Don't Touch (What's Mine)

Taeyongie's KitTen


The receptionist of the clinic shriek at the loud impact Taeyong made as he practically slammed himself towards the counter.


“Hi, I’m looking for a patient named Ten, Ten Kim. Is he registered here?”


The pretty lady would be blushing madly at the handsome male with sharp jawline if Taeyong did not come in as if he’s going to murder everyone in his way. Although he is still a hot mess as he pushed his bangs back into his snapback, the frown on his face is fatal and terrifying. The receptionist clumsily searched for the mentioned patient in the register, shuttering when she told which room the patient is in.





Like a wind, Taeyong dashed towards the consultation room. He still remembered his manners despite not in his right mind. Taeyong knocked before entering but is instantly greeted with Doyoung standing in the corner of the room with a tearful face and Ten sitting on the examination bed trembling over his tall doctor holding him bony arm in one hand and a syringe in the other.


Ten resisted the doctor the moment Taeyong came into sight, crying so pitifully with a big pout on his face. The doctor threw him a glance before moving away with the sharp object of Ten’s fear. “Oppa.” He cried. “Taeyongie-oppa, Tennie is scared. Tennie doesn't want needles. Tennie hates needles. I want huggies, please?”


Taeyong’s heart screamed bloody homicide at Ten’s horrible state. ‘A little trouble’ his . This is no doubt a cruel assault! Limbs shaking; his knees quack towards his baby. His princess’s flawless pretty face is all scratched up bloodily and there are ugly purple bruises here and there. More painful cuts on the younger’s jaws and neck; a couple swollen bite mark on the younger’s forearm. Ten had been desperate to call him ‘oppa’, knowing Taeyong never refuses him anything if he flashes his triumph card.


“It’s okay. It’s just a little sting; a mosquito bite. It’ll be over before you know it.” Taeyong wipes the younger’s precious tears away. Sheltering Ten’s tearful face in his broad chest and taking away his sight, Taeyong encourages the poor shivering hybrid with gentle rubs while the doctor came closer with the syringe.


Ten squirms when the doctor rubs ethanol on his sensitive skin. Taeyong presses the hybrid’s head firmly into his chest as soon the doctor proceeds to inject the medication. Ten screams murder as expected. Taeyong calmly held the younger’s body that is flailing around until the quick process is over. Incoherent weep for attention filled the little consultation room. Ten’s wounds were then carefully treated, professionally secured with bandages before Taeyong had to bridal carry his crybaby out.





“What the hell happened?” Taeyong growled from the backseat, voice deep; unamused to how Ten is badly injured. A part of his dark side creeped out, even blaming Doyoung for the younger’s well-being despite not knowing the other side of the story yet. Ten had fallen asleep on Taeyong lap while Taeyong the hybrid’s little head, poring even ounce of care for his beloved princess.


Doyoung eyed the older tiredly from the rear mirror. “Well… I accidentally brought Ten to the same fish market you and Jaehyun went.”


“What?!” Taeyong exclaimed in pure shock. “You actually bring Ten out the house?!”





Time: Approximately 2 hours ago

Location: Fish Market



Doyoung held Ten’s hand as they walked deeper into the fish market. “Don’t let go of hyung’s hand okay? Never ever.”


“Okay~” the boy sing sang cutely.


Ten was such an adorable button pointing out his curiosity. Doyoung hates to admit it but he eventually bought what Ten wanted for dinner. And it was pricier than what he planned to buy. The tall male started to spoil his younger brother less since the accident before finals but not even a month after Doyoung found himself back against his will again. Not spoiling Ten is definitely, a challenging task when the little cutie pie would ask for what he wanted politely, using every magic word he learned after giving a big hug while looking up at you with a pair of adorable feline eyes.


“This will be the last time, okay? You’re getting pickier with food recently, aren’t you?” Doyoung tutted as he paid for the lobster.


“Neh, hyung. Thank you~” Ten hugged his elder brother once last time before collecting the lobster from the shop’s owner with both hands. The teenager even smiles brightly at the grumpy old man, surprisingly earning a little coy smile from the owner.


Doyoung was a proud brother as he walked Ten down the market. His younger brother was less tense and fidgety than the last time Doyoung bring him out to the streets years ago. He wonders if it’s because of a certain male who hung out at his house every weekend with a handsome face you would like to punch until he’s unrecognizable.


“Hyung, Tennie don’t wanna go there!” Suddenly, Ten pointed at a certain direction which coincidently is the last shop Doyoung is heading.


“Tired already?” Doyoung chuckled. Maybe Taeyong is not all so mighty in helping Ten with his crowd anxiety after all. “That’s the last shop, Tennie. Come with hyung okay?”


“No! I will go anywhere with hyung but not there! No, no, no!” Ten huffed, stomping his little feet on the spot he stood. Not even budging when Doyoung tugged his little hand.


“What a strange brat you are.” Doyoung pinched his brother’s cute little nose. “Wait here and don’t. Move. Don’t go anywhere. Scream if weird stranger talks to you okay? You can hiss at him. Even kick his nuts if needed.” Doyoung told before disappearing into the shop after leaving Ten out at a safe bright corner.



