TINA: What does yunjae represent to you?
JESSA: Hmmmmm what an interesting question. To me, YunJae represents true, yet tragic love. They care for each other deeply, despite society’s views that two men falling in love is wrong, they still were unable to stay away from each other. They were drawn to each other like two stars caught in a gravitational pull.

TINA: Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
JESSA: I think there’s also something about the “secret love” that’s really exciting and tantalizing. The idea that they have to hide the truth of their relationship makes for such intense drama! Also, the mystery of it all. Is YunJae real? Is it all just fanfiction? I go back and forth, back and forth, always looking for new evidence and new insight into their story.

TINA: Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?
JESSA: Well honestly I’m not so sure if I do support them in everything they do (in fanfiction of course). I mean, I won’t knock anyone else’s story or interest, but I can’t really get into abuse, or in my fanfic. It’s too upsetting to me!

TINA: Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
JESSA: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! My hopes and dreams are dashed! Hahaha. I mean, I would believe that Jaejoong is possibly biual, so I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if he was dating a girl, but I would be sad that he had “given up” on Yunho.

TINA: Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
JESSA: //Sigh// I guess we all have to accept that fact that one day they will get married. I don’t like the idea of it because I want them forever to be young and together and performing as TVXQ (even though that ship more or less sailed years ago). But I guess I would just have to be happy for them. I would hope they would be open about their marriage though. I don’t like the idea of a sneaky one—unless there were other reasons they had to hide their marriage, like perhaps a gay marriage? XD

TINA: How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
JESSA: Again, I go back and forth on this. I always say, “no smoke without fire” which means even the YunJae ship originally had to come from something. As in, Jaejoong and Yunho had natural chemistry that SM ent decided to exploit for the fans. I pretty much believe it happened the way I wrote it in Because Tomorrow Comes. What’s always made me think it was real though is that at a certain point the company started down-playing things. Like it got to real and now they had to dissuade the fans from thinking YunJae were actually in love. Why would they have to hide if they didn’t really have anything to hide?

TINA: Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
JESSA: It’s possible. I think it’s also possible he’s biual or maybe even panual. I’m guessing he’s attracted to different people for different reasons. Gender may not factor into it.

TINA: When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
JESSA: I honestly don’t think that will happen. Unless they do it when they’re old and grey and no longer relevant to the Kpop/K-entertainment industry.

TINA: Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
JESSA: Does he *look* gayer? I don’t know. He plays off his manly persona fairly well. However, sometimes I think he ACTS gayer than JJ. He can be pretty fruity. Hahaha. God love him. That’s one of the things I think is so charming about him.

TINA: Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
JESSA: I think they’ve continued to meet. Whether they are friends at this point or still lovers, I have no idea.

TINA: I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?What do you think?
JESSA: Oh, it is so obviously about Yunho. They lyrics totally remind me of TVXQ, but the thing is, when it came out, the only member he’d known for 9 years was Yunho. So…

TINA: What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
JESSA: They’re definitely something special about those two. I don’t know why their romance speaks to me so much. I love thinking about it and reading about it and writing about it. So many other people do too. It’s a mystery.

TINA: Your future plans for fanfics?
JESSA: I have to finish the sequel to Because Tomorrow Comes, Don’t Say Goodbye. After that I don’t have any plans for more fanfic. But maybe I could create a few more drabbles if I’m feeling it!

TINA: Thoughts on homouality?
JESSA: Well, as a queer woman I’m 100% ok with homouality. In fact, that might be another reason I really connected with YunJae’s story—it reminds me of some of my own experiences, falling for my close friends and the complexities that come with that.

TINA: What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
JESSA: It makes me really sad. Many of these people are religious, but I think a truly religious person would be happy to accept anyone with any kind of lifestyle, as long as they’re not hurting themselves or others. Hopefully things will change in the future.

TINA:What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
JESSA: I think the more we talk about it, write about it, portray it in film and television as something normal and healthy and just like any heteroual relationships that it will begin to become normalized. It’s on its way to being accepted in the United States (unless things change, you never know with the current administration), so I think other countries will start moving in this direction as well. It starts small. But all these litting things can have large impact.

TINA: In the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
JESSA: Love my child no matter what!

