「4: What Do You Feel?」

{EDITING HIATUS} A Time Gone Wrong
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I know I'm a ed up man
And you're an angel that's unmarked
Don't come closer to me
Because it'll leave you scars
So just leave before I regret anything

Yoongi was in those kind of moods today, because he was thinking about Hoseok yet again. Unconsciously he had scribbled out this stanza, and it was embarrassing that he did so. He was supposed to keep his emotions out of any of his songs, but lately they have been slowly seeping in. It had garnered praise from the higher ups, which genuinely surprised him. One of the problems he had when making music was the connection on the emotional level.

His compositions were flawless and nothing could be picked on, but the one thing that bugged him the most was emotion. Growing up in a family where emotions were rarely present, it was hard for him to portray the emotions he needed in his music. That was what set him apart from Namjoon, who had a balanced amount of emotions and clever compositions. Now with him nursing a heartbreak from a relationship with Hoseok, everything was turning out to be better.


I'm a fool to let you believe in me
Because I'm just a devil who never changed
So don't forgive me even with the kindest intentions
Just let me receive the punishment that I deserved



Hoseok was doing well, surprisingly.

Despite the heartbreak he had gone through, he was in a better state than Yoongi was. Not that he knew of anyway. Namjoon, with the help of Jimin, had been able to keep track of Hoseok's condition. He was eating, sleeping and functioning infuriatingly fine. No signs of what Yoongi had been - broken, wrecked up, moody - and Namjoon was puzzled. What the hell was Hoseok up to?

Hoseok himself, was just keeping those emotions at bay. Those would eventually overflow one day but Hoseok couldn't care less. He just needed to get through these days so he could get better. He needed to forget, whatever he and Yoongi had. But the older turning up suddenly at one of his dance lessons did nothing but to halt his progress. All those forgotten feelings welled up and it was slowly suffocating Hoseok. He had tried to ignore them and even, keep them at bay but it wasn't helping

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Ren_n-- #1
Chapter 4: It's such a good story so far. Keep up the good work.