Chapter 2

No Matter What They Say


Much time had passed since Key had seen his parents. It wasn’t until his birthday that his mom called him up early and wished him a happy birthday.

“Happy birthday to you, my loving son, Kibum-ah~ I miss you. You must be busy every day, with promotions and performing, no wonder you’re not dating! Hahaha,” Key’s mom’s voice had such energy in it, saying every word as if every breath that spoke them was dedicated to her son. She was just so proud. And Key felt absolutely miserable.

“Thank you so much, mom. I really appreciate you calling like this on my birthday. I hope you’re doing well and staying healthy. I’ll call more often, okay? Bye mom, I love you…” Putting the phone down, Key let out a huge sigh, but that did not lighten the load on his chest a bit. His hands shook and movement wasn’t quite possible at that moment, especially in such silence; you could hear a pin drop, that’s how quiet it was.

The other members were sleeping. That’s how early it was, too.

Key couldn’t even go back to sleep though he was tired. He just kept on recalling his mother’s words and voice. “You must be busy every day, no wonder you’re not dating!” The recollection stabbed at his heart.

‘Mom, why must you be so expectant of me? I’m not that great of a son, I can’t even get married or give you grandchildren all because of my stupid heart.’ Key’s soul was crying but he did not feel like shedding tears. He was too tired for even that.

No one really noticed any difference in Key’s behavior. He seemed to be normal in everyone’s eyes. Everyone except for one’s.

“Key, are you ok? Something’s bothering you, I can feel it,” Jonghyun said to him in private. Now Jonghyun had a look of worry for his Key. They were both alone in their room while the others were watching TV in the living room. The others didn’t pay any attention to them walking away.

Key attempted a fake smile and said calmly, “Of course! Why would anything be wrong? You worry too much, Jjong~” But Jonghyun could see through his act like water. His stare pierced through Key’s shifty eyes and caught them, and that’s when Key couldn’t take it anymore.

He dropped his head so depressingly and slowly moved forward to hug Jonghyun.

“Why do I feel like I’m being a terrible person? I want to be with you. More than I want anything else in this world, even if our popularity is taken away from us. I’d even be fine if the company fired me, as long as they never take you away… But. I feel as if I’m letting my parents down, especially my mom. She wants so much out of me and I would never want to let her down. But fulfilling her wishes would mean ending our relationship because you KNOW how she is with these things. I’m just feeling so… lost.”

Key tightened the hug and rested his head on Jonghyun’s shoulder. Sighing all day only made the stress seem heavier yet one hug from his Jonghyun made him feel like he could fly.

After what seemed like hours (though it was only 10 minutes), Key let go of Jonghyun. His lips were curling up into a sideways-3, like a kitty; a REAL smile. Jonghyun smiled back with sparkles in his eyes. They seemed to be saying, ‘Nothing will ever separate us. That I can promise you.’

The two of them started walking out to the living to continue to watch TV with everyone else. But they were gone! There was a little note on the side table that read: We went to the store for a sec because Taemin wanted some banana milk. I don’t think that’s the only thing we’re getting so if you guys want something, call us. We called you guys in the room but didn’t get an answer so we just left and put this note here because SOMEONE couldn’t wait for their milk (this child…). Sorry and be back soon. – Minho”

The silence lingered on after the note was read. It wasn’t an awkward silence though. There was no such thing as an awkward silence between Jonghyun and Key. It was as if they talked with their hearts and sent silent messages to each other.

While the TV was still on (“They didn’t even turn off the TV before they left,” Key nagged.), the two sat down and figured they would watch while they waited. As usual, there was nothing interesting on so they just sat and blankly watched whatever was playing.

Jonghyun looked up from the remote control, scanning all of Key’s features as he sat on the couch. He really just wanted to turn off the TV and shift all his attention to him. From his long legs, going up to his arms, one touching against his, up to his collarbone that was widely exposed by his v-neck, his face… every bit of perfection in one face. Jonghyun couldn’t stop looking at those beautiful eyes that were fixed on the TV screen, that cute little nose and those lips that he had an urge to bite.

Key noticed him staring and when he locked eyes with him, Jonghyun quickly turned away, embarrassed. Key could only laugh playfully and nudge his puppy’s shoulder with his head. Jonghyun laughed too and ran his hand through Key’s fluffy hair. It was the cutest, most flirtatious kind of moment. Until Key stepped it up a notch and gave Jonghyun a quick kiss on the cheek. All movement in the world stopped for a half of a second, then Jonghyun began to move in on Key and was soon getting what he wanted. A kiss from those precious lips. Key didn’t refuse at all and pressed his face even harder with Jonghyun’s.

The moment was getting deeper and deeper, so much passion in just one long kiss. It was very much heaven.

Then suddenly, the doorknob to the front door turns and opens instantly. Jonghyun and Key broke away as fast as they could but it was too late. There was Key’s mom with a cake in her hand, shocked out of her mind. There she fainted, right on the spot.

“Dammit, those guys didn’t lock the door while they left either?!” Key cursed as he and Jonghyun ran towards his fallen mother. They called an ambulance and took her to the hospital. The two sat in the chairs outside of the emergency room.

Key has his head in his hands with the most distressed look a human could have.

“It’s all over…”

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 3: awwwwso cute!!! I'm so happy for them!!! hahaha lucky mother havin' such a beautiful and talented son!! ^_^
carrotcake #2
loved it! <3 it was really, really sweet. :"> thank you so much for writing this, it was definitely an awesome read. :D
sleeplesshope15 #3
thank you thank you ^^ i feel like i've been seeing less happy endings lately lol. glad you liked it <3
Aww...happy ending! yay! Loved the jongkey fanfic! :)