Fic 5: Grey

Sebaek Fic Fest! - Summer 2017

Prompt: Baek is a door to door salesman, Sehun invites him in

Written by: anonymous until the fic fest ends

Warnings: Mentions of cutting and blood

It had always been just sehun and his mother. At school he was always picked on for being a mommas boy. But he couldn't deny it. he loved when his mother tucked him in at night, when she would chase away the midnight ghosts hiding in the shadows by his closet door. Sehun had never met his father before. Only heard terrible stories about him from his mother that came with warnings. 'im telling you sehun if you ever see that man in your life time you cant let him touch us.' His mom would tell him in her older ages, when the hospital had put her on bed rest and Sehun was left to make her breakfast and comb her hair. "Of course mama If anyone tries to come near us I'll cut them to shreds
"Bright smile Baekhyun bright smile!" The young man chants to himself in an irritated tone. A door had just been slammed shut a mere few inches from cracking his nose, And although the air from the door swinging was nice, the pile of dog poop he set foot in while jumping back onto the persons lawn in shock. Wasn't so great. With tightly clenched teeth Baekhyun fights the urge to scream into the crisp morning air, quickly choosing to instead wipe the very huge and stinky glob of dog poop off into the grass underneath him. Baekhyun deems his shoe clear of the feces once he can clearly see the bottom sole of it. Quickly he straitens himself back up backs away from the icky mess he has now made on this persons lawn and heads over to repack his 'facial case,' as he calls it. Baekhyun hopes silently that the day would brighten from here on, having this been his first house of the day he couldn't wait to see what the others offered! Rolling his bag onto the clean concrete Baekhyun starts on to the next house.
With a little of a pep in his step Baekhyun lightly skips down the nice neighborhood, having just made a sale at his second house of the day he feels his mood brighten considerably. His black dress shoes eventually find themselves on the steps of a house not too far down from his previous sale. A flawless smile makes etches its way around his pearly whites as he leans towards the houses door before slightly touching the doorbell once. A few minutes pass and Baekhyun wonders if he should start heading on to the next door or try ringing the bell again. Just before his hand reaches for the bell again the front door swings open revealing a man in his pajamas wiping at his eyes furiously.
"What." The man asks still rubbing at his eyes to which Baekhyun sees to be a faded looking red, as if the man needs more than just 8 hours of sleep. He also notices that the man is incredibly tall, and Baekhyun tries not to let his smile falter as jitters run slightly throughout his body, Baekhyun had always had a thing for tall men. Shaking his head slightly Baekhyun clears his head, bright smile returning.
"Yes sir, would you be interested in trying some beauty products this morning, We have a new men's line in stock, I even have some samples with me would you like to try some products out sir?" Baekhyun asks with a questioning voice already bending down to attempt to his bag and take out a few products. 'hurry Baekhyun, show him the product before he gets the chance to refuse. 
"Ummm I'm not too sure..." the man's deep voice grumbles, sleep still evident as Baekhyun stands back up a small green glass jar in his hand, to which he quickly uncaps before dipping his finger into it. 'okay Baekhyun come on you need this sale or its ramen again tonight.' the young boy thinks to himself while walking even closer to the man, before his foot 'accidently' catches onto one of the wheels of his product bag and he has to use his free hand to steady himself on the man's shoulder, very wide shoulder might he add. 
"Ooops" Baekhyun mutters nose now nearly touching the mans chest he looks up with a shy smile batting his eyebrows flatteringly. He makes sure to slightly dap the mans cheek with the product before leaning back to recollect himself.
"I'm sorry sir..I got some of the product on you.." Baekhyun feigns a worried look as the mans eyes try to spot the dollop of cream now on his cheek.
"Oh its okay don't worry are you okay? you almost tripped there?" The man asks dryly while attempting to swipe off the cream on his face.
"Nononno!" Baekhyun almost shouts quickly scurrying towards the man again grabbing his hand that holds the cream he previously swept off.