TINA: Pride or love?
JESSA: Love. It’s hard to let go of pride though.

TINA: Love to me is…………
JESSA: Supporting another person. Making them happy. Protecting them and laughing with them. Caring for them when they need help. Supporting them when they feel weak. Sometimes putting your own comfort and needs after theirs (not always, but sometimes you should be willing to sacrafice).

TINA: Do you believe in love at first sight?
JESSA: Not quite. I think people can have an intensely strong connection from a first meeting that can lead to love. I think when two people are fated to fall in love they will be able to sense that from the very beginning and it can be a powerful sensation. But love at first sight? Not quite. Maybe lust at first sight.

TINA: What are your views on yoochun scandal?
JESSA: Yoochun’s scandal made me very sad at first. Very sad indeed. It really messed me up in fact. I myself am a survivor of ual assault and for a long time TVXQ had been my escape from those painful feelings, from anything that reminded me of my own pain. When YC’s scandal broke it devastated me. Even my happy little bubble wasn’t free of the word “.” As much as I didn’t want it to, it *has* changed how I felt about them slightly. I think it was impossible for me to overlook it and go on like nothing happened. At this point, it has come out that the first girl was trying to blackmail him and has already been sent to prison with her co-conspirators. But what about the other girls? I don’t know. //shakes head// I try not to think about it too much.

TINA: Since Junsu has been in a relation with a girl has yoosu ship sunk?
JESSA: I was never totally on board with the YooSu ship. I mean, I love them together, don’t get me wrong. But to me it always seemed more brotherly than anything. I didn’t see any real signs of a romantic relationship. I think they were really just doing fan service. So Junsu’s relationship didn’t impact my views on YooSu much. But the idea that Junsu was with Hani? That messed with my head a bit. I started obsessively watching Hani videos, trying to see what Junsu saw in her. Haha. Now they broke up so it doesn’t even matter. My mom had said from the beginning she didn’t think it would last. //shrugs//

TINA: I have read somewhere that Jae and Chun are looking more like lovers than friends..what do you think?
JESSA: Nah, no way. They love each other, but just as brothers and friends.

TINA: Are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
JESSA: Maybe. Ha. But it sure is fun.


TINA: I have heard Asian think westerns are ugly?
JESSA: I don’t know! But… it wouldn’t surprise me. I definitely think Asian people are beautiful and I don’t always feel that way about westerners.

TINA: Asian gives importance to skin color. dark skin is big no no to Asians? Do you think it is ok to think like that?
JESSA: I don’t really understand the obsession with skin color. Why is dark skin considered lesser? I certainly don’t feel that way. I think it’s an outdated concept that everyone needs to get over.

TINA: How Important is skin color to you?
JESSA: Not important at all.

TINA: Opinions on plastic surgery?
JESSA: I myself am not a fan of plastic surgery. I don’t like the fact that people have to reach some fake standard of beauty. Everyone is beautiful the way they are, our differences are what makes us special! However, if you’re terribly disfigured or had some sort of accident that requires plastic/facial reconstructive surgery to get better and live a normal life, than by all means!

TINA: do you think Jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
JESSA: Jaejoong and plastic surgery is almost as hot a topic as YunJae! Did he get it, did he not? Honestly, I think he could have had a little help here and there, but nothing terribly substantial. He’s been beautiful from the beginning, and styling and makeup can change the look of your face significantly. Whether he did or not, I really don’t care.

TINA: What do you think of Siwon from super junior’s statement when he said in a radio interview..”I don’t mind dating western girls but marry an Asian girl my mom approves off?
JESSA: //shrugs// Siwon can do what he wants. I don’t like him anyway.

TINA: Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
JESSA: It’s fun? It’s escapism. It’s a fantasy. It’s easy to project whatever we want onto them because we don’t know them, so can imagine what they’re like. I don’t know! I’ve always been fascinated by idols and musicians. I’m not sure why. Some people don’t care. I’m not one of those people.



and a very special thanks for jaann30..

Readers please visit Marakeshsparrow to read her fanfic..


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Chapter 3: i had fun reading this interview! we have the same views about yunjae hehehe!
ah, i hope marakeshspparow authornim will continue writing "don't say goodbye"!
Chapter 1: I want to be her friend! She talks as much as me! xD