One - New Beginning



A/N: Thank you My_Type (Lazy Graphic Shop) for the lovely cover! <3. 

"Greetings Miss Maddox, here is the keys and DRC card to grant access to your dorm. The room number will be 974, Level 20. Lights out at 11.30pm. I hope you have a pleasant stay here." The receptionist remarked.

"Thank you" I whispered, took my belongings and went to find my brother, Felix Maddox.

"Hey there little girl, done with the paperwork?" Felix embraced me in a hug while asking.

"Yup" I popped the p sound and sigh inwardly.

"I know what you're thinking. But trust me, you will get used to it. At least, it's better than going back to the apartment we called home." I cringed at his choice of words and the flashback rolled in without my consent.


"My biggest regret is to marry you!" My father, Davis, raged.

As usual, I was in my room completing my assignment, ignoring the heated argument between them.


A loud bang echoed down the hallway while she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Not again.

In a flash, I sprinted downstairs and saw my mother, Malia, sobbing with a swollen face. Fresh blood was streaming down her face line along with several purplish bruises.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

" off !"

Refuse to bulge; I stood right in front of my mother. Sensing that I have no intention to leave her alone, he pulled my hair and shoved me out of the way. My body flew across the room and landed on one of the cabinets. I disregarded the burning sensation at the back of my head and crawled my way towards my mother.

He proceeded his violent act while my mums plead get louder with every punch being thrown on her. And still, my so called father continued to throw fists and kicks at her without any hesitation. Or rather, without remorse.

Once I reached a near distance, I lashed myself out as a shield to protect my mother from getting any more injuries.

"Stop targeting her! Hit me instead." I begged.

He let out an evil laughter and remarked, "As you wish, dear."

I shut my eyes tight and chanted the mantra to myself: Endure it, Flovia. Everything is going to be over soon.

Yup, domestic violence is nothing new to our family. Despite the fact that he is an , my mother will always go back to him again and again even when I told her not to.

Feeling pleased with his act, Davis sneered and commented, "You owed this to me. Remember that. As long I'm still alive, I get to do what I want with your lives." With that, he strolled out of the house while whistling, obviously in a good mood.

Malia wiped a tear off her face and approached me. "Baby girl, he did not -"

"Don't." My turn to spat out loud.

"Not now, mum. I am not in the mood to have the 'he did not mean it' conversation." I rolled my eyes while rubbing the new bruises I got a while ago.

"You have to understand that he suffers from bipolar disorder and anger management issues!" My mum let out an exasperated sigh.

"K." was my only respond back to her.

"He loves us. Can't you see that he is trying to adapt and deal with the struggles? We should give him the support." She said in a much more soft tone.

"Oh, yeah? How about the time where he brought your best friend here and ed her right in front of your eyes? And how about the permanent scar at my back? If that is the definition of putting in an effort, he did a perfect job." I replied, filled with sarcasm.

Before she can utter any word, Felix barged in from the entrance, and he gaped at the sight.

"You look terrible!" He frowned.

"You're not helping." I glare at him.

"Let's get you out of here." Felix took in a deep breath and continued," I received a letter from the academy. It stated that you pass the holy molly particular test so they granted the dorm approval. For mum, I'll rent an apartment somewhere nearby the Academy."

As expected, my dearest mother refuse to leave Davis.

"Well, I never ask for your view on it. Even if I have to physically drag you there, by all means, I will do it. End of discussion." Felix brushed past us and walked to my room, packing my belongings.

*End of flashback*

I will love to stay in the academy as long I'm away from Davis. But that night, Malia threatened to kill herself if Felix forces her remain in the new apartment. Personally, I can move out anytime I wanted, but I stayed there to protect her in my own way. One more punching bag for Davis is not an offer he will decline.

Sometimes I wondered, how could mum still love him no matter how he treated her?

"Lix will mum be okay......?" I murmured with my coarse voice.

He took in a deep breath and replied, "She is an adult, Via. If that's her decision, we need to respect it."

I sighed. Again.

"Come on baby girl, let's head to your new dorm."

I twisted the door handle and allowed my foot to land on the new doormat. The dorm itself is pretty huge. Scratch that; it's like an apartment with all the essential furniture.

Right next to the entrance, there is a kitchen with a mini balcony. There is a plasma tv huge enough that many might mistaken the living room as a theatre. I stepped my foot on the carpeted floor and gasped at the scenery in front of me. The full-length transparent windows enabled me to catch a good view of the small city outside the academy. As I made my way down the hallway, I could see the walls were all painted in white and pure gold were sprinkled on it.

