
Tourist Attraction: Lee Taemin

As soon as you all got back from the cafe, you went straight to your room and sprawled on the mattress. You figured that no matter where you were sleeping, you could still find comfort since you were so tired for the day. Before you could drift off to dreamland, a knock was heard by the door. You opened one eye to look at the intruder that disturbed your sleep. 

"________-ah... you can't just go to sleep like that. Think of all the germs and dirt you got from flying all the way to here and the journey to the cafe? Go wash up before you also contaminate the bed sheets." said Hwa Young as she disappeared again before you could argue back.

"Grrr... She had to walk in at that moment." you quietly moaned as you hesitated to get up. Picking up a towel on your pile of clothes, you shuffled along the hallway until you found the bathroom- which was conveniently 2 rooms down from yours. Not that far to walk....  

Minho's P.O.V

"Hyuuuuung!" Taemin sang as soon as I stepped into our apartment.
Sure there's 5 of us living together in this camped space... but it's cozy.

"Hah... I'm home." I breathed and a smile crosses by face when I saw the scene in front of me. Onew, Jonghyun and Key sat around the four sided table with dinner in front of them while Taemin rushed up to me and beamed... all waiting for me to get home.

"Kaja! Let's eat! I'm starving!" urged the maknae as he dragged me with him to the dining table. "We've been waiting for you to get home hyung."

The smile on my face widened even more.

"Yah! Who do you think you are, coming home this late. We're starving coz of you." snapped Key, grabbing his chopsticks ready to eat. 

Ah.... that's how Key shows his love~ Sure he can be a total sometimes, but that's why we love him. 

"Mianhae. It was a tough shift. We were busy today." I apologized, slowly approaching the table, in case Key ready does lash out. Luckily Jonghyun hyung saved me.

"Key~ Calm down. Let's eat arasso?" he sang as he Key's arm comfortingly. Key visibly relaxed under the gesture and returned to picking rice into his mouth.

I softened my gaze and once more felt back at home. I know we just got back from Jeju Island... but we can't waste a single day without work. No work, no money. You get our motto. 

"Pass me the kimchi please. Wha-Who the hell left it all the way over there?!" Key moaned throughout the meal. "Yah! Who made this rice? It's all sticky!"

"You did hyung...." Taemin whispered meekly, afraid that Key would boil up in anger and explode before we had a chance to escape. But Key said nothing but continued to eat. We all tried to obey and go along with his tantrums because, if you have lived with Key long enough to know him..... he was PMSing.

Hyo Min's P.O.V

Eugh! That Choi Minho guy is too much! I can't get him out of my head. Waaaaaah! I dunno what to do! Ottoke?! Yeah... My Korean ... deal with it.

Is this love at first sight? The stuff that I read from romance novels back in America? OMIGAWD. He. Is. So. Fit.
I wouldn't be surprised if my heart leapt out of my chest and becomes a mess of love on the floor~
I wonder if he's still there tomorrow? Hmmmm......

Abit of JongKey here right? And 2min... and.... Onew >.> *forever lonely*

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tae_lover #1
Chapter 8: woow great storry plz keep updating
Chapter 8: ONEW!! XDDD OMFG
Quackerz #3
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! Hyo Min sooo evil!!
MeziiMew #4
HAHAHA!! oh Onew xD I can just imagine his voice over the phone LOLOL

This is so good, update soon~!
Quackerz #5
Onew's voice must have sound soo creepy! Update soon!
Beautiful! OMG hahahahaha lol... That's so cute! Hope you update soon!
Quackerz #7
:D You updated!! Update more!!