An Enemy?

An ANGEL? Yea, right!

[Alwaysme3 Says] Hey guys! Thanks for subscribing ^^ Do you guys like the new poster? Yes, there is another one and it is a happy one xD Picklesyang made it for me, hehe. She's so good. By The Way : picklesyang (yes, the one who makes these awesome posters and also that very pretty character chart which is now shown in the 'foward' which you should go look at very soon... and she also makes all the nice blinkies) is writing a story. This is the first story she has written in a very long time. Don't worry, she has Lots and Lots of experience so she is Very Very good ^^ You guys should go read and subscribe to it xD

Speaking of her blinkies... she's been making me alot 0.0 So, which one do you guys like better?

[Blinkie 1]

[Blinkie 2]

[Blinkie 3]


         Yea... I know. She has NO LIFE xD Muahahah, so which one? I'm gonna use all of them but I was just wondering which one you guys liked ^^



I was seated across of four guys who weren’t willing to tell me their names. I recognized one as the guy who was rubbing against me at the club, he was seated at the far left of the sofa. His name was KiGwang, as I can remember Zico saying. The one beside him was the one who kicked me when I blocked Zico. Then it was the leader who grabbed me from behind. I never encountered the last guy. He looked a bit feminine and he didn’t even look at me. His eyes just roamed around the house.

No one said anything.

The leader was glaring at me while KiGwang chuckled and kept smirking at me.

“So… I didn’t get to introduce myself before. I’m Yoonhee,” I smiled and let out my hand, only to pull it back without any contact.

It was a very awkward atmosphere, for me anyway.


“What are you guys doing here?” Junhyung walked into the living room, his hair dripping onto the carpet floor.

“Why? Why, huh? You want to be alone with Zico’s girlfriend?” The last guy of Beast, also the one who had to pee, appeared behind him. He had a baby face, maybe the youngest in Beast?

Juhyung rolled his eyes and softly shoved his face away, “Stop fooling around.”

“Ow… I’m serious hyung!”

I quickly stood up to defend myself, “I’m not Zico’s girlfriend!”

The rest of them also stood up. “Why are you here? Do you know you’re in the enemy’s territory?” The leader roared.

“What enemy? I’m not even part of Block B or any of your other enemy gangs!”

The leader scoffed in surprise, “Are you trying to mock us?”

“Dujun, stop,” Junhyung stood in front of Dujun, blocking me from his view.

Dujun clenched his fist, “You’re gonna do this again Juhyung? Do you not remember what they did to your sister! You’re gonna get involved with them AGAIN!”

“This doesn’t involve her.”

“This doesn’t involve her!? You’re kidding right?” Dujun glanced at me, then back at Junhyung, “You didn’t hear what she just said? She’s looking down on us! People like her will NEVER understand why we are, where we are today! And you’re taking her side?! You barely know her!”

The three guys behind Dujun, stayed behind him, not uttering a word.

“Hyungs, calm down. Let’s not fight, alright?” The baby-looking one went in between them and tried to push them away from each other.

They didn’t move.

“Move Yoseob,” Dujun commanded. His voice was stern and he kept his gaze on Junhyung.

“Alright look,” Yoseob let down his hands but he still remained between them, “Let’s just settle this sitting down, okay? You never know… maybe this was what she wanted. Maybe this is why she’s here. You’re only doing her the favor,” Yoseob looked at Dujun, trying to calm him down.

After a moment of silence, Dujun finally made up his mind. He violently pushed Yoseob behind. He scowled at Junhyung one last time before he walked out of the house.

The rest of them followed, one by one.

Yoseob gave Junhyung a small encouraging smile before he walked after them.

The last to leave was the taller one that kicked me, “If anything happens, just give us a call alright? You know Dujun, he only worries about you. That’s why he’s like that.”

Juhyung nodded and in a matter of seconds, the house was empty again. The silence returned and I can hear Junhyung sighing. His head was hung low, making me feel guilty.

“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have…”

Junhyung turned around, “It’s alright. He’s always like that.”

Junhyung smiled to reassure me but I knew he was still bothered by it, “You guys are that close, huh? He’s very worried about you.”

Junhyung’s smile widened, “Yea. He is. He’s like a big brother to all of us. Sometimes he’s too overprotective.”

“If you don’t mind me asking… what did he mean when he asked if you wanted to ‘get involved with them again’? By ‘them’ does he mean Block B?”

Junhyung sighed.

We both sat down on the sofa and he began, “I’m not sure if I should be telling you this but… Yes. He does mean Block B. Believe it or not, I use to hang out with Block B. They’re the reason I joined Beast.”

“You were in Block B before?”                  

Junhyung shook his head, “I only hung out with them. I wasn’t in their gang. Dujun hyung only heard my side of the story, that’s why he hates them.”

“You don’t hate them?”

Junhyung smirked, “I do hate them, but I don’t think they would send anybody to plan something against Beast, that’s why I trust you.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Would it make sense if they do? I mean, they’re the ones who did me wrong. Why would they come back unless they want a fight, right?”

“They did you wrong? Because of that you also joined a gang?”

Junhyung chuckled, “Are you really interested or are you just killing time?”

Junhyung continued, “Yes. I joined a gang because of them. By that time, Block B was already a well-known gang. When I stopped hanging out with them, I met Beast. It wasn’t the best meeting.” Junhyung laughed thinking about it, “but we soon grew close. They also hate Block B so with me being there, it gave them a better reason to hate Block B.”

“What did Block B do to you?”

“You sure you don’t want Zico to tell you?” Junhyung teased.

I crossed my arms against my chest, “Zico doesn’t like me right now! He’ll never tell me.”

“Ukwon… he went out with my sister. She came home one day. Her hands and clothes had blood all over them. It wasn’t hers and she was with Ukwon. I don’t know what happened but when she came home, she wouldn’t tell me anything. She just… cried, all night. Ukwon never told me what happened either. We were close friends so I trusted him. I trusted him to protect my sister. Then, he cheated on her.” Juhyung faced me, “Does that make sense?”

“Ukwon? Ukwon did that? But he doesn’t seem like the person to-“

“I knew you’d be on their side,” Junhyung slightly smiled, then he got up, “It’s getting late. You should get some rest.”



[Alwaysme3 Says] The chapters are getting longer ^^ I’ll work harder to make them actually look like a chapter, keke. I’m just so lazy, you know? xD So how was the chapter? I revealed Junhyung’s side of the story and Dujun definitely doesn’t like Yoohee >.<

Pinkie keeps telling me that she like Junhyung Yoonhee couple so I’ve been wondering… Which couple do YOU like better?



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MinJuHyun #1
Chapter 36: (Ok now I know again Yonnhee) Ok didnt I said it would happen-_-
Love this story one of the few that made me cry^-^
MinJuHyun #2
Chapter 35: Omg wait they are not all going to die get into heaven, are they!!!
One side of me likes that idea the other side would love to see them all alive as humans including the angel whos name I already forgotten (why cant I remember names) 0.0
MinJuHyun #3
Chapter 32: Omo still crying!!!!!!!
MinJuHyun #4
Chapter 28: Omg now im crying!!!!
This story is great!!!!
Chapter 37: omg I loved this story!!! >.< daebak!!!!
Chapter 37: Omg such a great story :') gonna read the sequel now :D
Attention #7
Chapter 37: Yes a sequel!
kycheii #8
Chapter 36: So sad that Taeil has to ddie. :'(
'Twas a great ending~ Hoping for a sequel here~.. :D
Chapter 36: This was the most cutest and saddest ending ever omg<3 I loved it!!