Whoever lived here must be someone rich, I thought to myself.

I made a turn to the right and saw two side by side bedrooms along with one bathroom. Then, I went into the room which had a signboard that wrote 'F.M.' The room itself is pretty spacious with a walk-in closet extension. Every single furniture, walls and bedsheets were in the shades of pale white. It looked so squeaky clean and shiny that it made my eyes hurt.

I signed up for a dorm, not a mental hospital! I wanted to scream that out loud, but I decided to keep the comments to myself since I could tell the admin room preparation had worn him out. Let's not be too picky about it. At least it is larger than your previous bedroom!

"I'm jealous! Your room is better than mine! The telekinesis did a great job in the furniture placement and decorations." Felix let out a little whistle.

"Look! You even have a walk-in closet."

"Before I forget, you're exempted from class today. So try to get comfy with the new environment. And here are your new timetable & study materials. I also stock up the fridge since I know how much of a big eater you're. Oh oh! And - "

"I got it. Stop nagging like my mother."

Felix put his hands up in surrender. "Just trying to help. Oh and Via? Remember the various self-defence classes I signed you up for?"

I nodded my head and replied, "Yeah, why?"

"I heard that your new roommate is a boy. If he does anything funny, make sure you defend yourself!" My brother exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah, like he will pick on someone like me to target at." I rolled my eyes.

"Is this about you & your self-esteem issues again? For goodness sake Via, how many times must I tell you that you're beautiful inside out?" His facial expression softens while I gave him a tight smile.

You will never understand how insecurity can kill a girl's mind.

"One last thing. I heard that the new class you got into, there are a lot of meanies. If they ever bully you or hit on you, don't be foolish and let them do it alright? Remember what I said: If they ever lay a finger on you,"

"Make sure you hit them back real hard before reporting to the tutor."

"Yup, that's my little girl." He said with pride shining in his eyes.

"Oh and-and, one last thing!"

"ARGH. FELIX, JUST GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I threw my pen at him while he dodged. Before leaving me alone, he gave me a flying kiss and mouthed 'love you'.

I smile at his affection before I went to get myself changed. Once I saw the reflection in the mirror, I took in a sharp breath and dropped my jaw in shock. There is an enormous circular bruise formed on the left side of my face, and my eyes looked swollen. The black-and-blue marks on my skin are spreading around like a virus. What's worse was the huge purplish bruise darkening on my stomach.

Damn, I do look terrible.

Ignoring the lingering pain, I dress myself up in a black jumper and leggings. As if on cue, my stomach rumbled, and I went to ravage the fridge instinctively. I plugged in my earpiece and played Perfect by One Direction. Then, I twerk my body towards the rhythm while I make lunch for myself.

*Beep Beep*

From: Unknown

The you brought is causing a disturbance pollution to my eyes. Do some good deed and get that out of my dorm.

I frowned in confusion. ... ...? Who the hell is this? After contemplating the content for a few seconds, I assumed that it is from my new room-mate which caused me to feel outrageous and offended by his obnoxious behaviour.

No one told him that his new roommate is going to be a girl?

In a spur moment, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder and I tilt my head to catch a glimpse. He is tall, lean and handsome. But what attracted me the most was his dimple and sharp jawlines.

Cute, I thought.

"Will you please stop gawking at me? I feel ually harassed by your eyes." He spoke, without any emotions.

With that, it ended any fantasy I was having a while ago. I cleared my throat, feeling awkward with the tensed atmosphere. Just when I'm about to speak, he cut me off. "Nope, don't even try. Not interested in having with you, ugly face."

Wow, arrogant much? It's okay, Flovia.

Do what you do best.


So, I continued to cook my lunch and pay no attention to his presence. After what seems like forever, I placed my omelette rice on the table and squealed in delight. Before digging in, I made my way to the bathroom to take a quick pee.

Once I am done with my loo, I skipped down the hallway and rubbed my hands together, prepared to eat the delicious food. To my dismay, Mr Arrogant sat on my spot and ate my lunch with no shame.

"Oh great, you made yourself useful. I want more." He demanded while chewing on my food.

I hissed in a un-lady like manner and stood there, with my arms crossed. No way in hell am I going to let this go.

"Are you deaf or mute? Or are you both?" He raised his eyebrows.

No, Flovia. Do not lose your cool. Do not initiate a conversation. Ignore him. Igno-

"Firstly, I am not the nor am I interested in having any ual intimacy with you. By some awful twisted fate, I am assigned as your room-mate for reasons I cannot fathom. Like it or not, this is the arrangement. Last but not least,"

I lowered myself so that my face are inches away from his. I stared back straight into his eye and hollered,"Never.Touch.My.Food.Again."

