
Tourist Attraction: Lee Taemin


Taemin's P.O.V
We found him on the sofa with a bowl filled of roasted chicken flavoured crisps and the TV cooking channel on. It was showing us how to make the skin extra crispy when frying the chicken s in bread crumbs.... ironic. "Hyung... we're home..." I murmured and shook his shoulders.
"Jinki. Snap out of it. I'm making the chicken." said Minho and hooked his coat on a rack, by the hallway, and walked off to the kitchen.
Still Onew hyung said nothing.....
"Yah..... Hyung.. The chicken will come soon so hang in there arasso?"
His stomach rumbled as he continues to stare into space or what ever he found so interesting about the air between him and the wall.
"YAH TAEMIN! Where did you put the chicken stock we've bought today huh?" called Minho from the kitchen. The lazy idiot won't go find it himself...
"In the plastic bag I left it in..." I answered back as I continued to stare at Onew on the couch. Seriously.... living without chicken for a day isn't the end of the world... but Onew can make that reality... he won't smile again until a week after the catastrophe... And it's no fun living with a zombie is it?
"That helps a lot Taemin..." Minho called back, his voice dripping with sarcasm, and entered the living room with a scowl in search of the bag of groceries. 
I giggled at the attire he was wearing: T-shirt, purple track suit bottoms and a pink Hello Kitty apron draped over his torso.
"We're BACK!" a voice called from the hallway as the front door banged open, hitting the wall beside it with force that can probably demolish the building if this happened one more time.
"Stopping kicking the door down Key." Minho said without stopping his search for the missing ingredient. 
"Ew. What are you wearing?!" Umma exclaimed as he strutted into the room with his "man purse." Yes. We call him umma for a reason. He acts like one.
Jonghyun was behind him with a dozen shopping bags balancing on his arms. Those are probably Key's. "Told you we shouldn't make a big entrance..." Jonghyun scowled as he trudged behind and closed the door with his foot. Poor hyung.
"Umma...... Where have you been!? You wouldn't pick up the phone!" I was angry that he wasn't there when I was in deep trouble trying to get the stove to work. I can't cook.
Key's features softened as his gaze landed on me and gave me a big hug. Bipolar much?
"Sweetie I'm sorry. Jonghyun took me to watch the movies and I left my phone on silent. There won't be a next time I promise." he cooed and dropped his purse onto the sofa. He caught a glimpse of Onew's pout and crashed down beside him.
Onew was still as motionless as a statue. 
"What happened to him?"
"Chicken night. Missed it."
Key sighed and grabbed hyung's shoulders, preparing to shake the living daylights out of him. "Yah! Onew! it up and wait until Minho finishes cooking. You can live a day without your beloved chicken I can assure you." started Key but was then soon interrupted by Onew's whimper.
"YESS FOUND IT!" Minho suddenly cheered from the other side of the room as he returned back to the kitchen to finish off the dish.
"Onew.... Minho is almost done. Wait a bit longer." encouraged Key but Onew didn't reply.
We sat there like that for a few minutes, not knowing what to say next, until Minho interrupted the silence. 
"Taemin.. get the table ready. I'm almost done."
I sighed and heaved myself up from the couch and went to set the table ready and scoop some rice. Key decided to join in with me and helped with the preparations for dinner. As I put the bowls down onto the table, the charms on my bracelet jingled - catching Key's attention.
"Omo! That's such a pretty bracelet! I haven't seen you wear it before? Is it new? Where did you buy it? Is it cheap?"
Aish. Now Key won't stop bombarding me with questions. Stop interrogating me!! How should I answer him? That a random stranger off the streets decides to get me a bracelet for helping them with directions? He would probably give me a lecture about talking to strangers and another one for accepting gifts from people I don't know. See? This is why we call him umma...

Your P.O.V
I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside. I groaned as I flipped over to lay on my back and get a good look at what the time was. 7:00 read the digital clock on the floor. "What the hell..." I moaned as I buried my face into my pillow, too much of an effort to lift it back up again. Just as I was about to fall asleep again, the door to my bedroom opened and crashed onto the wall with a loud thump. That.... scared the CRAP out of me!
"Rise and Shine sleepy head!!!" exclaimed Hyo Min as she suffocated me by glomping me.
My incoherent curses were muffled by the pillow on my face as I squirmed around to find at least a breath of air to survive. Damn you Hyo Min. You've ruined my morning.
"Let's go to that cafe and have a nice long chat about why you were late home last night!"
Urgh... I bet the only reason why she wanted to go to that cafe was because of that Choi guy. "Don't wanna."
"Oh c'mon! Don't be so lazy! It's a beautiful day today... look! The sky is so..... silver!"
Beautiful my .... it looks like it's about to pour if you ask me. Even the birds stopped tweeting when they were just whistling melodies a few moments ago.
"Please ________! I just wanted to know the details of what happened last evening. Trapped in this hell of an apartment is no fun at all!" She begged with her hands clasped together and her lips puckered into a pout.
Such a pitiful sight.
Great. Now she's interrogating me.. "Look... I dunno why you're so interested in the topic of my trip to the groceries store but please... It's bloody 7 in the morning right now and I need my beauty sleep. Go torment Hwa Young instead."
Hyo Min frowned at my attempt to get rid of her and got up from the mattress. FINALLY SHE'S LEAVING!!!
I returned back to the warmth of my covers and napped, however, it didn't last long. Hyo Min came back with a beaker of water and aimed it at me. Before I could even look up to see what she was doing, the ice cold water came into contact with my PJs and soaked to my skin. The cold pricked me all over as I shrieked and danced around the room wildly. 
While the fiasco was happening, Hyo Min stood there by the door with an amused expression on her face. The way her lips turned up-right into a smirk clearly screamed out "Victory" as I stood there drenched like a soar loser... 
Sure whatever you say Hyo Min... It's such a beautiful day isn't it when your is freezing off because your wonderful stupid friend decided to chuck -100 degrees temperature water at you.  "Hyo Min." I hissed though gritted teeth.
"Hm?" she hummed back in response.
"Don't ask me for an umbrella when you're soaked from the rain..."
She grinned in victory as she hopped over to the mattress, giving me the soppy Unni treatment. "My dearest wonderful friend~ Quickly get changed before you catch a cold-"
"Just cut the crap..." I sighed as I rolled my eyes, getting ready to be dragged away by a psycopath of a friend I have.
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tae_lover #1
Chapter 8: woow great storry plz keep updating
Chapter 8: ONEW!! XDDD OMFG
Quackerz #3
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! Hyo Min sooo evil!!
MeziiMew #4
HAHAHA!! oh Onew xD I can just imagine his voice over the phone LOLOL

This is so good, update soon~!
Quackerz #5
Onew's voice must have sound soo creepy! Update soon!
Beautiful! OMG hahahahaha lol... That's so cute! Hope you update soon!
Quackerz #7
:D You updated!! Update more!!