Fic 4: Shake My Heart

Sebaek Fic Fest! - Summer 2017

Prompt: Whenever Baekhyun touches someone’s hand, he can see how their relationship would go together.

Written by: anonymous until the fic fest ends



“I’ve…met someone else…I’m sorry, I don’t love you anymore.”




Baekhyun slowly lowered his hand, clutching onto the leftover change the cashier had just given him. The cashier looked at Baekhyun curiously, noticing the sudden look of depression covering his face.


“Are you all right?”


Baekhyun blinked a few times before he forced a smile, “…Yes, sorry. Have a nice day.”


Baekhyun quickly tucked the change into his pocket and grabbed his drink, avoiding looking at the cashier again.


“You too.” The young man answered before Baekhyun quickly scurried off into the nearby bathroom.


Baekhyun slowly closed the door and clutched onto his drink as he leaned against the wall. He trembled a little, trying his best to fight the deep pain growing inside his chest.


Ever since Baekhyun was young, he possessed the unique ability to see his compatibility with others. When his hand made contact with someone else’s, Baekhyun would see a vision in his mind of how the relationship would end if he had chosen to be with that person. It wasn’t just a vision however, it was an experience, Baekhyun could feel the emotions that person elicited in him.


Sometimes it would end before it had even started, if there was just no way Baekhyun would ever choose to be with them. The vision he would see would be unrelated to romance, their relationship never becoming anything more than friends or acquaintances. 


Sometimes he would see a future where he decided to stay with that person and get married. However, Baekhyun had yet to find someone that made him feel overflowing emotions of love and joy. It was usually a negative vision, showing him the point in their marriage when Baekhyun realized he could have been happier.


Baekhyun was convinced his power was resolute on making sure Baekhyun understood he could find someone better. And so, having this power had caused Baekhyun to become picky. He wasn’t content with just an ordinary relationship. He wanted to find the person who made him happiest of all, the person that invoked the spark of life into him that he desired. The person his special ability was trying to help him find.


Unfortunately, for his young age he had already seen a lifetime of failed relationships. He had often wondered how many hands he had shaken in the course of his life. He experienced the way a broken heart felt many times. It was strange, having no actual attachment to the person, and yet the heartbreak was so real. Luckily he had never met someone that made him feel the true depths of heartbreak. The attachment hadn’t been strong enough to shock him that badly.


Still, Baekhyun grew weary of touching people’s hands. His association with it had been paired too strongly with pain. He made a vow to himself never to touch anyone’s hands unless it was absolutely necessary. However, the question always remained in his mind, what if they were the one he had been looking for?


No matter how much Baekhyun wanted to avoid touching someone’s hand, there were times when it was necessary, or occasional accidents.


Baekhyun had no memories of the person working at the cash register, he didn’t even know their name. At this point he didn’t even remember their face. He was just left with the pain. The sorrow of losing someone close to him, of being rejected.


When Baekhyun returned home, he shut himself up in his room, silently crying to himself to ease the pain he shouldn’t even be experiencing. He was starting to lose hope. Maybe it was him? Maybe he was a terrible boyfriend? Maybe the reason things never worked out in his visions was because he was always looking for something better. Maybe he would never find someone.


Baekhyun made up his mind. His unique power was not a gift at all, it was a curse.


After a few hours Baekhyun forced himself out of bed. He hated feeling this way, and knew sulking in his room wasn’t going to gain him anything. He was actually a very happy person, and usually acted lively and cheerful when he didn’t have to deal with one of these horrible incidents.


He left his room to go downstairs into the kitchen, he was rather hungry after being in his room all day. He suddenly heard his brother Jongdae’s voice coming from the kitchen, and he heard a deep voice answer him. Baekhyun wasn’t familiar with this voice. He entered the kitchen and spotted Jongdae sitting down at the table, tons of papers and books spread in front of him. Sitting across from him was another young man, his head was lowered as he was reading one of the books.


Baekhyun only spent a moment looking at them before making his way to the refrigerator, he figured they were doing some assignment together. Jongdae was in college and had a lot more homework than he did.


They hardly reacted once they realized Baekhyun was in the kitchen with them. Jongdae only looked up at Baekhyun for a moment as he started to reheat some food. Baekhyun ate at the counter as he watched them silently work together, it seemed like they were rather stressed.


Baekhyun grabbed two sodas from the refrigerator and placed them on the table, finally earning him their full attention.


“Big test coming up?” Baekhyun asked as he stared at his brother.


Jongdae sighed, “Yeah…”


Baekhyun looked over at his brother’s friend whose face was finally unburied from the book in front of him. Baekhyun blushed at his handsome appearance, he looked like he could have been a model. His dark eyes stared up at Baekhyun, making him feel nervous.


Jongdae smiled as he reached for his soda, “This is my little brother Baekhyun.”


“Oh Sehun.” Sehun spoke politely as he reached out his hand towards Baekhyun.


Baekhyun hesitated, he didn’t want to be rude, but he really wasn’t in the mood to touch anyone’s hand right now.


“Baekhyun is kind of a germaphobe.” Jongdae quickly explained, understanding Baekhyun’s condition.


Sehun lowered his hand, “Oh, ok.”


“It’s nice to meet you.” Baekhyun smiled, trying to recover from the awkward situation.


Sehun nodded in response as he grabbed the soda and held it up, “Thanks.”


“You’re welcome.”


Baekhyun lingered for only a short moment more before he walked off and made his way back upstairs. Jongdae began working again and Sehun watched Baekhyun as he left, taking a sip from his drink.


“Was he all right?”




“His eyes were all red, it looked like he had been crying.”


Jongdae coughed a little, acting suspicious as he continued writing on his paper, “Oh…yeah…He’s going through a rough time right now.”







“Come on Baekhyun, why not just try dating me for a while?” Chanyeol asked as they sat eating lunch together at a restaurant with all their friends.


“You know why.” Baekhyun answered as he sipped on his straw.


“So what if we won’t be the happiest married couple ever? We can still have fun dating while we’re young. Not all dating has to end in marriage you know.”


“Why beat myself up if I know it isn’t going to work out?” Baekhyun answered with a question as he glared at him.


“For the experience.” Chanyeol sighed, “We’re only teenagers.”


“Look, I just think differently than you.” Baekhyun took a small bite of his food and swallowed it, “I want to wait.”


“But you don’t even touch anyone’s hand anymore. You’re never going to find someone.”


Baekhyun played with his food for a moment, staring at it with a somber expression. Yixing nudged Chanyeol and shook his head, suggesting that he should leave him alone.






Baekhyun opened his door and stepped inside, followed by his friends. It was already rather loud inside the house, it seemed like his brother had his friends over as well. As they walked past the living room, Baekhyun could hear that the TV was on.


