I; You; We; Us...

Taeyongie's KitTen




“Ten-ten, will you date me?”






Taeyong snaps his eyes open. He gasps in bed looking around only to realize it just a horrible nightmare. Blanket flipped to the side, Taeyong rose from his mattress. He felt icky drench with his own sweat.


Thinking about that afternoon just gave him a migraine. Little shuffles and incoherent mumbles sounded from his side. His heart softens seeing Ten curled up and asleep next to him. Ten searched for his warmth with his little hands reaching. Taeyong let those fingers wrap around his while his other free hand brushes the younger’s hair and cheeks.


Those are the very hands that reach for him for protection when Yugyeom confessed. Beautiful pleading eyes seeking into his for help. Taeyong chuckles lightly as Ten leans to his touch and purrs adorably. With the younger’s hands pulled to his front curling into paws, Ten stretches his body.




'Today is the day, huh?'






Ten shuts his ears and act like a stone. Yes, a stone. If he continues this way, Taeyong will give in and go on his way eventually. If he kept his head buried in Taeyong’s chest and refuse to tell Taeyong where he hid his keys, Taeyong won’t be able to go.


“Ten, enough. Hyung has to go work.” Taeyong sighs at the kitty keeping him from leaving.


Ten shook his head. Silky hair and fluffy ears flopping side to side whilst attempting to bury his whole self to Taeyong.


“Ten, hyung have to go. Be a good boy and wait for Doyoung and Jaehyun to come pick you up, hmm?”


He tried to make Ten face him. But the sulking hybrid bites his fingers and growled at him. The flatness of his ear and the way Ten’s tail twitches told him how upset the kitty is. Even so, what can Taeyong do? Doyoung and Jaehyun returned from their trip and Ten have to go back.


“Taeyongie don’t want Tennie anymore. Taeyong hyung hates Tennie already. Hyung is bored of Tennie and wants to throw Ten-ten away!”




There we go again.




It’s been the nth time Ten had said that. Threatening Taeyong with his ridicule and dangerous words. Yet again, Taeyong finds it difficult to put words right in times like this. No kiss-kiss, rub-rubs, or pat-pats had worked. If he’s a little harsh on Ten, Ten would use his tears. If he acts mad, Ten would continue to be persistence. He hadn’t tried being forceful, but he can predict the terrified cries and scream coming out Ten’s cheery mouth.



“See, hyung is not even hugging Tennie. Ten-ten is hurt!” He stomps his little feet. Body wiggling against Taeyong’s it sorts of tickle.


“It’s because you won’t let me go if I do that.”


“You don’t love me.”








“How long are you going to act like this? Hyung is going to be late. If hyung is late, hyung’s boss is going to be mad. If hyung’s boss is mad, he might fire hyung. If hyung is fired, hyung has no job and can’t earn money. No money means hyung can’t buy Tennie all pretty things you like.”



In the end, he chooses the use the guilt card. There’s a 50/50 chance of effectiveness but worth trying anyway.



“Tennie doesn’t care. Taeyongie will have more time to visit me.”


“Hyung won’t visit you anymore.”



Ten is like a time bomb. It’s hard to predict what he’ll do next. Taeyong is shaking inside when he said that. The older stayed rooted on his spot as he watches Ten slams his bedroom door shut. No more than 2 seconds, a loud pitiful cry came behind the door. Taeyong knew Ten too well to identify it’s fake. A trick to lure Taeyong to knock and comfort the crying princess until the boy opens the door. Once Ten have him in his chamber, he’d pester the older until Taeyong gave in and stayed.




Nope, not today. Nu, nu, nu. It ain't happening!




“Ten, hyung is going. Doyoung and Jaehyun will come pick you up later. Stay put okay?” He says loud enough for his dramatic princess to hear and grab his keys Ten hide in his one of his shoes before leaving. Seriously, Ten shouldn’t be so obvious, staring up at his shoes nervously when asked where the keys were.




Ten rose from his mattress. Sitting on the bed, arms hugging his polar bear, he stared at the door. Ten puts his tantrum to an end because Taeyong really went for work…






On Thursdays, time goes by slowly. The café isn’t very busy at 7 but customers pour in starting 8. Once in a while, Taeyong wished for a busy day so he could focus his mind and not glancing at the clock time to time. Or check his phone occasionally to see if Doyoung had picked up Ten from his place. Of course, the older felt sad. For the past two weeks and a half, he was accustomed being greeted by Ten at the door when he reaches home. He’d miss Ten in his bed and waking up to his spoiled princess next to him. The thoughts of needing Ten’s companion and presence in his life actually terrifies him because… what is Ten to him anyways?


