
three brides for three brothers
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It was supposed to be a nice and relaxing night out, and it started in a good way, for a change she didn't even had to sneak through the secret passageway, to get out of the house, her sister was having a tantrum fit, and when everybody was busy trying to calm her down or just enjoying the show, she went out the front gate under everyone's nose ...

Minah and Sujin were waiting for Yoo Jung, with the promised Moojak gamhong, she had never tasted the beverage, but she wanted to try, in the truth, she didn't like to drink, at least, not as much as Yoo Jung did, but she would not deny when it was offered to her, it was just another experience for her life, and when it come to life, she was willing to get everything she could get of it ...

"Why is she taking so long?" - Minah asked, she was pacing around , while Sujin almost did not move from the spot she was, she had the soul of a soldier,  always alert and  ready to grab the sword, even though they were in a familiar place, and without any visible threat...

Minah turned to the warrior

"I thought you were going to bring Officer Gun with you"

" No thanks, after to sip, you'd start messing with him, made him unconfortable, I can not believe you said you were in love with him.

" No, I did, how come, I am a man, just like him, I would never

- Say this with more conviction

- Did you believe that I feel something for him?- Minah asked with a chuckle

" The worst part is, I don't, I know you only do this to make him uncomfortable."

Minah chuckled without feeling guilty

"It must be strange and uncomfortable, he thinks I am a man, but I can't stand that  pompous idiot, he must have somebody with higher rank and beautiful in his eyes,  he thinks he's more important than he really is, which makes everything funnier, why do you spend your time with him?"

" He is usefull now, he's my eyes and ears, you know he likes to talk, a lot,  in an attempt to give himself more importance, and,  I appreciate that."

- I also appre.. - Minah did not finish the sentence because suddenly they were 'Surrounded' by three people, she would not have noticed the movement in the shadows, but Sujin did, and she went into attack mode, placed her left arm protectively in front of Minah, pushing her until she was hidden behind her, as she unsheathed the sword with the other hand...

The gesture annoyed Minah, it was true that she did not  have Sujin's level, but she thought that they had already passed the stage of her being protected by the other, she knew a level above that necessary for selfdefence, she could fight if she had to fight ...

Minah studied the situation they were in, 2 against 3, being the two, 2 women to 3 men, the situation didn't seemed very favorable to their side, but on the other

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