Island Princess

“Son, Queen Yoona will be here with her daughter for the weddi

ng sooner than we expected. So having Sa over here would only be a burden don’t you think?”

The King was not very happy about Sehun’s decision in having Sa over at the palace. And was very much against having her stay with Sehun in his palace.

“Oh, Junmyeon! Let her live, she’ll leave when she finds her parents and Sehun knows that he is to be married with Irene. Don’t make a big deal out of this small situation.” Queen Taeyeon quipped in a slight scolding manner at her husband.

Retreating back to his palace, which is at the right side of the main palace, Sehun walked up to his room. His room was now transformed into a double bedroom. His own bed was a four poster bed with curtains hanging on three sides and the head board was pushed up against a wall which had a full length mirror on the wall. On the other corner of the room it was divided into another room and was now being made into Sa’s sleeping chambers. Sehun could see her at all times and keep an eye out for her. To the side of his own bed was his wash room and was now Sa’s too. Next to the door to the washroom was another set of double doors that led to his closet and through that closet was his study. On the other side was the balcony or more like Platform out looking the sea and his ship decked at the harbor.

“Sir, the lady’s chamber is ready.”

Nodding his head at the old servant, Sehun walked over to the balcony in search of Sa, and his eyes met with Sa walking around the water fountain with her chamber with the panda and the peacock in tow with her. He could hear her tinkle laugh even from up here and his own lips stretched into a smile when he saw Soojung splashing water at her and Sa running away. Seeing her happy and already comfortable made Sehun happy and filled his chest with so much warmth.


Turning around Sehun saw his mother gracefully walking towards him. The queen approached Sehun and patted his shoulder as she, too looked at Sa and Soojung.

“What made you think of bringing her here my son?” as always the queen had a way of looking right past Sehun’s outer expression and this time she saw something and it was not typical pity.

“Why son, what was it that made you want to bring her here and most of all to let her stay with you in your chambers.?”

His mother’s voice triggered something inside Sehun and all of the truth poured out of his mouth.

“I don’t know mother, she looked so innocent and she looked lost and I couldn’t just let her be there. She is too beautiful mother. So so beautiful unlike any other I’ve seen in my life. I just had to.”

The queen hugged her son to her chest and let her hand caress his head in a motherly way.

“I know my son, you did the right thing. I have taught you well. Just so you know. Your life is yours Sehun, you can change it if you want to. Be strong for you and for the one’s you love.”

Kissing Sehun on his head the queen walked out of her son’s room and to her own chambers where the king was resting.

“My love, he is your son indeed.”


“Lady, the prince is asking for you.” The servant bowed at Sa as she delivered the message of Sehun wanting to have supper with her.

“Go with her Sa, my brother must be waiting, I’ll see you when I return from visiting the village.”

Hugging the petite girl, princess Soojung whispered, “Be strong my little one. Life is going to be tough for you. Endure it for it will be worth it at the end.”

The walk to the palace was quite long and Sa swore that she could have been lost of it wasn’t for the servant. Thanking Sehun for his lesson Sa managed not to make a fool out of herself.

“Lisa, is it true that Prince Oh Sehun is getting married” Princess Soojung had told her about Sehun marrying someone in order for him to become the next king.

“Yes, my lady. Prince is getting married to Princess Irene from the Velvet Kingdom.”

However the thought of Sehun marrying someone left an unsettling feeling in her for Sehun taught her that marrying is something extremely pure and is done between two people that love each other and is willing to sacrifice anything for each other. And as far as Sa knew, Prince Oh Sehun didn’t even know the person that he was getting married to.

Well Sehun had described what a normal dinner was like but Sa could never have imagined what she was seeing right now. The table was set for two people with bright candles lighting up the room and the table was filled with freshly baked bread and at least five varieties of them. That was not the only thing. Fried fish and turkey and soup, and oh holy a huge platter of vegetables that seemed to be shining in olive oil. Gaping at the huge lay out Sa held on to the wall of the entrance of the dining hall. It was not her fault for not seeing Sehun sitting because all she could see was the food. Silently praying to Sehun for teaching her everything Sa composed herself and blew some air out and huffed.

“Good evening Sa!”

Shrieking at hearing that deep voice somewhere in the hall Sa clutched her heart and looked around. There he sat at the head table looking as handsome as ever a loose white cotton button up shirt with two strings attached on the front and deep low cut in the front. His hair was wet and hanging low on his forehead unlike how she was used to seeing him.

“Go-…” Manners!’

Quickly bowing low Sa curtseyed. “Good evening Prince.”

Gesturing her to sit down next to him at his side Sehun clapped his hands and two maids hurriedly walked out to help the two to serve.

With another clap his hands the two maids disappeared from the hall leaving the two all alone. Eyeing sa sehun raised his wine glass and took a small sip. Sa was toying with her fork and knife glaring daggers at the piece of fried fish. Timidly poking it with her knife she picked up the whole slice and ate a bite out of it. Chuckling to himself, he grabbed her hand and gently placed it back on the table.

“watch me.”

Grabbing his own fork and knife he used the fork to hold the piece of fish and cut small pieces using the knife. And using his fork he picked one piece up and dabbed it at the sauce and brought it to his mouth. Nudging her to do the same Sehun smiled at her and encouraged her to do it and watched her take her first bite and couldn’t help but smile fondly at her bewildered and surprised expression.






hello my readers! this chapter is extremely short and I apologize for it. but please do enjoy this and expect more from the next chapter. 

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