Chapter 9-Flashback.

Save Me.

"Look what happened now. Oh Sehun.", Dad said.

One fatal tear fell down.

"You left her, yet you still cry for her?", He asked. 

I shook my head.

"Worthless.", He whispered.

"No dinner today for you!", He coldly yelled. 

He knew I needed dinner, or else I would die. But today, I felt like your were surely wanting to die. I am a guardian not Superman. Guardians need food after a day. My father turned into his final form, An Alpha. Your Mother was beautiful, surprise surprise, She's an angel. Everytime my father left me to starve, my Mother would feed me secretly. I hated the fact that when my mother is in her human form, she looks like a pretty young school girl. So when Somin saw me walking with my Mother, she must've thought that she was my new girlfriend.


~3 years later~

I enrolled in a new school. "SOPA" or School of performing arts. Room 409 was my classroom. When I was walking in the hallways, all I heard was just squeals and screams. I felt like I was gonna go deaf. Luckily I had Tzuyu as my cousin, she was also an angel. So of course she was beautiful. She was tall for a girl, and her long legs usually caught attention.

I stepped into the classroom after Tzuyu intoduced herself. I spotted a girl who was cooped up in the corner of the classroom. She caught my attention. 

"And this is my cousin...Sehun..", Tzuyu finished, turning to me.

"Hey I'm Oh Sehun.", I mutter.

More squeals and screams. But the girl who was cooped into the corner didn't flinch. So I sat next to her. 

"What's your name?", I ask.

"My name is-", She was cut off.

"Her name is Somute, because she doesn't talk.", A girl says. 

The girl was beautiful, but I didn't like how she invaded my personal space. She was wrapping her arms around me and I felt uncomfortable. I gently brush off her arm and looked back to the girl.

"I want to know her real name.", I say.

"M-My Na-a-me i-is S-Somin. P-Pa-Park Somin.", She stutters.

Huh that name sounds familiar. 

"Well I'll call you Elbow Partner Somin!", I cheered.

She smiled.

I always wanted to see that smile again, finally at last I see it. 

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