"With this cream you have to rub it in a certain way or it will be helps prevent wrinkles and is supposed to lighten the skin as well.." Baekhyun rambles about the product in a whisper his lips only centimeters from the mans nose as he stands on his tiptoes to rub the product slowly into the mans cheek, making sure to ease the product on the mans fingers onto his as well before applying it to his other cheek.
"See! I can already see your skin brightening!" Baekhyun exclaims now pulling back to look at the man who now seems to have a curious air to his eyes.
"Sir?" Baekhyun asks lightly smiling faltering slightly as the mans face seems to inspect every aspect of his being, while his expression remains blank.
"Would you like to come in?" He asks suddenly no smile, no emotion, only a slither of hope in his dark eyes that makes Baekhyun throw the cream into his bag before zipping it up and walking himself into the man's house. Baekhyun should have turned around to see the morning sun, smell the fresh air, one last time. 
"wake up Baekhyunnie Mom made us breakfast"
"huh? Oh yeah sure..."
Baekhyun picked his body up from the bed with difficulty. Last night had been rough but at least sehun was here to help him.
"i was too rough last night so sorry.." Baekhyun could hear the sincerity in his voice as they headed to the kitchen where Sehun's mother sat at the table. 
It still took some effort but Baekhyun managed to sit down at the table without covering his nose in disgust.
"dig in! You have to replenish your energy Baek so eat quickly!"
Sehun spoke enthusiastically despite the darkness covering his eyes, Baekhyun felt so bad.
"thanks ma for cooking breakfast" sehun leaned down to peck the body's cheek. Baekhyun sat rigid food halfway eaten and cold, not wanting what would come next.
"Baekhyun? Aren't you going to thank mom for breakfast?" he looked at Baekhyun with furrowed eyebrows and almost hurt looking eyes.
"oh yes yes sorry I don't know what's wrong with me this morning.."
"are you still feeling bad from last night?"
"no sehun don't worry I'm fine"
But his body said otherwise as the cuts embedded into his body burned with each step he took towards the body.
"thank you for the breakfast it was wonderful." Baekhyun spoke softly leaning down slightly before ghosting his lips over the hollowed decaying skin of what sehun knew as his mother.
He doesn't know when he fell in love with sehun. Maybe it was the day he stepped into sehun's house. The man's eyes had flashed warning signs at Baekhyun but he came in anyway. 
Maybe it was during the Long nights that Baekhyun fell in love. The nights when sehun would cut into Baekhyun's flesh without an ounce of thought. Only the soft apologies etched into Baekhyuns memories as sehun hovered over him.
"would you like to come in?" 
Did Baekhyun regret entering the mans' home. Maybe? He's not quite sure. He feels stuck. He only wants to protect the man he loves as that same man destroys him without a thought in mind.
Baekhyun feels almost paralyzed, every inch of his body hurts. As he sits watching sehun quietly as he combs his mothers hair. Or what is left of it at least, his brush passes through the few strands softly as the head lolls from side to side from the slight pressure. Baekhyun glances at the corpse. He guesses that it'll only be a few more weeks before the gray skin of the women deteriorates completely and leaves sehun with nothing. What shall Baekhyun do then? Will he be in sehun's mothers place then?
"Se- more..I cant...I cant no more please..." Baekhyun's voice crackles immensely as he tries to wriggle as far away from the knife being held to his skin.
"Just once more.." Sehun speaks in a strangled voice, dry eyes red from staring for too long. It is times like this that Baekhyun questions his love. Its times like this when Baekhyun lay upon soaking bed sheets, body screaming at him to stop while his lover wants to continue on. Lover? Could Baekhyun even call it that. Had Sehun ever told him those special three words? Baekhyun cant remember. But he thinks he'll remember the feeling of the blade slicing quickly throughout his skin well enough. Remember the gleefully strained look Sehun would show as he sets his knife down finally. Watching in both relief and agony as Baekhyun's life hangs by a thread. It's times like these.
Maybe this was just sehun's way of loving.
Who was he?
Who had he been?
