Rise From The Ashes


The world they once knew was now nothing but a memory, the skyscrapers that once lined the skies now nothing but a dark home for the evil that lurked in the night. The wicked now roamed the once bustling streets of Seoul, preying on the weak and ill. Its up to one man to save the world. The question is, can he really save the whole world on his own?


In this world there are only two things, the good, and the grimm cold truth that is evil. The streets aren’t safe to anyone, once caught by the wicked there is no escape. In the cold grip of death there is only fear, nothing more, nothing less. There is no where to hide, there is no where to run. You have to fight.


Or you die.




Content Warning: Contains violence, language not suitable for persons under 18, witch spells and curses. DO NOT READ IF YOUR RELIGION IS AGAINST SPELL CASTING.


A/N: If you are wiccan and would like to contribute a spell or ritual into the story please feel free to PM me with information of how to cast that spell and what it is for.


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