The Attraction

Tourist Attraction: Lee Taemin

Purple= Korean            Blue=English

A couple of days later everyone has gotten use to the Korean standard time and most of the jet lag has disappeared. You and Hyo Min got to know Hwa Young's aunt more. She wasn't what you would expected, a middle aged woman in an apron with motherly characteristics, she was more of a teen age girl who still solely relies on gossip and fashion trends. Yeah... big difference.

"Yah... who finished all the ramyun?" asked Hwa Young's aunt as she blew on her still-damp nails. She's been obsessing over nail designs so she has been experimenting. 

"You did auntie. So you get it." Hwa Young answered back without tearing her gaze away from the TV.

"Awww c'mon! The nail vanish hasn't dried up yet!" she argued back. "And don't call me that! I have a name you know!"

"Yeah yeah yeah... Stephanie..."

Yeah.... her aunt seems to not have matured a single bit since high school.

"I'll go get it..." you offered as you stood up from the couch and made a beeline for the door. It was a nice day so you wore a thin jacket instead of a coat. "Annyeong."

They waved back at you as you closed the door. Standing in the hallway for a few moments you cracked a grin and pulled out a map of the city. "This is my chance!" you squealed as you setted off towards the elevators.

Your P.O.V

Perfect oportunity to escape! I've got my bag full of money, a phone, a notebook with a pen, some tissues, my keys and chapstick for the journey. With my map in hand, I started wondering off down the street... getting further away from the apartment complex. Excitement filled the pits of my stomach as I feel it knot. But it felt good. Like a curious feeling... the feeling you get when you've received a gift and wonder what's inside it. "Where to go?" I asked myself as I turned left of the split road. The map told me that this lead to the busy street of cafes and dinky souvenir shops. Perfect.

Taemin's P.O.V

"Mianhae Taemin-ah... I have to work for an extra hour at the cafe. Just go back home." said Minho through the other end of the line.

I rolled my eyes. "Hyung. You promised me that you would help me make chicken today for Onew! I don't know where Key hyung and Jonghyun hyung went and Onew-"

"C'mon Taemin! You're better than that! Just go order Mexicana Chicken for him. Same thing right?"

"He can tell hyung. He knows when it's not homemade..."

"Aish. The manager is telling me to get off the call. See you later Taemin-ah... arasso?"

I bit my lip and looked back at Onew who was fidgeting impatiently on the sofa.
"Is the chicken ready yet?" he called from the living room. 

"Well... bye." said Minho before he ended the call. 
Jeez.... The maknae has to do everything doesn't he... "Onew hyung... just go order the chicken. I need to go somewhere."

He stared back at me in disbelief. "B-but today is homemade chicken nigh-"
Before he could finish the sentence, I slammed the door shut and made my way to the bus stop. I need to get to Minho. The pressure's killing me and I can't even cook.... 

Your P.O.V

Finally arrived. The streets are busy as usual. Everybody buzzing around so quickly that they appear like blurs to me. I looked down at my map again. I've read about this place in Korea where they sell tons of stuff. Dongdaemun market. But.. I can't find it on the bloody map! "Stupid... me... Can't read.... Korean...." I sighed to myself as I continued walking down the crowded street. Seriously.. I should start speaking Korean more... 

After a few minutes of wondering around in circles... I gave up and went to sit down near the stands that sells Dukbokki. Students surrounding the stand, stuffing Dukbokki into their mouths made wonder how my life would be like if my parents didn't migrated to America. What if I was raised up here... would I be like them... socializing after school rather than going back home straight away to log on to Facebook and shizz for the latest gossip?

"Would you like to eat anything?" asked one of the ahjummas who sold the treats.

"A-aniyeyo." I replied as I quickly got up to give room to customers left standing. "I-I'll be going now." 
I rushed off further down the street to where I remembered the coffee shop was. The first thing that popped into my head was the waiter.. Choi Minho. I giggled and continued my way down to the cafe... wondering if I'll meet him again today. Maybe he might know the way to Dongdaemun...

Taemin's P.O.V

I've been waiting outside of the damn cafe for an hour now. He said that there was a staff meeting and that no one was to come in. That results me into standing outside for long hours waiting for my hyung to finish up the stupid meeting. What do they discuss about anyways? About the weather?!  Aish... see how nice of a maknae I am? They should thank me for my existence! They should buy me a life time worth of Banana milk!!!

