Chapter 3

No Matter What They Say


Sunlight came in from the hospital room window. It would’ve been beautiful and warm if it weren’t a hospital and if the person in pain wasn’t Key’s mom. She lay on a bed with her eyes closed, half asleep and half just closing her eyes because she was afraid of opening them.

‘That wasn’t… that wasn’t my Kibum, was it? With Jonghyun? No, impossible! You have to have seen wrong because that was not my dear son kissing a BOY. I won’t think about, it didn’t happen.’

Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. It was all too much to handle and she could not believe nor understand a single bit of it. Had she raised him this way?!

Meanwhile, both Key and Jonghyun were waiting outside still. Soon, the doctor called them over and told them that the mother’s condition was fine. She was just in shock (he didn’t ask why or what happened, luckily for the two).

“She’s resting at the moment if you want to see her,” said the doctor solemnly. He could tell the two were feeling bad for something.

“Thank you very much, doctor.” Key bowed to him and grabbed onto Jonghyun’s hand. He led him into the room in which his mother was in. They were too scared to talk to her but it was something they could not escape since they made her faint. Some explaining, or confessing rather, had to be done.

Key walked in first, trying to hide Jonghyun behind him so his mother would not go to yelling at HIM.

“Mom, it’s me, Key. Are you ok? Please open your eyes,” Key urged. He could not believe he did this to his own mother; his mother who had done nothing but love and care for him, and support him every day. She opened her eyes slowly and glanced in the direction of her son.

“Kibum-ah. What’s going on? Please tell me now before my heart explodes.” She had such a serious look on her face and did not look into Key’s eyes. Instead, she looked up at the ceiling and simply listened to what he was to say.

Key let out a big breath and stared at the floor. He was about to explain everything gently and twist his words around so it wouldn’t be so hard on his mother.

“Well, mom, lately it’s just been… you know… well, how can I put this? I…” Key stuttered until Jonghyun interrupted.

“Mrs. Kim, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, please don’t blame any of it on Kibum. I’m the problem here. Because I love your son, Mrs. Kim.” Jonghyun let it all out in one mouthful. He did not pause or breathe in between his words. He did not want to twist words or hide anything anymore. It wasn’t his personality to do so. Everything just confessed itself right there.

Jonghyun just looked at Key’s mom with as much respect as possible while her and Key both had dropped their jaws to the floor. Yes, even Key couldn’t believe that Jonghyun had let it all out.

“You…! Oh my goodness, my headache,” Key’s mother muttered under her breath, leaning back while putting her hand on her head. She looked like she was in deep, searing pain, only it was internal.

Key couldn’t keep in his shock either. He took a step to him and whispered in his ear, “Why did you just say that? Can’t you see she’s not going to be understanding in this condition? She was hardly understanding when she was well!”

“I’m sorry, Key, but she needs to know. Not tomorrow, next week or next year. NOW,” Jonghyun whispered back with confidence in his voice.

He walked towards the bed. Key was afraid of what he was going to do next; his mother didn’t look like she could take any more.

“Mrs. Kim…” Jonghyun bowed to her on the floor and showed his full respect towards her. “Please listen to my words, I implore you. This person right here, your son Kibum, is someone I want to be with forever. He is my Juliette, figuratively speaking. I cherish every moment I have with him and hope to make an endless chain of more beautiful memories with him. I would like him to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see at night. I would like to make him the happiest person to ever exist, always by my side. I will give up my life for him. I… I love him, Mrs. Kim. Please accept our love, I will take good care of your son.” At this point, Jonghyun was beginning to cry. Still on the floor, teardrops fell from his eyes like rain.

Key’s mom could not help but feel horrible for objecting their love. She thought to herself, ‘It seems like Jonghyun would take care of my Kibum better than any woman out there. *sigh* He may be a boy but I suppose as long as my son is happy… I shouldn’t get in between such a happy couple, should I? That’d just be unfair and cruel.’

A hint of a smile appeared on her face and Key’s face brightened. Jonghyun lifted his head to see her and he slowly stood up, wiping the tears all over his face. His face brightened like the sun shining outside.

“Well Jonghyun, I can’t believe I’m saying this but… go ahead. Love my son because I can tell that you genuinely love him, more than anyone else in this world ever will. I don’t know if I’ll ever regret saying this, so don’t make me regret it and take care of Kibum would you?” Key’s mom gave in and seemed to do it willingly. Her words couldn’t make Jonghyun happier right then.

“You approve of us? THANK YOU SO MUCH, MRS. KIM!! Do not worry one bit, I will put my life on the line for your son! I’m so sorry you will not have grandchildren but please think of us nicely and forgive me for that.” Jonghyun ran over to Key’s mom and gave her one huge bear hug to show his thanks. He was laughing as if he had just found his purpose in life, and truthfully speaking, he had. His purpose was to love Key without fail until the end of time.

Key also hugged him mom so tightly, saying thanks a million times to show his ultimate gratitude.

“Mom, are you feeling ok now? I’m extremely sorry we scared you like that but I guess it was so we could finally tell you. We hated pretending in front of you… But now there’s no more pretending necessary! Thank you so much, I love you!!”

“Haha, oh my son. Who would’ve known that it’d turn out this way? I’m sorry too, for overreacting a bit. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just check myself out when I’ve fully regained my energy. Go. Go enjoy your day with Jonghyun.” Key’s mom smiled happily this time, looking in the direction of Jonghyun.

In the car going home, Jonghyun was driving and Key was sitting in the passenger seat. All of the windows were open. The sun was setting, creating an orange sky with streaks of purple and pink. This has been quite the day for Jonghyun and Key, but it has ended perfectly. The two were constantly smiling in the car.

“We’re finally free to be together, not having to hide anything at all! I feel like the happiest guy in the world right now, it’s like heaven,” Key said dreamily. Jonghyun only laughed while looking ahead.

“We really are free… Hey, Key. Guess what?” Jonghyun asked.


Jonghyun poked his head out of the window and yelled at the top of his lungs, “I LOVE YOU!!!”

Key blushed and laughed in embarrassment as he also poked his head out and screamed even louder, “I LOVE YOU TOO, KIM JONGHYUN!!!!! AND I ALWAYS WILL!!”

The two cherished each other’s presence and continued to scream out their love for one another. Thank goodness it was a highway and there were almost no people on the road.

Suddenly, Jonghyun pulled up the car to the side of the road.

“Why’d you stop, Jjong?” Key asked curiously.

“I didn’t want to get into an accident when I did this,” and pecked Key right on the lips. Key pawed at him playfully, “You’re such a kid,” and gave him a kiss right back.

Jonghyun’s smile kept on getting wider and he threw his arms around Key. He softly said into his ear, a little louder than a whisper, “And we’ll always have each other, no matter what they say.”

The End.

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 3: awwwwso cute!!! I'm so happy for them!!! hahaha lucky mother havin' such a beautiful and talented son!! ^_^
carrotcake #2
loved it! <3 it was really, really sweet. :"> thank you so much for writing this, it was definitely an awesome read. :D
sleeplesshope15 #3
thank you thank you ^^ i feel like i've been seeing less happy endings lately lol. glad you liked it <3
Aww...happy ending! yay! Loved the jongkey fanfic! :)