Taeyongie's 1st Sleepover

Taeyongie's KitTen

Walking back home with Ten clinging by his arm was one of those cute moments Taeyong experiences today. Ten’s first adventure is a success and the poor boy is already drained and tired. Leaning on Taeyong’s arm while hugging his newly prize plushy were his motivation to keep him walking on his wobbly feet.


“Taeyongie-hyung…” Ten whines softly. “Can Tennie stay at hyung’s place? Tennie doesn’t want to go home…”


Taeyong slides his palm under the younger’s hoodie and gently his flat sad ears. Truthfully, Taeyong doesn’t want to return the younger back home either. If possible, he’d forever keep Ten in his front pocket and bring him to places. The younger deserve a world tour. Also, in the back of their mind, they worry about the wrath they’re going to encounter from a certain bunny-looking human.


“You can’t Tennie, I already switch off my phone for the entire day. Jaehyun sacrificed for us so now we have to save him.” Taeyong comforted with the gentlest tone as possible. Ten’s pretty face is buried deep in his chest but he is sure the younger is pretty much convinced. Either way, Ten wouldn’t receive as much scolding as Taeyong would. The younger is that precious to his elder brother and it wouldn’t be surprising if Doyoung cries himself for scolding his beloved younger brother.


“Tennie is tired…” The younger then grumbles while rubbing his face against Taeyong’s denim jacket, dozing off.


Taeyong took the sign and kneeled down, allowing his adorable kitten to climb on his back. The way Ten sniffs his neck is ticklish and they also set free a new wave of emotion spread throughout Taeyong’s chest. The younger is such a lightweight and a cute button. It only took a few seconds of careful steps to lull the younger to sleep. Taeyong gazes up the starry sky that leads him back the younger’s apartment and smiles. He felt wet nudges on his shoulder, most likely Ten is nibbling him in his sleep again.


“You’re such a darling, Ten-ah.” he giggles.







Doyoung’s furious face greeted Taeyong the moment the door swings open and Taeyong isn’t slightly feared. Instead, he grins sheepishly and wasn’t surprised to witness the speed of facial transformation Doyoung could pull through, from enraged to solace.



Ten’s angelic presence saved Taeyong.



On his familiar path to Ten’s pastel cave, from the corner of Taeyong’s eyes, he caught his best friend stationed facing a corner pulling his ears. Taeyong mentally prepares himself for an earful when the heaven gates of Ten’s bedroom closes.


Ten grabs for Taeyong’s warmth as soon the older carefully lays him on his mattress. Doyoung was swift and tender as he strips his younger brother to sleep more comfortably. By now Ten is fully exposed to his vulnerable-ness. The younger’s beautiful tail they hid underneath Ten’s baggy sweater is free from its confine and is wagging cozily against the sheets. His lovely prick ears twitch when touched and Ten curls up into a fetus positions as he purrs in content. Taeyong’s arm that Ten refuses to let go is gingerly replaced with his favorite teddy bear to snuggle on.


“We need to talk, Lee Taeyong.” Doyoung brisk out Ten’s room and switches off the lights on his way, leaving the spinning star lamp on, emitting a soft glow to lead Ten into sweet dreams.


Taeyong smiles at the younger’s peaceful state. He Ten’s crown and leans down to give him a kiss on his forehead. Those were essential routine before Taeyong leaves the younger every time. “Sweet dream, Tennie.” He says before pulling down the younger’s sheer canopy curtains.




Jaehyun is repositioned and seated across his lover when Taeyong finally exits Ten’s room. The older felt guilty leaving his best friend dealing with his sassy lover but the hidden cheerful grin and secret thumbs up Jaehyun gave assures Taeyong he’s fine and jolly.


“I can’t believe both of you planned this!” Doyoung hisses. “I felt betrayed, Jaehyun. Taeyong-hyung, I know you love our Ten but this is… this is out of control. Bringing Ten out the streets? Are you out of your mind?!” He finishes breathlessly.



It shouldn’t have been a big deal to bring a kid out the street but in Ten’s case, it was different. Taeyong understands why the older brother is upset but it was a risk Taeyong is willing to take and bare. Even it means to disrespect Doyoung and the Kims.


Ten is a special boy you see. He may have looked like an ordinary boy from the outside but in reality, Ten is a hybrid cat. In other words, the younger is half human, half cat- a cat boy. Ten’s existence is impossible according to the theory monocular clock but wasn’t impossible for the possibility of genetic engineering. In other words, species like Ten existed due to a corrupted idea from a laboratory.