Feeling amused, he smirked "Oh, now it's a girl? Nevermind, girl or not, just another trash. Well, let me get this straight, you're in no position to command me."

"Oh really?" I snatched the plate out from his grip and gobbled down the left-overs, neglecting my self-image.

His eyes widen a little but still managed to regain his composure. "You have no idea who you're messing with."

I shrugged my shoulders, without giving a care in the world. As long you mess with my food, I will not let you get away with it.

Mr Arrogant raised his hands up and pointed two fingers towards his eyes, asking me to watch. Feeling curious, I nodded my head in slow motion so that he could proceed with whatever he wanted to do. He snapped his finger and not soon after, a burning smell winded up at my nose. I tilt my head a little and bewildered by his actions.

He burned the entire fridge with a snap of his finger!

What irritated me the most is the fact that he did it without any effort.

"Good to know that you feel scared." He threw me a smug look.

"Are you insane? Why did you do that!" I questioned. Well, more like a demand. How can he burned all my food into ashes, along with the expensive refrigerator!

"This is your punishment for destroying my lunch." He explained while I frowned, feeling ridiculed by his behaviour. Is he for real? Punishment?

"You're in no position to grant me a punishment!" I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Neither do you have the right to disrupt my lunch time." He retorted


"I took the first bite. So it's mine." He reasoned, still thinking that he has every right to burn the fridge down.

"You know what. I'm done talking to you. ." I hollered, not wanting to have another redundant argument with him.

Leaving Mr Arrogant alone, I slammed the front door and headed off to the school's supermart. As I strolled down the lane, there was a crowd forming at the end of the corner. My frown deepens.

What is the commotion about?

I squeeze my way through the crowd so that I could take a better look at the scene. And there it was, they are admiring the handsome faces of the Diesel Family. Or at least, I thought so.

Ryder & Zach are the favourite sons of Sir Luke King. Being a hybrid, they have the strongest bloodline and formidable powers which granted them the ability to rule the entire supernatural world.

When the crowd are finally out of my view, I let out a silent scream.

A dead lifeless body laid across the floor.

Her head was no longer attached to her neck, and every single part of her body was covered with scars or bite marks. Streams of blood surrounded her entire body. At a glance, it seemed that her eyes had been dug out, with lips sewed in a messy pattern and not even aligned. You could tell that whoever did this had not much patience. Although the entire face had been disfigured, the worse part was the different holes drilled into her brain.

The scene is utterly horrendous, and she wasn't even an adult.

She was just a kid.

How can someone be so cruel to lay a finger on a child?

I gasped in horror and accelerated my foot out of the crime scene; not even want to know what would happen next.

My heart goes all out to her family.

"Flo! Have you heard? There was a little girl murdered awhile ago!" The first thing Alexis said to me when I reached her dorm and I grimaced.

"I know. I saw it with my own eyes." I mumbled while fidgeting, recalling the horrible sight of the poor girl.

"Did you know that after the incident, curfews shortened to 9.30? They are making some amendments on the securities to find out who is the culprit. For goodness sake, they finally started to do something after the 3rd death case." Alexis blabbered while I nod my head, feeling distracted and disturbed.

"Can we like just get over it? I'm feeling uncomfortable here." I said in a blunt tone while she nods in understanding.

Of course, out of the three incidents, I was there to witnessed all.

The first incident happened in the girl's toilet. I saw a banshee girl placed her head close to a toilet bowl, making claims that she could hear someone's heartbeat. Going slower and slower. Then an hour later, someone died at the exact same spot. Another incident took place where I snuck out during class to get some fresh air. To my displease, I witnessed a dead body tied up on a wooden plank with limbs abused to a brutal state. And now?

The lovely supermart incident.

Just the thought of it is enough to send shivers down my spine.

"Where is your roommate?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood.

Alexis shrugged and said, "Who knows. I guess she is sleeping around elsewhere."

I laughed at her comment, thinking that she is trying to mock her banshee roommate. In the academy, it is okay to see people lying down on a hallway sleeping or even in some god knows where places. They're known as the banshees, individuals who predict deliberate supernatural deaths. They could be like 'I can hear the sound of death' or will be drawing their hearts out in the art studio. Sometimes they even played some instruments and whispered 'It's getting nearer and nearer'.

"Uhhh! Faster!" Someone squealed.

I froze and glanced at Alexis with questioning looks.

She let out a sigh, "This is the 'sleeping around' I'm referring to."

