You Promise Me...

Sungyeol POV



I was walking home with Myung when I heard screaming a couple of feet from us. Myung stopped walking and stared at the two figures. Honestly it looked like the taller figure was about to kill him! Then the small figure was running away from the taller figure! OMGAWD! There's a murder on a loose! While I was thinking Myung hit my head and looked at me with his 'expressionless' face.



"Yah Yeol, don't even think about going over there." said Myungsoo. "You ALWAYS assume that one of them is a murder."
"Thats not true!" I argured.
"Uh yes it is." Myungsoo said. "Remember last time?"






It was another day walking home from school with Myungsoo, or L. I don't even know why he wants people to call him L. I mean does L mean for Loser? While I was giggling to myself, Myungsoo hit my head.



"WHAT WAS THAT FOR, HUH!?" I screeched
"For giggling to yourself." Myungsoo sighed.
I scoffed. "Pssh, thats because I thought of something funny"
Myungsoo raised his eyebrow. "And the joke was?"
"Nothing!" I stuck my tounge out, which earned a hit on the head again.
"Yah! What wa-"
"Hey, are those people punching each other?" Myungsoo pointed out.



I turned my head and saw that there was people punching each other. Well, it was more like two people and it looked like one of them was about to kill the other person. Then an idea popped out in my head! I should help that person that is being attack and be a hero!



"Uh....I said that outloud didn't I?"
"Yes, hyung you did." Myungsoo facepalmed himself. "Please keep your thought to yourself."
I awkwardly laugh. "Okay Myung!"



Shoot I almost let my plan out! I looked at Myung to see if he is still paying attention. Nope, he is off in his own little world. I put on a huge grin and ran off towards the two people. Myung was so shock when I started to run towards them and yelled at me to stop. Pssh, it's not like he is my umma. I'm a big boy now!



"HAVE NO FEAR CHODING IS HERE!" I screamed while running towards them.
"WHAT THE ?!" said one the person that was about to kill the other person.
Both of them looked at me like I was crazy. "HYUNG SERIOUSLY WHA-"



I took a deep breath and screamed my famous dolphin scream at the person that was about to kill the other person. The murder covered his ears but it didn't help at all. Yup my dolphin scream is that loud! I practice a lot when I have to wake up Myung. (A/n: You must be so proud Sungyeol) Anyway I stopped screaming and dialed 911 to capture the murder. After a couple of minutes, the police came and put the murder behind bars!



-End of Flashback-



"H-hyung that didn't happen." Myungsoo facepalm himself. "They were a couple joking around!"
I crossed my arms and pouted. "So, my flashback story is more awesome!"
"Hyung, just don't run off again."
"Fine, fine." I said. "But that guy is really slow, reminds me of Grandpa Gyu."
"Hyung I think that is Sunggyu hyung."
I smirked. "Hyung why are you smi-"



I used my dolphin scream and started to run towards the two people that looked like Grandpa Gyu. Myung was yelling at me to come back or else he won't walk with me anymore, but I just ignored it because I know that he would still walk with me. The one that look like Grandpa Gyu groaned while the other person was excited, which is probably Woohyun hyung.



"The choding is here hyung!" Woohyun said in a excited voice."
"Are you serious..." Sunggyu face palmed himself.
"CHODING! I TOLD YOU NOT TO RUN OFF!" Myungsoo said as he finally caught up to you.
"L, you should know that once you tell him something...he does the opposite." Sunggyu sighed. "Just like someone that I know..."
"Oh! Who is it hyung!?" Woohyun asked Sunggyu. "I wanna know who it is!
Both L and Sunggyu facepalmed themselves. "Are you really that dense?"
"Hyung" Woohyun whined. "L called me dense!"
Sunggyu sighed. "Woohyun, just let it okay? Let's go home."
I gasped. "You guys are going to have a sleepover!?"
"Yeah! We are going to sing our heart out!" Woohyun said.
"No, we have school tomorrow and you are going to sleep no buts."
"B-but hyung!" Woohyun whined. "Your no fun!"
"Myung! we should sleepover at Sunggyu's hyungs house!"
Myungsoo sighed. "Is that okay with you hyung?"
"Like I have a choice, I know that Sungyeol is going to whine and complain to me tomorrow." Sunggyu smiled weakly.
"Then it's settled!" Me and Woohyun said together. "IT'S  SLEEPOVER!"



Me and Woohyun walked ahead while Sunggyu and L was trailing behind us.Woohyun was talking about how he tricked Sunggyu about having a gray hair and that he needed to work out. We both laugh and both of us got smacked on the head by Myungsoo and Sunggyu. We finally reached Sunggyu hyung's house and we got excited as we got closer and closer to Sunggyu hyung's house.



"Okay guys, we are just going to sleep and THATS ALL." Sunggyu said as he opened thee door.
"YES SIR!" both of us said, while Myungsoo just nodded.
"I'm tired anyway hyung, so I'll sleep in one of your guestrooms." Myungsoo said as he entered to one.
Sunggyu turned to us. "You guys better be sleeping once I enter my room." Sunggyu threatened us.
"Okay hyung!" I said as I entered to one of the guestrooms while Woohyun entered to one too.



I entered the room and landed on the ultra soft bed. I sighed in delight while I hug the fluffy white pillows. After enjoying the softness I decided to slip in the sheets and started to fall asleep. But I heard some mumbles on the otherside of the bed. I got curious and lifted the blankets and saw a sleeping Myungsoo ON MY BED. Thinking of what to do, I decided to push him off the bed since he is a heavy sleeper. I started to push him but he wouldn't budge. Looking over him, I saw his hand gripping on the bed frame. I sighed.



"You Myung." after that he feel asleep.







HEY guys! :) sorry if this chapter isn't good ._." but but but at least I updated right :) no? ok :( HAHAHHA well i have some announcement :D the good announcement is, I have no school the whole week so theres a chance of me to update a lot >...< OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH YEAH YEAH xD Okay i'll stop talking. Oh! and please comment and subcribe because I don't bite :)



Much Love,



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you're the great author..
i love your story...
please update soon.
please update soon this story is amazing.
haha thank you PororoBJ :D i'm still a noob at this whole writing thing >.> and thank you everyone for your support :) it really helps me to continue with this story! XD
PororoBJ #4
LOL, i've subscribed the story for a long time. but i've just read your story because i thought about my BIAS being such a ergh you know. but the truth, your story is DAEBAK!!! i was like ASJDJNFJDAL. and sorry for making my confession here XD BHAAH. bdw update soon :D
Nekomimi14 #5
...Aww...i wonder what'll happen at the confrontation...