One would think Doyoung, Ten’s overprotective brother is not himself for leaving Ten alone out the street. But there are so little people that evening and Doyoung will only be away for less than a minute. The older brother thought it shouldn’t be a problem.



Or so he thought.



“Thank you for the extra clams Ajumma.” Doyoung thanked toothily while handing the owner the bill.


“You’re very welcome. Come visit soon with your handsome boyfriend next time okay?” She giggled lightly before waving Doyoung off the exit.


Doyoung was a foot out when a loud crashed sounded, followed by series of horrid screams and spine shivering hiss of a feline. Both Doyoung and the shop owner rushed out hurriedly to see what’s the commotion about.


The shop owner shrieked seeing her mascot attacking a boy. Doyoung yelled terror finding out his younger brother being the cause of the commotion. Ten pushed the cat aside as a defense. No doubt Doyoung charged in to protect Ten but jumped on his feet when the cat attacked his sibling again. Instead of dodging, Ten strikes back. Both hybrid and feline hissing and growling at one and another.


“Stupid ! Ugly hoe! Know your place, you cat!” Ten snaps angrily and the cat screams back at the teenager.


Doyoung dropped his jaw to the curse words coming out from his brother’s supposedly innocent mouth. Before the owner of the feline or Doyoung could stop the conflict, the feline pounce on the hybrid once more. Ten tripped and fell, the cat followed and both eventually rolled combating on the ground.


“Ten! Don’t! What are you doing?!” Doyoung hauled his brother up but instead was pushed aside. Doyoung stunned watching more battle scars added to Ten’s flawless pearly skin. Surprisingly, Ten hadn’t cried or shed tears about his bleeding wounds like he used to towards a harmless tiny-bity papercut.


Many tried to interfere, to stop the fight but Ten and the feline were too aggressive. Both eyes dark and fierce towards one another. They clawed and bite, scratch and pounce violently. Doyoung and the shop owner watched helplessly, mortified. The feline let out a painful shriek after Ten kicked its hind legs to push it away from him. The cat bites the teenager’s ankle before running off to the opposite streets, knocking and pushing away a few carts and boxes.


“Mia! Come back!” The owner of the feline chased after her pet.


Doyoung ran to inspect his brother’s injuries. Ten sat on the ground curling up in his protective bubble, hiding his wounds from Doyoung as he cried. “That stupid cat started it! She took what’s not hers!”


“What the hell are you talking about?!” Doyoung yelled. His heart broke into dust at Ten’s horrible state. You bet Doyoung want to jump off the cliff. He blamed himself for what happened to his precious younger brother.


“Taeyongie-hyung is mine!" Ten snarls.








“He…! T – tha – that’s… w – wha


“That right!” Doyoung grips the wheels tightly. “He fought with the cat you brought her scent home! It’s all your fault, Lee Taeyong! If you didn’t touch that stupid cat, Tennie won’t… he won’t…



Taeyong cringed at the crying Doyoung. The orange is usually presentable but is ugly as when he cries. At least in Taeyong’s opinion. Also, Taeyong still thinks Jaehyun needs to get his brain and eyes checked. The older is unable to grasp his best friend’s definition of fine art and angelic. I mean… which part of this orange haired, bunny looking human is an example of beauty above heavens?! On the second thought, Taeyong regretted asking Doyoung to take the wheel. With Doyoung’s current emotional state, is he and Ten able to reach home safely?



Doyoung is still crying when they reached the latter’s apartment. His ugly sobs attracted so much unwanted attention that Taeyong wished he could run away from but unfortunately couldn’t. Taeyong doesn't mind piggy-back his sleeping beauty to his residence but is very bothered with Doyoung snuffling while tugging his sleeve like a lost child as Taeyong lead the way. The male cried so hard he couldn’t even recognize where he lived.


God must’ve heard his prayers the moment Taeyong saw Jaehyun standing out Doyoung’s door. Like what Ten does to Taeyong whenever he visits Ten, Doyoung freaking jumped hugged his best friend right in front his very eyes and clings on his younger boyfriend. The way Jaehyun caught Doyoung effortlessly made Taeyong’s stomach flip. He refuses to conclude Ten had learned that move watching his very own older brother and would prefer to credit anything Ten does cute for the adorable cupcake himself. Whatever embarrassing side Doyoung showed today, Taeyong decides he will reformat his memory and never, ever talk about it.





Years of knowing Ten, Taeyong had mastered every detailed sign of the younger’s act and faking for that extra attention and care. You bet Taeyong don’t mind that. Matter a fact, he finds it ing adorable. Taeyong played along of course. If he could, he’d act as Ten’s attention-feeder slave for the rest of his life. No one except Taeyong himself needs to acknowledge he’s a er for anything involving Ten. You can’t say he’s obsessed with Ten when it’s not to the extent he’d leave cameras across Ten’s chamber or put a GPS on Ten to spy his every single movement. Though those ideas had come across his mind once.





“Hyung~~ It hurts here.” Ten pouted as he kneads his little hands on the front of Taeyong’s sweater. “Kiss Tennie’s boo boo here.”