Your P.O.V

From the distance, I could still see that the cafe was closed today. It disappointed me to know that I wouldn't be seeing Minho today... Oh well... Hyo Min would be even more disappointed since she has a 'thing' for him. I looked down at my map again, clearly frustrated that I at both reading maps and reading Hangul. I sighed to myself as I looked around to see if I could ask anyone for directions. One person caught my eyes straight away.

He was standing in front of the cafe where Minho works, with brown hair cascading down his forehead in waves, gently overlapping his doe eyes. His porcelain skin almost glistened under the evening light. The plump cherry lips is so mesmerizing, it can put cherry blossoms in full bloom to shame. He had headphones cladding onto his silky caramel locks and it's clearly visible that he was into the music he was listening to - head nodding in rhythm to the beat. I decided to go ask him.... 


"E-excuse me... do you know the way to Dongdaemun market?" I asked, stuttering as I stared at the gorgeous face in front of me. Screw Zac Efron and Justin Bieber! He's on top of my list as 'Cute Stranger'.

"Huh?" He took his headphones off and stared at me with those dazling doe eyes. I was almost lost in them.
"Do you know the way to Dongdaemun market?" I asked one more time, hoping that he would hear me through the buzzing of the busy street. "Do you know?"

He stared at me blankly... unable to answer my question. I raised my eyebrows and eyed him for longer until he broke down in panic.
"Ahhhh ottoke?!"

Crap! I forgot that he doesn't understand me...  and my Korean . But he's still sooo adorable when he's panicking like that! "Err... Dongdaemun eodiyeyo?" 
His face lit up as he beckoned me to follow him. Of course I followed... even if he didn't led the way I would beg for him to... in case I lost my way. "Kamsahamnida..."

He shook his head and smiled at me. God I thought I was gonna melt~ "Ani-eyo....."

I stuffed my map of the city into his hands and nodded my head to make him move again. 

Taemin's P.O.V

I saw a girl staring at me a few metres away... She couldn't take her eyes off me and it's getting abit creepy. I turned the volume of my mp3 louder and continued listening to the music that's currently blasting into my ears. Is she some pedo noona? Well... I dunno if she's a noona or not but....I don't wanna know. Again... I gave her a sidelong look to see what she was doing and to my surprise.. she was coming this way. Crap.

She said something but I couldn't hear her through the loud music.

"Huh?" I took my headphones off so I can properly listen to her.

"Do you know the way to Dongdaemun market?" she said, looking deeply into my eyes as if she was hypnotized. 


She stared into my eyes again and I was instantly lost in her chocolate brown eyes. Come to think of it... she is actually... kind... of...

"Do you know?" she said again and I instantly snapped out of my trance. 
It suddenly dawned on me again that I still don't know what she's saying to me. I tried mustering up all of the English I've learnt at school but failed since I don't even pay attention in classes anyway.

She raised her eyebrows, probably amused at my troubled face. I couldn't take the pressure anymore and broke down into a panic. "Ahhhh what to do!?"

Her eyes widened and she quickly stammered, "Err... Where's Dongdaemun Market?" 

I sighed in relief as I understood every single word she said. I thank God that she knows Korean! I turned around and beckoned her to follow me and she obediently obeyed. 
"Thank you..." she murmured from behind. 

I shook my head and gave her my best smile to relieve her nervousness. "No problem....."

Out of nowhere, she stuffed a map into my hands and nodded her head to tell me to move on. Tch... Like I need a map anyways...

Yay! Finally finished this chapter! It took so long to wirte coz I didn't know what to talk about^^ Anyways... It's done and you should enjoy!


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tae_lover #1
Chapter 8: woow great storry plz keep updating
Chapter 8: ONEW!! XDDD OMFG
Quackerz #3
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! Hyo Min sooo evil!!
MeziiMew #4
HAHAHA!! oh Onew xD I can just imagine his voice over the phone LOLOL

This is so good, update soon~!
Quackerz #5
Onew's voice must have sound soo creepy! Update soon!
Beautiful! OMG hahahahaha lol... That's so cute! Hope you update soon!
Quackerz #7
:D You updated!! Update more!!