Baekhyun and his friends made their way upstairs into his room and got comfortable sitting on the floor. They took out their phones and independently entertained themselves, speaking to each other occasionally to show something they had found.


Eventually Baekhyun got up and made his way over to the door, “I’ll be right back.”


“Ok.” His friends unenthusiastically answered, barely paying attention as they continued to look at their phones.


Baekhyun walked across the hallway to get to the bathroom, but the door was closed. He leaned himself against the wall as he waited. It didn’t take long before he heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on as they washed their hands. The door opened and Baekhyun pushed himself off the wall.


“Oh, sorry.” Sehun responded once he spotted Baekhyun.


“It’s fine.” Baekhyun smiled, recognizing his handsome face from the other day.


Sehun walked around him, towering over the younger with his tall stature. Baekhyun stepped forward into the bathroom and slowly closed the door behind him.


As Baekhyun went over to the sink to wash his hands, he realized that Sehun had forgotten his phone on the counter. It was a much newer phone than Baekhyun had, larger in size and more carefully taken care of. When Baekhyun grabbed it, the screen automatically flashed on for a moment, showing a generic wallpaper that probably came with the phone. Baekhyun took it with him as he made his way downstairs, holding it tightly to make sure he didn’t drop it.


He peeked into the living room and spotted Sehun standing and talking to someone he didn’t recognize. Not that he recognized anyone else besides Sehun, Baekhyun hardly ever paid attention to Jongdae’s friends.


Baekhyun lingered by the doorway for a long while, hesitating nervously as he watched Sehun. He didn’t care about walking through Jongdae’s group of friends, but the idea of actually approaching one of them made him feel a little uncomfortable. He would have brought the phone over to Jongdae, but he was busy kissing his girlfriend, and that would have been more awkward to deal with.


Eventually He slowly walked into the room, remaining unnoticed by his older brother’s friends.


“Excuse me.” Baekhyun’s small voice tried to break the conversation Sehun was having.


Sehun turned his head and looked down at him, he stared at him curiously, confused why the younger was talking to him. Baekhyun extended his hand and held out the phone.


“You forgot this.”


Sehun’s eyes widened, quickly remembering where he had left it, “Thanks!”


He went to grab it from Baekhyun hastily, his large hands easily enveloping the small object. The tips of their fingers barely grazed each other as Sehun folded his hand down to grasp onto it.




Sehun wrapped his arms around Baekhyun’s body and squeezed him. A silver ring was clearly visible on his left ring finger. Baekhyun giggled and raised his hands to massage them through Sehun’s hair, his left ring finger also decorated in a silver band. They both leaned in to kiss each other a few times, romantic pecks placed in-between the small pauses they took to stare into each other’s eyes. Their love for each other was so easily communicated through their kisses and the way they looked at each other, there was no need for words.

“Want to go on a date with me tonight?” Sehun asked as he raised one of his hands to gently brush some of Baekhyun’s hair out of his face.

“With a stud like you? Of course.” Baekhyun smirked.




Sehun tried to pull the phone away, but Baekhyun was tightly grabbing onto it, their fingers still making slight contact. Baekhyun blinked a few times, slowly realizing he had lingered on the moment for an awkward amount of time. His face instantly turned bright red, staring across at Sehun. That vision was the most intimate he had ever experienced, the feeling of their kisses was still so fresh in his mind.


Baekhyun suddenly snapped his hand away from the phone, releasing it from his tight grasp. Sehun almost dropped the phone, unprepared for Baekhyun to let go.


“Sorry!” Baekhyun shouted as he turned around and quickly hurried out of the room.


Sehun watched him curiously, mystified by the way Baekhyun was acting. Jongdae stopped kissing his girlfriend once he heard Baekhyun’s voice and also watched as he ran away.


“What was that all about?” He asked as he looked over at Sehun.


“…I’m not sure.” Sehun slowly responded, still staring at the doorway that Baekhyun had disappeared through.


Baekhyun ran up the stairs and halted in the hallway, taking a few breaths of air as he leaned against the wall. He wasn’t ready to go back into his room yet and face his friends, he was too overwhelmed.


The visions prior to this one had always shown him how the relationship would end, or a time in their relationship when Baekhyun realized it wasn’t perfect, but this vision was nothing of the sort. The emotions Baekhyun felt towards Sehun were nothing less than pure love, he had enough experience in his life to realize that. It was the feeling he had been searching for.


Baekhyun was able to get his friends to leave early so he could be by himself in his room and try to calm his throbbing heart. He sat on his bed as he listened to the distant chatter coming from downstairs. His cheeks burned up whenever he caught the sound of Sehun’s voice. It only lasted for short moments, making a small reply to someone’s question, but it repeated in Baekhyun’s mind as if Sehun was the only one talking.


Eventually he heard them all start to leave, and Baekhyun crawled across his bed to look out his window. He was surprised to see how dark it had gotten outside, Baekhyun had lost track of time as he listened for the faint whispers of Sehun’s echoing voice.


Jongdae’s friends got inside their cars and the sound of their loud music boomed through the street as they turned them on. As they waved goodbye to Jongdae, Baekhyun continued searching for Sehun. He halted breathlessly once he finally spotted him, walking towards a motorcycle parked in front of their house. Sehun swung his long leg over the seat, looking even more modelesque to Baekhyun as he sat down on it. After pulling on a helmet, Sehun gripped onto the handle bars and revved the engine a little. Baekhyun blushed as he watched him speed off, his heart beating wildly inside his chest.


Baekhyun had never felt this way before, so giddy and nervous with infatuation. It was new for him, actually experiencing happiness in association with the word love, instead of the all too familiar feeling of heartbreak.


A stupid grin grew on his face, barely able to contain his delighted and excited emotions. He let out a sigh and fell back onto his bed, wondering when he would see Sehun again.






It felt like forever until Jongdae finally invited his friends over. Baekhyun had been anxiously waiting for it, always listening for the sound of a motorcycle to pull up to their house.


He was in the middle of doing some homework when his ears picked up the sound of Sehun’s loud engine. He threw down his pencil and jumped onto his bed to crawl over to his window, smashing his face against the glass to look outside.


Sehun parked his bike and placed his slender legs onto the ground. He pulled the helmet off his head, his dark hair falling back down onto his forehead as he took a breath of fresh air. Baekhyun bit his lip watching him, finding every movement Sehun made appealing. He felt his heart beating wildly again as he watched Sehun stand up off his bike and start making his way towards their door. He wondered how his brother managed to make friends with such a perfect man, and actually had the right to request Sehun’s presence to their home, instead of the countless other places he could be.


