Fic 6: Stuck

Sebaek Fic Fest! - Summer 2017

Prompt: Sebaek stuck in an elevator together

Written by: anonymous until the fic fest ends

Warnings: None

“Yes Sir, I finished it, I'll present it to you and the council tomorrow morning.”


“Is there really no other possibility? 8AM is really early considering I just arrived home.”


“Okay Sir, I'll be there.”

Baekhyun put away his phone with a sigh and stepped out of his car.

While he was walking to his apartment building he was trying to look for his keys, but since it was pitch black outside, it wasn't easy.

He had been working at the office on a report until a little after midnight, just because one of his coworkers decided not to show up today. The worst thing was that they were supposed to finish everything before the weekend, but now Baekhyun also had to come to work tomorrow on Saturday to present his work to his boss.

“ this!” he cursed as he reached the door of the huge building, but still without his keys.

He squatted down and held his bag upside down, making all the contents fall on the ground. He didn't care right now, he just wanted to get to his apartment and sleep after such a long day.

Therefore, he was very happy to hear the clang of metal hitting the ground. He grabbed his keys out of the big mess and quickly stuffed everything else inside his bag again.

He opened the door and as expected, the lobby was completely empty at this time of day, even the receptionist had gone home already. He was completely done with people for today and didn’t feel like having any conversations anymore so he didn’t mind at all.

After carefully closing the door behind him, he walked towards the elevator, looking at it with doubt in his mind.

The elevator was known for being really slow and getting stuck fairly often, which is why Baekhyun always took the stairs. It wasn’t ideal considering he lived on the 27th floor but he just saw it as his daily workout since he didn’t have any time to go to the gym regularly.

But right now he was too tired so he pressed the elevator button to go up. While waiting for the elevator to come down, he was tapping his foot impatiently, already thinking this was a bad idea and that he should've just taken the stairs.

He took out his phone and checked the time, it had already passed 2AM and Baekhyun still couldn't believe he had spent all this time at the office, just because his co-worker had decided to him over.

He heard a small ding and put his phone back in his pocket, stepping into the elevator as soon as the doors opened. Tired of waiting, Baekhyun pressed the button to close the doors, but they didn't respond “Great…this really seems like my lucky day.”

While waiting for the elevator doors to close on their own, he was counting in his head how many floors he already would've had gone up if he would just have taken the stairs.

He didn't even know why such an expensive apartment complex had such a ty elevator. His job paid really well, about the only reason he still worked at that horrid office, which was why he could afford to live in a place like this.

Just as the doors were finally about to close, he heard hurried footsteps and someone slipped inside just before the elevator shut completely.

“Oh… Mr Byun.”

He looked at the person who joined him and rolled his eyes “Sehun…”

To makes this moment even worse than it already was, he now had to be in a very small space for the next few minutes with the one and only Oh Sehun.

Sehun was a young college student who lived on the same floor as him. His parents were one of the richest people in the area, hence why Sehun lived in such an expensive apartment while still being in college. The worst thing was that he was handsome too, and it was clear Sehun himself knew that as well. If only the kid wasn’t so arrogant. Baekhyun definitely wouldn’t mind spending a day, or rather a night with the younger boy.

“Are you coming back from work? It's a bit late for that, isn't it?” Sehun asked him, eyeing his suit.

“None of your business.” Baekhyun didn’t like Sehun, and he was never afraid to let the younger know.

Whenever Baekhyun had a day off work, Sehun would knock on his door randomly, asking for stuff. Sometimes he was out of sugar, other times he ran out of phone battery and lost his charger, or he would even just come to say hi.

The other annoying thing about Sehun was his love life, if Baekhyun could even call it that. He couldn’t even remember how many times he’d seen Sehun wander around their floor, dragging a girl behind him to his apartment. Baekhyun even felt kind of sorry for his neighbours. He didn’t really know why it annoyed him, the kid could do whatever he wanted, Baekhyun had absolutely no interest in the handsome college studen-

“I just came back from a date.”


“I said I just came back from a date.”

“Why the would I care?”

“I don’t know… just wanted to have a friendly conversation with you.”

