesty' idk her face just flashed in my mind when she said that part
Chapter 26: Glad finally taeng is back
Chapter 25: Oh god... i'm tearing up while reading this chap ㅜㅜ
Chapter 20: Fighting Taeng!!
Chapter 18: I can already imagine their precious reaction when Tiff said she's Jess girlfriend. LOL. That's my fave part this chap, thanks auhor
Favebolous 11 streak #9
Chapter 51: Helli
Favebolous 11 streak #10
Chapter 43: Poor Minho