Baekhyun had locked himself in the bathroom not long after sehun left for work. Work. Baekhyun remembers he used to work too. Remembers the long nights of treating aching legs from walking door to door all day. Remembers meeting with his friends for a drink after work. Laughing smiling together, he wonders how his friends are doing now. Do they remember who Baekhyun used to be. Do they miss him at all? At this point he'd give anything to see them again. Give anything to hear their words of encouragement telling him to keep moving forward, to keep trying to find himself again. He'd give anything, because right now, all he can see is red, scars, gaping gashes, all he can see is the deteriorating body in front of him. Where does he go from here? Where is the Baekhyun he used to know so well. The happy go lucky Baekhyun that didn't go a day without smiling, loved everyone, wanted everyone In the world to be happy. He doesn't know. Because the person he sees right now isn't Baekhyun. This person Hasn't smiled in months, hasn't loved anyone but sehun and wishes everyone in the world could feel his pain. 
Scared. The emotion Baekhyun sees cross Sehun's eyes as looks at the set of bones in front of him. By now sehun's mother was nearing a state of dust. With no skin or bones left  sehun seemed to be confused as to what to do with her, almost angry when realizing that he would have to give her up eventually.
"What do I do Baek....she wont move...and when...when it try to pick her up she crumbles..." The boy sobs into Baekhyun shoulder and he tries to be consoling, tries not to wince at the added weight, tries not to picture himself dead, bones crumbling.
Scared. The emotion Baekhyun sees flash through the young boys eyes. Sehun had brought someone home. he told Baekhyun that night that he had found the boy on the side of the street, that he just looked so helpless and couldn't help but take him home. 
Jongdae. he found out the boys' name a few days later after sehun took off for work, leaving Baekhyun and the boy to sit silently at the cold kitchen table. By now Sehun had changed the boy into some of his own old clothes. The boy kept his head lowered most of the time but still seemed to be in shock every time he caught a glance at Baekhyun's limping body anywhere around the house, well he guesses he would be shocked as well. To see a skeleton limping around the house half alive with bloody clothes barely hanging onto his frail body.
"I want you too to become closer, ive noticed how quite you have become and I think it'll help to have  a friend hmm?" 
So Baekhyun tried his best. how could he not when Sehun's pleading eyes stabbed his memory constantly. 
The next morning Baekhyun awoke to Sehun already absent from the house and Jongdae already at the table attempting to eat breakfast. The boy still had quite a bit of meat on his bones but Baekhyun could still see the comparison from when the boy had first arrived. Baekhyun could also see the small blood splotch on the Jongdae's shirt, near his shoulder.
"Would you like to take a bath with me? Sehun always likes it better when he has a clean landscape to mark on?" Baekhyun tries his best to lighten the mood with a chuckle to his statement but the hollowness in his face wont allow for any brightness, and with the minimal energy he has its more like a small grunt rather than a chuckle.
"Okay.." Jongdae whispers quietly with shy eyes before putting his plate in the sink and walking over to Baekhyun. 
"will you scrub my back..?" Baekhyun asks before grabbing Jongdae's hand, he tries his best to liven up his expression maybe help jongdae relax a bit. but once again he struggles to push life into his nearly lifeless body.
Maybe Jongdae might just be that life. Baekhyun thinks as they sit in the bathtub for the seventh time that week, it had become somewhat of a small ritual for the two that they both hoped not to break. To the point that the two men found themselves staying in the cold water from around the time breakfast was over to when they could hear sehun arriving outside the front door in the evening. It helped to soothe the wounds greatly, espescially jongdae's who's gashes were getting bigger in size and quantity each night.     
 Baekhyun can still see the life inside of Jongdae. It glows brightly, at first blinding Baekhyun painfully but now pulling baekhyun in, Baekhyun thinks jongdae is beautiful. When he laughs, smiles, tells awful jokes, or just simply stays by Baekhyun's side in silence helping him through the pain.