A small smile appeared on Baekhyun’s face and he shook his head. “You wouldn’t have to have a conversation with me if you had brought the girl with you like you always do.” In the last part of his sentence a bit of annoyance came out and Sehun didn’t miss it.

“Nah, she was too boring.” Sehun answered with a cocky smile “Besides, I have had my eye on someone else for a while now and I might wanna stay away from for the upcoming time, just until I finally have that person in my arms.”

Baekhyun had no idea what the kid was saying and decided not to answer. At least Sehun’s weird story had distracted him from waiting for the elevator to finally move.

Baekhyun leaned on wall behind him when the elevator started to go up and closed his eyes. He couldn’t wait to finally be in his bed and get those few hours of sleep he really needed and wanted right now.

After letting out a deep sigh he opened his eyes again and looked to his right, into the big mirror that covered one of the sides of the elevator. He saw Sehun staring at him in the reflection.

“What the are you doing?” Baekhyun said as he quickly turned his head towards Sehun to look at the boy himself.

“What? Am I not allowed to look now?”

“You were staring, not looking.”

“You only saw like one second, you don’t know if I was staring or not. Or maybe you would like me to?” Sehun said with a smirk.

Baekhyun took a step towards Sehun “Listen you brat, you better sto-”

He stopped his sentence when the elevator started shaking slightly and made loud creaking noises. The light flickered a few times before it turned normal again and all the noise stopped.

Baekhyun stepped back into the corner in which he stood before and wiped a few drops of sweat off his forehead “This is why I never take the ing elevator.”

“I'm sorry Mr. byun, weren't you just trying to threaten me?”

Baekhyun looked over to Sehun and saw an evil smile on the boy's face. “You really want me to mess up that beautiful face of yours, don't you?”

“So you think my face is beautiful?”

“Just shut up okay!” He said, raising his voice. “I've had a really long day and I don't feel like listening to your antics right now.”

“What happened Mr. Byun?”

“Just a lot of bull at work. Now stop asking questions.” He was really done with the younger and just hoped he would listen for once and shut up.

“What happened at work?”

Without a warning, Baekhyun jumped forward, ready to attack the other but just when he lifted one of his feet, the elevator abruptly stopped moving, making Baekhyun stumble forward. He prepared for the fall on the hard floor, but it never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms caught him, keeping him on his feet.

Baekhyun was about to thank him but then he remember it was Sehun who was in front of him. So instead he just straightened his suit and looked at the ground.

“You’re welcome…” Baekhyun looked over to Sehun and he was still smiling, but his voice definitely sounded slightly irritated.

When Baekhyun didn’t respond, the younger just rolled his eyes and walked over to the buttons, pressing them, trying to get the elevator to move again but nothing happened.

out of the way.” Baekhyun walked over to Sehun and shoved him aside, making the younger almost fall backwards.

He kept pressing the up and down button, not even caring anymore if the elevator would go down again and he’d have to walk all the way up to his apartment, but still nothing happened.

“This ing piece of !” he yelled after smashing all the buttons one more time. Realising the panel was completely unresponsive he grabbed the receiver of the emergency phone off the wall and waited for someone to pick up.

It had been almost a minute and he started to get really impatient. Suddenly, Sehun carefully tapped his shoulder and he turned around to face him.

“Uuhmm… Mr. Byun? Did you read the instructions?”

“No of course not. These things are supposed to call the service desk downstairs, you know, down in the lobby where that woman always sits.”

“There is no one there at this time, it’s after 11PM.”

Baekhyun put the receiver back on the wall with a sigh. He had even walked passed it and noticed no one was there.

“What are we gonna do now?” Sehun asked.

“How the would I know?” he answered angrily “Let’s call the police or something, anything to get us out of here as quick as possible.”

Baekhyun took out his phone and tried to dial the emergency number but cursed when he wasn’t able to make a call.

“I don’t have service in this stupid elevator, give me your phone.” he said while holding his hand open in front of the younger.

“I mean you can have it but…” Sehun took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to Baekhyun “It’s empty.”

“Don't all kids have one of these power banks with them? In case their phone runs out of battery?”