Baekhyun went downstairs and hid himself behind the wall as Jongdae’s friends began to gather in the living room around the TV. His breath halted when he spotted Sehun, walking slowly into the room with his hands buried in his pockets, his cold eyes looking around the room for a place to sit. 


Baekhyun remained hidden as he watched them all conversing with each other. He noticed how introverted Sehun was, he didn’t talk to anyone very much, he mostly reacted to the conversations other people were having. Baekhyun admired his warm smile and the way his eyes turned to crescents when he laughed. It was strange how quickly he could transform his appearance from intimidating to endearing.


At last, after a few hours of watching them, Sehun got up and went into the kitchen. Baekhyun rushed out of his hiding spot to follow him, he was waiting for this moment. He found Sehun opening the cabinets, it seemed like he was looking for something. Baekhyun slowly walked up to him, and Sehun turned, suddenly realizing he was there.


“Need something?” Baekhyun asked, his cheeks already flushed.


“Yeah, where are the water glasses?”


Baekhyun moved over to a different cabinet and stood on his tip toes to reach it. He pulled out a glass and brought it over to the sink, filling it with some water.


“Thanks.” Sehun responded as Baekhyun handed it to him.


Baekhyun smiled back at him, “You’re welcome.”


There was a short pause as they stared at each other. Baekhyun collected his thoughts in his mind, remembering what he wanted to say.


“Are you the same age as my brother?”


“No, I’m a little younger. I’m twenty three.”


Baekhyun quickly calculated the math in his head, Sehun was six years older than him. 


“You’re in high school, right?”


“Yeah, I’m seventeen.”


Sehun nodded and took a sip of his water. He looked over into the living room and watched everyone conversing. He sighed, not feeling ready yet to go back into the other room. Baekhyun tilted his head, curious why Sehun looked upset.


“Something wrong?”


“Not really, I just don’t do well with large groups of people. There are a lot of people here I don’t know. I have to escape sometimes like this.”


Baekhyun his lips nervously, “Do you want to hang out with me? I was bored anyway. I have some video games in my room.”


Sehun turned to look at him, surprised by his offer. Baekhyun stared into his eyes, his expression looked so fragile. Sehun suddenly remembered what Jongdae had told him, that Baekhyun was going through a rough time. He wondered if Baekhyun was feeling lonely, if he just needed someone to talk to.




Sehun followed Baekhyun up to his room, and Baekhyun pressed his lips together trying to hide the large smile growing on his face. He went over to his small TV and turned it on, his hand shaking a little nervously. Sehun sat down on the floor next to him, placing his glass of water down. Baekhyun handed him a controller, not really paying attention while he was thinking about what game to put on. As Sehun grabbed it from him, their hands brushed against each other.




Baekhyun threw his head back and moaned as Sehun laid on top of him, pushing him harder down into the bed.




Baekhyun’s face quickly flushed with color. In a mere flash of a moment, his mind had been instantly tainted. He could feel it, he could feel everything. Baekhyun’s body started shaking a little in shock, it was so overwhelming to experience that all of a sudden like that.


“Are you ok?” Sehun asked with concern, noticing how Baekhyun was trembling. He wondered if Baekhyun was trying to prevent himself from crying.


“Yeah! Sorry, I was just thinking of what game to play.”


Sehun took a deep breath, feeling like he needed to say something, “Hey…Listen. High school is rough for everyone. It gets better. People are so judgmental at that age, but once you get older, no one cares anymore. In fact, it’s kind of hard to get anyone’s attention.”


Sehun raised his hand and patted his shoulder, “You seem like a good kid, don’t let anyone get to you.”


Baekhyun blushed at Sehun’s hand touching him and shyly turned his face to look over at him, “What makes you say that all of a sudden?”


“…Sorry, I know it’s none of my business…Jongdae just told me you’re going through a rough time right now.”


Baekhyun thought for a moment, curious why they were talking about him. He smiled a little, wondering if Sehun had asked about him.


“Thank you.”


Sehun lowered his hand and picked up his controller again, “So, what game are we playing?”


Baekhyun reached forward and grabbed a case, “Do you know this one?”


“Yeah, I’ve played it before.”


Baekhyun sat down more comfortably and they started to play together. He slowly scooted closer and closer to Sehun, until their knees were pressed up against each other. Sehun didn’t seem to notice, or care, but Baekhyun could feel that giddy sensation bubbling up inside him again, making him almost drunk with stupid happiness. He stared over at Sehun many times, missing the gameplay and losing a majority of the matches. Sehun laughed like he did before with his friends, and Baekhyun enjoyed watching his eyes scrunch up. 


Eventually the door opened and Jongdae stared down at them both in surprise, “There you are Sehun, I wasn’t expecting you to escape in here.”


Sehun paused the game and turned around, “Hey, sorry. He invited me to play some games.”


Jongdae laughed, “Yeah, so you'd rather hang out with my little brother?”


Sehun also laughed as he stood up and walked over to the door, “It was more fun, I have to admit.”


Jongdae shook his head and waved his hand, “Come on, we’re going to go out and get some food.”


Sehun turned back to look over at Baekhyun, “See you later.”


“…Bye.” Baekhyun waved a little as he spoke in a quiet voice.


Once Sehun and Jongdae started walking down the stairs, Jongdae whispered to him.


“…Did Baekhyun really invite you in there?”


“Yeah, sorry, I promise I wasn’t being weird. He seemed to be in a bad mood, I was trying to cheer him up.”


“Don’t worry, I know you Sehun, I trust you…It’s just odd for Baekhyun. He usually tries to avoid people.”




“…Yeah…” Jongdae went silent thinking for a moment, “…You didn’t happen to touch his hand, did you?”


Sehun looked at him strangely, “…Like on purpose?”


“No, even just an accident.”


Sehun tried to think back, “Oh, he has that germ problem, right? I mean, it might have happened on accident, but what does that have to do with anything?”


Jongdae went silent again and Sehun waited for an answer, but it didn’t seem like he was going to get one. Jongdae was getting very suspicious, Baekhyun had been acting more cheerful lately. A lot more cheerful.






Baekhyun walked down the street with his friends, aimlessly looking around for somewhere to go. He kept his hands in his pocket like usual, not wanting to accidentally rub them against someone as they walked past him. They popped inside a few stores, browsing through the stuff they had.


As they walked inside another store, Baekhyun immediately noticed the person stocking the shelves. Baekhyun smiled as he ran over to him, ditching his friends.


“Hi Sehun.”


Sehun turned to look at him, surprised to hear someone saying his name, “Oh, hey, it’s Baekhyun, right?”


