My heart, your heart

I can't resist, you're just too cute

Jeongyeon sits there trying so hard not to laugh. She can see how well Mina tried to hide her mistake. She knows how much Mina loves Chaeyoung, after all Mina and Jeongyeon both know eachothers secrets. Mina knows that Jeongyeon has a HUGE crush on Nayeon and Jeongyeon knows that Mina loves Chaeyoung. Mina stares at Jeongyeon, signaling her to help her out with this whole mess. Jeongyeon stares back at Mina's strawberry-coloured face and takes a glance at Chaeyoung who's also blushing red.


"Ahhhh, i do that all the time. Nayeon is so cute i end up staring at her." Jeongyeon says with a huge smirk on her face.

"ehhh" Nayeon hides her blushing face with her hands.

"uwaaa, this girl. she totally just used my up to flirt with Nayeon." i sigh in my mind. "Geez, i knew she was slick but i never imagined her to be this good at getting girls. i swear this girl uses any chance she gets to flirt with Nayeon.


The bell rings, signaling recess, I quickly grab Jeongyeon and pull her to the side.


"I totally saved your just now Minari" she says with a victorious look.

"Yeah, and u totally just used me to flirt with Nayeon."

"Of course. It was a chance i couldn't miss yknow. You should learn from me sometime, instead of getting all shy."

"You know how shy I am."

"Mina, someone is gunna snatch your little cub if you don't make any moves, you never know, she might like you back"

"But she had a crush on Jaemin a few months ago, until she learned how much of a bastard he was. We aren't as close as you think Jeongyeon"

"That's exactly why you need to get closer with her. Don't worry, I can help you with that."


We quickly walk back to Chaeyoung and Nayeon before we start looking suspicous. 


"What were you guys talking about?" Nayeon links arms with Jeongyeon, silently claiming she belonged to her and her only.

"Oh, it was nothing important" I avoid her eyes. Nayeon gets jealous easily, not like i don't though.

"We hafta go outside now guys, the teacher is gonna nag if we don't leave." Chaeyoung says with an annoyed look.


Every recess Chaeyoung and I play basketball outside, along with some other friends, while Nayeon and Jeongyeon are on the sidelines talking to eachother.

We were both on the basketball team earlier this year The only reason why I play and find it fun is because playing one on one with her is really fun, since only Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon are actually good. Shooting around by myself gets boring fast. Lately though, she doesnt show any interest in playing against me, and is only playing with Tzuyu, who's in a different class as us. I've been getting quite jealous sincs she doesnt want to play with me. It's probably because Tzuyu isn't that good and Chaeyoung can easily cross her. Even though i know her reason i still get jealous, i just want her to myself.

Recess goes by extremely slowly as i watch those two having fun playing ball together. I wish that it was me you were playing with. After 35 minutes of watching Chaeyoung with Tzuyu, the bell rings and we go inside and start class. Again, i wasnt able to pay attention during class. Nothing happened during the rest of the school day and it was already time to go home.

I got onto the school bus before Chaeyoung did, and by the time she got on, the bus was already filled with no more empty seats left. She sat beside me and we didnt say a word to eachother. I wanted to talk to her so bad but i just  couldnt get the words out of my mouth. When i got home i started writing in my journal.

Journal entry - 2

The relationship i have with Chaeyoung is so complicated. We got close to eachother fast but there's a certain distance we have. We easily tease and make fun of eachother, but we never actually have anything to talk about when we're alone unless it's about homework or teasing eachother. In the morning we always sit together. Im happy we get to sit together but we dont even say a single word to eachother. Not even a simple "good morning". We dont even text that often anymore. We used to text almost everyday. I dont know what happened. Did i do something?

















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yehetLrilla #1
Chapter 3: i like the plot story...please make it longer
Chapter 2: Kiyowooooo
Chapter 2: i really like your story plot authornim >_<