“Well I’m not really a kid anymore Mr. Byun so I wouldn’t know.”

Out of anger, and without really thinking about it, he smashed Sehun’s phone on the ground.

“Hey! You’re gonna buy me a new phone!” Sehun yelled, picking his phone up from the ground, looking at the big crack going across the front screen.

“Shut up kid, your parents will probably buy you 3 new ones when you tell them this one broke.”

“So for how long are we stuck here now?” Baekhyun asked while looking around the small space.

“I think the reception lady arrives at 7AM.” Sehun said while putting his phone back in his pocket, still annoyed by what the elder just did.

Baekhyun looked at his own phone again, it was almost half past 2 now, which meant he would be stuck here with Sehun for at least 4 more hours.

He let out a deep sigh and walked toward the doors, trying to pry it open with his hands.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” he answered annoyed “And instead of just standing there you could also try to help me, that would be much appreciated.”

Sehun walked over to the other and helped him in trying to open the doors, but even with 2 people, it didn’t even move slightly.

Baekhyun gave up with a grunt and started looking around for more, making a small jump of excitement when he found something new.

“Look up there.” He pointed to the ceiling and Sehun looked at his discovery “There is a hatch. I’m too small to small to reach it, but you can open that thing and we can get out.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Sometimes I really wonder how you have such a well paid job.” Baekhyun had to do his best to keep himself from punching the other “You see the hatch would only bring you on top of this thing, still stuck in the elevator shaft. Besides, what if it drops all the way down when we move it too much? We’re pretty high up.”

Baekhyun looked to the number count above the door that told them they were on the 19th floor and then looked back to Sehun “Oh come on, that stupid only happens in movies.”

“Well go ahead and try it then.” Sehun said while sitting down in a corner “I’m not getting involved in this.”

After giving him a dirty look Baekhyun walked to the middle of the small room and looked up, he already knew there was no use to this but he still wanted to try. He jumped up and was able to touch the hatch for a short moment, but he couldn't stay up there long enough to actually open it. He tried jumping a few more times but stopped when he heard giggling coming from the younger.

With a deep sigh he sat down in the corner opposite Sehun “Wake me up when we can get out of here kid.”

“What? Why?”

“I have to be at my workplace really early. If we’re stuck in here for a few hours more I better get some rest.”

Without saying another word he slumped down a bit, making his position as comfortable as possible in this horrible situation and closed his eyes. Luckily he was tired enough to fall asleep almost immediately, so quick to even miss the small ‘sleep well’ coming from the other side of the elevator.


Baekhyun woke up with a huge pain in his neck. He knew his mattress needed to be replaced soon but he didn’t know it was this bad. He stretched his arms but let out a sound of pain when he hit a hard wall behind him. He slowly opened his eyes and was confused, was he still dreaming?

“Welcome back Mr. Byun.”

It wasn’t a weird thing to dream about the damn kid from his floor, but now he was sitting right in front of him, and it looked to real to still be a dream. He rubbed his eyes and opened them properly, taking in his surroundings and slowly everything came back to him.

Of course this wasn’t a dream, he wasn’t even in his bed. He was still stuck in this stupid elevator and he even felt worse before he went to sleep, his whole body hurt from sleeping in this upright position.

“How long did I sleep?”

Sehun checked the watch on his wrist “It’s almost 4:45, so you slept for about 2 hours.”

Baekhyun cursed to himself and let out a deep sigh, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.

“Who’s Chanyeol?”

Baekhyun frowned form the sudden question “Just one of my co-workers, why?”

“Are you sure? Is that why he’s always asking you to come over in the middle of the night?”

He opened his eyes again and looked at Sehun with suspicion. Baek was really confused about how Sehun knew Chanyeol, but even more about how Sehun was using his phone again.

“Wasn’t your phone dead before?”


“Then what are you doing?” Even though he couldn’t see the screen, he clearly saw Sehun move is thumbs, tapping on the phone.

Baekhyun wondered if he was just hearing things wrong since he just woke up, or that Sehun was just talking nonsense. But after taking a better look, he saw that it wasn’t Sehun’s own phone in his hand.