Baekhyun smiled and nodded, happy to know that Sehun knew his name. Baekhyun’s friends came up behind him and stared at Sehun curiously, wondering how Baekhyun knew the older man. Jongin nudged Baekhyun and whispered to him.


“Who is this guy? Your crush or something?”


Baekhyun smacked his arm and glared at him, affirming Jongin’s suspicion. Yixing laughed as Sehun spoke to Baekhyun again.


“Are these guys your friends?”


Baekhyun smiled as he looked back over at Sehun, “Yeah.”


Jongin got Chanyeol and Yixing’s attention, signaling to them that they should leave Baekhyun alone. They all laughed silently before splitting apart and walking around the store, leaving Baekhyun with Sehun.


“How long are you working?” Baekhyun asked, desperate for anything to talk about.


“I get off in about an hour.” Sehun answered as he went back to putting things away on the shelf.


Baekhyun started to pick up a few items, trying to look busy as he stayed next to Sehun. Sehun watched him for a moment, realizing Baekhyun had decided to stay next to him instead of hanging out with his friends.


“Anything that you’re looking for?”


Baekhyun blushed as he abruptly placed a CD down, “…Actually, I have been wanting a new pair of headphones.”


“They’re over here.” Sehun answered as he stood up and started walking.


Baekhyun followed him down an aisle until they came upon the headphones. Sehun pointed at a pair amongst the large selection they had.


“I own these ones, they’re pretty good for the price. But if you’re looking for something a little higher quality, these ones are probably best.”


Baekhyun picked up the pair that Sehun owned, “Thanks.”


“No problem. Need anything else?”


“No, I’m ok.”


Sehun nodded and started to walk back to the place where he was loading the shelves. He stopped as he looked around for a minute.


“Where did your friends go?”


Baekhyun looked up from the headphones to search for them, “They’re not here?”


Sehun didn’t answer him, but started searching the store. Baekhyun walked down the aisles as well, confused why they would have left him. Baekhyun tried texting them, but they wouldn’t answer. Sehun returned to Baekhyun once he realized they were really gone, he felt bad for Baekhyun again, it seemed like they had ditched him.


“…I was suppose to go over to their house.” Baekhyun spoke quietly as he continued looking around.


“If you stay here for a while longer I can take you home.” Sehun answered.


Baekhyun looked up at Sehun and shook his head, “I can’t. Our parents are out of town. Jongdae asked me to leave so he could be alone at the house with his girlfriend.”


Sehun sighed, “….”


He looked over at the other person working there, “Just a second I’ll be right back!”


Sehun ran outside and looked up and down the street for any sign of Baekhyun’s friends. Baekhyun came to the door and peeked outside as well. Sehun sighed again as he came back inside.


“I’m sorry Baekhyun, I have to get back to work. You should just stay here, I’ll try and call Jongdae once I’m done.”


Baekhyun nodded and smiled at him, “Thanks.”


Baekhyun stayed close to Sehun as he continued working, smiling as he watched him. He wasn’t sure why his friends left, but he would have to thank them later.


Once Sehun’s shift was over he immediately reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He tried calling Jongdae but there was no answer. He decided to send Jongdae a text.


“This is important. It’s about your brother. He’s here with me.”


“Come on.” Sehun waved his hand towards Baekhyun as he started to leave the store. 


Baekhyun walked down the street with him, still smiling to himself. He spotted a few girls staring at Sehun, blushing and giggling to themselves as they walked past him. Baekhyun’s smile grew larger, feeling cocky that he was the one walking with Sehun.


He spotted Sehun’s bike and bit his lip, hoping his brother wouldn’t call back and offer to pick him up. He really wanted to ride that bike with Sehun. As they approached it Sehun’s phone started to ring, and Sehun quickly answered it. Baekhyun pouted as he watched him.


“Hey, what’s going on? What do you mean he’s there with you?” Jongdae’s asked in a very alarmed voice.


“He came to my store with his friends, but his friends suddenly left. Can I bring him back over to your house?”


“What? ….” There was a pause as Jongdae looked over at his girlfriend, “…Is it all right if he stays over at your place tonight?”




Jongdae began to quietly whisper, “Come on, just do me a favor…”


Sehun sighed, “…Fine.”


“Thanks, I owe you one. Sorry, I gotta go. Be careful driving on your bike, I’ll kill you if anything happens to him.”


“I’m always careful.”


“Yeah yeah, just be extra careful. I’ll come pick him up in the morning…or evening or something.”


Jongdae hung up and Sehun looked over at Baekhyun, “Sorry, you’re going to have to spend the night at my place.”


Baekhyun’s heart throbbed at those words, he swallowed nervously and nodded, “That’s fine. Thank you.”


“No problem.” Sehun smiled, “Here, put this on.”


Sehun grabbed his helmet and handed it to Baekhyun. Baekhyun grabbed it slowly with both his hands, Sehun could tell he looked nervous.


“Sorry, I promise I’ll drive slow.”


Baekhyun nodded, actually more nervous about sitting close to Sehun rather than riding a motorcycle. Sehun hopped onto the bike and looked over at Baekhyun. Baekhyun pulled on the helmet, it fell easily over his head, a little too big for his smaller size. Sehun laughed as it tilted to one side.


“Well, it’s better than nothing.” Sehun patted on the spot behind him, “Climb on.”


Baekhyun took a deep breath before lifting his small leg over the seat, climbing onto the bike behind Sehun. He slowly reached his hands forward, a mixture of nervous and excited emotions coming over him as he wrapped his arms around Sehun to hold onto him. Baekhyun melted against him, smiling inside his helmet as his hands gripped onto Sehun’s abs.


Sehun twisted the handles a few times before pulling out onto the street. He drove slowly liked he promised, carefully analyzing the traffic around him to make sure Baekhyun remained safe. Baekhyun snuggled against him as he watched the cars driving around them. He couldn’t help indulging himself in the fantasy that Sehun was his boyfriend. After all, he had fantasized this before, Sehun picking him up and driving off with him on his motorcycle to go on a date together.


Baekhyun was finally torn out of his fantasy once Sehun pulled up to his apartment and parked his bike. It was still warm out, even though it was pretty late, and the sound of crickets chirping could be heard now that the roar of Sehun’s engine had been silenced. Baekhyun reluctantly moved his hands and reached for his helmet, pulling it off. Sehun waited for Baekhyun to get off first before he stood up as well. As they were standing facing each other, Sehun took the helmet from Baekhyun as he stared down at him. There was a short moment of silence as Sehun brought the helmet close to his chest.


“You know, it’s kind of funny. You look nothing like Jongdae.”


Baekhyun smiled, “No, not really.”


Sehun spent a moment staring at him, for the first time he took a good look at Baekhyun’s face, fully analyzing his features. Baekhyun shyly looked away, unable to handle Sehun’s eyes staring at him.


