Island Princess

Is there life beyond where I live? Is anyone out there looking for me? Am I someone’s daughter? Am I someone’s sister? Why can’t I remember anything? Why am I the only one looking like me here? Why’ can’t I look like Pea or even Red?

“Sa! Did you even hear what I just said?” Red, the Panda asked Sa, who was so deep in her thoughts.

“Huh? What is it Red?”

“I said, there is a strange thing floating on top of the sea and it’s swimming towards our home.”

Jumping down from the tree house Sa ran up the hill and climbed the tree that Red previously sat. And just like Red said there was a huge ‘thing’ floating on the sea waves and it does look like it’s coming to the shore.

“Well, it looks like a floating house to me that humans use.” Pea said cleaning his feathers.


“Will there be people like me in the floating house?” eager eyes darted towards the floating house and then at Red and Pea.

Smiling to himself Red nodded his head and stretched his paws on the tree and laid down.

“Looks like Sa will finally be able to know who she is really.”

Jumping from the tree and running back to her tree house she got dressed in one of the few clothing she had. Opening the huge cave made of wood that she had with her from when she remember she took the white dress and put it on and smashed some cherry smash on her lips and using a cut up branch she combed her hair.

“Red! Pea! I’m going to the shore!”

In an instant the two animals were by her side and the three friends started their journey to the front of the island.

Ever since 8 years ago when Red found an unconscious little girl on the shore she had been living in this island with him and Pea. Her suitcase had frocks and shoes and jewelry and it looked royally fitted with the gold plate with her name but sadly only two letters were found when Sa was found. And thus she was called ‘Sa’. Red knew it was about time she found her true place in this world.

“Look Look! The floating house is on the shore!!” Pea shouted running towards the huge thing. The peacock’s voice was high pitched and Sa ran behind Pea trying to hush him before the ‘humans’ saw him. But guess she was a tad bit too late when a ‘human’ walked out of the floating house and almost shrieked at the sight of a Peacock, a Red Panda and a human girl on the so called deserted island.

“Your highness! Your highness!!! Prince Sehun!!.” The human screamed while it ran back to the floating house.

“Red looked terrified and so did Pea. The sight of seeing another human, but much different in appearance scared the two animals. But Sa was intrigued, she wanted to talk to the humans.

“Prince Sehun!!!!!!!! Your Highness!!!” loud knocks woke Sehun from his deep slumber.

“what is it Jackson? Why are you so obnoxiously loud this evening. Are we decked?” Prince Sehun got up from his bed and walked out of his chamber to meet with his assistant, Wang Jackson who right now, looked frightened to the core.

“Si-Sir there is a girl! A gi-girl on this island”

“ a girl? What nonsense are you sprouting Jackson. This is a deserted island almost 100 miles away from the island that holds a small village”

“No- No sir. I did see her. She was with a cackling peacock and a red panda!!”

Looking at his assistant Sehun knew it couldn’t be a lie, Jackson never pulled pranks. Clicking his tongue Sehun padded out to the deck and walked down the wood and stepped onto the island and if he didn’t expect it he would have shrieked just like Jackson.

A peacock came charging at Sehun but didn’t attack him. It just walked around Sehun in circles and cackled loudly.

Sehun didn’t know that he needed to see beauty like this until he did.

A girl younger than Sehun, or so he thought, walked out from behind a rock with a red panda in tow with her. She was beautiful in all the simple ways. Black hair long and unruly and her white dress was nothing but a simple sheet wrapped around her small frame and tied to the side of her chest. A simple flower was sprouting next to her ear and her lips were a tint of light red. Her skin was sun kissed and glowing. Feeling his throat go dry Sehun took a step towards the strange female.

Bowing at her Sehun straightened himself. “Greetings My lady, I am prince Oh Sehun.”

Looking at the strange human that resembled a coconut tree Sa wondered her eyes over the human. He looked different.

“I’m Sa”

Sehun furrowed his eyebrows, Sa?

“prince oh Sehun, are you a human like me?”

Taken a back from the sudden question Sehun nodded his head hesitantly.

“I’m human too!!!!” Sa clapped her hands with glee and walked over to Sehun and smiled up at him.

“but you look different. You don’t have long hair like me, nor do you have two coconuts like me.” Coconuts?

Gesturing at her chest Sa grinned. Oh coconuts.

Chuckling at the strange girl Sehun walked pass her to the island.

“How long have you been here Sa?”

There was a loud cackling sound and when sehun turned around he saw the peacock flailing it’s feathers around speaking? To the girl.

“I have been here for 8 snowfalls Prince oh sehun< that’’s what pea calls the white cold things that falls from the sky.” Pea?

Another cackle and sa gasped. “I’m so sorry pea. Prince oh sehun these are my friends Red and Pea”

Nodding and bending down to pat the panda Sehun patted the peacock too.

8 snowfalls means 8 years? So doesn’t she remember anything and why is she so strange?

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