“Hey! That’s mine, what are you doing with it?” and then it all made sense to him “Are you reading my messages?!”

“I was bored.”

Baekhyun quickly launched himself forward and grabbed his phone back from Sehun. “You are really pushing my boundaries kid. What I do in my private life is none of your business.”

“You still haven’t answered my question. Why does he keep messaging you to come over at night if he’s just a co-worker?”

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and sat back on his previous spot on the ground, phone back in his own possession “He’s just a guy I sleep with, are you happy now?”

Sehun expression seemed to get darker and he didn’t know why “Is he your boyfriend?”

“I know I can be a but I’m not that bad. I wouldn’t call my boyfriend ‘just someone I sleep with’, so no. Why do you even care?”

“Just curious.”

Sehun avoided eye contact now and just started staring at the ground. Baekhyun decided to give up on the kid and focus back on this horrible situation they were still in. If it was only 4:45AM right now, they would be here for at least 2 more hours.

He just noticed how hot it had actually gotten in the elevator, which wasn’t weird considering there were two people in a very small space for hours already with minimal ventilation on a hot summer day.

He noticed how Sehun already had taken his leather jacket off, probably while he had been sleeping. He gulped when he took a better look and noticed how Sehun’s white shirt was slightly see through and sticking to his chest from the sweat, showcasing all of his well trained abs perfectly.

When Sehun caught him staring he quickly looked aside while loosening his tie before taking it off, shrugging off his suit jacket quickly afterwards and throwing it aside.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Where do you work? Since you have to wear a suit it made me curious.”

“I actually do mind you asking, but I know you won’t stop until I answer.” Baekhyun said, rolling his eyes. “I work at a big insurance company.”

“Are you like one of these agents? Those always seem like big s.”

“No, I’m worse. I’m the person who makes reports that show the company when their agents need to be even bigger s.”

“Sounds like a boring job.”

“It is, but at least it got me the chance to live in this luxurious apartment complex that somehow has a ty ing elevator.” He said while kicking one of the walls next to him.

“Is money that important to you that you’re willing to sit in a dusty office all day for it?”

“Yes it is.” Baekhyun didn’t grow up in a wealthy family, far from it actually. He’s always been motivated to work hard and earn his own money, in contrast to his parents who had rather sat on the couch and drank alcohol, living off money they received from the government. “And that dusty office is probably better than what you did to get in this place.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sehun said with a frown.

“I know you go to college, but besides that you’re probably just being lazy at home all day.”

“I do voluntary work at my dad’s hospital.”

“Yeah sure, you probably drive the guy around, not even leaving your car seat to open the door for him.”

Sehun sat up straight and gave Baekhyun an angry look, something Baekhyun had never seen on the younger before. “I actually help with the surgeries.”

Baekhyun didn’t know if he should believe the other, so when de decided not to answer Sehun continued.

“I go to college to be a doctor later on, preferably for children. That’s why I assist the doctors with their surgeries in the children’s department, to get some experience.”

Baekhyun didn’t know that. He really thought Sehun was just another spoiled kid who got everything from his parents by just asking for it. He really hadn’t expected that from the other and was almost tempted to say sorry for his words from before.

“That’s… really impressive.”

Sehun seemed to have calmed down again “Thanks Mr. Byun. It’s nice hearing kind words from you for once.”

Baekhyun was aware of how he would normally treat Sehun and usually he wouldn’t care about his words, but somehow this time it didn’t feel right to him.

“I’m just…” In love with you? Crazy about you? Mistreating you because I want you to keep your distance from me, because I’m having a hard time too?

Baekhyun slapped himself when these thoughts popped up into his head and Sehun crawled over to him.

“Mr Byun, what was that?”

Baekhyun had promised himself that he wouldn’t have these thoughts anymore. He just liked Sehun because he was hot. Not because of the adorable smile he gave him everytime he opened the door for the younger. Not because of his pout whenever he told Sehun he didn’t have time for his nonsense and closed the door right in his face. And definitely not because of that one time when Sehun had bumped right into him in the hallway of their floor, making Baekhyun spill his coffee all over Sehun's pants, resulting in him taking off his clothes right there in front of his eyes.