“Come here. Hyung will kiss boo-boo away.” Gladly holding Ten as if the hybrid is the most fragile porcelain in the world, Taeyong cares his arm that needed attention gently before lightly kissing up to Ten’s badly scratched up arm. Ten would grumble lowly if he's not satisfied; purrs if Taeyong does an excellent job pampering him. Then the hybrid would award Taeyong with a generous kiss on his cheeks.



Upon Ten’s awaken, it’s been hours since Taeyong took the role as Ten’s boo bear, to kiss Ten’s boo boos away when they start to sting or made Ten uncomfortable. Taeyong coddles him as the world’s most loved princess. Taeyong had become his butler, to accomplish anything he requested; human mobile, to carry the hybrid to wherever he wanted to go around the house; even bed or couch, for Ten to sleep, sit or lean on.


The hybrid wouldn’t allow Taeyong to leave his side and either would Taeyong. They had snacks in bed; read each other storybooks; comparing sizes of their palm and foot;  and watch Disney movies on the laptop. When it’s time for Ten’s medication and treatment, Taeyong is the best person to tend the needy hybrid.



“Oh, my poor precious baby. How could you get hurt like this?” Taeyong mummers softly as he attentively applied soothing cream on the younger’s wound. Ten fitted perfectly on his lap. The younger’s petite back leaned against his chest while Taeyong rested his chin on Ten’s slim shoulder.


“Because, because that stupid cat touch what’s mine.” Ten huffed, faced scrunched up like an adorable pug recalling that ugly ginger cat from the market who allegedly rub her scent on his Taeyong. “It’s Taeyongie-hyung’s fault too for not being careful. I will hate Taeyong forever if hyung bring another cat’s smell again.”


“I’m sorry, my pretty baby. Don’t have me. Hyung can’t take it. Forgive me, please? Pretty please?” Taeyong begged cutely as he kisses the younger’s cheeks. He would rather die than having Ten giving him a cold shoulder and not talk to him forever. His heart won’t be strong enough to manage the heartbreak and rejection.


The younger hummed. Taeyong had to stop the treatment when Ten turned to him suddenly. Their face an inch away, Taeyong felt Ten’s breath blowing coolly against his skin. Ten’s round sparkling feline eyes looking into his brown orbs as if they could tell many fortunes. “Hug Tennie more. Tightly until Taeyongie smells like me. Tennie will give hyung rub rubs too. Then, no one will come close to hyung anymore.” He teenager said sternly.


Undoubtedly Taeyong still thinks Ten is cute when he acted serious. However, the love-struck male melts into a pile of goo because Ten meant what he says. He older almost fainted due to Ten’s fatally adorable attacks. The innocent hybrid’s hands are wonders on Taeyong, guiltlessly roaming all over his body shamelessly. His unimpeachable kisses are statics; slowly paralysing Taeyong’s limbs and nervous system. Oh, and that sweet little tongue… that pink little tongue that’s lapping his face…


Taeyong closes his eyes tight. His fingers curls into tight fist while both hands full with Ten’s ointment in one and pink cotton bud in another. Taeyong held his breath feeling Ten’s tongue coming to his jaw… chin… cheeks… then, his lips…



“Ah! Taeyongie hyung?" Ten panicked when Taeyong passes out suddenly. "Nooo, ~… Taeyongie hyunggg!!!!"

"Wake uUpPPPP!!!!”




Author's Note:


I'm so fricking done. DONE!

What do you think about our Tennie's cat fight? A certain annoying someone requested it. Lol. I hope it's funny. Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think. XD

I'm so tired right now, my brain ain't functioning well. 






PS: I can hear Taeyong banging Ten's from South Korea!


Ten: Yes, yes, YES! Oppa! Harder! Faster! More! TAKE ME TO HEAVEN!!!!



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Deflvly10 #1
Chapter 17: I'm still waiting for the next chapter and the ending of story.
Authornim... update juseyo~~~
jongwoontrash #2
Chapter 15: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA PLS TEN IS SO INNOCENT AND CUTE AND HAHAHAH TAEYONG YOURE SO EMBARRASSING lol the miniheart attack he got serves him right hahahah
jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 14: UGH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH it's time for them to reevaluate their feelings aaaaah yassss taeten riiise!!!
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 12: Hahahahahha pls this is so funny
jongwoontrash #5
Chapter 11: CUUUUUUTE
jongwoontrash #6
Chapter 7: HAHAHHAHAHA this was so funny haha ten being jealous over a cat and kim brothers going hysterical hahaha pls this was comic i love the crack and also uwu taeten uwu
jongwoontrash #7
Chapter 6: Ahahahhaha i suddenly rmb what happened next hahahhahahahahhahaha tennie bb possessive much
jongwoontrash #8
Chapter 5: IM SO ING SOFT FOR THIS CHAPTER i felt ten's happiness and pain in here ughsijfks tennie and grandpa ;;;; why is the world so cruel ;;; my poor baby boy!!!
jongwoontrash #9
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahhahaha im rly enjoying the dotae banter hahahahahha and oof tennie is too cute for his own good aaaaaah