“You’re so…adorable.” Sehun laughed, a little uncomfortable with his own words. He contemplated whether or not he should say it, but he felt like Baekhyun could probably use a little admiration.


Baekhyun blushed as he lowered his head, “…Thanks.”


“What, don’t tell me you don’t get that all the time?”


Baekhyun wiggled a little as he smiled, “I do.”


Sehun placed the helmet down and reached for his keys in his pocket, “Sorry, is it weird if I say it?”


Baekhyun quickly shook his head, “No.”


Sehun started to walk towards his door and Baekhyun followed him, the sound of crickets erupting from the bushes surrounding the concrete walkway. Baekhyun was practically overflowing with joy, the thought that Sehun found him adorable was enough to fuel his happiness for an entire week, maybe even a month.


They stood together at the door for a moment as Sehun placed his keys inside the lock. Baekhyun admired Sehun’s biceps as he unlocked the door, even the slight movement of turning the key making them flex a little. He wondered how the rest of Sehun’s body looked, and tried to get a peak inside his shirt through his collar as he stood on his tip toes. But he was cut off from getting any sight of it as Sehun suddenly stepped forward inside his apartment.


“Sorry, my place is kind of small. I don’t have a spare bed. Would you rather sleep on the couch or in my bed?”


Baekhyun only thought about it for a brief moment, “…Your bed.”


“Ok, I’ll go change the sheets.”


Sehun walked off into the bedroom and Baekhyun stayed by the door as he looked around at his apartment. Everything was so tidy, although it probably wasn’t hard to keep clean considering the small amount of things he owned.


“Are you hungry?” Sehun asked as he came back out with an armful of sheets and a pillow.


“No I’m ok.”


Sehun laid out the blankets for himself on the couch and adjusted it how he wanted. Baekhyun watched him silently, fiddling with his hands nervously, trying to think of something to say.


“Thanks for letting me stay here.”


“No problem. Do you need anything else?”


“No, I’ll be fine.”


Sehun slowly nodded and sat down onto the couch. Baekhyun hesitated for a moment before slowly sinking to sit down next to him. Sehun looked over at him in surprise, expecting him to make his way into the bedroom.


“…Can we talk?” Baekhyun asked quietly.


Sehun only looked at Baekhyun temporarily before staring down at his own lap. He wondered if Baekhyun ever really talked to anyone about his problems.


“Go ahead, I’ll listen.”


Baekhyun took a deep breath, “Not about anything really heavy…It’s just…I wanted some relationship advice…”


Sehun laughed a little, “Well then I don’t think I’m the best person to ask. You should talk to your brother.”


“…My brother likes girls…”


Sehun tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrows in surprise, realizing what Baekhyun was implying, “I see…”


“Are you interested in girls?” Baekhyun asked innocently, figuring he already knew the answer based on the visions he had seen.


Sehun cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head, “…No.”


Baekhyun smiled, happy to hear a confirmation from Sehun’s own mouth. He was starting to feel giddy again, this was the closest thing to flirting he had ever attempted to do.


“Are you dating anyone?” Baekhyun nervously pivoted his foot as he asked, looking up at Sehun with a bashful expression.


Sehun stared back into Baekhyun’s eyes and halted uncomfortably, noticing the affection pouring out of Baekhyun’s face. He recognized that innocent look, the bashful infatuation that only young people possessed. Baekhyun’s expression was so transparent to Sehun, he might as well have been confessing to him. It was obvious that Baekhyun had been harboring a crush on him for a little while now. 


Sehun’s first reaction was thinking Baekhyun’s crush on him was adorable, but that quickly melted away once he realized they were alone together at his apartment. It had suddenly transformed their situation into something Sehun wanted nothing to do with.


His plate was already full with his own problems, he couldn’t handle a teenager having a crush on him right now, especially a teenager who needed emotional support. He was scared of hurting Baekhyun, knowing it was the last thing he needed.


But what scared Sehun even more was a fleeting thought that flashed through his mind as Baekhyun stared at him so affectionately. Baekhyun was really cute…really really cute….and they both needed someone…If he allowed himself to, Sehun might actually go there. 


Immediately upon having the thought, Sehun was filled with horror, disturbed with his own weakness. He scooted away from Baekhyun, imagining Jongdae’s furious expression if he even laid a hand on his precious little brother.


“…I’m a little uncomfortable with this topic.”


“Oh…I’m sorry.” Baekhyun weakly answered, his face turning into a frown at the thought that Sehun might already be in a relationship at the moment.


Sehun could tell that was what Baekhyun was thinking, and realized he had just hurt his feelings. Without hesitation, Sehun responded with the words he knew would make Baekhyun feel better.


“I’m not dating anyone, but I think we should stop the discussion there.”


Baekhyun looked up at him and Sehun could see a secret smile in his eyes, his entire body language changed, wiggling a little with satisfaction, “Sorry I shouldn’t have asked.”


Sehun mentally slapped himself for encouraging Baekhyun again, he should have lied and told him he was dating someone, but he just hated to see Baekhyun upset.


“It’s fine, you can talk to me about something else if you want.”


Baekhyun shook his head, “No, it’s ok.”


“Are you sure?”


Baekhyun nodded, “Yeah.”


“We should go to bed, it’s late.” Sehun gulped, feeling his sanity slipping the longer Baekhyun stared at him with his puppy love eyes.


Baekhyun weakly smiled and stood up, “Ok, goodnight.”


Sehun sighed, “Goodnight.”


Baekhyun crawled into Sehun’s bed and smiled to himself as he snuggled into the fresh sheets. He took a picture of himself laying in Sehun’s bed and happily stared at his own photo. He only got up once in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, and spent a moment staring at Sehun sleeping on the couch. Sehun slept neatly, with his arms folded on top of his chest. Baekhyun smiled, admiring how perfect he was compared to his sloppy and sometimes obnoxious brother. He really didn’t understand how they became friends.






“All we want is some grandchildren before we get too old…It’s not like you’re not handsome Sehun. You’ve got to work on your shyness. I met a nice girl the other day-”


Sehun sighed and pulled his phone away from his ear as his mother continued yapping, not wanting to hear the same complaints for the millionth time. He blankly stared at his kitchen cabinets, trying to think about something else while she babbled on and on.


The thought of Baekhyun’s bashful expression entered his mind. Sehun almost laughed to himself, picturing telling his mother not only that he was gay, but that he was dating a teenager. That would shut her up. A kind of horrifying silence though, a kind that Sehun didn’t want to spend much more time thinking about. He couldn’t afford to make her angry like that, she was funding his tuition after all. No matter how much Sehun wanted to date someone, or tell his mother that he didn’t like girls, now was not the time. He couldn’t risk it.