“It’s nothing, I just-” and then Baekhyun let out a small scream.

Suddenly the lights in the elevator went out and it became pitch black. Baekhyun had never been comfortable in the dark and slightly panicked when he started reaching out for his phone and couldn’t find it.

Before he got a chance to ask Sehun if he could search for his phone with him, the light went on again and he saw the younger laughing in front of him.

“What’s so funny?!” Baekhyun said, wiping the sweat of his forehead.

“You’re what? 31? And still afraid of the dark?”

“Can’t you just leave me alone?”

“I’m sorry to bring you the bad news Mr. Byun, but we’re stuck.” Sehun said, still laughing and going back to his own corner of the elevator.

Baekhyun quickly looked around him for his phone and put it in his pocket in case it would happen again, he wanted to be prepared.

“Stop calling me Mr. Byun by the way, makes me feel old.”

“Well you always refused to tell me you’re actual name, Mr. Byun.”

This was the thing with Sehun. Baekhyun was absolutely crazy about the younger, but at the same time was constantly annoyed by him. The kid was a brat, knowing exactly how to get on Baekhyun’s nerves, it was like both of them were playing a game.

“It’s Baekhyun okay?”

“Baekhyun…” Sehun softly said, and Baekhyun couldn’t deny it felt good to hear the other whisper his name.

After that silence fell. The two were just sitting there, waiting for time to go by and rescue to come. He could go back to sleep, but at this point Baekhyun had given up on getting his rest for today and instead he grabbed some papers from his work bag and decided to prepare his presentation that would take place in a few hours.

Surprisingly, Sehun left him alone for the next 30 minutes but Baekhyun didn’t miss the stares. Every time he caught Sehun doing it the younger would quickly look away, face slightly reddened, but that wasn’t only the case with Sehun…

Halfway his report the light went out again and Baekhyun cursed out loud. Only this time he knew what to do. He reached for his phone in his pocket and turned it on, trying to get his flashlight on as quickly as possible, but a surprise was waiting for him when he did.



When the light from Baekhyun's phone lit up the small room he noticed Sehun had taken his shirt off. “Couldn’t you give me a warning? You scared me!”

“I was just taking it off as the lights went out, it’s hot as in here and I’m not planning on getting a heatstroke.”

indeed was very hot in the room and the sight of Sehun’s abs on full display wasn’t helping him cool down either. He quickly looked the other way, blood rushing not only towards his cheeks, but also other places. Just a moment later the lights went back on again and Baekhyun put his phone back into his pocket, trying to focus onto his paper once more, instead of the temptation right in front of him.

Another 30 minutes later he was almost at his last paper, he felt very confident at his report, even though everything was made last minute but he started having trouble concentrating. It had become even more hot in the elevator and he was staring to get cramps in his legs and feeling lightheaded.

He let out small sounds of discomfort and it alerted Sehun, who had been just quietly humming songs for past time.

He came over to Baekhyun and put a hand on his forehead “Baekhyun, you’re gonna be sick if you don’t cool yourself down, you’re already stressed out and you don’t need the heat to make it worse.”

“I am not undressing right in front of you.”

“Oh come on, why not? What’s wrong with you? I don’t wanna be in here when you start vomiting. Just take of your shirt.”

“No, I’m not doing it.” he was convincing himself this was for his own good.

He was not gonna give the younger a chance to make fun of him, but he soon enough realised Sehun wasn’t going to give in either. The boy leaned forward and reached for the buttons of his dress shirt.

He wanted to stop Sehun, he really wanted to, but he couldn’t. Instead he just closed his eyes and let it happen.

Baekhyun had dreamed loads of times of a moment like this. A moment where Sehun would violently get rid of his clothes. Maybe in a bit of a different situation, but the fact that this was happening already got him going crazy.

He really hated how he had a huge weakness for Sehun, he didn’t even like the kid, right? Maybe the past few hours had changed his opinion on him slightly, but that didn’t take away the fact that even if the started to like him, Baekhyun was 8 years older and shouldn't even be thinking about stuff like this. No Baekhyun didn’t actually like him, it was just a stupid crush.