Taeyong had not thought about it seriously. Ten was just a friend’s adorable little sibling, a boy he first treated like his own younger brother he always wanted until Ten became more than that. Step by step, coming closer and becoming someone much more important than he imagined.


Ever since Yugyeom abruptly confessed to the younger, Taeyong had a sudden slap to reality and realization. Yuta’s raised eyebrowed hit him hard. Asking him why would he be so possessive and worked up? Isn’t he just baby sitting Ten? Why would Taeyong be so offended and angsty after a mindless, half-assed confession?




Anyways, Taeyong apologized for choking Yugyeom and attempted to break his neck.




Ten is young. Barely reaching sixteen and they have an of seven years! Even though Ten doesn’t behave up to his age, Taeyong had been told that Ten is more mature than the way he is. Jaehyun mentioned Ten is born ‘gifted’ but the signs are never apparent when Taeyong is around. Taeyong doubted but start noticing after their little visit to the library. Ten borrowed fictions and various genres of novels when they picked out some books. Yet, in all pictures taken of Ten in his University’s forum, the younger was holding world history and modern arts. Only then he recalled Ten pacing around in the architecture section when Taeyong wasn’t paying attention.


So what if Ten is a little Einstein in hiding? The critical question is what if Ten isn’t joking when he says he belonged to Taeyong? That Ten wants to be with him forever? It was cute when Ten told everyone at twelve. However, the idea has not changed since; in a way explained Doyoung protectiveness over Ten when Taeyong is around. The older Ten grows, the more Ten wants Taeyong by his side.


These questions thrown in his face terrifies Taeyong. He wasn’t prepared and has no answers to his doubts. One point he’s been distancing himself from Ten for the last few days.


He’s been kissing Ten less. Kiss only on the forehead and not close to his lips; hugged him but lightly; caresses, but briefly. Ten picked up the obvious change but had not confronted. Only looking up at him with confused and betrayed eyes. Taeyong knows Ten is trying to win his place back yet choose to take careful measures.


He locks his door now before going to bed and avoids opening his door for Ten in the middle of the night when Ten starts knocking. He was awake and listening whilst waiting for Ten to return into his room. Though by Ten second night, the younger learned how to pick the lock and sneak himself in. Surprising Taeyong when Ten woke him up and demanded to be embraced in his sleep.


When told “Ten, you’re a big boy now. You have to learn to sleep in your own bedroom.”


Ten replied “Ten is always Taeyongie hyung’s forever baby. Taeyongie’s bed is Tennie’s.”






As the bell rang, Taeyong strides to the counter to greet his customer. “Welcome.” He says but a pair of arms hovered over him. A body and familiar scent filled his nostril; his hands naturally land on the person’s hips. Taeyong’s heart raced, surprised. Why are you here?


“Ten, get down. You promised to behave!”


It’s been a while Taeyong heard Doyoung nagging. In a jiffy, Ten is tugged away from his arms. But the younger pulled him along, protesting with series of little whines. Now, Taeyong’s body is half way over the counter.


“Yo, Taeyongie hyung. It’s been a while.”


Jaehyun pops beside Doyoung as his lover tried to pull Ten away from Taeyong. His smile as dashing the last time Taeyong remembered. The older admits, he does miss the duo.


“It is.” He chuckles.


Ten still refuses to let go. Standing on his tippy toes to reach over, the boy clings by Taeyong’s arms. Most of his beautiful face and features hidden underneath his oversized hoodie as he looked up at Taeyong. “Taeyongie, Taeyongie, Tennie came to visit hyung.” He said cheerfully. “Is hyung happy?”


Suddenly Taeyong doesn’t know how to react. It was a mixed unexplainable feeling. As if he just realized he had an addiction to Ten and his emotions only react and reflect the little teenager's. He had an urge to kiss Ten's glossy lips but refuses to. His chest his beating loudly that it hurts. His cheeks flushing it sore. He feared Ten would hear him. “Yeah.” Quickly pulling away, Taeyong ruffles Ten’s head to keep a distance. His gulps seeing how hurt Ten looked. Then, there’s a slight ache swirling in his chest as Ten frowns sadly and held his brother hand, being a good boy he should and behaved.



“Tennie, what does my baby brother wants for dinner? You get to pick tonight.” Doyoung brushes his brother’s long locks as they waited for their order.



Ten rest his head on the table and shook his head. Taeyong must be mad at him so he’s not in the mood for food. Three years and Taeyong had lost interests in him already. Ten wondered if he went overboard. If so he’ll apologize. Or was it because he isn’t cute enough. Annoying? Ugly? Not pretty enough? Or… Ten does not have appeal Taeyong prefer?  


‘I’m still not good enough for Tae-tae…’ he thought.


