#1 Valentine's day gone all wrong

What's Juliet without Romeo?


SHE (Well..I hope it's a she anyway) does really nice posters so go check it out! ^^ : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/113828/infinity-graphic-site-apply-graphics-infinite-kpop-poster-request   ^^   


"Ooof. There." I grinned,satisfied with myself for being able to fit into Minyoung's dress after much squeezing and pulling. I did a ultimate cartwheel in my head as I dragged myself to the mirror and took a look at myself.

"Does this even look y in any way?" I scowled at myself in the mirror.

"Hmm..sure." She mumbled,not looking up from her phone which she had been using ever since we came to my room.

And that was 2 hours ago.

"Minyoung," I sighed. "I really need to look good for Seungmi today. Please help?"

"Oh alright," She rolled her eyes and sat up.

Well,I do know one of the reasons why she's so reclutant to help. Probably because today is Valentine's day and she doesn't have a boyfriend to go out with and I do.

"Tell me what isn't y about this outfit." She stated.

"The fact that my s is about to fall out anytime now?"

She did a that's-exactly-my-whole-point look. "And tell me that isn't y?"

"No," I started digging through the mound of clothes I hefted out from my closet. "This is y."

"Doesn't s need to be y to be a ?"

I ignored that comment because from what I thought..s are just..well..s I guess. I picked up a floral dress and without giving any other damn, I just put it on.

"Hurry and do my make-up." I said. 30 minutes later I need to get my out of this house. She started applying some moisturizer onto my face.

All was fine until I felt my face smelling alittle like..pizza.



"Did you wash your hands after eating that slice of pepperoni pizza?"







"Seungmi!" I called out as I saw him standing outside the cinema.

"You're late." He playfully scolded as he folded his arms. I laughed and held hands with him.

"Hehe sorry. Couldn't find my purse." I lied,not wanting to talk about the pepperoni experience. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

"Happy valentine's day." He whispered. I blushed and turned my face away.

"Aren't you gonna wish me that too?"

"Did you buy the tickets already?" Topci change,topic change,topic change.

"Tell me you love me!" .


He shot me one of his playful suspicious look. "Another boyfriend huh?"

"NO!" I giggled as I punched him in the arm. "FINE,i love you."

"I can't hear you!"

"I love you."

"Still can't!"

"Seungmi don't make me."

"Tell me that-"

"I LOVE YOU!" I shouted,frustrated. Everyone turned around and looked at us. Oops.

Seungmi kept laughing as he pulled me away. "Sorry,my babe loves me too much."

Embarrassed,I pulled the tickets out from his hands and realised he got tickets to a horror movie. Darn it, he knows I hate horror movies the most. One time he dragged me to watch this movie where this two girls were locked in this haunted house and trust me, I couldn't sleep without a night light for another month.

"You did it on purpose!" I pouted as he handed the tickets to the ticket collector.

"Come on,you know my intention for the horror movie."

"What is it?" Skinship.

"Oh,looks like someone's acting blur."

"I'm not."


"Well you know what?" I unlocked my hands from his. "Then you won't be getting any this evening."

"We'll see about that."


"WHY WOULD YOU!!!!" I cried as I pulled my face into his hoodie.

Total skinship in the cinema today: 5 hugs, me burying my face in his shoulders for God knows how many times, almost through the whole movie I held his hands.


But trust me, I almost peed it out when the movie showed of this CCTV in a empty room and suddenly a %#$&@ (I refuse to say the word) face popped out and started screaming.

I couldn't take it.

Stupid Seungmi was still laughing,HAHAHAHA.

"Thought somebody said they won't be needing me." He cooed.

"I don't care,you and me are going to the store and buying the brightest night light there is possible there."

"Why don't you just switch on your light then?" He joked.

"SHUT UP! It was bad enough that I had to go through that with you!"

He smiled as he sat me down at a bench outside the cinema.

"Wait here for me."


"I'm going to get some..er..ice cream for us!"

"Oh really?"

"YUP!" He stuck out his chest as if buying ice cream was the greatest thing ever.

I giggled as I shooed him off. "Get a night light if you see one!"

He nodded as he ran off.

"SEUNGMI WAIT!" I called out.

He turned back.

"I LOVE YOU!" I smiled as I did a love sign. He pretended to be disgusted but did one back anyways.

"I'LL BE BACK SOON!" He laguhed and ran off.

He never really made it back though.


                             HELLO! HOW'S MY FIRST CHAPPIE? (:


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 P.S You might not want to giggle while doing this in case your parents think you're some mentally-unstable child?

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poor seungmi :( i would be devastated if i lost my boyfriend, too.<br />
but i won't since i don't have one hhihihihih ;)
poor Seungmi
Hey! Do update soon! (: Interesting story!