Seoul Here We Come!

Tourist Attraction: Lee Taemin

Purple=Korean         Blue=English

Your P.O.V

"Yes!" I sighed as we stepped out of the airport. Korea... we're finally in Korea.

"Never thought that we would be here..." murmured my best friend, Hyo Min, as she took a deep breath. "Korean air~"

"Hey! We're not here to stay at the airport... we're here to tour so move it." snapped my other best friend, Hwa Young as she called for a taxi and dragged her luggage to the vehicle. "Come on... let's get the 'moving in' over and done with..."

Me and Hyo Min shrugged and went to climb into the taxi, but before I could reach for the door handle... someone else's hand was already on it. I looked up to see a guy with flaming hot hair and a smile that could chase rain clouds away. But the funny thing was... the whole time I was staring at him... all I could think of was.. Dinosaur..?

"Can we go on the taxi first pwease?" he asked, flashing me an irresistable pout. "We're in a rush."
Four other guys in behind nodded their heads and simultaneously pouted their lips aswell.

First time for me to see so many cute boys at once... 
Before I could answer, Hwa Young stepped up to them and tutted. "We were here first. So act like gentlemen and let us go first."

Dinosaur guy gave her one of his boyish smirks before answering, "Hey... you're pretty hot. Can I have your number?"

We were all taken aback, including Dinosaur guy's buddies. I know that I'm not so good at Korean since I've lived in America all my life but I pretty much understood what the guy meant judging by his playboy expression.
"What is this?!" yelled Hwa Young, clearly angry and embarrassed to be flirted like that in such a random, public place. Speaking English around here really does make everyone turn their heads...

One of the guys rolled his eyes and walked up to Dino dude and slapped him around the arm. "Jjongie~ stop flirting with them." he moaned, shaking Dino dude's arm vigorously.

Jjongie eh? Must be Dinosaur's nickname...

"Okay Key baby... I'll stop." I heard him whisper.... and I swear I heard him add baby at the end of that guy's name... or is my imaginations playing on me... "Kaja... We'll find another taxi. Mianhae for bothering you."  He gave me a one last wink before turning around and walking off with his friends. When they were all gone... we sighed in relief.
"What was that about?" wondered Hyo Min. "Are all Korean guys like that?"

"Well he's certainly 'like that'..!" snapped Hwa Young as she spun around and stepped into the cab. Tough day..

"Blah, blah, blah... I couldn't understand half of the things the guy said." yelled Hyo Min as she also stepped into the cab, leaving me behind. I stood there for a moment, still completely shocked from Korea's greeting to us. Is this what we're suppose to expect as soon as we get out of the plane... that hot guys will be running up to us and begging us to let them go onto the cab first? 

"Are you getting on or what?" asked the driver as he sounded the horns. It's funny how Korean car horns go boooong instead of beep beep... 

"Ne." I answered back as politely as possible since mannerism is very important here. I stepped onto the taxi and before I could even put my seatbelt on properly, the car jerked forward and started zooming towards a maze of skyscrapers.

Hope that the 1st chapter isn't too boring^^ And JongKey cannot be missed out!
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tae_lover #1
Chapter 8: woow great storry plz keep updating
Chapter 8: ONEW!! XDDD OMFG
Quackerz #3
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!! Hyo Min sooo evil!!
MeziiMew #4
HAHAHA!! oh Onew xD I can just imagine his voice over the phone LOLOL

This is so good, update soon~!
Quackerz #5
Onew's voice must have sound soo creepy! Update soon!
Beautiful! OMG hahahahaha lol... That's so cute! Hope you update soon!
Quackerz #7
:D You updated!! Update more!!