"Will you brush my hair Baekhyun?" Jongdae asks with a smile to which Baekhyun nods weakly to. Jongdae steps out of the bathtub slowly before wrapping a towel and turning his back toward Baekhyun as he sits down on the toilet. 
"do you want me to part it?" Jongdae nods softly wet hair bouncing around as he does so.
"you have such pretty hair Jong-" Baekhyun pause his actions, he finds the brush going through Jongdae's hair a bit too quickly, wait maybe he should look again he finds a soft patch of Jongdae's hair resting in his hand. Let Baekhyun look once again and he can see Jongdae's head lulling from side to side unconsciously.
 "Wake up Baekhyun Jongdae's made breakfast!" Baekhyun freezes against the bed, he can feel his body beginning to shiver. can feel the tingle down his spine, the cold sweeping his bones. As Baekhyun sits down for breakfast that morning its even colder than usual. Maybe Jongdae forgot to reheat everything? Maybe he was too busy rotting away in the chair across from him as Sehun brushes every strand from his head unknowingly.
"Sehun ah do you love me?" Baekhyun asks weakly as Sehun finally retreats to bed having been putting Jongdae to sleep for the past half hour.
"I guess I could ask the same....If were being honest I have been spending  a lot of time with jongdae recently...." There are jitters in his voice and Baekhyun can feel them transfer into his bones as he watches Sehun grab his favorite knife from his night stand. It isn't long before he can feel a heavy weight above him and the tip of a knife pressed snugly to the side of his throat. 
"I love question about it." Baekhyun speaks briefly eyes staring into sehun's almost lazily, he always zones out from anxiety when Sehun wants to cut.
What do you love about me?" Sehun questions, leaning over further onto Baekhyun until their breathes are mingling. 
"deep down your a good person sehun." Baekhyun can feel the ghosting of lips on his shoulder blades more than the aching sting of the knife digging into the side of his neck.
"A little bit more...." Sehun presses one long kiss to the length of Baekhyun's neck before sitting up to stare down at him. 
"Perfect" A smile burns Baekhyun's vision before sehun bends down to swipe his lips across the wound. It isn't long before Sehun has Baekhyun's clothes thrown across the room and a face full of his blood.
"Come on Baekhyun I made breakfast for you..."
"Baekhyun I'm off to work see you tonight!"
"Oh no Baekhyun your hair keeps falling out! I think its the new shampoo I bought...."
"Baekhyun! Baekhyun...why wont you hold my hand while we sleep anymore..."
" you not love me anymore..."
"Baekhyun please don't leave cant leave me....not you too...."
"Baekhyun I love you."
"Baekhyun i miss you so much...." Sehun could feel himself reaching for his favorite blade before he could even realize. All he wanted to see was Baekhyun always, how could he have hurt the one he loved all this time without even realizing it. 
Maybe Baekhyun could hear Sehun's pleading from the place he currently resided, maybe where he was he could see Jongdae smiling again, could watch over his friends living their normal lives. Maybe he still loved sehun from where he was now, maybe they could be with each other for a while longer now. This time with no blood or knifes involved.

[Link for voting can be found in chapter 1]

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fics will be have to be done and submitted by the 13th so we'll start posting once they are in!


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Chapter 2: ❤
970 streak #2
This is a good story. Only Sehun's embrace can cure his sleepwalking!
970 streak #3
Chapter 11: This is a great love story, too.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love this fic!
970 streak #5
Chapter 3: This is a wholesome story of two persons starting a friendship. Ilike it.
970 streak #6
Chapter 13: I just got wind of this when I stumbled on one of alytse's fanfic. Too Compkicated for Drama brought me here. I've already read Yaksokhae Jullae. I love it.
I read Shake My Heart before. I wasn't aware that it was part of this ficfest.
Now, I want to make a list of my favorite Sebaek fanfics.
Thanks for organizing this ficfest. I hope you can organize one again esp now that Baek is enlisting.
Chapter 2: Oh god this Os too much to bare
O_O_Cheese #8
Chapter 2: oH mY
Chapter 5: omg can I have that ability too? so I can find someone whos for me. I love it! Jongdae as a supportive brother omo omo
Chogiwa69 #10
Chapter 7: Omggg i want a scene please author nim feed us