“Sehun? Sehun are you even listening to me?”


Sehun quickly returned his phone to his face, “Of course. Look, Mom, I’m not interested in dating someone right now. I’m too busy with school.”


“Don’t be ridiculous, we both know that’s a lie. Your grades are fine, you can have fun every now and then and date a nice decent girl who won’t distract you too much. Now is the perfect time to meet someone, when I was your age-”


Sehun pulled the phone away from his face again, recognizing the beginning of another long rant. He put the phone down on the counter as he grabbed a bowl from the shelves. He quietly filled it with some cereal, he could still hear the sound of his mother’s voice going off about how she met his father.


Sehun really did love his mother, and never wanted to disappoint her. He was dreading the day he would finally tell her the big news. His family was rather wealthy, and Sehun was a constant topic amongst her friends, how proud she was of Sehun and what a handsome man he had become.


Sehun stayed awake some nights trying to think of the best way to tell her. He even had a few notes written on his phone, different ideas for speeches he would give her. Still, he wasn’t satisfied yet. There were no words to combat the horrifying feeling in his gut.


His parents were both rather old, much older than all his friend’s parents. He felt guilty that he wouldn’t be able to give them the grandchildren they both wanted. No matter how many times he imagined it, he only saw a disappointed look on his mother’s face. 






Sehun organized the items on the shelf after some customers had managed to rummage through them and mess them up. He was barely concentrating on the task, his thoughts preoccupied with his mother’s words during their phone call earlier that day.


“I’m going to set you up on a blind date.”


His mother wouldn’t take no for an answer, and Sehun was only left with two options. Go on the date and politely turn her down, or no show. He liked the second option better, but knew it would be more painful in the long run, facing his mother’s rage.


“Hi Sehun.”


Sehun tightened up as he remained facing the shelf. He didn’t need to turn around to recognize that timid voice. He took a few deep breaths before turning around to see Baekhyun shyly staring at him. Baekhyun’s cheeks were flushed pink and he was nervously biting on his lower lip, nibbling on it a little to ease his beating heart.


Sehun noticed he was dressed in nicer clothes than usual, and his eyes were traced with eyeliner, not to mention Baekhyun was alone this time.


Sehun his lips and gulped before answering him, “…Hey.”


“…Hi.” Baekhyun repeated, a small smile growing on his face, “I wanted to get a CD.”


“No you don’t.” Was Sehun’s first thought, realizing that Baekhyun was using any excuse to see him again, and that he had spent extra time getting ready just to impress Sehun.


Sehun really didn’t need this right now. It wasn’t just Baekhyun’s feelings, it was his own. He couldn’t deny the fluttering of his own heart as he looked down at the beautiful boy, knowing all too well that Baekhyun was interested in him. It was like some kind of cruel temptation. Even without the pressure from his parents, it was wrong. Baekhyun was just a kid.


“Sorry, maybe Jihee can help you. I’m going on break.”


Baekhyun’s face dimmed in disappointment, “Oh, ok.”


Sehun called out for the other employee and left them together as he made his way out of the store. He let out a sigh of relief once he was outside. He just had to wait for Baekhyun to grow out of his innocent crush on him. He’d move on, there’s no way someone else wouldn’t come along and try to snatch him up. He was too cute. And then he would forget all about Sehun.


However, Sehun didn’t want to think about how that bothered him a little bit.







Baekhyun sat in the back of his classroom, daydreaming about Sehun and the simple compliment he had given him a few nights ago. It’s affect on him had indeed lasted the entire week, the small amount of words on constant repeat.


“You’re so adorable.”


Although his recent advances on Sehun hadn’t been profitable, he believed he would eventually be successful. That’s what his visions had always been trying to show him after all. They just needed to spend more time together. He sighed, wishing his brother would invite Sehun over again soon.


The boy sitting in front of him suddenly turned around and held out a paper to Baekhyun. Baekhyun snapped back to reality, realizing the teacher must have handed something out. Baekhyun went to grab it, but the other classmate let go of the paper too soon and it ended up slipping out of both their hands. They simultaneously went to grab it, and ended up touching each other.




“Are you trying to flirt with me? Like seriously?”




Baekhyun felt a sharp pang in his heart as he tightly held onto the paper. He gently placed down the paper on his desk and took a few deep breaths, trying to mend his own sadness with mental strength.


He knew there was only one way to make him feel better, much better. He needed to see Sehun again, he needed to touch his hands. The warmth from that vision would wash away any pain lingering in his heart.






Sehun came back home at his usual time after work and parked his motorcycle. As he pulled out his keys and walked over to his door, he suddenly halted. Baekhyun was leaning against his door, apparently waiting for him. He smiled once he noticed Sehun had finally returned home and stood up straight to greet him.


“Hi.” His voice nervously escaped his mouth.


“…Baekhyun, what are you doing here?” Sehun asked in a shaking voice as he stepped closer to him.


“…Sorry, I just had a rough day…I wanted to talk to you.”


Sehun took a deep breath, feeling uncomfortable, “…Why don’t you talk to your brother about it? Or one of your friends?”


There was a long moment of silence as Baekhyun thought of the words he wanted to say, “…I like talking to you.”


Sehun sighed, he was really hoping he would’t get forced into this moment, “Look…Baekhyun…I’d prefer if you found someone else.”


Baekhyun looked up into Sehun’s eyes, “…I don’t want to talk to anyone else.”


Sehun his lips and stepped back a little, “…Baekhyun, I’m sorry. You’re a good kid, really. But please, confide in someone else.”


Baekhyun stared into Sehun’s eyes longingly. He was so desperate to be with him, he wanted to finally experience being in a happy relationship. He had felt the pain of heartbreak so many times, Baekhyun was starving for someone to love him. For Sehun to love him.


“…Sehun, I need to tell you something important.”


Sehun gulped, nervous about what Baekhyun was going to say. He really didn’t want to cause Baekhyun anymore sadness. Baekhyun stared down at the ground as he played with his fingers.


“…I want to be close to you…I really like you…”


Sehun took a deep breath, “Baekhyun, I’m sorry. I really don’t want to hurt you, but that can’t happen between us.”


Baekhyun’s expression became even more desperate, “Please, I can expla-”


Sehun abruptly spoke, not giving Baekhyun a chance to finish, “I’m honestly really touched you feel that way about me. I want you to know this has nothing to do with who you are or the way you look. It’s just the age difference, and I’ve got a lot of stuff going on in my life right now.”


Baekhyun’s body started to shake a little, the pain in his heart growing deeper. He suddenly reached forward and grabbed Sehun’s hands, holding onto them both tightly, needing the encouragement of a vision now more than ever. Sehun tried to pull away, but Baekhyun wouldn’t let go.





