#3: Heartless

What's Juliet without Romeo?

"Miss, I know that you're in a devasted state right now, but you need to answer our question so we can help you." The two police officer stood rooted by my bed, stubborn and persistent.

I pulled the blankets over my head, not wanting to answer them.

What help could it have done?

Will it bring Seungmi back to me?


Just when I was about to lose my temper, my mom came in and shooed them off.

"She's mentally unstable now. Why not give her some time?"

Mentally unstable.

"We'll come back another time." A hint of frustration was evident in their voice. Right after that, I heard their footsteps shuffling in the hall and down the stairs. They better be gone and not bring their asses back here.

"Sooyeon.." My mom began.

"No." I immediately said. From the hospital all the way here, people were all trying to make talks with me. I don't want to talk to either of them. What's so hard to understand about this?

I needed time.

Time to digest the fact that Seungmi was beaten to death, and not just that, at the hopsital, the report showed that the past 6 hours before he died, he had been taking drugs.

I couldn't believe it. Seungmi, never in my life had I known, would abuse drugs in any form.

"Okay I get it. I'll leave you alone. But do you want anything?"

"Nothing mom, I don't need a ."

I heard her sigh before she left the room.

I close my eyes. For once in my life, the darkness actually comforts me. I lied there, frozen and stiff, doing nothing but just thinking of what my life would be from now on.

It wasn't long before I heard the door of my parent's room closed, which is a sign that they're going to bed. I opened my eyes and tiptoed to the bathroom. As the lights went off, I squirted my eyes at the sudden brightness as I opened up the bathroom cabinet, searching for something.

At last I found it, the sleeping pills.

I took it and went back to my room. Popping the cover open, I took out 2 pills and swallowed them.

That was probably all I needed to survive the night.

As I begin to feel drowsy, the only thought that came to my mind was finding out the murderer.

And when I find him,

he's gonna be so screwed.

Holding on to that thought in my mind, I drifted off into wonderland.


Sorry for not updating for so long );

I promise I'm gonna update more and more now!

This is a short chapter cause I'm kind of in a rush now.

So hope you guys have a great night ahead! (:

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poor seungmi :( i would be devastated if i lost my boyfriend, too.<br />
but i won't since i don't have one hhihihihih ;)
poor Seungmi
Hey! Do update soon! (: Interesting story!