People of Ten’s kind were extremely rare today and the history of Hybrids wasn’t as bright and relatively short. They were created for pleasure and wiped out almost immediately when the world discovers their existence. Negative views towards Hybrids remains hardwired in the back of people’s mind and held strongly today. Even survived hybrids decides to hide in the shadow, never lurking publicly in human’s society. Which was why Doyoung’s family had kept Ten under house arrest ever since they adopted Ten into their family. To protect Ten from those humans with corrupted minds.



But, of course, that’s not the MAIN reason why Doyoung is so upset.



“Don't you know our baby has crowd anxiety? And he’s a cry baby! What if you lost him out there? Ten can’t even talk to strangers, he’s scared of strangers! He gets distracted easily and he always ended up lost in his own world. What if he wonders himself off to another galaxy?!” Doyoung’s rants continued with mixtures of tears, sorrow, and anger. Taeyong is forced to digest the younger’s trains of whines and protease.


“Our Tennie has skin as fair as snow, as soft as a baby’s . How can you bring him out without moisturizing his skin? Did you know how sunny is it today? You didn’t even apply face cream on his face! He’ll get burned! Ten’s skin is sensitive to UV lights! Also, his skin glows like a pearl under the light. He could easily catch people’s attention! What if someone tries to touch him?! That soft, smooth, pearly skin Tennie took years to care of! He hates being touched! What if Tennie fell and hurts himself? Can you take responsible of that, Lee Taeyong?”



Blah Blah Blah…



Taeyong did not process whatever that come out through Doyoung’s mouth. Not one single bit. He simply nods, uttering his half-assed ‘sorry’s while his ears bleed. He did catch one point though, about Ten’s skin. Thinking about the younger’s smooth complexation almost made Taeyong grin like an idiot.


Little did Doyoung know, Ten always demands Taeyong to pet his waist and tummy. Although those were Ten’s no touching spot, that never applies to Taeyong. Once Doyoung is out of sight, you will find precious KitTen lying on Taeyong’s lap with pairs begging feline eyes and hands curls on his chest signaling the older to do his crucial task. Sometimes, Ten would ask his favorite Taeyongie-hyung to lotion his back. Usually, right after, they will proceed cuddling or tummy rubs in which resulted Taeyong refusing to wash his hands for days.






“Sweet carrot, please calm down, you might wake Ten up.” Jaehyun cuts in with his infamous velvety voice. Trying to calm his lover before Doyoung’s volume gets any higher.


“Shut up!”


Jaehyun yelped painfully tasting the venom of Ten’s mighty feather wand. As innocent the toy seems, a whip of that stick can make a grown man cry. Taeyong cringes when he best friend smiles like a puppy being called a good boy while rubbing his sore arm. He did not remember having a masochist as his best friend.


Doyoung is once more a crying mess pointing an accusing finger at the main culprit who kidnapped his baby brother and gave him a hard time for hours. Jaehyun immediately embraces his boyfriend while throwing murderous daggers at his best friend. The fact that Jaehyun was Taeyong’s partner in crime is completely wiped out from his mind.


Taeyong rolls his eyes in disbelief. Although he obviously knew things might turn out like this but it was worthwhile. Ten smiles the brightest today. The best Taeyong ever sees. Just thinking about how Ten clings by his side and being a cute marshmallow is enough to make Taeyong smiles dreamily at himself. He probably should stop drooling because he’s not a ert and give himself a medal for doing such a good job as his Tennie’s shiny knight in flashy sneakers.



“Lee Taeyong, are you even listening?!”



Seriously... Taeyong swears he could just go deaf. Like ing hell people who joins choirs. At times like these Taeyong questions his best friend’s choice of love interest. It also reminds the older that time Jaehyun boasts how he got a holy singing angel as his lover. Holy singing angel Taeyong’s . Doyoung is more like a screaming devil with hideous horns on his crown. A Satan that kept his love so sweet, marshmallow Ten in a cage!


“Yes, yes. ing hell. Yes, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, please accept my apologies. There won’t be next time.”


“You better keep that promise.” The younger hisses.





Suddenly, the trio heard sounds of door cracking. Taeyong shivers out his skin and everyone held their breath.



It was the door to the kitten’s den that unsealed.



