
Transformation in Ruins

hehe, just finished the trailer for Yunho's ver. of 'Mine'

(i've been too lazy to include opening songs for the updates lately..sorry~ /sorry sorry dance)

Like I had mentioned before, in this chapter there's a somewhat large amount of fast forward…

6 months total. ~~~~'s already gone through the recommended rehab to kick the drug habit she'd formed,

while her memories of ever using were forgotten, it was still necessary because while she 'forgot' in a way,

her mind/body did not. if that makes any sense.. 

** When getting clean of drugs, rehab sessions usually continue for long periods of time--up to several years-- but since this is a fic that will not be necessary for ~~~~.

***Yunho no longer lives with ~~~~, and they are no longer 'dating' him having reluctantly 'ended' the relationship due to ~~~~'s new start, etc.

**** This is chapter leads more into the Jaejoong ending, but it also has a bit for the Yunho ending. You'll see when you reach the end of the chapter… (: 

I'll be doing that from time to time…maybe a lot though.. 

 I don't even know right now, hah, so tired. 


\ outfit; \



It came as a surprise to me when my parents informed me I'd have to attend weekly sessions at a local rehab facility for a total of four months. The idea of ingesting drugs made my stomach lurch forward unpleasantly, so of course, finding out I'd experimented with some made me extremely nauseous as well as disappointed at myself. And I'll admit…having found that out, I became somewhat curious as to why I'd tried the drugs. What exactly happened that I was pushed to experiment with drugs? But like I'd also said, I was getting a new chance at life, I wasn't going to waste my time digging up the past when I could be moving forward. 

As I was saying, the people at the center were really nice to me even while I didn't have much to say about using, it seemed they'd been notified beforehand of my 'condition.' The guys and my parents would take turns accompanying me to the sessions, so that made it easier for me to sit through said hour long sessions. Of course, when Junsu and Changmin accompanied me, well…things were…interesting, to say the least. 

The people there would always lean over towards me and quietly ask me if they were also there to talk about their drug problems. I could see where they would assume the boys of using drugs, they were practically bouncing from wall to wall the entire hour we were there. When I'd answer their question with, "Nope, they're naturally like that. (:" They would then sigh sympathetically as they watched the boys do whatever they were doing, then they'd comment, "….You're doing a good thing, dear. Most people don't accept special people into their lives so easily…" I couldn't help but laugh at that a bit. Changmin and Junsu sure were one of a kind, but I wouldn't trade either of them for anything in the world. They made almost every situation a ball.


Two out of the four guys tended to avoid Jaejoong, those two being Yunho and Yoochun. They constantly kept trying to warn me about how he wasn't who he seemed to be or something else along those lines. My parents would also make similar comments every now and then, it was beyond irritating. They just couldn't understand that I cared nothing of the past, so I had to excuse myself as politely as possible whenever they would even show signs of bringing up that topic again. My parents would never really drag Jaejoong's name through the dirt as badly as Yoochun and Yunho did. I even came to notice that whenever they would mention him(Jaejoong) a small ripple of sadness would linger in their eyes for the slightest moment before it was covered up with anger. I would never bring this up because it obviously had to do with the past, thus for it would remain an untouched topic. The reason Yunho and Yoochun now avoided Jaejoong altogether was because I'd somewhat blown up at them when I'd finally had enough of them mentioning the same thing to the point that they would seem like broken records. After I had finished my rants I'd kindly suggested for them to just bite their tongues and ignore Jaejoong if he bothered them that much. It seemed to be working so I had no complaints, but..I kind of wished they could get along with him. That seemed like an impossible feat though. 


Asides from the lost topic I just touched, everything else was going along smoothly. 


|| Current setting; school courtyard || 


The weather was slightly chilly, but just as calming as I was listening to my iPod while copying down some notes from Maths class. The library was open so I could've been doing this there, but I preferred to be out in the open, it was so much more nicer than being locked up in a room with a ton of books and limited space. Just as I was reaching down for my iPod to change to a different song, my eyes were covered with cold hands. 


"Guess who~" 


"Junsu. Now can I please continue what I was doing?" I called out as I lightly swatted his hands away. 


Junsu pouted like a child before batting his eyelashes in a playful manner, "I doubt you're going to get any work done now." 


