
IMperfect match
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"You sure you don't need me to go with you?" Jaebum asked buttoning up his shirt.

"I'm fine. It's probably just a cold," Jaein answered Jaebum while helping him with his shirt. She grabbed his tie off the bed and expertly tied it around his neck as she had done so many other mornings. She smoothed down his collar and gave an approving nod.

It's been over a month, and the April weather has been temperamental to say the least, and so has been Jaein's health. She'd been feeling under the weather, probably from the inconsistent temperature along with the constant rainfall.

"What time is your appointment?" Jaebum asked shrugging into his suit jacket.

"It's at noon," Jaein answered him. "I'll probably be at the office before two."

Jaebum frowned at that. "You should just come back home and rest," he told her thinking about her health.

"I've got the sniffles. It's not like I'm dying," Jaein gave him a look. "And I'm only going to the doctor's because you wouldn't stop pestering me until I did."

"You've been like this for the past month," Jaebum countered. "I should have dragged you to the doctor's earlier."

He honestly would have, if he hadn't been so busy the past month. Jaein's father started transitioning out, so Jaebum could take his position as CEO at C&J. Jinyoung has been pinned as the next COO, taking Jaebum's former position. Luckily, Kim Woojin hadn't been a concern for Jaebum nor Kim Jitae, but that's not to say he isn't still a viable threat. Jaebum knew it'd be too much to hope for Woojin to be gone for good, so he could only ask that he won't appear again for a very long time or at least until after his official appointment of CEO in May.Β 

"I'm going now, aren't I?" Jaein put her hands on his shoulders and shook him a little. "So, stop worrying."

"Fine," Jaebum relented and headed out.

"Call me when you get there," he told her as he put his shoes on. Jaein stood in the foyer nodding her head. "I will."

Jaebum leaned in to give her a quick peck on the lips before he left. "Love you."

"Love you, too."


It felt weird being home at this hour. She's been so used to leaving early and coming home late with Jaebum, and they were always in a hurry too. So, this morning she decided to take advantage of the free time and enjoy her breakfast and take her time getting ready.

She walked out of the apartment at 11AM for her 12PM appointment. She should be there with time to spare. Jaebum had insisted she take his car, but Jaein quite liked taking public transportation. It was somehow comforting being around all the other people. So, in her comfiest shoes, she made her way to the closest bus stop. It was a five-minute walk to get to the main road, and it's one she's walked before, but today Jaein couldn't help but have the hairs on the back of her neck prickle.

She stopped in her path and turned around. "I could have sworn," Jaein said to herself thinking someone was there walking behind her, but no one was there.Β 

Maybe, I'm just being paranoid.

Jaein tried to recompose herself, but she felt the eerie feeling again creating goosebumps on her skin. She turned around deciding to get to the bus stop as quick as possible.

But, as soon as she turned around, Jaein felt like she ran into a brick wall.


"We could have Mark report to you, once you become COO," Jaebum said to Jinyoung.

Jinyoung couldn't believe that Jaebum was being appointed CEO in less than a month. What was more unbelievable was that Jinyoung was going to take Jaebum's former position as COO.

"Do we have any intel on Kim Woojin, though?" Jaebum asked him.

"Not really," Jinyoung answered. "No one's seen or heard from him in a while, though I imagine if he's trying beat out Kim Jitae, he's gathering resources."

Mark and Jackson have been laying low for the past couple months, especially after Mark's injury, but as far as they know, Kim Woojin is nowhere to be seen, though Jinyoung didn't know if that was a good thing.

"He probably won't be gone for too long," Jaebum said worried. "And when he comes back, I'm afraid there's going to be a gang war."

"But why does that m

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Chapter 31: And yet, you're not coming back here again πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
Tingtongtang #2
Chapter 31: Hi will you update i have wait fo along time now ... I hope you fave time to update
exomen #3
Chapter 31: this is so goood omg omg. Take your time in life^^ we can always wait <3
jtediana #4
Chapter 17: Pleasee continue on.. I hope you dont give up on this story. I just read this and starting to love the story. Its quite hard finding the good Jaebums based story. Plus theres BAP and yongguk!! I stand both group. Good luck on continuing this, pls dont keep me hanging
Chapter 30: Welcome back .. can't wait to know what's gonna happen in the next chapter . Hope JB will find his wife soon
Chapter 30: welcome back :D this chapter hyped up the tension between the characters. cant wait to see how jaebum will handle this situation.
hanayorishizouka #7
Chapter 30: Welcome back author-nim!!'s relief that you are back, please update soon :)
grayash #8
Chapter 30: Omigooood what will happen cant wait!!!
grayash #9
Chapter 29: I am so happy you are back!!! Thank youuuu :)
BadBoyMagnet #10
Chapter 30: Oh God.... Poor JB... Hope they find her in time! Thank you for updating!! Fighting!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!!