Baekhyun entered a large dining hall filled with guests. He looked over at his brother, who was dressed in a formal tuxedo. Baekhyun was also dressed in formal attire, and the decorations in the room hinted that he was attending a wedding reception. As he was walking, he accidentally bumped into someone. Baekhyun looked up, and realized it was Sehun he had bumped into.

“Oh…Hi…It’s been a long time.”

Baekhyun’s eyes dimmed, overcome with an intense feeling of deep regret and sadness.

“…Hi Sehun.”




Baekhyun slowly released Sehun’s hands. It was over. He had ruined it. They no longer had a future together. Baekhyun’s lip started to tremble, a tear escaped his eye and ran down his cheek. It was a curse. This power was officially a curse. It was the deepest wound Baekhyun had ever experienced, the depth of heartbreak.


Sehun took a deep breath and raised his hand to gently place it on Baekhyun’s shoulder, “Baekhyun, you’ll find someone else, I know you will. You’re such a sweet person.”


Baekhyun lowered to the ground and wrapped his arms around his knees as he buried his face. He remained silent for a long moment, and then Sehun heard Baekhyun taking small gasps of air. His body started shaking as he cried into his arms.


Sehun stared down at him sympathetically, he knew it would be wrong to comfort him anymore than he already had. He took a few steps back as he took out his phone to call Jongdae.


“…Hey…I need you to come pick up your brother…”


An awkward amount of time passed as Sehun waited for Jongdae. He stayed next to Baekhyun as he continued sobbing into his arms, not uttering one word of comfort to him. Sehun had confidence Baekhyun would be all right, it was just a silly crush, they hardly knew each other.


When Jongdae arrived, Baekhyun had already calmed himself down, but his expression clearly showed that he was upset. Jongdae asked Baekhyun to wait a moment as he went inside to talk to Sehun.


“What’s going on? Why is he here?”


Sehun sighed, “…He confessed to me.”


Jongdae went silent for a moment thinking to himself. He knew more than anyone just how much Baekhyun had suffered through his life. He had always wanted Baekhyun to be happy, to find the person that gave him the vision he had been searching for. It was clear to him now, Sehun really was the person Baekhyun had been searching for. Even if they had a slight age difference, Jongdae didn’t care. He knew Sehun would treat Baekhyun well.


“You guys should date then.”


Sehun’s eyes widened in shock, he spent a moment gawking at Jongdae before speaking slowly, “…What?”


Jongdae put his hand on Sehun’s shoulder and gripped it tightly, “I’m giving you permission. I’m fine with it. Actually, I’m encouraging it.”


Sehun continued staring at Jongdae in disbelief, “Are you serious?”


“Yes.” Jongdae answered simply, “So you don’t have to hold back on my account.”


Sehun shook his head, still astonished at Jongdae’s words, “That’s not the problem.”


“What’s the problem then?”


“Umm, let me think. Lots of things. He’s a teenager, I have lots of my own problems to deal with right now.”


“So what? He could be like your support.”


Sehun laughed a little, completely baffled by Jongdae’s behavior, “What is wrong with you?”


“Just take him on a date, see how you feel about it.”


“I’m not doing that.” Sehun continued laughing, “Do you encourage all your friends to date your little brother?”


“No, I have high standards for Baekhyun. Did he tell you anything about his hands?”


Sehun stared curiously at Jongdae for a short moment, “Again with this hand thing, what are you talking about?”


Jongdae sighed, “He really didn’t tell you?”




Jongdae looked out the window at Baekhyun sitting down on the concrete, his face still covered in sadness. It scared Jongdae, he had never seen Baekhyun’s eyes so broken before.


“…Ever since he was little, he’s possessed a special power.”


Sehun took a deep breath, “Really, we’re getting into super natural powers now? What is with you today, you’re never like this.”


“Just shut up and listen to me.” Jongdae spoke in a threatening tone, “Whenever he touches someone’s hand, he can see his future with that person. That’s why he’s been going through a rough time, all his life he has been. He’s seen so many unhappy endings, I just want him to be with the person that makes him happy. Obviously it must be you.”


Sehun blinked a few times, at a lose for words to answer the person he thought he knew rather well, “…You’re telling me he touched my hand, saw our future together…and we are meant to be or something?”




Sehun nodded slowly, “…Ok…I’m really not sure how to answer you right now. You’re acting a little crazy.”


Jongdae sighed, “You know I’m not crazy. I’ll just let you think about it. I’m leaving now with Baekhyun.”


Sehun let out a sigh as well, “Ok.”






Baekhyun walked down the long hallway of his school, his feet following the command of his memory rather than his conscious thoughts. He moved in a lethargic manner, feeling like there was some kind of heavy weight pushing down on him. His mind was a blur, unable to focus on anything around him.


He tripped in his failure to notice the doorjamb underneath him, and was caught by a nearby student. They grabbed his hands to help him stand again, and Baekhyun stabilized himself with their help. Then he froze staring at the stranger. Their hands were still touching, but there was no vision. Baekhyun let go and grabbed them again. Still nothing.


He frantically ran into the classroom and grabbed the other students hands, but not one of them gave him any kind of image in his mind. Baekhyun’s hand trembled as he let go of one of the student’s. It really was over, he had lost the person he was suppose to find.






Sehun sat nervously waiting for his interview. He had recently quit his job at the music store, afraid that Baekhyun would come to find him working there. It made him sad to think of Baekhyun going there to possibly see him, but he knew this was for the best.


He lifted his head once he heard someone call his name to come sit in the manager’s office. Sehun sat down in front of a young woman, she smiled at him and extended her hand.


“It’s nice to meet you, thanks for coming on such a short notice.”


Sehun reached out his hand to grasp hers and shake it lightly, “No prob…”




“I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?” The manager asked with a desperate look on her face.

“…I’m…gay.” Sehun slowly answered. “I’m sorry, I can’t return your feelings.”




Sehun slowly let go, in awe of the strange vision he saw. It was just like Jongdae told him, a vision of his future after touching someone’s hand.


“Are you ok?”


Sehun snapped his head to look back up at her, “Yes sorry.”


Sehun tried his best to act normal throughout the interview, but his mind was preoccupied with the strange power associated with his hand. After leaving the building and making his way down the street outside, Sehun suddenly touched someone’s hand, a young man around the same age as him.




“I’m sorry, this isn’t working between us.”

Sehun took a deep breath, the words stabbing him like a knife.

“I know you’re thinking about someone else, I can’t take it anymore.”




The young man snapped his hand away, confused why Sehun was randomly touching him. Sehun remained still as the man hurried away from him.


