#2 Seungmi's death

What's Juliet without Romeo?

I waited,

and waited,

and waited.

At first I thought that he was up to one of those playful surpirses again,and that he was just preparing the things so he might pop up anything now.

But after an hour had passed, it doesn't seem right anymore.

And deep down in my heart,my insticts are telling me something is very,very wrong.

And then,I saw a police car speeding down the road,following by an ambulance behind.


His name just popped right out of my mind then. And I knew I needed to follow that ambulance. I got to my feet and started running until I saw at a distance,what seemed to be a crowd of people gathering around.

"Oh dear,what a pity. He was only a 20 year old boy.."

"What a young age."

"His parents must be devasted."

People walking past me were all gossiping. Could it be?..


It can't be Seungmi.

I pushed past the crowd and finally got to the front.

A body lay there lifelessly. And then I saw, that particular grey hoodie I bought for him on his birthday last year.

It was on that body. I gasped and covered my mouth in shock.

I slowly moved towards the body.

Please don't let it be him,please don't let it be him.

I kneeled down,one of the police officers were pulling me away but I struggled off. I was trembling so badly, not of the coldness of the night though, but of fear.

Slowly, I lifted my badly trembling hand and turned the body over.

There,facing me right now,was no doubt Seungmi.

His face was pale as a piece of blank paper,the pool of blood below his head glistened in the moonlight.

this .

"Seungmi." I croacked out and picked him up. I buried my face in his chest and started crying. But he wasn't him anymore. What I'm holding in my arms now is just a plain,lifeless body. So cold and fragile.

Someone was pulling me away.

My arms dropped Seungmi back onto the ground.

People were surrounding Seungmi,zipping him up in a bag,taking him away from me.

From my life.

From my heart.

A wave of dizziness washed past me and not a moment later,darkness engulfed me.

It was all too much for me to take.

Seungmi is dead.

And I was no better than being dead too.


Hi everyone!

Short chapter today! (:

But no worries! Will update tomorrow if I have the time. Meanwhile,just want to let you guys know what happened to him.

L will be coming in anytime soon so be ready! (:

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poor seungmi :( i would be devastated if i lost my boyfriend, too.<br />
but i won't since i don't have one hhihihihih ;)
poor Seungmi
Hey! Do update soon! (: Interesting story!