As the teenager mops in endless doubt, a waitress served their order. Ten peeks up at the lady and is greeted with a pretty smile. Casting down, she has a nice curvy body. The teenager’s eyes land on her chest and felt threatened all the sudden.



She’s y…



Ten looked down at his own baggy sweater, loose pants; all covered, from his sleeves to ankle. He has no appearing curvy hips, flat chested, bony frame and twiggy arms. Not soft at all…



“Wendy noona? You worked here?” Doyoung gasps when he saw his senior. Delighted, he stood up to give her a friendly hug.


“Hi Doyoung, Jaehyun. Yes. For fun though. My brother wants me to help out brother-in-law when they’re away.” She giggles.


“That Taeyong. He didn’t even tell us about this. If I knew I’d visit more often!” Doyoung clicks his tongue and glared at the said barista hiding behind the counter.


“Maybe that why he chooses not to tell.” Wendy teases. “That boy, cold as always isn’t he? He puts up a sour face all the time as if his world is going to end. With that face of his, how is his world ending? Geez!”


“Tell me about it noona. If he keeps being so stuck up, he’s ending up a sad old man. As his best friend, I’m very worried. Please take care of him.” Jaehyun sighs.


“Don’t worry. He’s grumpy but cute at times. Not obvious but he makes me squeals when he makes a clueless face. I wished I had snapped a photo when he was in charge of the cashier and a foreigner came speaking English at his face all the sudden. It was so funny!”



Ten can only watch as his brother and Jaehyun chatted with Wendy. They are close. She works with Taeyong and seems very close. Ten looks up at the pretty noona and shivered. Taeyong chooses to work rather than staying with him. It’s must be because of Wendy noona. His hair stood up underneath his sleeves. Ten looks down at the drink in front of him and frown. His eyes and chest stings.



Ommo, I chatted too much.” Wendy felt guilty noticing a boy beside Doyoung sitting alone and remained quiet as they talked.


“Ah, noona. Let me introduce you.” Doyoung patted Ten’s shoulder. “This is my precious baby brother, Ten. Ten, say hi to Wendy noona. She’s my senior that helped hyung a lot.”


Wendy gasps. “I never knew you had a little brother! He’s so cute. Hi, Ten. I’m Wendy.”


“Hi…” Ten kept his head down but replied weakly.


He doesn’t want to befriend with that noona, even if he’s curious about that lady. Ten hates it. He dislikes Wendy’s cheerful voice. He despises everything about Wendy already even though the noona hasn’t done anything bad to him. He just wants to be alone.


“He’s very shy.” Doyoung caresses Ten’s head but the younger wiggled out from his palm. “Please forgive him.”


“Aww, he’s so adorable.” Wendy squeals



Now, as their conversation directed about him, Ten grew annoyed. He growls underneath his breath but they were too occupied to notice. He toyed the spoon place in front of him for distraction. Pushing and flicking the metal on the place whilst waiting for Wendy to go away. Noises and chatter poured in his head, voices getting louder and louder. Ten clutches on a random beverage in front of him.




“What are you doing?!”




A hand smacked his lips suddenly. Ten yelps and drops Jaehyun’s coffee that he almost drank. The cup broke and the hot drink spills across the table. Ten burned his hand in the process but no cry tore his throat; too surprised to react.


“You’re caffeine intolerant, are you trying to kill yourself?!” Taeyong shouted at him and grabbed him harshly.


Anxiety wash over him facing Taeyong’s furious eyes. Taeyong tugged him roughly that it pulled his muscles. Only then, Ten felt pain. Tears flow before he weeps. Ten wipes his tears desperately while wailing in guilt like a child. Sobs quickly muffled watching Taeyong strides away from him. His eyes never left where Taeyong disappear to. Was trembling and silently calling out for Taeyong as Wendy hurriedly clean the shattered glass.


"Oh gosh... Tennie, are you okay?" Doyoung calms him as the brother examine his reddening hand. Ten hisses when in contact with a damped cloth though Doyoung tries to be as gentle as possible. Jaehyun was stopping the hot liquid from spreading further, assisting Wendy to clean up the mess as soon a possible.


Seconds later Taeyong returned with a first aid. Still fuming with anger. “Did you drink it? Yes or no? Did you drink the coffee, Ten?” He tips Ten’s chin so the can meet eye to eye. Only to face Ten’s aggression with hateful hisses.


Doyoung and Jaehyun are utterly shocked to see Taeyong yelling at Ten. The older male is the most patient with Ten no matter how irritating and pampered the princess could be. For the first time, Doyoung is afraid to defend Ten from being disciplined. Jaehyun can only watch from the side. The male should’ve been careful, not to order coffee when Ten is around.