He came out of his own thoughts and looked at Sehun right in front of him, who was just staring at him. Baekhyun hadn’t realised his shirt was already fully undone and hanging off his shoulders when a chill ran down his spine, and it wasn’t from being cold…

His face was only a few centimeters away from Sehun’s, he was so close to continuing where his dreams would normally end

“Do it…” Baekhyun said with a shaky voice.

“Are you sure?” Sehun whispered.

The fact that Sehun didn’t need to ask what he meant by it confirmed his suspicion. He’d seen the signs.

Brushing his hand slightly against Baekhyun’s when he would walk down the hallways with a girl clinging on his side.

Secretly waiting outside the door, to ‘conveniently’ open it for Baekhyun when he came back from work.

The Valentine’s card that he received, signed by ‘os’.

The jealousy on his face when talking about Chanyeol.

With slight doubt Sehun captured Baekhyun’s mouth and the elder gladly responded. What started out as a sweet, innocent kiss turned out to be more than that really soon. Sehun had Baekhyun under him, not even protesting but fully surrendering himself to the younger. Hands were roaming on each other’s bodies, trying to take in as much of this moment as possible.

“You know this isn’t gonna cool either of us down.” Baekhyun said with a small laugh when they finally separated their mouths from each other.

“That’s why we should take off more clothes.” Sehun said with a smirk, immediately attaching himself to the elder again and surprising him by sticking his hand in Baekhyun’s pants, cupping the other’s already firm bulge.

Baekhyun was into the kiss and was busy trying to take Sehun’s pants off himself when the two suddenly got startled.

Somehow the elevator started moving again and the two immediately jumped up. When they saw the counter above the door counting down they both panicked, quickly putting their clothes back on and fixing their hair so it would look like nothing happened.

When the counter reached 1 the doors slowly opened and there were about 5 people waiting outside, looking confused when they saw the two inside the elevator.

“How long have you guys been stuck in there? We didn’t know there were actually people in there.” One of the guys that looked like a technician asked.

“For quite some time.” Sehun said but Baekhyun pushed him out of the way.

“We’ve been stuck in there for hours you s! Next time make sure there is actually someone we can call with that stupid phone in there.”

“I’m very sorry that happened Sir.” The man said, trying to calm down the fuming Baekhyun “You sure you two are alright? Do we need to call an ambulance?”

“And wait some more for that to arrive? No ing way!” Baekhyun almost screamed.

Sehun grabbed the elder's shoulders and lightly pushed him aside. “I’m studying a to be a doctor Sir, I’m feeling fine and I’ll check on him too.”

After answering a few more questions the two were free to go and Sehun dragged Baekhyun towards the stairwell, pushing him against the wall where they were out of sight of all the people in the lobby. “How long before you have to leave for work?”

“About an hour I think.”

“Good, that's more than enough to finish what we started.”

To be continued...

[Link for voting can be found in chapter 1]

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fics will be have to be done and submitted by the 13th so we'll start posting once they are in!


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Chapter 2: ❤
960 streak #2
This is a good story. Only Sehun's embrace can cure his sleepwalking!
960 streak #3
Chapter 11: This is a great love story, too.
Thank you so much for sharing.
960 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love this fic!
960 streak #5
Chapter 3: This is a wholesome story of two persons starting a friendship. Ilike it.
960 streak #6
Chapter 13: I just got wind of this when I stumbled on one of alytse's fanfic. Too Compkicated for Drama brought me here. I've already read Yaksokhae Jullae. I love it.
I read Shake My Heart before. I wasn't aware that it was part of this ficfest.
Now, I want to make a list of my favorite Sebaek fanfics.
Thanks for organizing this ficfest. I hope you can organize one again esp now that Baek is enlisting.
Chapter 2: Oh god this Os too much to bare
O_O_Cheese #8
Chapter 2: oH mY
Chapter 5: omg can I have that ability too? so I can find someone whos for me. I love it! Jongdae as a supportive brother omo omo
Chogiwa69 #10
Chapter 7: Omggg i want a scene please author nim feed us