Protect You

"Can I ask you something?" Wonshik asked one night when he was sitting on Jaehwan's bed in his uncomfortable Armani suit, Jaehwan nibbling on a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"Go ahead," he said with his mouth full.

"What causes your inability to sleep?"

Jaehwan looked up at the ceiling in thought, and then back at Wonshik.

"Worry," he replied, swallowing a bite. "Anxiety, more like."

"Why are you anxious?" Wonshik inquired.

"Well, there are a lot of things," Jaehwan explained. "I'm anxious because of performances, because of the public's opinion, because of critics' feedback... and the death threats."

"Death threats?" Wonshik arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I mean," Jaehwan took another slice from the box, "there's a reason why you have to guard me every night. I've received a few serious death threats recently, more serious ones than before—that's what Hakyeon says, anyway. I'm not sure who the people who have sent me those are, but I'm guessing they don't like me being successful." He laughed hollowly.

Wonshik thinks about that conversation now as they move between the buildings at the song festival, Hakyeon leading them with Sanghyuk, Wonshik's colleague, in front, and Jaehwan walking a few steps behind them, Wonshik strolling at the end of their little entourage. He has a hand on the gun in its holster on his hip, his fingers tapping on the juncture of his thigh, watching as Jaehwan waves at staff and security guards, moving like he's not worried at all, but Wonshik can see the tension in his shoulders, in the way his back is curved as if he's ready to duck if someone shoots. He looks small like on his sleepless nights, and he's been on edge since he woke up so pale in the morning, his fingertips white on the bag he's clutching and Wonshik thinks, someone so young, beautiful and talented as Jaehwan shouldn't be as broken and paranoid as he is.

It happens in a fraction of a second; Wonshik doesn't even realize what's going on until he hears Sanghyuk cry out Jaehwan's name, and half a beat later a car rushes over the spot Jaehwan was standing just now. The car's tyres squeak loudly as it turns the corner, swerving, and Wonshik stands unmoving, tears collecting in his eyes from the shock at how his life depended on a few millimetres.

"Wonshik," he hears the weak voice and Wonshik looks up at Jaehwan with his arm grabbed tightly by Sanghyuk, pulled to his chest protectively. "Wonshik!"

Jaehwan tears himself out of Sanghyuk's grip and leaps forward, his arms spread like he wants to jump into Wonshik's neck, but he stops right in front of Wonshik, looking up at him with true horror in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" is the only thing Wonshik manages to blurt out.

"Me?!" Jaehwan all but screams, the sounds scaring Wonshik. "You almost got run over! How can you ask me if I'm okay, you idiot?!"

Jaehwan's fist hits his chest painfully and then his fingers bunch up the material of Wonshik's jacket, pulling him away from the middle of the road.

Wonshik doesn't remember much of the afternoon, can’t even concentrate on Jaehwan's performance that he’s listening to from the backstage, Sanghyuk taking upon himself to stand guard in front of the building entrance. Hakyeon keeps puttering about him, bringing him water even though Wonshik rejected his attempt the first three times, too, his hands shaking on his hips. He looks ready to cry and Wonshik feels uncomfortable being forced to stay sitting on a couch.

His phone rings in his pocket and it's Taekwoon, so Wonshik stands up, showing Hakyeon the incoming call when he gets a glare for moving, and walks to a corner.

"Hey," Wonshik breathes.

"Are you all right?" Taekwoon asks without greeting him first and it's one of those things Wonshik has got used to in his boss during the years: his need to get to the point without beating about the bush.

"I'm fine," Wonshik replies, sweeping his hair out of his forehead. "Jaehwan almost got killed."

"I know," Taekwoon says and Wonshik is sure it was Sanghyuk who told him. "You didn't see the car coming, did you?"

"No, I was— I didn't."

"Wonshik, you need to be alert, you can't get distracted," Taekwoon sighs. "Is it because of Jaehwan?"

Wonshik considers telling him about how Jaehwan isn't feeling well, but that's not something for Taekwoon to know.

"I'll pay closer attention to things, I promise," he says in the end.

"You're not allowed to make mistakes. One slip could cost you Jaehwan's life, or your own."

"Can't you just give me another chance?" Wonshik asks, pathetic, and he crouches down in the corner, burying his face into his hand.

"Another chance at what?" Taekwoon asks back, but it doesn't sound condemning, if anything, he sounds concerned, and not about the prestige of their company, that much Wonshik knows. "Trying to save Jaehwan's life? Do you want me to send over fake hitmen you can take out, proving your capability?"

"That's not what I meant," Wonshik grumbles. "Let me sort this out a little, I... I need to talk to Jaehwan about it, okay? If he agrees to switching me with someone else, I'll just... I'll let you do that."

"You shouldn't have things to sort out Wonshik," Taekwoon replies and he sounds tired. "But I trust you, so just please, don't mess up ever again."

"Alright, got it."

Taekwoon murmurs his assent, ending the call immediately and leaving Wonshik's mind twisted in a way it hasn't been since he was a high schooler.

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myloveforvixx #1
This is such a cute story! I love the ending​!
KTsuki-chan #2
Why do I love all your fics so much... ♡
Raken is too perfect >///<
Chapter 5: This chapter should be written as mature because I know that someone most likely will report it. (Just giving you a heads up)
Chapter 6: Raken is love
Raken is life
Raken my love
Raken my life