"Oh, yeah, and why is that?" I responded just as playfully. 


He let out an odd laugh before running away again and pointing somewhere behind me, "Your boyfriend's here~" 


A very familiar chuckle sounded from a few feet away before the seat next to me was occupied, "He's saying it again, isn't he?" 


I looked over my notes before giving a quick nod, "The boyfriend thing..yeah. No biggie though since he's referring to a lot of things and people as my boyfriend now. Last week it was a lamp, guess now it's back to you again." 


Jaejoong chuckled once again before leaning back slightly and looking at the sky, "….Does that bother you?" 


"Hmmm?" I hummed quietly while erasing stray marks from my paper. 


"Him referring to me as your boyfriend, does it bother you?" He questioned, eyes still focused on the passing by clouds. 


I glanced over at him from the corner of my eyes before looking back at my paper, "Not really." 


Jaejoong pushed himself forward and gazed at ~~~~ with great interest, "Can I ask why?" 


||| For Jaejoong ending |||


"Why are you so curious all of a sudden?" I questioned playfully as I started gathering my notes together. 


Jaejoong fought back a grin as ~~~~~ glanced his way, "Since when are you so aware of me being curious?" 


I rolled my eyes at his attempt at a comeback before narrowing my eyes at him, "…Did you just imply that I'm a moron?" 


He chuckled as he reached over and ruffled my hair gently, "Now, if I had just done that I'd be running by now, wouldn't I?" 




Jaejoong laughed loudly as he ran as fast as he could, "How about you come catch me…if you can~!!!" 


"Oh, and now he just called me slow…nice. You are dead when I catch you, Jae." 


"Nah, I don't think so~" Jaejoong murmured, his head resting on ~~~~~'s shoulder. 


'How did he get here so fast? Woah…' 


"Surprised?" Jaejoong questioned before sticking his tongue out in teasing, "You still can't catch me~" 


*sigh*  I'm just going to let him run until he tires himself, then I shall get my revenge. >:D



||| For Yunho ending |||


I shrugged my shoulders as I started putting my notes away, "It's just Junsu playing around. It has no other meaning besides that." 


~~~~~ missed the saddened expression that crossed Jaejoong's features as she said those words.


"Right, just playing around, why would it mean anything else…" Jaejoong murmured as he stood, "I'm going to go ahead and leave first, I'll see you in Science." 


"See you," I called out with a small wave as I continued to pack the notes into my bag.




Let me know what you all thought~ (: 

I'm going to go ahead and sleep now, headache.. and I'm tired, hah.

I'll update again tomorrow. ^-^

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Chapter 30: I don't know about other readers, but I would have prefered if there was only ONE story and no sequels... Haha maybe this is a new type of story to me... It was still a very nice beginning though ^^
redblossom07 #2
gosh! its hard to choose what sequel should i read hahaha!
well, because im a yunho biased, ill read it hehe! ^^
I love this character. Oh the sarcasm~ xD Good story, only in chapter 2, but just had to comment xP
shawol03 #4
Read you fic yesterday and this morning. Wow. You're good with this. I cried with one chapter it was the chappie where jae went to the hospital and he told her everything. I'm a jaejoong bias too soooo i'l read jae's part first. Kekeke sorry if I didn't leave comments before. Too eager to finish this. ^^
jenjeneee #5
Yay finished it! Gonna read the sequel :)
yay!!! i finished reading it so then yea..hehe i love it!!
wow...yunho really have 'person issues'...heheh!!
new resder
leedictator #9
Gosh, sorry for the late comment? Hahh .. I don`t know what to say, I actually have no reason to be this late, except for the fact that I don`t go onto AFF much & I have started high school, which , but yeah, I had plenty of time to come here & read but I didn`t. I`m sorry. But yeah, I read it all now & I love it! Even if I do like Jaejoong A LOT more then Yunho, I still want her to end up with Yunho, because I like seeing Jae regret & in pain ^^" Man, I`m such a sado >.< Haha, anyways, gonna go read Jae`s sequel (:
leedictator #10
Omgosh ~! It`s finished! Ahh, I`ve been gone for a while so I didn`t know .. Anyways, I`m going to go and read it now, then I`ll comment later ^^