Doyoung’s expression was priceless, cheeks in and eyes almost popping out his socket. Jaehyun froze in his seat. Taeyong in the other count in his mind to calm his racing heart. Either way, all of them are doomed.



The kitty is awake!



Pairs of glowing eyes shine in the dark. Ten walks out his room with a head of messy locks, rubbing his sleepy eye with his favorite plushy hugged tight in his chest. The kitten’s oversized sweater falling one side showing is pale skin and delicious collarbone. Pants off, crew socks pulled high up.


Taeyong’s squeals internally. The corner of his lips itches twitch upwards. His cheeks sore and burning while his hands and legs urge to have the fifteen-year-old in his arms. Taeyong yearns to bury the cute cinnamon roll in his chest and showers him with ticklish loving pecks.


Ten’s ears face forward in alert as he stares back the three pairs of tensed eyes observing him. As soon his gaze fell on Taeyong, Ten’s cheery lips droop down. Nose red and orbs glossy as he sprints towards Taeyong, catching the older in surprise.


Doyoungie-hyung. Tennie is sorry. Please don’t scold Taeyongie-hyung. It’s not fair. Tennie’s at fault too. Scold Tennie instead.” He cried. Petite frame trembling while he muffles his whimpers with pouting cheeks; ears flatten sideways and tail between his legs.


“I did not…” the idea of lecturing Ten did came across his mind but it disappears in thin air the moment Ten’s first tear rolls out his pretty eyes. “Hyung, did not scold Taeyong-hyung, Ten-ah. I just told him not to bring you out without permission next time. Did you know how worried hyung was?”


“Tennie is sorry.” The younger sobs incoherently. “Tennie did wrong. Tennie won’t do it again. Tennie will listen to hyung and not leave the house. So please forgive Taeyongie hyung and punish Tennie instead.”


“Ten, hyung is not punishing anyone. Come on, don’t cry. Hyung’s heart hurts.”


Ten’s pitiful sniffles broke their heart. The trio takes turns to comfort the youngest but nothing works. Drops of crystal tears continue streaming down Ten’s pretty face. Ten clings on Taeyong desperately despite being told to let go. The more Taeyong tries to pull Ten off their awkward hug, the more Ten tighten his grasp.


“Ten, I’m not going anywhere. Taeyongie-hyung will hug you okay? I can’t hug you properly like this.” Taeyong reasoned.


With that said, Ten untangled himself from the older and buries his face in Taeyong’s chest, allowing Taeyong to embrace him rightly. As he was unintentionally lift up a little due to their height difference, Ten took a cue to wraps his legs around Taeyong’s waist and cling on the older like a baby koala.


Taeyong runs his hands up and down the younger’s back. Stumbling his way to the couch, Taeyong cares the younger’s chin urging the younger to reveal his face but certainly, Ten is stubborn. Even after calming down from his little meltdown, Ten still refuses to let Taeyong go.


Doyoung rubs his face in frustration. Ten is known to be emotionally unstable moments after awaken, Moreover, Doyoung’s little chat with Taeyong might startled his younger brother a while ago. Accounting the younger’s state, there’s no way Ten would untangle himself from Taeyong nor Taeyong has the heart to leave Ten.







Once Ten had fallen asleep in Taeyong’s arms, the older male carefully tugged the precious kitten to bed once more. Taeyong is nurturing as he wipes Ten’s face clean with a warm cloth. Even when Ten is crying, the teenager is adorable with his damp long lashes. Ten still sniffles in his sleep while clutching on Taeyong’s sleeves. The older caresses the younger’s crown patiently and waited for Ten to loosen his grip.


Jaehyun prepared pillows and blanket for Taeyong while Doyoung watches Taeyong cares for his younger brother. Deep thoughts flooding his mind but he decides to push them to the back of his mind when a pair of strong arms wraps around his from behind. His heart flutters after Jaehyun kisses his cheeks.


“Worried?” The younger asked.


“Always.” In which the older replied.



Doyoung always wanted to be nicer to Taeyong but his love towards Ten made him on guard 24/7. He was skeptical letting Taeyong share a bed with his younger brother. Thankfully Taeyong voluntarily request and doesn’t mind sleeping on the couch. Doyoung is ever grateful. Not only that, the older brother appreciates Taeyong’s kind hearted character that can tolerate his brother’s childish and sometimes, redundant behaviour. Also, Jaehyun, his lover who never think Ten as a barrier towards their relationship. In fact, Jaehyun enjoys playing with Ten. There are time thoughts of Jaehyun loves Ten more than him came across his mind but the way Jaehyun looks at him tells a different story.