Ten squirms from Taeyong’s grasp when Taeyong tries to pry his mouth open. “No. I didn’t drink it!”


“You did it on purpose, didn’t you? Don’t lie to me, I saw you, Ten.”


Ten pushed the older and looked away.



Taeyong was watching him. Looking after the boy when no one is paying attention. It became a form of a bad habit as his body has been accustom for Ten since who knows when. Taeyong knows exactly what was on the younger’s mind the moment Ten touched Jaehyun’s cup – that Ten needed attention. His attention.


He knew because it was a test – trail directed to Taeyong and he acknowledges it. To test the older if he still cared, if Taeyong is still looking at him, watching him; that if Ten caught Taeyong’s full attention. These facts reasoned Taeyong’s rage; because Ten knew his weakness and tried to push him off the cliff. Taeyong hated that. He noticed ages ago whenever Ten starts doing something destructive to harm himself in sake for Taeyong’s attention. Ten is risking his life in which infuriates him extremely. Confuses him.


"Hey... Taeyong," Wendy tried to cease the fire but was cut off immediately.


“Now you got you want. Are you happy?” The older’s voice is octave low when he interrogated Ten. The younger continued to keep his silent which angered Taeyong further. Unreactive as Doyoung grasps his wrist to be gentler towards his younger brother when Taeyong snatches Ten’s arm. Taeyong wanted answers.


“Game over, Ten. If you keep acting up like this, you won’t get what you want from me.” Taeyong snarls.


This time, Ten finally look at him. Eyes wide, reflecting absolute fear and vulnerability. Taeyong sees one truth in them. They were different from their ‘other time’ and that is exactly what Taeyong wanted from Ten.






“Stop making me worry, Ten.” Taeyong softens and lets go of the younger. Fingers drawing the outline of Ten’s trembling jaws, he breathed. “Go home.”



Author's Note:


WhAt the just happened? just got real and dark that's what. (I'm salty and angsty right now so what I wrote are salty and angst. JOKES!)

Why the fuc- Hold up. I mentioned before Ten and Taeyong AREN'T lovers YET<---

This chapter is appropriate to develop and reset the characters. Okie Dokie?

ALSO, hintu hintu: Our kitty Tennie is keeping many secrets from us in which we'll slowly discover



Cats and dogs are extremely intolerant to caffeine (chocolate, tea, coffee). Ten is a kitty hybrid so if he drinks the coffee, he'll have reaction almost similar to heart-attack. Worst. DEATH.

(I myself is mildly caffeine intolerant. I can drink tea but definitely NOT coffee. Also, my chihuahua died eating a chocolate biscuit when the family is away and he died rather painfully. RIP Poppy. T.T)





SM Entertainment


WHERE THE IS TEN CHITTA LEECHAIYAKUL?! Stop using our feelings by showing him out then keeping him back. #JUSTICEFORTEN and #RELEASETHEPRINCESS!

Also, stop using him to catch fan's attention then pave road for other NCT units, or Taeyong or Mark! You put him out there, making fans think he'll re-debut soon but promote NCT127 next instead. You're making feel this way I never wanted! You made me think Ten is Taeyong's shadow! Stop! Stap! Stup!





(please ignore me. I'm sad, salty and depressed)

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Deflvly10 #1
Chapter 17: I'm still waiting for the next chapter and the ending of story.
Authornim... update juseyo~~~
jongwoontrash #2
Chapter 15: HAHAHHAHAHAHHA PLS TEN IS SO INNOCENT AND CUTE AND HAHAHAH TAEYONG YOURE SO EMBARRASSING lol the miniheart attack he got serves him right hahahah
jongwoontrash #3
Chapter 14: UGH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH it's time for them to reevaluate their feelings aaaaah yassss taeten riiise!!!
jongwoontrash #4
Chapter 12: Hahahahahha pls this is so funny
jongwoontrash #5
Chapter 11: CUUUUUUTE
jongwoontrash #6
Chapter 7: HAHAHHAHAHA this was so funny haha ten being jealous over a cat and kim brothers going hysterical hahaha pls this was comic i love the crack and also uwu taeten uwu
jongwoontrash #7
Chapter 6: Ahahahhaha i suddenly rmb what happened next hahahhahahahahhahaha tennie bb possessive much
jongwoontrash #8
Chapter 5: IM SO ING SOFT FOR THIS CHAPTER i felt ten's happiness and pain in here ughsijfks tennie and grandpa ;;;; why is the world so cruel ;;; my poor baby boy!!!
jongwoontrash #9
Chapter 4: Hahahahhahahhahaha im rly enjoying the dotae banter hahahahahha and oof tennie is too cute for his own good aaaaaah