Sehun rubbed his hand, he understood the pain Baekhyun had been suffering all his life. It was only one vision, he couldn’t imagine how many tears Baekhyun had wept due to this power.


Sehun continued touching random people’s hands, each one earning him a painful pang to his heart. Regardless, he continued on his quest, he wanted to make sure that the happiness Baekhyun saw between them really was something special.


After a street full of painful experiences, Sehun couldn’t take any more rejections and broken hearts. He was convinced, Baekhyun didn’t just have a silly high school crush on him.








“Hey Sehun, you haven’t come over here in a while.” Jongdae smiled as he answered the door.


“…Yeah…I know.”


Sehun stepped inside and looked up the stairway towards Baekhyun’s room. Jongdae closed the door and followed Sehun’s eyes before looking over at him smiling.


“What’s up?”


“…I need to talk to Baekhyun.”


Jongdae nodded and continued smiling at him, “So, you’ve been thinking about it?”


Sehun looked at Jongdae nervously, “…You’re really ok with it?”


Jongdae patted his shoulder, “Yes, I know you’ll treat him well.”


Sehun gulped as he made his way over to the stairs. Jongdae called after him as he watched him.


“He’s really upset.”


Sehun sighed, “…I’m sorry.”


“It’s ok, he’ll be happy soon.”


Sehun smiled and nodded at Jongdae before continuing ascending the stairs.







Sehun slowly opened Baekhyun’s door and leaned his head forward to peek inside. Baekhyun was laying in bed, his blankets bundled up around him. Sehun stepped inside and shut the door, staring at Baekhyun with a sympathetic expression. He quietly walked over to the bed and sat down next to Baekhyun. Baekhyun remained facing the wall, unaware that it was Sehun sitting next to him. Sehun reached forward and held onto Baekhyun’s small delicate hand, grasping it tightly.




“I love you.” Sehun spoke sweetly as he reached down to interlock his hand with Baekhyun’s, one of his fingers wrapped with a wedding ring.

“I love youuuuuuuuu~” Baekhyun sang.

Sehun laughed and squeezed Baekhyun’s hand.

“I love youuuuuu~” Sehun tried his best to sing back to him.

Baekhyun giggled at the unprofessional sound of his voice, “Awww, I love when you sing.”

Sehun kissed him, “Only for you.”

Baekhyun nodded, “Of course, I don’t want to share it.”




Sehun released his hand, that one vision was all he needed to make up his mind. Baekhyun finally stirred, feeling like the person sitting next to him wanted to know how he was feeling. He figured it was Jongdae, he often came in his room to check on him.


Baekhyun gasped a little as he spoke through his tears, his voice broken and full of sorrow, “I ruined it…I finally found him and I ruined it.”


Sehun extended his hand again to touch Baekhyun’s shoulder and affectionately rub it, “Baekhyun, I’m right here.”


Baekhyun’s eye’s widened at the sound of Sehun’s voice, he shot up and stared over at Sehun in astonishment, “Sehun?!”


Sehun smiled at him warmly, “Hi Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun remained silent as he stared at him in disbelief. Sehun scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around him, pulling Baekhyun close to his body.


“I understand now.”


Baekhyun blinked a few times, confused by Sehun’s words, “…What do you mean?”


“That ability you have, seeing visions after touching people’s hands. Somehow you gave it to me.”


Baekhyun looked up into Sehun’s eyes, “…You can see it?”


Sehun smiled and nodded. Baekhyun took a deep breath and a large smile grew on his face as well.


“What did you see?!”


“We were married, holding hands and kissing each other.”


Baekhyun suddenly jumped on Sehun, pushing him over to lay onto the bed. Sehun made an oof sound as Baekhyun landed on top of him. Baekhyun rubbed his head into Sehun’s chest, gasping a few times in happy tears.


Sehun raised his hand and wrapped it around Baekhyun as he planted a kiss on top of his head, “I’m sorry Baekhyun…I know you’ve been through a lot.”


“Yeah, and I’m never let you go.”


Sehun laughed, “That’s fine, I’ll never let you go either.”


Sehun reached for Baekhyun hand, wanting to see another vision of them together. He interlocked their fingers and waited, but nothing happened.


“…It’s gone.”


“What’s gone?”


“I’m not having a vision.”


Baekhyun smiled and squeezed his hand, “Because we found each other. We don’t need those anymore.”


Sehun smiled, “You’re right.”


Baekhyun closed his eyes and leaned forward, giving Sehun permission to kiss him. Sehun took a deep breath and laughed a little.


“I think we should wait on that.”


Baekhyun opened his eyes and pouted, “Why? I’ve already waited so long.”


Sehun sat up and brought Baekhyun with him, “You’re still a little young.”


Baekhyun continued pouting, “Just one kiss?”


“No no, we need to wait.”


Baekhyun crossed his arms, “Come on, I feel like I deserve it.”


Sehun sighed, “…You do Baekhyun…I’m sorry.”


“Just kiss him already!” Jongdae voice was suddenly heard on the other side of the door.


Sehun and Baekhyun both turned their heads to look at the door in surprise. Sehun laughed as he took off his shoe and threw it at the door.


“Give us some privacy!!”


“…Fine. But kiss him.”


There was a short pause before they heard Jongdae’s footsteps leaving. Once he was gone Sehun turned to face Baekhyun again. Baekhyun was closing his eyes waiting like before. Sehun smiled as he raised his hand and gently held onto Baekhyun’s cheek. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Baekhyun’s lips, giving him the first taste of love that Sehun would shower him with.

[Link for voting can be found in chapter 1]

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fics will be have to be done and submitted by the 13th so we'll start posting once they are in!


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Chapter 2: ❤
970 streak #2
This is a good story. Only Sehun's embrace can cure his sleepwalking!
970 streak #3
Chapter 11: This is a great love story, too.
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love this fic!
970 streak #5
Chapter 3: This is a wholesome story of two persons starting a friendship. Ilike it.
970 streak #6
Chapter 13: I just got wind of this when I stumbled on one of alytse's fanfic. Too Compkicated for Drama brought me here. I've already read Yaksokhae Jullae. I love it.
I read Shake My Heart before. I wasn't aware that it was part of this ficfest.
Now, I want to make a list of my favorite Sebaek fanfics.
Thanks for organizing this ficfest. I hope you can organize one again esp now that Baek is enlisting.
Chapter 2: Oh god this Os too much to bare
O_O_Cheese #8
Chapter 2: oH mY
Chapter 5: omg can I have that ability too? so I can find someone whos for me. I love it! Jongdae as a supportive brother omo omo
Chogiwa69 #10
Chapter 7: Omggg i want a scene please author nim feed us