“I’m sorry for all the trouble, Taeyong-hyung. I should be stricter with him.”Doyoung apologized as soon the older walks out his younger brother’s room.


“Are you kidding me? I was just going to tell you to be less strict to Tennie.” Taeyong gaped. “You should’ve seen how happy Ten was going outside.”


Doyoung's eyes widen.


“You know, though I’m not saying this in mine or Ten’s behalf, maybe award Ten some outdoor activity won’t hurt. He had so much fun today.” Taeyong chuckles. The scene of Ten’s fascinated expression discovering how dragon’s beard candies were made flashes his mind.


“He did?” finally, Doyoung smiled. “I’m jealous.”







Taeyong experience his first night effect on Doyoung’s couch. He struggles to sleep despite being dead tired after his one day adventure with Ten. He thought he was asleep but in fact, he’s partially awake. With his eyes close he barely hears his best friend pillow talking with his boyfriend behind closed door; ally cat meowing and street dog barking in the quiet neighborhood.


When Taeyong finally manages to get some sleep, he is yet awakened by soft shuffling of Doyoung’s wooden floor and rustles of something soft and fluffy, like duvet being dragged. Refusing to open his eyes, Taeyong sensed a shadow walking past him then a soft and warm frame joining him on the narrow couch.


Scent of milk lotion and baby oil filled his nostril and little whimpers heard as the sneaky creature wanted their body snuggle as close as possible. Their legs tangled as Taeyong’s body muscles subconsciously moved to make space for the other. Arms draped across Ten’s curvy waist, Taeyong made sure Ten wouldn’t fall off the couch. He smiles lopsidedly as Ten purrs softly and wraps his tail around his clothed calf.


Taeyong didn’t remember much after. Because he fell into a deep slumber with warm fluffy Ten in his arms till the sun come out.




Author's Note:

Second chap is out! Yeayyyyy~ I was going to post it tmr but... oh well XD. I'm very busy tomorrow and I CAN'T WAIT FOR NCT LIFE CHANGMAI!!! I'm so excited ommonaaaa~~~

I visited Chiangmai before and it's really a nice place. I love animals and there's tigers, monkeys, snakes etc... I rode on an elephant too. My elephant smokes cigarettes. (Yeap I'm not lying/joking. It freaking smokes. An Alpha elephant)

Also, HOW CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT TEN'S ING SOLO?! OMFG! I'm so happy for Tennie T.T Taking account the fact he's a rookie and a foreigner in SM, having his own solo is such an honor! Ten's talents should be appreciated T.T <3<3<3

Heads up: I'm going to be super busy so I might update later than expected. All my assignments, projects and exams happening on the 1st week of April T.T wish me good luck and hope you understand :'c 3

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter! <3<3<3


PS: THIS, is a feather wand if you don't know. It's a kitty toy. Nya~ Kawaiiii~~~

oh ! it's 2.45 am here. AHHAAHA!

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Deflvly10 #1
Chapter 17: I'm still waiting for the next chapter and the ending of story.
Authornim... update juseyo~~~
jongwoontrash #2
Chapter 15: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA PLS TEN IS SO INNOCENT AND CUTE AND HAHAHAH TAEYONG YOURE SO EMBARRASSING lol the miniheart attack he got serves him right hahahah
jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 14: UGH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH it's time for them to reevaluate their feelings aaaaah yassss taeten riiise!!!
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 12: Hahahahahha pls this is so funny
jongwoontrash #5
Chapter 11: CUUUUUUTE
jongwoontrash #6
Chapter 7: HAHAHHAHAHA this was so funny haha ten being jealous over a cat and kim brothers going hysterical hahaha pls this was comic i love the crack and also uwu taeten uwu
jongwoontrash #7
Chapter 6: Ahahahhaha i suddenly rmb what happened next hahahhahahahahhahaha tennie bb possessive much
jongwoontrash #8
Chapter 5: IM SO ING SOFT FOR THIS CHAPTER i felt ten's happiness and pain in here ughsijfks tennie and grandpa ;;;; why is the world so cruel ;;; my poor baby boy!!!
jongwoontrash #9
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahhahaha im rly enjoying the dotae banter hahahahahha and oof tennie is too cute for his own good aaaaaah