"Oh Jesus, you're so good." The girl moaned again. This time, even louder than before.

"Okay....... should we leave and give them some privacy?" I asked with a cautious tone while Alexis shook her head.

"No big deal, my room is sound proof." She explained while I just nodded my head in response.

"Oh, Finn!" This time, the woman let out a loud cry.

I shuddered at the thought of the things that man or woman is doing with her. Wait, did I just heard the name of Finn? I rose up to my feet, getting ready to beat the crap out of Alexis' boyfriend. That jerk! He cheated on her right in front of her eyes?!

Then, here comes another loud thump and I shifted my gaze towards Alexis. She mouthed 'don't' and I could see tears threatened to stream down her cheeks. She clung to my arms for support and mumbled nonchalant words to calm herself down. Upon seeing this sight of her, I shrank back to my seat and comforted her in silence.

"Arghhhh! Alexis!" The guy groaned with an inhumane voice and my eyes bulged out in sockets.

How dare he, has the nerve to moan my best friend's name while having with another woman?

Alexis stood up in an abrupt manner and open the fridge in violence, with so much force that the refrigerator shook. She took in deep breaths, grabbed the knife and continued to chop the ingredients for our pizza. Alexis is trying to pretend as if nothing has happened. And as if, this was nothing. But her body betrayed her as she was shaking like a loose cannon. She was angry and in pain.

This time, it's the banshee girl who spoke out. "Oh yes! You can treat me as Alexis. I don't care as long you gave me the pleasure. You're so good, Finnie~."

I blinked my eyes a few times, making sure I did not hear it wrong.

Now, I am fuming mad. I barged right into the door and yelled, "Please! Stop shaming yourselves!"

"Geez! What the hell! Get out; I'm not done yet." Finn had shouted right back at me before he continued to kiss or rather eat the life out of the banshee's face.

"Lexis is here." I gritted my teeth and said. Finn waved his hands off, trying to dismiss me so that he can continue his act.

"You can stay for a ." The banshee girl threw me a wink.

"Shut the up, !" This time, Alexis came into view, and I could see Finn's expression soften at the sight of her.

"Alexis" Finn sounded endearing and sweet. But with the smeared lipstick on his face, I'll say otherwise.

"Finn." Alexis' voice sounded foreign and hostile. This cause Finn to frowned, unhappy with the tone she used. Nonetheless, he masked his facial expression in a split second.

"Now do you mind? I haven't finished what I started." He smirked while placing his hands around the banshee's waist, trying to showcase his trophy. "Besides, you & I both know that we're not an item anymore. Oh wait, you were never my girlfriend anyway, just another dirtbag I picked up from the trash." That remark was enough to hit Alexis nerve. Without any warning, she gave it away. Her tears streamed down like a torrent.

"I know." She replied and ran off to God knows where.

I threw a dirty look at Finn. His devilish smirk remained, but his eyes showed remorse. It seemed like he wanted to take back everything he said a while ago. For one moment, I feel sorry for him. Even so, with the state my best friend is in, I will not show my sympathy to him.

"You'll regret this." I threatened and sprinted down the hallway to find Alexis. Along the way, she roamed around, undirected and unplanned. Alexis continued her aimless journey while I kept my mouth shut and tagged behind her.

Unable to take in any longer, she finally cried out loud. "Flovia...." With that, she started to wail like a baby and screamed, giving zero damn to strangers around us.

Immediately, I went over to her side and soothed her. "It's okay. It's okay. Just let it all out."

Soon, a small crowd started to surround us. The gossipers are curious about what's going on.

"Mind your own business!" I raged, and they back off immediately.

Well, of course not because of my incoherent anger but rather, my brother's reputation. They know enough not to mess with Felix Maddox. Especially her baby sister that he would risk his life for.

Once I'm sure she had the physical strength to walk, I brought her back to my dorm.

"Stay here tonight. Grab anything that you can wear alright?" I spoke in a gentle tone while Alexis sniffled in response.

Not soon after, I came back with her favourite Nutella ice cream and a mountain of kit kat.

"You're the best." She murmured, with full of chocolate while I giggled.

"I'll help you avenge for what Finn has done to you," I said, sounding more like a promise instead of comfort.

Realising Alexis did not comment anything, and I took it as silence means consent. Then, I pressed the button 'send' and the video went viral on the school's official snap chat.

Live video featuring the great Finn, one of Luke King's son.

Let's see what his father will say about this. 


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Chapter 5: Is that Junius? Poor Barloc
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Chapter 4: I love all of your stories. This and Different Worlds. Can't wait for the new updates!!